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BNN: Story Night at the Journey's End
Marisa Mordin Dec 21 2000 7:41PM
On Tuesday a grand group of soothsayers gathered at the Journey's End Tavern in Moonglow to tell their Tales. Many new faces were in the tavern this night, some to listen to the grand stories and some to entice others into thought with their tales…
I, Marisa Mordin started the evening with the tale of my Encounter with the late Eleana Coriel, for many had not heard of her demise. Once all questions were answered about Eleana, I called upon the group for a stout volunteer to be the first to tell their tale. At first many seemed uneasy about speaking in front of the group – then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man named Willow attempting to get the nerve to stand and tell his tale. With some encouragement from myself and the Group, Willow took center stage and enthralled us with his tale…

He did make us cry in fear and joy, delighting in the revelries of the people in his story.
When his splendid tale had come to an end, the tavern was filled with the crowd’s enthusiastic applause. As the call went forth for another storyteller to share their tale, a young lass timidly rose. The woman’s name was Naomi Sunrider, and she told a tale of a special little boy who battled a great Wyrm, with only his courage and will to live to guide him. It was a touching tale, and I believe I even saw some of the men shed a tear at its recounting.

At the end of Naomi’s tale, the crowd was ecstatic, rising in their seats to applaud the young lass and her skillful narration.
I then asked another maid who was present if she would grace us with a story. The woman nodded and said "I would like to tell a Poem first, though - if it is alright.” The lady Sunshine went to the center of the room and recited a poem that touched us all with its devotion to love.

Sunshine then proceeded to regale us all with a short saga of deception, honor, betrayal and friendship that so enthralled us that none spoke a word. So mesmerizing was her story that, even when she had finished, we sat there for a moment not wanting it to end. Then, quite abruptly, everyone was heaping great admiration and complements upon her.
I would like to thank all those who came to listen and speak at the Tavern this night, and thank our prize winners Willow, Naomi Sunrider, and Sunshine for making this an evening to remember.
Marisa Mordin would like to invite you to the Journey's End Tavern's for a night of Stories, Songs, and Poems on Tuesday the 2nd of January at 7pm (PST) and would also like to announce that the next Hunt will be held Thursday the 28th at 7pm (PST)
Additionally, here is a map of the location of the tavern on Felucca, for some it seems do not know where it is located