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List of BNN Articles (2000)
These are all of the currently known Britannia News Network articles for the year 2000 in reverse chronological order. Worldwide news articles are first, grouped by event arc, with shard news following immediately afterward, grouped by shard, with shards in alphabetical order.
Worldwide News
Dungeon Khaldun
- A Chill in My Spine - October 10
Treasure Maps
- Common Ground - August 18
Gargoyle Pickaxe
- Blood from a Stone - August 11
- Britannian Horoscopes II - May 9
- Britannian Horoscopes I - March 15
Crisis in Britannia
- Casting the Spell - April 27
- Lord Blackthorn's Recent Travels - April 26
- Construction of the Stones - April 13
- Lord British is Safe! - March 26
- Lord Slimely's Appointment - March 17
- Julia's Message to Dupre - March 9
- Joye, Librarian of Britain, Murdered - March 9
- Lord British Abducted! - February 27
- A Warning - As Told to Clayton Trembell - February 24
- Visions of the Black Temple - February 21
- Sir Geoffrey Captures Orc Prisoner! - February 18
- Rude Awakening in Trinsic - February 17
- Trinsic Has Fallen! - February 15
- Trinsic Set to Fall - February 10
- Troll Response to Lord British Speech - February 10
- Lord British Speaks to Britannia - February 3
- Juo'nar's Generals - February 2
- The Dark Mistress - January 27
- Update from Trinsic - January 27
- Crisis in Britannia - January 27
- Strange Occurences Across the Realm - Guards Remain Unresponsive - January 15
Shard News
- Mage Lord Kaiston Slain - December 14
- Visions of Death - November 28
- Odd Jungle Plants Examined - November 5
- Resurrections - October 6
- The Spell of Binding - October 5
- To Control a Town - October 4
- Spells of Power - October 3
- New Exhibits on Display at Vesper Museum - September 28
- Odd Plants Found in Jungle - September 24
- Liane Sighted with Child - September 24
- Xerot the Illusionist Defeated - September 18
- The Slave Mage - September 5
- Creatures of Ice - August 31
- Artist Creates Artwork Out of Cloth - August 17
- The Last of the Obsidian Posts - August 15
- The Beginning - August 6
- The Trial - August 4
- Dark Plans - August 1
- A Deal with the Daemon - July 30
- You Know What They Say About Curiosity - July 23
- All in a Night's Work - July 19
- A Profitable Meeting - July 17
- A Gemstone Lost - July 10
- The Oracle - July 8
- A Horrific Hunt - June 20
- Assassin Attacks on The Rise - June 13
- Ancient Wyrm Sighted Again - June 13
- The Daemon Revealed - June 9
- The Mage's Search - May 31
- Interview with Prince Rowan Westmark - February 1
- Ensnared! - January 30
- Yew Crawling with Giant Spiders - January 15
- Daemon Phakebrus is Fallen - January 15
- Wyrms Search for Worm-Eaten Tome! - December 17
- The Rescue of Aireen Marris - November 17
- A Wild Goose Chase for Mendur's Daughter - November 14
- Announcing "The Championship Horse-Racing League" - October 10
- Meredith the Bard Resumes Tale Night - September 19
- Feast of Spirits a Huge Success! - September 11
- Feast of Spirits Reminder - August 27
- An Invitation to the Feast of Spirits - August 20
- Skara Brae Faire Grounds Constructed - August 15
- Skara Brae Craftsmen Unusually Busy - August 14
- Wealthy Land Owner Passes On - August 13
- Something New Coming to Skara Brae? - August 13
- A Cat Gone Golden - June 17
- Lost Souls in Britain Graveyard - June 13
- From the Grave They Arose - June 9
- Sacrificial Lambs - June 9
- Snow Leopard Inn Opens - February 16
- Drunken Ogre Bar and Casino Opens - January 28
- Fashioning the Orb's Bane - December 14
- The Capture of Qua'Tel - December 3
- Riddler of Ruin - November 26
- Edinburgh's Agonies End - Felucca's Now Begin - November 26
- Artarion's Influence - November 20
- An Unexpected Visitor - November 15
- Edinburgh Besieged - November 7
- Understanding the Phantom - November 7
- Pirate Captured in Yew! - October 25
- Strange Sightings in Edinburgh Mine - October 16
- The Banishing of a Daemon - October 16
- Pirates Raid Coastal Cities - October 4
- The Salvation of Lord Kyre - September 24
- Thain Returns Home - September 18
- Of Men and Madness - September 11
- The Helpful Stranger - September 5
- The Shadow Clan Chronicles - Part Two - September 5
- The Truth Revealed - September 3
- A Ruby Sunset or the Shining of Gold? - August 29
- Ghost of Eric Returns - August 28
- Undead Unrest in the Britain Cemetary! - August 27
- The Refuge That Never Was - August 25
- Strange Bedfellows - August 24
- Ghost Haunts Kire Estate - August 23
- Foliaged Again! - August 23
- Ratman Scourge Ends! - August 22
- Bethany, the Baker's Daughter Has Been Rescued! - August 20
- The Plague is Predicted to Strike Again! - August 17
- Rats Run Rampant in Minoc - August 13
- Into the Crypt - August 4
- Ventryn's Power - August 2
- The Jhelom Dueling Pit Challenges - August 2
- The Shadow Clan Chronicles - August 1
- Stormguard Revisited - July 12
- Rats Plague Britain Farmlands - July 10
- Roundup at the West Britain Corral - June 20
- The Journal of Qua'Tel Decoded! - June 20
- Of Rats and Men - June 20
- Restless are the Dead - June 17
- Caravan Attacked - June 14
- The Spirit World - June 14
- Conflict in the Swamp - June 7
- The Destruction of Xenthyl - May 10
- Benedict's Lab Discovered! - May 3
- Sick Girl Saved in Minoc - January 30
- Rivendell Names Town Night Champion - January 28
- Ophidians in Delucia Caves - January 11
- End to Ogre-Troll Conflict? - January 10
- Botanical Wonders - September 13
- Doom and Hope Alike Visit Aryslan - August 24
- Men Versus Monsters in Jhelom Dueling Pit - August 20
- Ogres Attack? - August 20
- Blessed Rest - August 6
- Undead Pirate Captain Finally Defeated - June 20
- The Bumbling Apprentice - June 17
- Interview with a Dragon - June 15
- Undead Pirates Ravage Corwyn - June 14
- "Bloodeye Cutlass" Recovered - June 14
- Skara Braen Search Unearths Dead - June 9
- Orc Elected Chancellor of PaxLair - January 15
- Alone in a Crowd - January 11
- "A Christmas Carol" Produced in PaxLair - January 10
- The New Official Marketplace of Vesper - November 30
- A Petition to the High Court of Britannia - November 24
- Circus Coming to Britain - November 14
- Another Day in the Pit - October 23
- Britain Under Siege - September 24
- Gladiator Games - September 21
- A Secret in the Jhelom Pit? - September 18
- Strange Appearances of a Lady in Blue - September 18
- A Bloody Battle - July 1
- The Attempted Bridge Burning - July 1
- Lizardmen Uprising in the Swamps Near Trinsic - June 20
- Attack on the Orc Fort - June 20
- Winner of Design Contest and Next Room to be Designed Announced! - November 27
- Al'Cedra and the Ides of November - November 26
- Reynaud Wyndyar Banished! - November 26
- Kazari's Brother Arrested - November 5
- The Lair Awaits - Al'Cedra's Challenge - October 29
- Gypsy Fortune, and a Rare Opportunity! - October 10
- Riddle of the Ancient Dragon - September 24
- Rilla's Prophecy - August 29
- Strange Cemetary Attacks Cease - August 1
- Mysteries of the Clayns - July 26
- Strange Clientele in the Vesper Magic Shop - July 17
- Gypsy Fortunes or Misfortune? - June 26
- The Streets are Safe Again! - May 10
- Danger from the Shadows - April 25
Great Lakes
- Brigands Stage Ambush West of Britain! - December 19
- A Rogue's Bitter End - December 7
- Secrets of the Cult of the Rat - December 5
- Fairgrounds to Open in Two Days! - November 22
- Fairgrounds Near Completion - November 19
- Ancient Graveyard Found on Western Edge of Skara Brae Fairgrounds! - November 16
- Skara Brae Fairground Construction Underway - November 15
- Philanthropist to Graciously Build Fairgrounds Near Skara Brae - November 15
- Marcus the Mage Escapes Nujel'm Prison - November 9
- Once Upon a Midnight Dreary - November 5
- Mongbat Swarm Exterminated - October 29
- Mongbat Attacks Reach Plague Proportions - October 25
- Mad Mage Attack Near Yew Crypts and Village of TUR! - October 24
- Ritual on Fire Isle - October 19
- Captain Diego Arrested! - October 17
- Undead Attempt Takeover of Britain Crossroads - October 17
- Shrine of Sacrifice Scene of Slaughter - September 29
- Brigands Attempt to Gain Foothold in Moonglow - September 28
- Undead in Britain - September 24
- Acruvir Falls! - September 11
- Night of the Living Dead? - September 5
- Provisioner Found Dead, Orcs Implicated - September 5
- Moonlight Madness - August 31
- Orc War Parties Thwarted at the West Britain Pass - August 30
- Snake Shipment Slithers Away! - August 25
- Mad Mage Attack! - August 24
- Undead Invade Britain Graveyard! - August 16
- Murder of Moonglow Alchemist Points Finger at Nujel'm - August 14
- Undead Invasion in Moonglow on a Sunny Afternoon! - August 9
- Elementals, My Dear - August 7
- The Living Dead - August 3
- Scholarly Thanks - August 2
- Brigands in Britain Trammel! - June 26
- Evil Mages Attempt to Enter Moonglow City Trammel! - June 21
- Ogres Attempt to Take Britain Crossroads and Western Pass! - June 20
- Strange Deaths Strike Britannia! - June 18
- Tensions Rise Between Moonglow and Nujel'm - June 18
- Moonglow Mage Guild Expels Member - June 16
- Cemetery Cleansed - June 9
- Gargoyles Attempt to Overtake Mount Kendall - June 7
- Attacks Resume as New Troll Leader Emerges - April 19
- Troll Leader Slain! - April 12
- Books Missing from Lyceaum - April 12
- Brief Respite for Trinsic - February 7
- Kidnapping in Trinsic - January 30
- Gold Caravan Attacked - January 15
- Undead Attack Defeated in Trinsic - January 10
Lake Superior
- Of Prophecy and Destiny - October 3
- Dead Sheep Tell No Tales - September 19
- Closing of the Games - July 26
- Attacks on Yew Overshadowed by Britannian Games - July 23
- Britannian Games - Day Two - July 19
- Klaku'Au Protectors - Friend or Foe? - July 18
- Britannian Games - Day One - July 18
- Mystery Games Surround Yew - July 17
- Britannian Games Torch Run - July 17
- Opening Ceremonies - July 17
- Jungle Village Under Siege - July 13
- Britannian Games to Commence! - July 12
- The Rescue - July 1
- Recently Published - A Review - June 28
- Mystery of Klaku'Au Tribe - June 14
- Summer Session at the Lycaeum - June 14
- Buccaneer's Den Plagued by Strange Fires - May 31
- A Terrified Ranger - May 20
- Cat's Eye Retrieved - April 20
- A Story from Trinsic Under Siege - "Citizens Rescue Orphans from Jou'nar" - March 22
- Merciful Angels Defend Cove - February 10
- Peace at Last! - February 1
- Tarnished Honor - January 28
- Locke Murdered, Motive Unknown - January 11
Napa Valley
- Madman Traps Adventurers Near Yew! Self-proclaimed "Death Jester" is Still at Large! - December 7
- Destructive "Salamander" Dead at Last November 15
- Rogue Dragon Tracked to Remote Nest in the Lost Lands - November 1
- End of Destructive Dragon Attacks in Sight? - October 22
- Attacks by Rogue Dragon Intensify Across Felucca - October 17
- Grimoire Hosts PvP Tournament - January 17
- The Arrival of the Horns - December 4
- Great Horns Tavern Construction Underway - December 3
- A Chance Encounter - December 1
- Revelations Revealed - November 29
- A Strange Sighting - November 28
- Sightings in the Nujel'm Courthouse - November 15
- A Darkness Descends - November 14
- Trouble Afoot - October 24
- Lord Wilhaim and Maxarius Slain - October 16
- Cemetary Attacks Continue - October 4
- Strange Sightings in the Cemeteries - October 3
- The Brothers Escape - September 19
- Jewel Thieves - September 18
- Ariana and the Orcs - September 14
- To Save a Daemon - September 5
- Undead Antics - August 31
- Tournament in the Jhelom Arena - August 22
- Mayhem in the Hedge Maze - August 20
- Britain Sieged by Strange Madman - August 16
- Moonglow Sees the Dead Rise Again - August 16
- Orc Ambush on the Road to Britain - August 15
- Danger in Training - August 13
- Wraith Lords Spotted in Vesper Cemetery - August 7
- Undead Attacks Continue - August 7
- Harpy Warriors Roam the Roads - August 6
- Travellers Ambushed Near Skara Brae - August 4
- Strange Happenings in the Britain Swamp - August 2
- The Undead Rise Near Yew - August 2
- The Fashion Contest for the Skara Brae Festival - July 31
- The Undead Arise Near Cove - July 30
- Out of the Depths - July 26
- A Startling Discovery - July 11
- Dramatics at the Zoo - July 8
- Raziel's Revenge - June 28
- Pacific Games - June 20
Siege Perilous
- The Day of the Reaper - December 21
- Mongbats Arrive - Delucia Prepared! - December 19
- A Loud Awakening - December 14
- Minax and Malabelle Appear to have Destroyed One Another - April 5
- Important Dispatch from Dupre - March 27
- Story Night at the Journey's End - December 21
- Expedition in Need of Brave Adventurers - November 5
- Strange Ruins Spotted in the Lost Lands - October 29
- Bizzare Weather Sweeps Across the Lost Lands - October 24
- Gathering Adventurers for Expedition to the Lost Lands - October 20
- Mad Hermit Spotted in the Y'Nah Teb - October 19
- Dlormor's Last Stand - October 17
- Attack on Tavern Patrons! - October 11
- Deception and Honor - October 11
- The Murder of Eleana Coriel - October 4
- Eleana Coriel's Wake - September 24
- The Summoning of Masiu - September 18
- Winners of Race 11 Announced! - July 27
- Can Orwen's Orb Defeat the Emerald Enchantress? - July 23
- Gypsy Doria Back from Trammel - July 17
- Horse Races Postponed a Fortnight - July 11
- Ceridwen and Fieya Wed! - July 9
- Albino Harpy Slain! - June 26
- Emerald Enchantress Casts the First Great Spell - June 26
- Winners of Race 9 Announced! - June 22
- Final Words - June 15
- A Night at the Races - June 15
- Strangers Walk Among Us - June 13
- Golden Deer Rescued - June 9
- Emerald Enchantress Attacks Monks - May 31
- Golden Dread Spider Slain - May 26
- Mage Tower Sinks - May 26
- Forbidden "Tome of the Blood Candles" Found - May 16
- Moonglow Tavern Hosts Evening of Tale and Song - May 15
- The Search for the Emerald Enchantress - May 3
- Doria Romanov Asks for Help - April 19
- Captain Blackhand Reported Dead! - April 12
- Horse Races Return to Britain! - April 5
- Brigands Attack the Shores of Moonglow - March 23
- Xandrick - Criminal and Conspirator - February 7
- Demosthena's Newest Obsession - February 2
- VanLander Foundation Funds Youth Projects - February 2
- From the Notes of Ceridwen - February 1
- Skara Brae Invaded in Glaciac Struggle - January 15
- Mysterious Gypsy Tent Appears in Skara Brae - January 15