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"My husband was too heavy to throw out of the house when he got drunk and rowdy so I just took to throwing things at him instead" - Cara the Gypsy

Throwing is a weapons skill added during the Ultima Online: Stygian Abyss expansion and is available only to characters that are Gargoyles. It allows players to use a new set of throwing weapons as a ranged attack skill.

During a Town Hall Meeting in August 2008 possible weapons included the mention of a Throwing Axe, Throwing Knife, and Throwing Spear. These weapons were not mentioned again and have possibly been dropped from development.

Throwing also benefits from a Mastery: Warrior's gifts,Elemental Fury and Called Shot.


Each weapon has a base and max range available to it, where the base range is modified by the player’s strength to determine the actual range.

The absolute maximum range is capped. The calculated maximum range a player can throw their weapon is used to determine how accurate their throw actually is when trying to hit a target at a certain distance. This allows the player to have a “sweet-spot” area where their throwing is most effective, while pushing towards their maximum range or throwing while too close to the target results in a less damage or accuracy.

  • Underthrown - If, while equipped, a weapon has a maximum range of six tiles, and a player throws at a player two tiles away (too close) they have a Hit Chance penalty of 12%, but no damage reduction.
  • Perfect - Maximum range of six tiles, thrown a distance of four tiles. No Hit Chance penalty, no damage reduction
  • Overthrown - Maximum range of six tiles, thrown a distance of six tiles. No Hit Chance penalty, but 47% damage reduction

Close Quarters Combat

Even though they may be meant to be thrown, these weapons all have sharp, mean edges on them - perfect for catching an unsuspecting melee fighter off guard. A player’s Dexterity and throwing skill equal to Grandmaster or higher can compensate for the hit chance penalty. Close quarters combat with a throwing weapon will no longer require you to have the swordsmanship skill to negate hit chance penalty.

Shield Penalties

All the throwing weapons are one-handed in nature which allows the thrower to equip a shield or other item in their off hand. The player will suffer a defense and hit chance penalty for using a shield while using a throwing weapon. These penalties can be offset by investing skill points into Parrying. Player’s with no skill points in the Parry Skill will now have a minimum chance to hit.


See the Melee Training Guide for several ways to train a melee skill.

Inside the Underworld, there is a good training location at the Acid Slug pit. Teleport on one of the ledges and let your weapons fly.


Unlike Archery, throwing weapons return to their owner after use and thus consume no ammunition. All are one-handed.

Name Base Damage Primary Move Secondary Move Weapon Speed
Boomerang.gif Boomerang 8 - 12 Mystic Arc Concussion Blow 2 seconds
Cyclone.gif Cyclone 13 - 17 Moving Shot Infused Throw 3 seconds
Soul glaive.gif Soul Glaive 18 - 22 Armor Ignore Mortal Strike 4 seconds


See Also