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Dread Pirate Hat

Revision as of 12:14, 15 December 2010 by Nimuaq (Talk | contribs)

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Dread Pirate Hat.png
Dread Pirate Hat
Weight: 1 Stone
+10 Random Combat Skill
Dexterity Bonus 8
Night Sight
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 5%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255

The Dread Pirate Hat is a Tricorne Hat classified as a Traditional Minor Artifact. It can be obtained by either killing Leviathans, or by extracting chests located via Level 6 (Ingeniously Drawn) or Level 7 (Diabolically Drawn) Treasure Maps. The Dread Pirate Hat is a cloth item and can therefore be blessed and dyed.

It comes with +10 to a random combat skill - either Anatomy, Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship or Tactics.


Dread Pirate Hat.png
Dread Pirate Hat (Pre-Patch)
Weight: 1 Stone
+10 Archery
+5 Fencing
Dexterity Bonus 8
Luck 80
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 9%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 5%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255

Prior to Publish 29 the Dread Pirate Hat dropped with different stats. Some players still own the original item.

The pre-patch version of the hat always had bonuses for both Archery and Fencing instead of the random item property, and a Luck bonus of 80 instead of Hit Chance Increase. It furthermore had less fire/cold Resistances and lacked Night Sight.