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There will be no more updates to UO Auto-Map.

I should have posted this months ago but I suppose that I find it a little difficult. It has been years since I have logged in to UO to do anything other than update UOAM. In fact, it's been over a year since I've done even that. It's time to face the truth: I have neither the time nor the desire to continue to maintain UO Auto-Map. I have long since moved on to other things (for just one example, click on the ad banner above) and there just isn't time in my life any longer for this wonderful, creaky old utility.

I wish to sincerely thank all of the many UO players who have made UOAM such a rewarding experience for me. When UO was brand new it captured my imagination like no other game before it had. UOAM sprang from that. What began as a simple, personal tool for helping me render the UO maps grew into something much larger and more wonderful than I could ever have imagined. It was a wonderful experience that I will always look back upon with great fondness. To see something I created turn into such an integral part of the game, to have it even shipped on one of the UO disks! these were things that I never imagined would come to pass. Through this tool I have made friends, and been touched by thousands of players like yourself. It's humbling and immensely rewarding.

I will keep this web site running for as long as my host chooses to allow it to be here. For as long as UOAM continues to work with the UO client, it will be remain here for download. UOAM has always been free and it will remain so. But I will not be releasing any new versions of the program. The UO client has already changed enough for some of UOAM's features (such as auto-calibration) to stop working. The day is probably fast approaching when UOAM will stop working entirely.

I'm sure I will get email asking about the source code. I'm afraid that for many reasons (some legal, some not) I will not be able to release the source code. Furthermore, for those same reasons, I will not be turning the source code over to anyone else to maintain. I'm sorry. Please do not ask.

Thank you all very much for giving me the chance to share UOAM with all of you.

For one last time let me say:

Fare thee well,

Belxan of Moonglow

(Steve Blanding, July 9, 2007)

---------- Old News Follows ----------

Help test beta version 8.3!

This has been a long time coming and I apologize for the delay. Life got incredibly busy on me and unfortunately, this was low on the priority list. All excuses aside, I believe we're ready to go public but rather than force this change on everyone at once, I'd like to get some test coverage first.

If you would like to help, please go to and download the BETA.ZIP file. Extract those files into your UOAM directory and you should be all set to go.

After using the beta files for a day or two, please send an email to me at and let me know if all is well or not.

Changes in this version include:

  • Support for the new, expanded map (new dungeons etc.)
  • Better use of memory.
  • Various bug fixes (hopefully the black map problems will be gone).

Introducing UO Auto-Map version 8.2

UOAM has been updated to support the new Samurai Empire expansion.

As usual, you can read about the new features in the update log.

If you don't already have UOAM installed then you can get UOAM version 8.2 today from the Download section.

Welcome to!

UOAM has a new home. This site is no longer hosted by UO Stratics.

Various factors have led me to finally register a domain name for UOAM and relocate to my own server. The most important being that it will enable me to provide more consistent service and it will also enable me to once again have complete control over the look of my site (be that for better or for worse).

I would like to once again extend my thanks to Xena Dragon and the good folks at UO Stratics for having hosted this site for so long. Without their generosity, UOAM would not still be around after all this time.

And while I'm at it, let me also thank the many registered UOAM users. It is your donations which have allowed this site to exist.

You can read more about this on my comments page.

Problems with UOAM?

Consult the FAQ!

WARNING! There are impostors about. Do you think you've spoken to me in Britannia? Don't you believe it! Let me repeat: BELXAN IS DEAD. If I ever decide to return to Britannia, you will be able to read about it here.

What's that you say? Belxan is dead?

Alas! 'Tis true! Belxan is dead.

Belxan lived and died in the shard of Baja.

You can read about the life and death of Belxan in the story section available via the menu on the left.

You can read about my reasons for leaving the game and my subsequent return in the comments section. But fear not, although I have left the realm of Britannia, Belxan's spirit continues to commune with mine and thou wilt continue to find his musings here although (for now) he remains dead in Sosaria.

See Also