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Spell Plague

Spell Plague - Vas Rel Jux Ort
Spell plague.jpg Mana Cost Minimum Skill Delay (seconds)
40 70 2.0
Reagents Daemon Bone, Dragon's Blood, Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Duration 8 seconds
Area of Effect Single Target
Description The target is hit with an explosion of chaos damage and then inflicted with the spell plague curse. Each time the target is damaged while under the effect of the spell plague, they may suffer an explosion of chaos damage. The initial chance to trigger the explosion starts at 90% and reduces by 30% every time an explosion occurs. Once the target is afflicted by 3 explosions or 8 seconds have passed, that spell plague is removed from the target. Spell Plague will stack with other spell plagues so that they are applied one after the other.
  • Spell Plague hits the target with an explosion of chaos energy.
  • The residual energy from the chaos explosion can continue to erupt when the target takes additional spell damage.
    • The initial chance to trigger the explosion starts at 90% and reduces by 30% every time an explosion occurs.
    • Chance to Trigger is further reduced by 3% per 10 points in Magic Resistance of the target above 70.0.
  • Each subsequent explosion does increasing amounts of damage, until the residual energy has been dissipated in a maximum of 3 explosions or after a duration of 8 seconds. The first explosion does the least amount of damage. The last explosion does the highest damage. There is a minimum of 1 second between each residual explosion.
  • If a target is already affected with a spell plague, each additional spell plague will take effect after the previous one expires. (The initial chaos explosion takes effect immediately and can trigger the secondary explosions of spell plague)

See Also

Mysticism Spells
Animated Weapon · Bombard · Cleansing Winds · Eagle Strike · Enchant · Hail Storm · Healing Stone
Mass Sleep · Nether Bolt · Nether Cyclone · Purge Magic · Rising Colossus · Sleep · Spell Plague · Spell Trigger · Stone Form