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An awesome opponent, the Impaler is found in Dungeon Doom. The Impaler is not an opponent for the weak of heart or mind, for skill alone will not be enough to defeat it. Wiser than the wisest mage, and stronger than the most powerful of warriors, the Impaler is fearsome in melee combat. Magic spells leave barely a mark on this creature, which is also immune to many attacks. An adventurer would be wise to approach this creature with caution and only with others – if he or she dares approach it at all!


Impaler Statistics
Spawn Locations Doom
Fame Level 5 (24000) Slayer Vulnerability Demon
Karma Level 5 (-24000) Alignment Evil
First Seen Age of Shadows Pack Instinct None
Gold 1600 - 2000 Magic Items 16
Special Doom Artifacts Cut Up
Strength 190 Hit Points 5000
Dexterity 45 Stamina 45
Intelligence 190 Mana 190
Barding Difficulty 160.0 Taming Difficulty N/A
Base Damage 31 - 35 Preferred Foods None
Wrestling 120.0 Poisoning 160.0
Tactics 120.0 Magery 120
Resisting Spells 100.0 Evaluating Intelligence None
Anatomy 0 Meditation None
Detecting Hidden Hiding
Parrying Healing
Necromancy 120.0 Spirit Speak 120.0
Mysticism Focus
Spellweaving Discordance
Bushido Ninjitsu
Chivalry Special Abilities Teleports to you, reveals, immune to paralyze spell / special move, and immune to "Armor Piercing" special move.
Resists and Damage
Types Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Resistances 90 60 75 60 100
Damage 100%


The Impaler employs frequent use of necromancy spells, most notably Blood Oath and Strangle. In addition to moving quickly, it can use the Teleport spell to follow a fleeing player even when mounted and running, and will constantly strike players with Deadly Poison. Occasionally it will summon four candles around it, causing anyone within the candles to be unable to run for a brief period, however this can be resisted with the Resisting Spells skill. The Impaler is also immune to Armor Ignore. These abilities combined can cause the Impaler to occasionally do a considerable amount of damage in a short time, especially when it manages to land consecutive blows. A weapon capable of Double Strike with either 100% Fire Damage or Consecrate Weapon is the surest way to damage the Impaler.

See Also