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Animal Taming
“What is that monster blocking the front door?”
“It’s a dragon. It followed me home. Can I keep it?”
To tame a beast to accept you as master requires patience, nerve and a power of will. The rewards of studying Animal Taming are considered by some to be well worth the time invested. Tamers have long-been considered extremely useful and versatile in fighting monsters and, to a lesser extent, players as well.
Your taming skill (along with Animal Lore) determines the odds of taming a given creature then controlling it. It's furthermore required in order to bond with certain creatures, and also plays a hand in determining your stable slot limit.
In order to tame a creature you must be standing within three tiles of it with no obstructions, then target it with the skill. Once taming has begun you may stray anywhere up to ten tiles away from the target though if it loses sight of you or is injured in any way the attempt will cease.
After a few seconds you'll be notified of either your success or failure.
While most animals are non-hostile and can be tamed at any time, most taming attempts against a monster will instantly fail. In this case there's no wait time before you can try again so it's best to set a macro and use this over and over as fast as you can until you successfully start the taming process.
Veterinary is a near essential skill for serious tamers in that it is the only method available for resurrecting dead pets.
See Pet Training for more information on training your pets.
See the Pets section for more detailed information on your pets and how to control them.
See Pet Guide for a comparison of high level hunting pets.
See the Tameables page for a list of tameable creatures.
Training taming is a very slow process in that it can only be improved through active use. It takes several seconds to attempt to tame a creature, and when you succeed you cannot gain off that creature again. In most cases it is best to take this as a starting skill for your character should you wish to use it.
In order to increase the spawn rate of new targets you should release and then kill each as you progress. You may find keeping some of them under you control to help cull the others helps matters.
- 0 - 30: Train at NPC Stable Master
- 30 - 45: Cows and Sheep
- Delucia is a good spot
- 45 - 60: Hinds and Timber Wolves
- Many wolves spawn near the Huntsman.
- 60 - 75: Walrus and Polar Bears
- Dagger Isle is the best place to tame both of these animals.
- 75 - 85: Snow Leopards and Panthers
- Stay at Dagger Isle, but concentrate on Snow Leopards.
- 85 - 100: Great Harts and White Wolves
- Healer's Grove, north of the Sacrifice Moongate in Ilshenar, is a great place to go. Or you can try just outside of Delucia
- 100 - 120: Ridgebacks and Bulls
- The plains of Central Ilshenar, north of Blackthorn's Castle (West of the Compassion Moongate through the mountains), is the best place to find Ridgebacks. A better spot is in the savage camp just south of castle. Put on a dose of Tribal Paint and you will find a pen in the bottom of the camp. Two spawn there non-stop. Tame one kill it and another respawn in about 15 seconds. In this spot you won't have to deal with any of the annoying spawn that might interrupt your taming efforts.
- 90-120: Cast Combat Training, target a pet, ignore the pop up menu, repeat.
- Requires Skill Mastery for Animal Taming.
Do's and Don'ts
- Have a special armor set for each of the taming targets. I got an armor out of stuff which was not good enough to sale them.
- Wear eater armor. For example use cold+energy+damage eater for Cu Sidhe. Fire+Physical+damage+kinetic for Greater Dragon.
- Don't wear Reflect Physical Damage armor parts. Because if the animal gets hurt, it will disturb your taming attempt.
- Avoid insured items with the prized attribute. Cause the insurance cost will grow.
- The Armor should have Hit Point Increase and Hit Point Regeneration on it.
- Don't paralyze-tame pets which can have GM+ skill values. It will decrease the result skills maximum.
- Attack the pets to lower their HP's, because they are getting slower then.
- Have Orange Petals in your bag. They are cheaper than insurance costs.
Pet Skills and Stats
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After the creature has been tamed, it will has half of its HP as it were wild.
Its skills cap will decrease 10% if the skill is higher than 100 before taming.
If you use the paralyze taming style it will loose more than 10%.
Each skill below 100 and above 0 can be trained up to 100 or to the new cap.
If a bounded pet will be ressed, it may loose some of its current skill points.
But you can train it up again.
The DEX cap for all new tamed pets is 125. There are some prepatch animals with higher dex around.
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See Also
- Animal Lore
- Veterinary
- Stables
- Pets
- Pet Guide
- Pet Training
- Tameables
- + 5 Skill Bonus Library Talisman - Birds of Britannia Random Summoner
- Parts of this page were taken with permission from OnlineGameTrader.net