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BNN: Horse Races Postponed a Fortnight
Alain al'Meerquit Jul 11 2000 4:59PM
Due to the directives of your land's rulers in placing new houses this Wednesday, and the attendant franticness that such causes, my master, ibn al'Asifa, and his bride, Yasmine en'Asifa have declared a two-week pause in the racing season.
Granted this week's respite, ibn and Yasmine have decided to embark upon a diplomatic journey from Glacia to negiotiate with the southern tribes, and, thence, shall return to Britain for race #11 of 36, on Wednesday, July 26th, at the usual time of 9 PST.
They bid you to enjoy your new homes in the meantime, and wish you the best tidings until the 26th.
Alain al'Meerquit, scribe to ibn and Yasmine of Glacia