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This program was established in 1999 as a way to sanction 3rd party applications for use with Ultima Online. It was discontinued[1] on June 18, 1999. The likely cause was a burden being placed on developers to review and accept programs.
There were 7 applications accepted into the program.
- UOAssist - The must have program to play the Classic Client with
- UO Auto-Map - A mapping application for UO
- Ultima Mapper - A modern mapping application for UO Classic and Enhanced clients. (Reference)
- UO Curse Tool - Spout profanity the Old English way
- UO Journal Converter - A useful tool for handling saved Journal files
- UO Magic Tool - A tool to keep track of Reagents and cast spells
- UO Spawn Map - Helps you locate specific monsters and spawning areas
The final application, UO Calculator, is no longer available.
Legal Note
This notice is required on the download page of the application as part of the UOPro program.
- This is a "UO Pro" Utility, which means that its use promotes and is in keeping with the spirit of the Ultima Online product, community and value system, and the use of this utility by players will not be considered by Origin Systems, Inc. as cheating.
- This product was created, and is marketed and distributed by Tugsoft under license from Origin Systems, Inc. ORIGIN SYSTEMS HAS NOT TESTED THIS PRODUCT IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER AND DOES NOT KNOW WHETHER IT WORKS IN ANY OR ALL REASONABLY FORESEEABLE SITUATIONS OR THAT IT WILL NOT CAUSE DAMAGE IN SOME REASONABLY FORESEEABLE SITUATIONS. Tugsoft solely warrants that this product will work as intended to your reasonable expectations, and does not infringe anyone's intellectual property rights.
- To verify that this product is a "UO Pro" utility, please go to Origin's website at http://uo.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/uo.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?&p_faqid=339 and locate the name of this product. Follow the link on Origin's page back to this site. If you can't find this product listed on Origin's website, then this product is not an approved "UO Pro" Utility. Any and all unauthorized use of the UO Pro logo and/or other false claims of approval are strictly prohibited and shall be prosecuted."