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BNN: Dark Plans

Prellis the scribe Aug 1 2000 5:38PM

Nostur’yl manifested before the Tower of Infernal Necromancy and walked confidently to stand before the large metal doors. He wore no illusions about his form as he awaited access from those who resided inside. A door to the tower opened and he strode confidently into the dark hall of the lower level.

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Once inside the tower, he masked himself in the illusion of the human mage and greeted the man who had admitted him before taking a seat at a nearby table. Smogg Azalin returned the greeting and sat opposite the false mage. For a short while the two spoke quietly of recent events surrounding the Mayor of Rivendell, Aleph Aeirs, as well as the remaining gemstones and their bearers. During the course of the conversation Chaszmyr joined them, which turned the discussion to specifics on the amethyst as well as other topics of interest.

“Now, as to the amethyst. Unless those who hold it can be persuaded to deliver it to mine self,” Nostur’yl spoke, “I shall be unable to recover it. It seems they have inadvertently used the same metals to bind it, as had the tinker before them with the emerald. If only another means to mine freedom could be found.”

The daemon sat quietly for a moment until Chaszmyr asked, “Is there a possibility of other means?”

He thought for a short while before replying. “It is a possibility, but while I am trapped within the Abyss I can not research such. I am most open to suggestions.”

“There must be hidden knowledge on this subject,” Smogg suggested, “We have several books in our secret library and access to even more. We can research into this.”

The conversation continued on the subject of means to recover the amethyst and other methods for the daemon to be freed from its bonds, and then shifted as Smogg related news to Nostur’yl. “Several obsidian posts have been found. Do you know of their meaning or use?”

The posts were described in detail to the daemon as he sat listening intently to every word, a smile growing across his human-looking face. Nostur’yl leaned back in his chair, thinking on the existence of the posts after so many years. His reverie was broken when the two sitting at the table asked about their nature.

“Possessions of mine from many years ago, carved from the volcanoes and treated with strong magic. They were to be used for a ceremony and so they shall be used once again. There are eight such posts. Used properly and laid out correctly they can open a gate to mine home.”

“They seem to be bound to where they lie. How can they be released?” Chaszmyr asked of the daemon.

“I do not believe them to be bound,” Nostur’yl explained, “although I may be wrong. However, when the posts were crafted, more obsidian was forged into the posts then each appears to contain. They are each far heavier than any but the strongest of creatures could carry. A Wyrm, an Ogre Lord or perhaps a few others might be able to carry one. I, mine self, was only able to carry one on mine person at a time, thus the reason the ritual was delayed long enough for the Oracle to intervene and bind mine spirit into the form of gems.”

“Once released, they shall need to be collected and brought to the temple,” he continued. “From there I shall perform the ritual and release mine brethren upon this land. For far too long British and his virtues have ruled this land. It is time for a change in power.”

The talk of a change in power brought a name into the mind of Smogg Azalin. “Do you know of Minax?” he asked.

“I have heard the name,” the daemon replied. “It was partially due to her that I was first able to manifest mine person here once again in this realm.”

“I understand it was due to her that the world was split into two?” he asked, seeing the questioning look on their faces, then continued without waiting for a response, “Had the world not been split as such I would have remained trapped forever in the Abyss. However, once that occurred, the hold over mine binds was weakened.”

The group spoke for a short while longer, recapping the subjects already discussed. Nostur’yl then said his farewells for the time being and left the small group to begin implementing many dark plans.

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