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BNN: Winner of Design Contest and Next Room to be Designed Announced!
Bethsainda Ariaachas Nov 27 2000 5:47PM
Well readers, the first room in Rilla’s house in Magincia has been completed! Last night, an interior decorator of great renown, named Lord Pudar, came to Rilla’s house and announced the winner of the first contest, to design the patio. He also hired a young man named Aldrick to keep the horses of visitors safe in Magincia, since the town has no stablemaster! Yes, readers, it is lovely! Go there and see for yourself, for ‘tis hard to describe.
Rilla is keeping her house open to all, and if ye wish your tarot cards read, or wish to consult the crystal about goings on in the world, visit her or leave her a note. She is most often there on Wednesdays, but her gypsy wagon is in Deepwater right now, and will be moving about the world. A young girl named Ivy submitted the winning design that you can see in the painting here.

But that is not all, dear reader, for the next room awaits! Yes, there is a new contest to design the library and temporary place to house gypsy artifacts. The room has been sketched for you here so you may begin your design for it now. All you interior designers and talented folk out there, here is your chance!

This contest is open to all and is indeed a unique opportunity, so get out your pens and your paintbrushes and get creating! I, for one, can’t wait to see the next spectacular design!
If you would like to submit your design for Rilla’s House in Magincia, you may send a letter to Seer Intaria at intaria@uo.com. Designs will be accepted until December 20th, with the winner announced in January.