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Town Finance Minister

  • September 25, 2014 Note: As of Publish 86 Factons has been removed from the game. It has been replaced by the Vice vs Virtue PVP system.

Each town under the control of a faction may have one Finance Minister appointed to it. The Faction Finance Minister is appointed by the Faction Commander. The Finance Minister appointment process works as follows:

  • The Faction Commander may access the townstone of a captured city in order to hire the Finance Minister.
  • The Commander may not select him/herself to be a Finance Minister.
  • The Commander must select a player from within the same faction to be a Finance Minister.
  • The Finance Minister is able to access the town finance options by speaking out loud "I wish to access the city treasury".


  • The Finance Minister may view the city treasury, purchase faction shopkeepers, or set the town's taxation rate.
  • The taxation rate can be set from 1/3 normal price to 3x normal price in increments of thirds.
  • In a town that has a taxation rate other then 0 (normal price), the NPC vendor prices will reflect the increased or decreased prices. Increased or decreased prices affect all players, whether they are in a faction or not. Stacked resources are not affected by taxes (with the exception of Reagents).
  • The Finance Minister is able to purchase additional NPC vendors for the town. These vendors include Horse Breeders (who sell War Horses), reagent, ore, and lumber vendors. The NPC vendors will appear at the location where the vendor is purchased.
  • Faction vendors can be dismissed speaking "you are fired" and targeting the vendor.

NPC Shopkeepers

The following NPC Shopkeepers are available for purchase for use in the Faction controlled town:

Shopkeeper Type Cost Maximum Available
Reagent Vendor 5000 credits 10
Ore Vendor 3000 credits 10
Wood Vendor 3000 credits 10
Stablemaster 5000 credits 1

See Also