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Selcius the Astronomer

Selcius the astronomer.png

Selcius is the kingdom's royal astronomer. He can be found on the Trammel facet next to the Moonglow Telescope. His studies currently focus on strange rifts appearing throughout the land.

Current Keywords

Selcius will respond to these words and phrases when spoken near him.

  • Hi/Selcius: Hmm? Oh sorry. I wasn't paying attention. You were saying?
  • Saying/Rifts: Ahh you've seen it? The new rift? It is exciting and terrifying at the same time!
    • Terrifying: Truly terrifying. You have no idea what could be on the other side of that rift.
    • Exciting: These rifts have happened from time to time in the past. Most scholars do not know this.
      • Scholars: Yes, I believe, and can prove through my research, that these rifts are cyclical.
        • Cyclical: Similiar to a comets orbit of a sun, yet.. that is not entirely an accurate description.
          • Accurate Description: Well the rifts aren't orbiting anything for one. Yet, like a comet, rarely there is alignment.
            • Alignment: A moment in time, where objects with varying cycles, appear in the same place at once.
              • Cycles: Yes. I believe that such a moment is fast approaching. We will see many of these rifts appear.
                • Moment: Your interest in this is gives heart. Would you mind helping me with my research?
                  • Research: Excellent! We will be locating and cataloging these newly formed rifts.
                    • Locating/Cataloging: You will need a sextant. I'll need you to stand on a rift, and get it's coordinates.
                      • Coordinates/Sextant: Yes the coordinates from the sextant. For example I am at 43o 57n 122o 4w

Players then went out to seek the rifts and had to report back their location.

  • 54o 51n 54o 25e: Ahh, an ancient rift. Appears once a century. I shall name it Sentinel and call it first.
  • 23o 2n 59o 3e: Hmm this rift isn't in my books. Orc Fort? We'll call it Shiny, and put it second.
  • 47o 2n 71o 9e: This rift isn't in my books. Lets call it Battle and place it third in our chain.
  • 21o 37s 46o 24w: A very old and famous rift. Its name is Chasm, and it is fourth in our cycle.
  • 23o 1'S 10o 24'W: This one has a long cycle. Its name is Gramps and it is fifth in the cycle.
  • 60o 29n 3o 39e: Zento library has this as a frequent rift. It is called Honor and sixth.
  • 133o 31n 27o 50w: Another shy one, appearing centuries apart. Called Slumber. I placed it seventh.
  • 106o 42n 172o 42w: This is our final chain. Eighth. Its name is Ghost.
  • First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth/Sixth/Seventh/Eighth: When you have all eight, say them in order to me.

Putting the keywords in order solved the puzzle.

  • Sentinel Shiny Battle Chasm Gramps Honor Slumber Ghost: That is all of them. Now let me study my charts a moment. This is invigorating!
    • Invigorating: Fascinating! I believe we have discovered an as of yet uncharted rift!

The following keywords were randomly discovered, it is unknown what came before them.

  • The Void: It should still be cataloged. Let me find the way, so you can venture there.
    • Venture There: Far South of Humility in Ilshenar, you will find a stand of trees, blackened.
      • Blackened Trees: Search the area, you will surely find an ancient stone. You will need a special cipher.
        • Special Cipher: Say the word Roclasmpy, and you should gain entry. Bring me the rift coordinates!

Players then went to find the new rift.

  • 6o 41n 66o 9e: That is it exactly! You have helped my research greatly! It exists! It exists!

Archived Keywords

These were keywords which Selcius no longer responds to.

  • Name: I am Selcius, Royal Astronomer and...
    • And: Oh. And you are?
  • Job: I am the kingdom's Royal Astronomer, of course. Why else would I be standing next to a telescope...
    • Telescope: The celestial harmony even tempered with the inverse square law, still bodes for universal peace.
      • Peace: Sulfuric hydragyrum... sanguine humor... stochastic harmony... curious.
        • Mercury: celestial orbs... cinnabar accultation ... causation origin... hmmm.
  • Moongate: Moongates? I can elucidate upon their mechanisms...if you so desire...
    • Mechanisms: Mechanisms are a means to an end...sometimes, we do not know what begins with action..but only see it happening.
      • End: I have a rather bad feeling about that sort of thing... hmmm.
      • Action: You can find the gateways in many places...Once they were governed solely by the two moons
        • Two Moons: Do not be fooled! You may cover them with your thumbnail, but they are larger then you can imagine!
          • Larger: Yes, it is their size that has..some effect upon our world. The tides...and the ether...
            • Ether: I cannot tell you more plainly then that-magic is not something of my domain
              • Domain: Perhaps..if you seek knowledge of magic and moongates, you should speak with someone more interested in those things.
                • Magic: distastefull...really
                • Someone more interested: I know an alchemist who has a keen interest in them... he uses them often at least to escape his, oh. Or perhaps a friendly monk?
                  • Alchemist: Fahrin is his name... I believe he wanders about Vesper. Tell him I sent you, and perhaps he will be cooperative... hmmm.
                  • Monk: Ah yes, Heysbert. A good man. Pity he didnt follow along the higher courses of knowledge...Look where he could be now!
                    • Heysbert: I'm Sure the Empath Abbey treats him well... *nods*
  • Heavens: Wonderful! Hold there, let me peer into the telescope and tell you what I see.
    • What do you see: Hmm... yes... yes! Compassion is in the third... cusp, yes, of Spirituality!
      • Spirituality: The planets are named after the virtues, you see.
      • Compassion: The planets are named after the virtues, you see.
      • Third cusp: *nods eagerly* By my reckoning... oh, oh my! And look there! Justice is juxtaposed with Valor!
        • Justice: The planets are named after the virtues, you see.
        • Valor: The planets are named after the virtues, you see.
  • Stars: A mechanical fluxion... a mercurial firmament... a mortal crucible... yes.