Halloween 2014
[hide]Trick or Treating
An old favorite returns.
Graveyard Butchers
They return once again. Visit graveyards throughout Britannia and slay the Butchers to have a chance at a Pumpkin Carving Kit. Carveable pumpkins can be harvested in fields across Britannia. Watch out for the Grimms as you try to harvest a pumpkin. The chance of a Grimm having a carveable pumpkin on its corpse is about 1 in 5, based on a few tries in the many pumpkin fields near Britain.
Treasures of Doom
Nolita the Professor and Carey the Researcher have setup a camp at the entrance to dungeon Doom. They were excavating the dungeon and had uncovered some previously unknown ruins. Monsters have "suddenly" starting carrying artifacts. Slay monsters to collect the artifacts and trade them in for different rewards. Bring the artifacts back to Carey at the camp.
Build up points by turning in artifacts you loot inside the dungeon. You can select from the following:
- A Lantern named "[Your Character’s Name]’s Lantern of Light"
- Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead.
- Antique Documents Kit – crafting ingredient required for the crafting of “Prophetic Manuscripts”
- Reward Title Deeds – Usable deed that will grant the users various titles:
- The Atoned
- Defender of the Living
- Preserver of the Faith
- One of following equipment:
Crook of Humility | Scepter of Pride | Cloak of Light | Boots of Escaping | Sterling Silver Ring |
Prophetic Manuscripts
You can use the Inscription skill to create Prophetic Manuscripts to try and decipher information about the newly uncovered ruins.
- Craftable via the Inscription menu under “Other”
- Requires ancient parchments (10), wood pulp (10), antique documents kit (1), and beeswax (5).
- Failure will only consume ancient parchments, wood pulp, and beeswax.
- There are 5 different prophetic manuscript texts, randomly assigned when successfully crafted.