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Publish 48

The following is a list of changes deployed as Publish 48 on November 27, 2007.

Salvage Bag

The Salvage Bag is the core of the enhanced recycling system. Players store items in the bag like any other container, but when a recycle command occurs, they target the bag to handle all the items at once.


  • A blue leather bag labeled "A Salvage Bag"
  • Available on Provisioners for a nominal (~1000gp) fee


  • Use the context menu on the bag to select "Salvage Ingots", "Salvage Cloth", or "Salvage All"
    • All items of the appropriate type in the bag (metal for smelting, cloth for scissoring) are recycled into their resources
    • The player gets a message containing number of items successfully recycled

Doom Gauntlet Changes

Killing bosses in Doom Gauntlet will increase your chances of getting an artifact drop:

  • Killing bosses in Doom will increase your chances of getting an artifact drop:
  • Each player character participating against a gauntlet boss or the Dark Father will accumulate artifact reward points.
  • The more artifact reward points a player character accumulates, the more likely an artifact will spawn in his/her backpack.
  • Player characters who score higher on the Top Attacker list will earn more points. However, everyone in the Top Attackers list that stays the entire duration of the combat (even if slain) will still earn points.

Faction Changes

  • Faction stone now checks to make sure that a character is 30 days or older before allowing them to join a faction. Existing characters that are less than 30 days old are forced to quit factions when they log on.
  • "Young" characters and characters less than 30 days old can no longer use faction stones or faction recruiting stones.
  • Players can no longer invite a character less than 30 days old to a faction guild.

Other Changes

  • Moved the New Haven moongate closer to town
  • Fixed bug that caused 2D chat name selection window to pop up when logging in/crossing server lines
  • Fixed bug that caused karma loss before selecting a target when Begging
  • Begging will now reduce your karma less if you fail
  • Resisting Spells will now allow you to reduce some damage from Blood Oath ((resist spellsx10)/20 + 10=percentage of damage resisted)
  • NPCs should cast Blood Oath less often
  • The KR client should perform more smoothly in high-latency situations
  • On Siege Perilous rulesets, all items of clothing that have higher than normal resists - including artifacts, museum pieces, and randomly-generated items with bonus resists or magic properties - will not be able to be blessed with a Clothing Bless Deed. All currently blessed items will become unblessed, and the CBD will be placed in the players' backpack
  • Upgraded loot for legacy and Samurai Empire high end monster loot, to more closely match Mondain’s Legacy monster loot. This affects mostly boss monsters, but has some impact on other high end monsters as well.
  • Solen powder quest now rewards 4-5 powder.
  • Bags of sending now use 1 charge per 10 stones of weight, rounded up. (15 stones would use 2 charges, for example)
  • Significantly buffed up the Felucca Champion Spawn bosses.
  • Increased the chance to get better power scrolls from champ spawn bosses.
  • Increased the chance to get better items as loot from champ spawn bosses.
  • Lowered Dread Spider difficulty.
  • Lowered Dread Spider loot to match new difficulty.
  • Swoop has been buffed.
  • Fixed a bug with the Tsuki Wolf that was preventing it from dropping the correct loot


Update 1

On November 28, 2007, the following was published:

  • Fixed issue with ingots in Salvage Bags disappearing when items are smelted
  • Doom Creature Point System - Reduced the number of points each doom boss rewards.
  • Taking a moongate to New Haven should now teleport the player character to the new Moongate location
  • Fixed issues with power scrolls dropping via Protection
  • Tweaked champ spawn difficulty downward
  • Tweaked swoop difficulty downward

Update 2

On December 17, 2007, the following was published:

  • The Body Sculptor NPC in various cities will now permit all characters to change to the new Roleplay faces (Face changing only available with the KR client)

See Also