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Siege Faction

  • September 25, 2014 Note: As of Publish 86 Factions has been removed from the game. It has been replaced by the Vice vs Virtue PVP system.

Factions is active on Siege Perilous, with a different ruleset than other shards.

The True Britannians and Council of Mages factions will be considered "Hero" factions. The Shadowlords and Order of Minax factions will be considered "Evil" factions. All four factions will still be at war with one another, in addition to being integrated with the Hero/Evil system.

Killing faction characters who are in your own faction will incur a penalty. The killer in this case will lose 50% of his current kill points, lose 100% of the lifeforce accumulated, and be able to be reported as a murderer. An exception to this will be the killing of guild mates, thus allowing characters to spar with guild mates. Another exception is that if your character is attacked by another, you are allowed to defend yourself with impunity.

Faction characters will gain lifeforce equal to 20% of the life force of the character killed, and that character who was killed will lose an equal amount of lifeforce points.

Faction characters will gain 1 lifeforce point for each faction enemy monster which that character kills.

The maximum number of lifeforce attainable is 100 points.

Players will be able to spend lifeforce points toward special Hero/Evil powers. Players will be able to use a special phrase ("I invoke my good powers," for Hero characters, and "I invoke my evil powers," for Evil characters) to bring up a special menu through which they may control the following effects:


  • Colored Armor (5 lifeforce points; duration is permanent; turns an article of armor or clothing white for Hero, black for Evil) (items which have been turned "Hero" or "Evil" will only be equipable by someone in the appropriate faction.)
  • Detect Evil/Detect Good (1 lifeforce point; duration is immediate; allows Hero character to scan the area for Evil, and Evil to scan for good)
  • Summon familiar (10 lifeforce points; duration is 30 minutes; allows character to summon a familiar to fight for the character, silver wolf for Hero or dark wolf for Evil)
  • Silver Steed/Dark Steed (30 lifeforce points; duration is 30 minutes; creates a silver steed for Hero character to ride, or dark steed for Evil character)
  • Holy Shield/Unholy Shield (40 lifeforce points; duration is 60 minutes; character is ignored by all monsters and faction guards while this power is active) (think this got nerfed)

Evil characters will not automatically hue red, and any Evil character which kills a blue innocent may gain a murder count. The faction system hue will be in effect to handle aggression and flagging.