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Magery Spells

The spells of Magery are organized into eight circles. Each circle takes more skill, time and mana than the previous circle to cast.

First Circle

Magery first circle.jpg First level spells take 4 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Clumsy Blood Moss, Nightshade
Create Food Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root
Feeblemind Nightshade, Ginseng
Heal Garlic, Ginseng, Spiders' Silk
Magic Arrow Sulfurous Ash
Night Sight Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Reactive Armor Garlic, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Weaken Garlic, Nightshade

Second Circle

Magery second circle.jpg Second level spells take 6 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Agility Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Cunning Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Cure Garlic, Ginseng
Harm Nightshade, Spiders' Silk
Magic Trap Garlic, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Magic Untrap Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash
Protection Garlic, Ginseng, Sulfurous Ash
Strength Mandrake Root, Nightshade

Third Circle

Magery third circle.jpg Third level spells take 9 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Bless Mandrake Root, Garlic
Fireball Black Pearl
Magic Lock Blood Moss, Garlic, Sulfurous Ash
Poison Nightshade
Telekinesis Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Teleport Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Unlock Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash
Wall of Stone Blood Moss, Garlic

Fourth Circle

Magery fourth circle.jpg Fourth level spells take 11 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Arch Cure Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root
Arch Protection Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Curse Garlic, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Fire Field Black Pearl, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Greater Heal Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Lightning Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Mana Drain Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Recall Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root

Fifth Circle

Magery fifth circle.jpg Fifth level spells take 14 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Blade Spirits Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade
Dispel Field Black Pearl, Garlic, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Incognito Blood Moss, Garlic, Nightshade
Magic Reflection Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Mind Blast Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Paralyze Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Poison Field Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spiders' Silk
Summon Creature Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk

Sixth Circle

Magery sixth circle.jpg Sixth level spells take 20 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Dispel Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Energy Bolt Black Pearl, Nightshade
Explosion Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Invisibility Blood Moss, Nightshade
Mark Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Mass Curse Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Paralyze Field Black Pearl, Ginseng, Spiders' Silk
Reveal Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash

Seventh Circle

Magery seventh circle.jpg Seventh level spells take 40 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Chain Lightning Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Energy Field Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Flamestrike Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Gate Travel Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Mana Vampire Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Mass Dispel Black Pearl, Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Meteor Swarm Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Polymorph Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk

Eighth Circle

Magery eighth circle.jpg Eighth level spells take 50 mana to cast

Spell Name Reagents Used
Earthquake Blood Moss, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Energy Vortex Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade
Resurrection Blood Moss, Garlic, Ginseng
Summon Air Elemental Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Summon Daemon Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Summon Earth Elemental Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Summon Fire Elemental Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Summon Water Elemental Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk

See Also