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Ranger of the Abyss Part 3: The Ink is Mighty

This quest was the third and the final part of the Ranger of the Abyss quest chain for the Humans and Elves given by Sir Geoffrey the Captain of the Royal Guard inside the Castle Britannia in the Spring of 2010, for a limited time.

Quest Description

This quest is part of a chain that will lead to one player winning a special housing plot within the Stygian Abyss. You may complete this quest once each day on each of your characters, each day you do it is a new chance to win!

***You must complete this quest to win***

Take the bottle of magic ink that Sir Geoffrey gives you to the Britannia outpost location in the Stygian Abyss. Pour it over your lamp of spirituality while the lamp is lit. You will know instantly if you have won the contest (fireworks and a big hubbub means you won).

Win or lose, return to Sir Geoffrey and he will give you a quest reward from his war chest. If you win, Sir Geoffrey will also give you a scroll that entitles you to the housing plot and Mythic will contact you about transferring ownership to your winning character. You will not need to take possession of the housing plot immediately.

Oh good, you're back. Now that we have found a suitable place to build an outpost, we have one final task. All houses in Sosaria are protected by powerful magic that keeps them secure. This magic is infused in the ink that we use to make house deeds. Our normal house deed ink has failed to deed the outpost so Dexter has been working on an alternate formula.
Because so many have helped get us to this point, Queen Dawn has decided to turn the selection of the Ranger of the Abyss over to fate. To that end, I have been ordered to commission those who have helped with this campaign to test the new formulas. Whoever tests the winning formula will be appointed the Ranger of the Abyss.
You will need your lamp of spirituality for this test, take the lamp and the ink into the Stygian Abyss and go to the location of the Outpost. When your lamp has turned its normal color, pour the ink into the flame. If the formula is right, the flame will dance wildly, otherwise it will probably go out. Return to me and report your findings and you will be rewarded from my war chest.
-Sir Geoffrey the Captain of the Royal Guard

Quest Objective

  • Test the virtue-infused ink as directed.

Quest Lore

You need to travel to the last node of the previous quest and pour the ink to the lit Lamp of Spirituality. The location is just southwest of The Secret Garden Mini-Champ. It will be immediately revealed that you win or not:

Unfortunately, the ink sputters impotently, dousing the lantern. This is NOT your lucky day.

Return to Sir Geoffrey for your reward:

Oh, the vexation!
Ah, well. I shall tell Dexter and he will have a new formula for you to try tomorrow if you wish to have another go at it. Please take a reward from my war chest for your service.
-Sir Geoffrey the Captain of the Royal Guard

(OOC: You have one chance per day per character to win until the contest is over.)

The chest Sir Geoffrey mentions is the Sir Geoffrey's War Chest which is just near the wall to the north.


  • A random treasure from Sir Geoffrey's war chest and a chance to win ownership of the Britannia outpost in the Stygian Abyss.

The bag from the war chest contains one of the following:

See Also