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Lower Mana Cost

(Redirected from LMC)

The item property Lower Mana Cost (LMC) reduces the amount of Mana required to cast a spell (Magery, Mysticism, Chivalry, Necromancy, Bushido, Ninjitsu and Spellweaving) or use a special move.

While most items have an upper LMC limit of 8%, there are several artifacts with a LMC greater than 8% (with 15% being the highest known). Crafted spellbooks are limited to a range of 1% to 6% LMC. Total Lower Mana Cost from item properties is capped at 40%.

Publish 81 introduced Armor Inherent Lower Mana Cost. Each piece of non-medable armor will provide LMC with the exception of woodland armor. Each piece of armor (up to five pieces) will provide a small percentage of LMC, which is not subject to the item property LMC cap of 40% and is neither shown on the item itself. The armor pieces which provide the most LMC will take priority (see list below):

  • Studded leather, hide armor, stone armor and bone armor provides 3% of LMC per piece
  • Platemail, ringmail, chainmail, and dragon armor provides 1% of LMC per piece
  • Non-medable and woodland armor provides no inherent LMC.

Thus, as of Publish 81, a character covered in 5 pieces of studded leather can reach an total 55% LMC.

Items with High LMC


The following resources are required to imbue the highest intensity of Lower Mana Cost (8%):

See Also