Treefellow Guardian

A treefellow guardian.

Powerful then Treefellows, Treefellow Guardians can be found in northern wooded area in Ter Mur.


Treefellow Guardian Statistics
Spawn Locations North Ter Mur
Fame 10000 Slayer Vulnerability
Karma 10000 Alignment Good
First Seen Stygian Abyss Pack Instinct None
Gold N/A Magic Items None
Special Treefellow Wood, Logs, Mysticism scrolls Cut Up None
Strength 511 - 695 Hit Points 724 - 900
Dexterity 30 - 55 Stamina 30 - 55
Intelligence 403 - 491 Mana 403 - 491
Barding Difficulty 119.9 - 129.0 Taming Difficulty N/A
Base Damage 20 - 25 Preferred Foods None
Wrestling 101.7 - 118.7 Poisoning ---
Tactics 94.5 - 113.3 Magery ---
Resisting Spells 106.9 - 131.6 Evaluating Intelligence ---
Anatomy 0.0 Meditation ---
Detecting Hidden Hiding
Parrying Healing
Necromancy Spirit Speak
Mysticism Focus
Spellweaving Discordance
Bushido Ninjitsu
Chivalry Special Abilities
Resists and Damage
Types Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Resistances 30 - 35% 0 - 14% 50 - 60% 20 - 30% 80 - 90%
Damage 100% --- --- --- ---
  • Note: Statistics taken from 21 Treefellow Guardians

See Also