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Followers of Armageddon
Originally known as the Zog Cabal, the Followers of Armageddon were great NPC villains in the history of Ultima Online.
They announced their coming by appearing (either at the funeral of an early victim of theirs, or at the West Britain Bank depending upon which source one uses), and speaking the following ominous words:
- "All of your heroes, all of your institutions, all of your ORDER
- will FALL to US.
- WE are the ZOG CABAL.
- WE are LEGION.
Generally speaking, the Followers fought for chaos (at least at the time this was not the same as Blackthorn's Chaos though since then Blackthorn's Chaos has unfortunately succumbed to evil), destruction, and decay.
Some say they were associated, weakly, with other villains (such as Juo'Nar), and some say they were more or less on their own.
They were pursued by Crawworth, in revenge for killing a member of his family early in their evil "career," and by Halston Montil, for reasons that are considered more conventionally virtuous.
They acquired their second name by their acquisition of the Armageddon(or Doomsday) spell from the Wisps, and then their use of that spell. Though they failed to acquire enough Blackrock to destroy the world with that spell, they did considerable damage along the way, among other things causing geologic events which accidentally opened up the Lost Lands.
The Followers were commonly considered more or less dead until 2008, having allegedly met their end in the dungeon Shame.
Vestiges of them could still be found. The Evil Mages on one of the levels of the Wisp Dungeon or Sorcerer's Dungeon in Ilshenar are linked to them, as is evidenced by statues and various other items found in that dungeon. Also, an offshoot group appeared when Blackrock returned to the realm, as part of the Inu the Crone Chapter of the Warriors of Destiny event cycle.
The followers of the Followers were also occasionally seen as villains in RP.
However, in the Summer of 2008, the FoA came back in a major way, participating in the slaughter of the Royal Council, as a form of tribute offered to the foul Shadowlords in the Hope for the Future Chapter of the Warriors of Destiny event cycle.