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Remove Trap

Flag remove trap.gif

The skilled rogue can disarm traps using the Remove Trap skill.

This skill can be used to be remove traps placed in cities for Vice vs Virtue battles.

This skill used to be useful in Factions as it is the only way to remove enemy Faction Traps.

Remove Trap was changed in Publish 105 and no longer requires Detect Hidden


To use the Remove Trap skill:

  • Click the blue gem next to the skill on your Skill List.
  • Target the item that you wish to disarm.

If you are successful in your attempt, the trap is disarmed and you can then attempt to pick the lock of the container. If, however, your fingers slip and you fail to disarm the trap, there is a chance it may be set off. Traps that are set off often reset themselves, requiring another Remove Trap attempt.

This skill is quite risky and you would be wise to practice it with caution. Wearing gloves can hinder your ability to disarm traps, as the delicate inner works of certain traps require a fine touch.

For those in search of Treasure Chests made available by digging at the location of a Treasure Map this skill is a necessity. After lockpicking such a chest any attempt to open it will only show a message indicating that Remove Trap skill should be used on it. This can be done from any adjacent space to the chest and will show another message indicating that you are manipulating the chest's trap mechanism. On a failure the chest will spawn one dark-blue-shaded, loot-less guardian of the appropriate type for the level of the chest, which must be defeated before another attempt may be made. The character will also simultaneously take a leveled amount of damage meaning that each failed attempt is doubly dangerous.


Method 1

  • 0 - 30: Train at Tinker or Thief. (shop around, I found a Thief Guildmaster that gave 33.2)

Arrange to have a tinker create 100 dart trapped boxes. You will need 3 different skill tinkerer levels: 50, 80, and 100. Arrange 20 boxes and put all the keys on a keyring for each backpack. Unlock and relock the boxes to activate the traps again. Make sure to wear a 70 physical resistance suit because you will be damaged on some failures. A method of healing will be needed also.

  • 30 - 50: Use on 50 skill trapped boxes.
  • 50 - 80: Use on 80 skill trapped boxes.
  • 80 - 100: Use on 100 skill trapped boxes.

It is best to train Remove Trap on a character with Tinkering so you can easily re-trap boxes you disarm. A Soulstone can be used later to transfer the skill to your intended character.

Method 2

Another method involves purchasing the training kits from an NPC called the The Collector of Oddities Trader in Lycaeum. 3 types of kits exist:

  • Slider puzzle
  • Cylinder puzzle
  • Circuit puzzle

Use the Remove Trap skill on the puzzle to begin. It is only reset once the current puzzle selection is completed.

Slider puzzle is a picture that must be properly 'drawn' from the tiles. The top left corner is given, but another tile can temporarily be slid onto that as a place holder. There are several pictures that are randomly selected when the puzzle is started. When the picture is properly assembled, then the puzzle is completed.

Cylinder puzzle will give hints as you progress through the skill. At the lowest skill level it gives the most hints (correct colors used, first location). At the highest skill level no hints are given. Set the correct colors in the correct places and the puzzle is solved. There are 8 colors to chose from and 5 spots to place a color. Colors can be repeated and not all colors are required to solve any single puzzle run.

Circuit puzzle will give feedback on a wrong move. Keep track of the path successfully taken so far and repeat that, but chose a different path on the next attempt. The puzzle size increases from 3x3 grid at the lowest levels, then 4x4 level (at 75.0 skill) and finally a 5x5 puzzle at GM skill. Navigate the correct path to solve the puzzle. There are 12 possible paths on the 3x3 grid. There are 184 possible paths on the 4x4 grid.

The Circuit puzzle is tedious, but the least amount of work to train to 75 skill because of the 12 possible solutions. It always starts in the top left and must end on the bottom right location. So the 3x3 solutions are one of (moves defined as r=right, l=left, d=down, u=up):

  • r-r-d-d
  • r-d-r-d
  • r-d-d-r
  • r-d-l-d-r-r
  • r-r-d-l-d-r
  • r-r-d-l-l-d-r-r

(or the mirrored version across the diagonal)

  • d-d-r-r
  • d-r-d-r
  • d-r-r-d
  • d-r-u-r-d-d
  • d-d-r-u-r-d
  • d-d-r-u-u-r-d-d

The Cylinder puzzle can be solved regardless of the clues by a trial and error method.

  • Cycle through the colors loading the first location with each color (8 times). This indicates which colors are used.
  • Fill in all the locations with the same color; do this for each valid color from the previous step. This gives how many times the particular color is used.
  • Leaving this last good color across all locations, set one of the known colors in position 1 (assuming you are not using the hint on the first location given until high skill level is attained). Note an increase or decrease in the number of correct color locations. If the number decreases then the former color was correct in that location; if the number increases then this new color is correct in this location. Continue this with this known good color across all locations (resetting to the former good color when the correct location decreases). As you learn the good color for that location, it can be considered finished. Cycle through all the rest of the good colors testing the unknown good locations only with these colors.

See Also