Virtuous Epiphany Armor Set (Gargish)
The Virtuous Epiphany Armor Set (Gargish) is a 6-piece Item Set.
- This item set was introduced during the In the Shadow of Virtue event cycle.
- Parts of this set are only obtainable as a loot from the Blackrock Golems and Niporailem in the Tomb of Kings.
- There are six pieces to the set and they are randomly dropped from a total of twenty four pieces of Epiphany Armor Sets.
- Each individual piece is worth 1,000 points towards Clean Up Britannia (2011)
- The pieces are aligned to positive karma players and can be imbued, but they cannot be enhanced.
- There is also a Human/Elf version of this set: Virtuous Epiphany Armor Set
Total Stats
- Weight: 29 Stones
- Exceptional
- Good Mana Burst : Frequency 5
- Physical Resist 34%
- Fire Resist 28%
- Cold Resist 24%
- Poison Resist 28%
- Energy Resist 26%
- Mage Armor