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Bronzed Armor of the Valkyrie

Bronzed armor of the valkyrie.png
Bronzed Armor of the Valkyrie
Weight: 1 Stone
Strength Bonus 5
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 5
Stamina Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 11%
Fire Resist 14%
Cold Resist 8%
Poison Resist 11%
Energy Resist 8%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability: 255 / 255

Bronzed Armor of the Valkyrie is a Message In A Bottle Artifact Leather Bustier that can be acquired rarely from fishing up a Message In A Bottle. It first appeared with the Publish 68.3.

See Also