Ice Fiend

Ice fiend1kr.png
Ice fiendkr.png

Some say hell is a sulfurous inferno, and others hold it is a barren wasteland of ice under an ever-biting blizzard. The Ice Fiend is a good support for the latter. No hatred, anger, madness, joy, love, or emotion of any kind shows on their faces. The Ice Fiend wields the whip of frost in battle with only a grim look of lost hope on their face. Ice Fiends are related to the Balron.

Everything hurts more in the cold.


Ice Fiend Statistics
Spawn Locations Ice Dungeon level-3
Fame lvl 5 (18000) Slayer Vulnerability Abyss, Demon Slayer, Ice Slayer
Karma lvl 5 (-18000) Alignment Evil
First Seen UO:T2A Pack Instinct None
Gold 650 - 800 Magic Items
Special 2 Medium level Scrolls, Level 4 Treasure Map Cut Up 1 Raw Rib
Strength 376 - 405 Hit Points 226 - 243
Dexterity 176 - 195 Stamina 176 - 195
Intelligence 201 - 225 Mana 201 - 225
Barding Difficulty 89.3 Taming Difficulty N/A
Base Damage 8 - 19 Preferred Foods Characters
Wrestling 80.1 - 100.0 Poisoning N/A
Tactics 80.1 - 90.0 Magery 80.1 - 90.0
Resisting Spells 75.1 - 85.0 Evaluating Intelligence 80.1 - 90.0
Anatomy 0 Meditation 0
Detecting Hidden Hiding
Parrying Healing
Necromancy Spirit Speak
Mysticism Focus
Spellweaving Discordance
Bushido Ninjitsu
Chivalry Special Abilities Cold Aura
Resists and Damage
Types Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Resistances 55 - 65 10 - 20 60 - 70 20 - 30 30 - 40
Damage 20% 80%

See Also