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List of Quests

Revision as of 21:05, 10 March 2014 by ArrothThaiel (Talk | contribs) (Royal City)

These are all of the currently known quests, listed alphabetically by location.

All quests on this page use a newer quest engine that is accessible as a button in the UO user interface. An older quest engine, accessed via your character's context menu, is used in conjunction with a series of Classic Quests.


Quest Chain Segments
Name From Chain
The Joys of Life Elven Heritage
The Secret Ingredient Friends of the Library
Token of Friendship Summon Fey
Responsibility Human Heritage

Name Creature Name Creature
A Fine Feast Sheep Something to Wail About Wailing Banshee
Bullfighting ... Sort Of Bull They'll Eat Anything Pig
Forced Migration Bird They're Breeding Like Rabbits Rabbit
Guile, Irk and Spite Changeling Thinning the Herd Goat
No Good, Fish Stealing ... Walrus Vicious Predator Dire Wolf
Overpopulation Hind Wild Boar Cull Boar
Runaways! Frenzied Ostard


Bedlam Access
Name Part
Mistaken Identity I
You Scratch My Back II
Fooling Aernya III
Not Quite That Easy IV
Convince Me V
Tuition Reimbursement VI

Prism of Light


Note that some quests found in Sanctuary can also be found in Heartwood.

Name Location
Brotherly Love Heartwood
Freedom! Sanctuary
Lost and Found Sanctuary

Name Skill Name Skill Name Skill
A Nice Shirt Tailoring Improved Crossbows Bowcraft & Fletching Proof of the Deed Looted
An Impressive Plaid Tailoring Instrument of War Blacksmithing Reptilian Dentist Looted
Arms Race Bowcraft & Fletching Inventive Tools Tinkering Scale Armor Looted
Bending the Bow Bowcraft & Fletching Lazy Humans Carpentry Tapping the Keg Tinkering
Breeze's Song Tinkering Leather and Lace Tailoring The Glass Eye Tinkering
Broken Shaft Bowcraft & Fletching Music to my Ears Carpentry The Shield Blacksmithing
Building the Better Crossbow Bowcraft & Fletching New Cloak Looted Tick Tock Tinkering
Fey Headgear Tailoring Nothing Fancy Blacksmithing Waiting to be Filled Alchemy

Name Creature Name Creature Name Creature
A Chill in the Air Ice Elemental Forked Tongues Lizardmen Paroxysmus' Succubi Succubi
A Dish Best Served Cold Orcs Glassy Foe Crystal Lattice Seeker Pixie dust to dust Pixie
A Trog and His Dog Lurg & Grobu Hailstorm Crystal Vortex Plague Lord Plague Beast Lord
All That Glitters is Not Good Shimmering Effusion How Many Heads? Crystal Hydra The Perils of Farming Whipping Vine
Arch Enemies Ratman Archer Industrious as an Ant Lion Ant Lion Troglodytes! Troglodyte
Caustic Combo Poison & Acid Elemental Orc Slaying Orcs Trolling for Trolls Troll
Common Brigands Brigand Paroxysmus' Arcane Daemons Arcane Daemon Trouble on the Wing Gargoyle
Daemonic Prism Crystal Daemon Paroxysmus' Daemons Daemon Unholy Construct Golem
Dead Man Walking Skeleton & Zombie Paroxysmus' Moloch Moloch Vermin Ratmen

Sanctuary Quest Chains

Name Part
Discipline I
Needs of the Many - Sanctuary II
Making a Contribution - Sanctuary III
Supplies for Sanctuary IV
The Human Blight V

3 Part Chains
Bosses Ratmen Summon Fiend
Name Part Name Part Name Part
Moug-Guur Must Die I Spring Cleaning I Fiendish Friends I
Leader of the Pack II Cowards! II Cracking the Whip II
Sayonara, Szavetra III Token of Love III Iron Will III

4 Part Chains
Giants Minotaur
Name Part Name Part
Marauders I Warriors of the Gemkeeper I
The Brains of the Operation II Close Enough II
The Brawn III Taking the Bull by the Horns III
The Bigger They Are... IV Emissary to the Minotaur IV

Ter Mur

Event Quests

Name Part
Scales of a Dream Serpent I
Tears of a Soulbinder II
Pristine Crystal Lotus III

Royal City

Name Creature Name Creature
A Broken Vase Looted Pure Valorite Looted
A Little Something Lumberjacking Putting the Pieces Together Looted
A Worthy Proposition Bowcrafting and Carpentry Secrets of the Soulforge Imbuing
All That Glitters Looted Tasty Treats Looted
Armor Up Looted The Brainy Alchemist Alchemy
Dabbling on the Dark Side Looted The Exchange
In the Weeds Looted The Forbidden Fruit Looted
Knowledge of the Soulforge Imbuing To Turn Base Metal into Verite Looted
Mastering the Soulforge Imbuing Unusual Goods Mining
Metal Head Mining Ye Olde Gargish Looted
Pink is the New Black Looted

Name Creature Name Creature
Ambushing the Ambushers Kepetch Ambusher Journey to the Athenaeum Isle Minion of Scelestus
Boura, Boura Lowland and Ruddy Boura Raptorlicious Raptor
Boura, Boura, and more Boura High Plains Boura Revenge of the Slith Toxic Slith
Gathering of Evidence Gargish Rouser The Dreamers Dream Wraith
Gathering Proof Gargish Rouser The Slith Wars Slith
It Makes Me Sick Putrid Undead Gargoyle We've Got an Ant Problem Fire Ant
It's a Mad, Mad World Maddening Horror

Stygian Abyss





Note that some quests found in Heartwood can also be found in Sanctuary.

Name Skill Name Skill Name Skill
Arch Support Carpentry Haute Couture Tailoring Scale Armor Looted
A Feather in Yer Cap Looted Ingenious Archery, Part I Bowcraft & Fletching Stop Harping on Me Carpentry
A Simple Bow Bowcraft & Fletching Ingenious Archery, Part II Bowcraft & Fletching The Bulwark Blacksmithing
A Tale of Tail Looted Ingenious Archery, Part III Bowcraft & Fletching The Far Eye Tinkering
Beer Goggles Tinkering Lethal Darts Bowcraft & Fletching The King of Clothing Tailoring
Cuts Both Ways Blacksmithing Message in a Bottle Alchemy The Puffy Shirt Tailoring
Dragon Protection Blacksmithing Necessity's Mother Tinkering The Song of the Wind Tinkering
From the Gaultier Collection Tailoring Nothing Fancy Blacksmithing Tick Tock Tinkering
Reptilian Dentist Looted

Name Creature Name Creature Name Creature
A Big Job Ogre & Ettin Extinguishing the Flame Dragon's Flame Mage Paroxysmus' Arcane Daemons Arcane Daemon
A Chill in the Air Ice Elemental Filthy Pests! Rats Paroxysmus' Daemons Daemon
A Fine Feast Sheep Forced Migration Bird Paroxysmus' Moloch Moloch
A Hero in the Making Mongbat Forked Tongue Ophidian Paroxysmus' Succubi Succubi
A Trog and His Dog Lurg & Grobu Forked Tongues Lizardmen Plague Lord Plague Beast Lord
All That Glitters is Not Good Shimmering Effusion Friendly Neighborhood Spider-killer Dread Spider Roll the Bones Patchwork Skeleton
Animated Monstrosity Flesh Golem Frightmares Plague Spawn Shaking Things Up Solen Warrior
Arachnophobia Giant Black Widow Gargoyle's Wrath Gargoyle Specimens Solen Worker
Big Worms Giant Ice Serpent Gibber Jabber Gibberling Spirits Shade
Birds of a Feather Harpy Glassy Foe Crystal Lattice Seeker Squishy Slime
Bloodsuckers Vampire Bat Hailstorm Crystal Vortex Stirring the Nest Solen Queen
Bloody Nuisance Gore Fiend How Many Heads? Crystal Hydra The Afterlife Mummy
Bullfighting ... Sort Of Bull Impish Delights Imp The Perils of Farming Whipping Vine
Caustic Combo Poison & Acid Elemental Industrious as an Ant Lion Ant Lion They'll Eat Anything Pig
Circle of Life Bog Thing It's a Ghastly Job Ghoul They're Breeding Like Rabbits Rabbit
Cold Hearted Frost Serpents & Spiders It's Elemental Elementals Thinning the Herd Goat
Creepy Crawlies Giant Spider King of Bears Grizzly Bear Three Wishes Efreet
Crime and Punishment Tiger Claw Thief Mini Swamp Thing Bogling Troglodytes! Troglodyte
Daemonic Prism Crystal Daemon Molten Reptiles Lava Lizard Trolling for Trolls Troll
Dead Man Walking Skeleton & Zombie Mongbat Menace! Mongbat Undead Mages Bone Magi
Death to the Ninja! Ninja New Leadership Citadel Bosses Unholy Construct Golem
Dreadhorn Dreadhorn No Good, Fish Stealing ... Walrus Unholy Knights Bone Knight
Dust to Dust Earth Elemental Orc Slaying Orcs Voracious Plants Corpser
Evil Eye Gazer Orcish Elite Orcs Warrior Caste Terathan
Ex-Assassins Serpent's Fang Assassin Overpopulation Hind Wild Boar Cull Boar

Heartwood Quest Chains

Name Part
Patience I
Needs of the Many I - The Heartwood II
Needs of the Many II - The Heartwood III
Making a Contribution - The Heartwood IV
Unnatural Creations V

3 & 4 Part Chains
Summon Fey Minotaur
Name Part Name Part
Friend of the Fey I The Ancient World I
Token of Friendship II The Golden Horn II
Alliance III Bullish III
Lost Civilization IV



New Haven

Sea Market

Serpent's Hold


Tokuno Islands

The Citadel

See Also