Gargish Kilt of the Archlich
Revision as of 12:32, 22 December 2023 by Dapeekas (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox item | name=Gargish Kilt of the Archlich | image= | weight=10 | gargoylesonly | strengthbonus=5 | intelligencebonus=5 | hitpointincrease=5 | manaincrease=8 | hitpoin...")
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Gargish Kilt of the Archlich |
Weight: 10 Stones |
Strength Bonus 5 |
Intelligence Bonus 5 |
Hit Point Increase 5 |
Mana Increase 8 |
Hit Point Regeneration 3 |
Mana Regeneration 3 |
Lower Mana Cost 10% |
Lower Reagent Cost 20% |
Physical Resist 15% |
Fire Resist 15% |
Cold Resist 15% |
Poison Resist 15% |
Energy Resist 15% |
Mage Armor |
The Gargish Kilt of the Archlich was an award available from the Treasures of the Archlich dynamic event the fall of 2022