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User:Krilon Bane
The former user of the shard Catskills as a simple potion-reliant warrior in a guild called The Templars. Krilon Bane lasted only a short time of a month and a half and left. The Templars climbed to about a dozen members, all warlords, before he was the remaining member after all the others had left and so The Templars no longer exist.
Krilon's Retirement Plan
Krilon dropped his last name and resided to a free shard known as Silver Mist owned and formerly maintained by Lord Wind. A little background information on the free shard, Silver Mist was a quest-based, or more appropriately called, Scenario-based shard when Lord Wind would make super long quests that lasted months at a time and required all characters to interact. For example, the Siege on Britain took over the east side of the bridges with manned cannons striking at 60 - 80 damage at a range of 12 tiles. We were determined to make a semi-payed shard style in this way (except more frequent in activity). The Shard later was taken down and all its users split to payed or other free shards. My brother, Zythar Dane (took up the title as nephew of Richard Dane), was able to contact Lord Wind via an online forum and was able to convince Lord Wind to reactivate the shard again. The old shard was exactly as it were when it was shutdown. He later renamed the shard on port 2593 as "Silver Mist The First Age" and made all the houses ageless. The new port (2595) was named "Silver Mist The Second Age". Lord Wind tried to revive his scenario quests, but there were not enough players to be able to complete its tasks and quickly put down the scenarios. He decided to remain owner of the shard but took initiative to find another person to run and maintain it. That person was Lady Breeze. She appeared for a little while and disappeared suddenly, leaving the shard unmanned.
Krilon's History With Silver Mist
Krilon of Silver Mist is a Paladin and proudly titled Glorious Lord (may be inaccurate). He has an opposite named Zaal Kronus, a Necromancer, whom is of good intention and is proud to call Zaal his friend. He is the only known necromancer with no evil desire (AFTER his mind wipe from the realm's end in the First Age whom was known to be a powerful enemy of Talon, a fully potent mage).
Krilon had served in the War of Xerugoth for eleven moons (months; nearly a year!). Xerugoth was a Orclord whom had engaged in an alliance with the great Mor'Glath, a very determined evil sorceror. After the first two months, another evil spawned from the the Northeast. A barbaric tribe of savages whom found their way out of Ilshenar through the portal of Mor'Glath and into Trammel east of Britain. They were trained into defined men and women on horses and in metal armor in a castle only refered to as "The Red's Castle". They learned how to use cannons as well and stationed them during the "Siege on Britain" on the fifth month in at the bridges facing west. They had taken half the city. Krilon, Richard Dane, Toss, and many other players had helped anwser the attack and drove it back to its castle. Mor'Glath was furious and destroyed "The Red's Castle" and the portal spawned a vampire on a steed. It could excellently detect the hidden, teleport great distances, track players and use life and mana draining effects to dispose of you. On top of that, it rode on the back of an evil steed, a necromatic version of the Nightmare called a Dreadmare. It, ofcourse, uses necromancy to destroy its opponent and would often spawn Vampire Bats to its aid of up to six. It took a simple month to destroy the rider and three more to kill the steed alone. This is just a small fraction (roughly 1/25) of what Lord Wind could offer with his Scenarios and was quite good at it.
Other Information
This user is the owner of the Knights of Virtue guildstone (which is now in ruins) after Richard Dane had resigned his commission for maintaining the Order of Dusk (read "Resignation of Richard Dane" for more info).
(Note: Please refer to the Knights of Virtue section below for more info on Krilon Bane's newly input guild systems since the leave of Richard Dane)
(You may visit Krilon on server: and port: 2595 at any time through razor or any other method like razor in entering the free shard).
Knights of Virtue
(Note: The guild info may be outdated or changed. Information on this user's guild is NOT permanent and may be invalid material or content for use at so suggested server. However, any ideas presented or put to use from this page should be credited to the author(s) to whom had created them. Thanks to those who do, it is a very compassionate ordeal).
The Knights of Virtue (K|V) is a guild originally started by Richard Dane which was passed down to Krilon Bane and comprised of those willing to uphold the virtues of law. They began with the rule of Lord British whom explained that three primary principles bound together what is called the Virtues. These principles are as followed: Truth, Love, & Courage.
[hide]- 1 Krilon's Retirement Plan
- 2 Knights of Virtue
- 2.1 The Origin of Virtue
- 2.2 The Guild System
- 2.3 Oaths & Pledges
- 2.4 Rules & Regulations
- 2.5 Related Sites
- 2.6 Other Notes
The Origin of Virtue
Lord British was the Author of the book known as "Virtues" and is the essence in which the Codex Circle (see below) and the Code of Conduct is established for the Knights of Virtue Guild:
Image from Walkthrough v1.01, a walkthrough guide for Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar by Fallible Dragon.
Within this world live people with many different ideals, and this is good. Yet what is it within the people of our land that sorts out the good from the evil, the cherished form the disdained? Virtue, I say it is, and virtue is the logical outcome of a people who wish to live together in a bonded society. For without Virtues as a code of conduct which people maintai(n) in their relations with each other, the fabric of that society will become weakene(d.) For a society to grow and prosper for all, each must grant the others a common base of consideration. I call this base the Virtues. For though one person might gain personal advantage by breaching such a code, the society as a whole would suffer. There are three Principle Virtues tha(t) should guide people to enlightenment. These are: Truth, Love, and Courage. From all the infinite reasons one may have to found an action, such as greed or charity, envy or pity, the three Principle Virtues stand out. In fact all other virtues and vices can be show(n) to be built from these principle(s) and their opposite corruption's of Falsehood, Hatred an(d) Cowardice. These three Principles can be combined in eight ways, which I will call the eight virtues. The eight virtues which we should build our society upon follow. Truth alone becomes Honesty, for without honesty between our people, how can we build the trust which is needed to maximize our successes. Love alone becomes compassion, for at some time or another all of us will need the compassion of others, and most likely compassion will be shown to those who have shown it. Courage alone becomes Valor, without valor our people will never reach into the unknown or to the risky and will never achieve. Truth tempered by Love gives us Justice, for only in loving search for the truth can one dispense fair Justice, rather than create a cold and callous people. Love and Courage gives us Sacrifice, for a people who love each other will be willing to make personal sacrifices to help others in need, which one day, may be needed in return. Courage and Truth give us Honor, great knights know this well, that chivalric honor can be found by adhering to this code of conduct. Combining Truth, Love and Courage suggest the virtue of Spirituality the virtu(e) that causes one to be introspective, to wonder about ones place in this world and whether one's deeds will be recorded as a gift to the world or a plague. The final Virtue is more complicated. For the eighth combination is that devoid of Truth, Love or Courage which can only exist in a state of great Pride, whic(h) of course is not a virtue at all. Perhaps this trick of fate is a test to see if one can realize that the true virtue is that of Humility. I feel that the people of Magincia fail to see this to such a degree that I would not be surprised if some ill fate awaited their future. Thus from the infinite possibilities which spawned the Three Principles of Truth, Love and Courage, come the Eight Virtues of Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, and Humility.
The Guild System
Resignation of Richard Dane
The Knights of Virtue are a proud and profound guild. They live to high expectations to themselves, their leaders, and their peers. Richard Dane envisioned the entire guild as a "Templar's Circle" only starting with about twelve individuals. He later was commissioned for the Order of Dusk, an ally whom had lost their leader. He obliged to run their system well so as to bring back the "Order" in "Order of Dusk". While doing this, he gave his position up for the most peculiar choice, a lesser knight than those around him, Krilon Bane. He had no wide range of talents like those of his fellow friends. Even so, his newly made guild was growing rapidly. He had to make a new system. One that could take many recruits than the beginning few.
The Virtue Clans
Their are eight known clans in the Realm of Silver Mist (Server: ; Port: 2595). These are corresponding to the eight virtues known by heart: Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, and Humility. But there is one other clan based on a false virtue, or more relatively known as the one principle that binds all anti-virtues: Chaos. It is where Pride comes from; where selfishness and worldly desire are created. This Clan has members from each of the eight known virtue clans and is not publicly known.
Each clan has one Warlord and one Emissary (standard guild command ranks). The Warlord, Emissary, and members under that particular Warlord, have titles that reflect the clan they are in. For instance, the Clan representing Valor (Krilon's favorite virtue) can have a Warlord with a title such as "Valiant WarCaptain" with obvious intent or a Clan representing Honor could have an Emissary called "Noble Diplomat" which would entice us to believe that the person is famous and therefore is honored.
The Clans have been named after the virtue assigned to them by theme. For instance, the clan representing honor have been known as the "Blue Bloods". They normally dislike the the Sacrifice Clan called the "Crimson Blades". They normally have Clan Wars but in times past have been thought of to be gangs. In a typical Clan War, looting is not an option and therefore the wars have been seen "appropriate" to the Guild Leader's eyes. Also, the Warlords may wager money from the clan treasury for whoever wins a battle. In times of Guild Wars, all Clan wars halt and the Guild teams up with allies, such as the Order of Dusk, to eliminate hostile enemies.
(Note: The First Age destroyed all previous members (except those who survived it). Therefore, in the Second Age, until more members have been established into the guild, the "Primary Virutes" [Honesty, Compassion, Valor] corresponding to there Principle counterparts, will be the only clans until a good base of 50 players have been recognized as active and devoted members in Silver Mist.)
Warlords & Emissaries
Warlords and Emissaries have a few rules to follow and have much requirements to claim this status. It is crucial for them both to work together and as a team they can accomplish much. You can relate the Warlord and Emissary to the Faction Sheriffs and Financial Ministers in Faction Wars of Felucca.
The Warlord must have a Lord/Lady status and own two buildings: you must have a standard keep, a standard castle, OR a customized AND accepted Mansion/Manor (Check the Warlord titles for more info). You must also have a 12x12 house with one room dedicated to the guild as a Meeting Hall. They also must be quite powerful themselves and be seen as great warriors in battle either by blade or by magical means. The lethality of pets do not count in such matters. Warlords have many new actions at their disposal. In times of War the Warlord is in full command, even over the Emissary but may not use the Emissary's able actions for their own use. Warlords may meet with each other and decide on guilds to declare war on. Whoever first mentioned the guild wished to war with receives the honor of Declaring War. Also, They may hire mercenary ronins for whatever cause and use the clan treasury as a means of payment. Each clan deals with profits differently but it is always wise to have at least 500,000 gp in each clan's treasury holdings. (a total of 4,000,000 gp altogether, excluding the Guild Treasury)
The Emissary, however, is in charge of all peaceful aspects and, in unison or not, are all the judges of the Code of Conduct. This means that the Emissaries can determine the punishment of clan members. For serious crimes the Emissaries meet as a whole in a "Supreme Court" to determine the fate of wrong-doer(s) within the guild. Emissaries have the full potential to recruit any member into their corresponding clan. They are also "The Peacekeepers" meant for diplomatic solutions to Wars, especially political and form Alliances or treaties for trade. To become an Emissary, they must first own at least a size 14x14 house (determined by Emissary position) fully dedicated to his/her clan/guild. All clan members are to be made friend of the house and all boxes, crates, chests, etc. are to have the access of friends only as to keep other clan members out. The Guild Leader and corresponding clan Warlord MUST have Co-Owner Access. If for some reason the Emissary is absent too long, the Warlord or Guild Leader may take care of the dealings within that particular clan. The Guild Leader has no specific clan to be apart of but has fully control of every member, warlord, emissary, etc. The Guild Leader MAY NOT join ANY clan as to not show favor (Although there is a favor system called Prestige in a later section).
The Treasury
Each clan deals with profits differently but it is always wise to have at least 500,000 gp in each clan's treasury holdings and at least 10,000 of each known resource to ensure availability. The Clans may trade amongst themselves for supplies truly needed but only the Emissaries may engage in trade affairs and ANY member or warlord caught doing so can be in a high violation. Emissaries normally punish strictly by the means of restocking at least 5x the original taken and traded. The Guild Leader has no say in changing violation punishments. He may suggest a new method of punishment but may be rejected for the choice. The Treasury may be used by the clan in any and every way desirable. Whether to stock up weapons and potions for warrior combat against clans or stocked up on mage weapons and tailored armors for a magic arsenal attack in Guild Wars.
The Guild Treasury is the most finest. Each and every clan must present 10% as tithe into the Guild Treasury and only the Emissaries have access to it. While the Emissaries AND Warlords (as well as the Guild Leader) has access their own corresponding Clan Treasuries, only the Guild Leader and the Emissaries have access to the Guild Treasury.
Ransack Crate
While Emissaries have major authority on members, they do not have any power on the field of battle or the best looted profits that come from it. The "Ransack Crate" is located at the Guild Hall (NOT Clan House) and all loot found in Guild Wars are found here. The Guild Leader and The Warlords are the only ones who should have keys to the crate. Most Warlords of guilds more barbaric, go by a system of higher ranks get higher loot privileges. This is not so for the K|V Warlords. The Warlords will take all the loot items and decides the shares. Warlords MUST be sure to include everyone's priority findings and try their best to appeal to everyone's interests. (Members: You CANNOT be picky. If you do not get your so desired choice, do not blame the Warlord or try to get one in trouble. This will not work and WILL amount to a minor offense. On the other hand, Warlords WILL be watched closely by the Emissary Council, Guild Leader, and special secret advisors to the Guild Leader.) Anyone, including the Warlords who were not there and excluding the Emissaries, get nothing from the loot profited. Ronins interested in joining get looting rights with the members. Ronins who are helping a war effort get only what they can savage from their own fallen enemies. (This is there payment).
Prestige System
Coming soon...
Ranks & Command
Their are two ranking systems in particular. One is the Chain of Command and the other is a simple ranking system. The Chain of Command will take place of your title over the ranks. However if you are ever demoted from the Chain of Command, there is no real way to determine your previous position accurately and without flaw. The only way to truly be demoted is by means of failure to duty, conspiracy, or lack of obeying rules. Therefore, as part punishment, you will revert back to the first rank acquired upon becoming a member (not ronin).
Ranking System
These are for all Members and Ronins. Not clan related (Clan systems may change this) Male/Female
- 1. Guardian - Member (MUST reach this rank to start "The Path" or "The Way")
- 2. Slayer - Member
- 3. Champion - Member
- 4. Knight/Dame - Member
- 5. Squire/Maiden - Ronin
The Path of the Paladin
Advanced Members who have ranked to the highest degree. These members are Paladins of the holiest Order under The Guild Leader himself and the Templar can sometimes be of higher purpose than the Chain of Command members. However, they may never be above the Archduke/Archduchess, Pope, Ambassador, or Chancellor. These undergo extra ranks to complete. (If a Paladin becomes part of the Chain of Command and then is demoted, they start back to the beginning of "The Way of the Paladin"). [This Path requires Chivalry Skill]
- 1. Templar
- 2. Acolyte
- 3. Crusader
The Way of the Warrior
Advanced Members who have ranked to the highest degree. These members are Warriors of the Barracks under The Guild Leader himself and the Hero can sometimes be of higher purpose than the Chain of Command members. However, they may never be above the Archduke/Archduchess, Pope, Ambassador, or Chancellor. These undergo extra ranks to complete. (If a Warrior becomes part of the Chain of Command and then is demoted, they start back to the beginning of "The Way of the Warrior"). [This Way requires Bushido & Parry skills]
- 1. Samurai
- 2. Master
- 3. Elite
Special Positions & Professions
Though warriors are needed for combat, the supplies to carry out these tasks require certain job aspects. If a Warrior had an exceptional Katana made of purely regular iron ingots and item property of 36% Damage Increase, he would fight well with his skills for the Guild. However, if we had a Guild Blacksmith to create a Valorite Katana created using a Valorite Runic Hammer, then the warrior would do much more extraordinarily well. The title includes the profession. For GM+ members in the guild, they could have one of the three prefixes: GM, Elder, Legend. Here are some positions:
- Blacksmith/Smith
- Tailor/Weaver
- Carpenter
- Fletcher/Bowyer
- Alchemist
- Inscripter/Inscriber
- Tinker/Trapper
- Chef/Cook
- Poisoner (Note: This profession is not virtuous but may be a profession for "study")
Chain of Command
Guild Leader
Any name that is supposedly higher than the highest Warlord titled rank. Simple as that. However, your choice will be looked upon with aggression if it seems dictator-like. Please re-frame from using highly powerful or negatively seen titles.
Medieval Suggestions: Male/Female
- Emperor/Empress
- King/Queen
- Prince/Princess
All Warlords (except the Archduke/Archduchess) must have the required house of at least 12x12 home with one room as the Meeting Hall. Private means it needs no Guild clearance but shows your nobility at high levels. You may allow Full access if you so desire.
- 1. Archduke/Archduchess - MUST have what the Duke and Count have combined with proof of one million gold in the bank balance. (Only one Warlord may be Archduke/Archduchess)
- 2. Duke/Duchess - MUST have a Private Castle (Standard)
- 3. Count/Countess - MUST have a decent 18x18 4-Story (includes Roof) Private Manor
- 4. Baron/Baroness - MUST have a Private Keep (Standard)
- 5. Lord/Lady - No extra requirements
All buildings must be approved as acceptable. Although it sounds like the Guild Leader dictates your building look, you WILL be paid back this money while in office possibly many times more than its worth. Your building must be completely and entirely dedicated to the Guild as a whole. (Guild Leader MUST be a Co-Owner)
- 1. Ambassador - MUST own an 18x18 Embassy
- 2. Consular - MUST own a 14x14 (at least) Consulate
- 3. Diplomat - Has Co-Owner access to a Consulate
- 1. Pope - MUST own an 18x18 Cathedral
- 2. Archbishop - MUST own a 14x14 (at least) Monastery
- 3. Bishop - Has Co-Owner access to a Monastery
- 1. Chancellor - MUST own an 18x18 Hall of Justice
- 2. Magistrate - MUST own a 14x14 (at least) Bureau
- 3. Judge - Has Co-Owner access to a Bureau
Oaths & Pledges
Their are many Oaths and Pledges used for various reasons. Clans can choose to have their own oath and/or pledge depending on if the Warlord wishes it to be. These are the Oaths and Pledges in this section for the Guild alone:
- The Oath of Dedication - Dedication to the guild is required to join. This is considered serious.
- The Oath of Office - for Warlords and Emissaries sworn into active duty and responsibilities.
- The Divine Oath - Paladins of Luna must recite this oath
- The Royal Pledge - Those loyal to their homeland of Britannia must recite this pledge.
The Oath of Dedication
The Oath of Dedication is considered a very important and serious initiation for joining the guild. We require that you stay loyal to the Knights of Virtue guild first and foremost. We require that you be active regularly in the guild. We wish you to be "morally straight" meaning to be able to get along easily and not be immature in guild affairs such as bragging and pride (Which break the Code of Conduct). And we require complete obedience to ALL Authority placed above you. They will be recognized as Emissaries, Warlords and, ofcourse, the Guild Leader himself. All this is stated in this oath.
"I, -Input Name-, swear to my dying days to live by the standards of the Code of Conduct and the laws of my guild. To be morally straight in all I do, to be loyal to my leaders and authority placed above me, and be active in all guild affairs. On the book of virtue, the Code of Conduct, I swear..."
The Oath of Dedication
The Guild Leader decides the first to be recognized into the Guild Standard Positions. After all the Warlords and Emissaries have been sworn into office, the Emissary Council controls everything like a Legislative branch, such as adding and removing rules. The Warlord does things more Judicially (He is the Judge, the Jury, and the Executioner all in one). The Guild Leader is like the president in the Executive Branch accept he need no confirmation from the Council for anything at any time. The Oath is as follows and must be obeyed to sustain their term in office. All offices (except the Guild Leader) can be removed from office for no apparent reason by the Guild Leader.
"I, -Input Name-, hereby swear that I have full responsibilities in my line of duty to the guild and to the Realm of Silver Mist. I will devote myself to be active and mentally sound to make the best judgments on all affairs. To this I solemnly swear."
The Divine Oath
All members whom use Chivalry skill and wish to be Paladins called "Templars" will recite this oath. All Paladins learn from the city of Luna and it is only right that you speak the Oath there on the second floor above the Luna bank. This oath will be recited after completion of the requirements to become a Templar. Here, the oath states that you will do all things good and destroy all things of evil intent. It also states that you must obey your Guild Leader first above all things. Templars will be a step above normal members and a step lower than the Emissary. They will NOT have authority over lower members but will report to the Guild Leader regularily and have special privileges.
"I swear on Malas to bring light into the shadow. To rid the land the darkness so that the greater good prevails. And I honor my guild, the clan I represent, the purpose I act upon, and the morals of the Code of Conduct. To this I take my new title and take heed my master's orders. I swear."
The Royal Pledge
Anyone who is loyal to Britannia or owns a home in Britannia (Trammel or Felucca) is required to recite this Pledge. The Pledge is recited before a Dungeon Raid, Champ Spawn, or Guild War within Britannia. The Templars need not to recite this and those who do not live in Britannia do not need to recite it. Those who ARE loyal to the throne of Britain ARE required to recite this Pledge. The Guild Leader must always recite this pledge reguardless of set standards.
"I pledge allegiance to the throne of the Ancestral Kings of Britain. With one desire to uphold the law and another to rid the sins of all. I stand loyal and ready for battle to defend our glorious home."
Rules & Regulations
These are rules and regulations that apply to the guild as a whole. Emissaries may create rules and regulations for their own clan with the permission of the Warlord in charge of that particular clan.
Minor Rules
- (1) You must not use vulgarity against another man
- (2) You must not use vulgarity against a religious figure
- (3) You must obey the authority placed above you
- (4) You must not "Res Kill" your enemies
- (5) You may not run in the nude publicly; you must be clothed
The following rules are for attention stance only:
- (6) You will remain silent unless spoken to
- (7) You must *Raise Hand* to be called upon to speak
- (8) You must be in a designated line; do not be late in line
- (9) You must be immediately do as told; no wasting time
- (10) You must never complain, fair or not
Major Rules
- (1) You must not murder a guild member
- (2) You must not gain a murder count (Felucca)
- (3) You must not loot guild members
- (4) You must not steal from the Guild
- (5) You must obey the Code of Conduct
- (6) You must serve your punishment time
- (7) You must do your duty in times of peace (collecting resources, strategizing, etc.)
- (8) You must obey your Guild Leader
- (9) You must not go BELOW Unsavory in Karma
- (10) You must not practice Dark Arts (Poisoning, Begging, Necromancy, Stealing, etc.)
Code of Conduct
The pages seem torn...
- Join the guild to find out!
Point of No Return
If there is a Conspiracy against the Knights of Virtue, the Guild Leader needs absolutely NO approval from the Emissary Council and WILL kick the conspirator(s) with or without trial. If caught and kicked from the Guild, you may NEVER return to the guild so long as the character lives (remains). This is a one time a offense and taken very seriously.
Broken Rules & Violations
The only person who may violate any rule is NOBODY! If the Guild Leader violates a rule, he may be subject to light punishment. the Emissary council may NOT kick or elect a new Guild Leader. A violation of the Emissary could be stripped completely of his/her position ONLY TEMPORARILY. The extent of this "temporary" punishment is after the ex-emissary re-earns the position under Guild Leader's terms (such as a fine to be paid off).
Warlords who fail to show leadership for their clan, will be watched by his/her own clan. If the clan sees this, they report to their Emissary who then brings it up in Emissary Council Meetings. Once a decision is made on punishments or warnings for the individual, they will then notify the Guild Leader who will then declare the violation followed by the warning for punishment.
Standard Violation Procedure
Every time you break a rule, it is recorded as either a minor or major offense and is numbered by how many times you have made that offense. The punishment system made by the Emissary Court (and NOT the Guild Leader) is as follows:
- Minor rules broken in the First Offense will give a warning.
- Major rules broken in the First Offense will be strict but light.
- Minor rules broken in the Second Offense will be strict but light.
- Major rules broken in the Second Offense will be strict and moderate in punishment.
- Minor rules broken in the Third Offense will be strict and moderate in punishment.
- Major rules broken in the Third Offense will warn the player of demotion and harsh in punishment.
- Minor rules broken in the Fourth Offense will be strict and harsh in punishment.
- Major rules broken in the Fourth Offense will be demoted and harsh in punishment.
- Minor rules broken in the Fifth Offense will be demoted and be harsh in punishment.
- Major rules broken in the Fifth Offense will be kicked from the Guild NEVER to return.
- Minor rules broken in the Sixth Offense will be punished severely THEN kicked from the guild.
Related Sites
- http://www.twistedreality.net - the shard Forums (may be disconnected)
- http://www.magicinterludes.net/snowyowlet/index.html - Created by Lord Wind's mother, Snowy.
Other Notes
- Note that the KoV Knights of Virtue from Sanctum are not the same as the K|V Knights of Virtue and are on completely different games. However, the Code of Conduct is explicitly similar to one another, containing the same virtues.
- More info will be distributed over time. Please be patient.
- This entire page is saved on file. The page will be renewed every so often to ensure no irrational changes have been made. Thank You.
- The port has now changed from 2593 to 2595. The Realm was nearly wiped and now the Knights of Virtue are nearly a memory. You are welcome to join and help regrow Silver Mist. The Code of Conduct was lost in the wipe out (note: The code of conduct is torn above).