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Five on Friday - December 14, 2007

This is the first full year of Five on Fridays, so this week (and maybe next week, depending) I'll be doing wrap-up/status updates. This week we'll look at all the bugs and gameplay issues on my "list" from the Five on Friday, and see what we've fixed, what we've missed, and what's still waiting.

FoF #42, Jan. 5
The PvP Project: For the most part, still undone. The PvP balance pass was an important thing to do, but we definitely have not addressed *reasons* to PvP, and we definitely still intend to.

Low Level Content: Done, insofar as adding content is ever "done." We've got New Haven and all the quests there, plus new rewards for hunting in the legacy dungeons.

Meditation being broken: Fixed!


FoF #45, Jan. 26
Ethy Mount Stamina: We've addressed the issue that was causing dismounting/remounting to affect stamina regen rates.


FoF #49, Feb. 23
Search tool on Still pending. Bob, my new boss, has a strong website background, so I'm going to nag him about it until his ears fall off. :)


FoF #56, Apr. 13
Berserker's Maul: Still bugged. Low on the priority list, I'm afraid, as it's purely a display issue. Haven't forgotten it, though!

Ophidian item turn-in: Draconi still has plans for these - it's gotten pushed back at least three times by now in favor of events with more explosions :P Still on the list!


FoF #59, May 4
Resist Spells: The change to make it easier to gain Resist at lower levels has been published.

Blessed Seige-ruleset items: 7th anni combat items have been unblessed, and magic clothing has been unblessed (and made unblessable.) I can't think offhand of any other blessed item issues - although I trust the Siege community will remind me if we've missed one.

Khaldun Puzzle Boxes: Fixed! I think this may have been the oldest bug we fixed this year :P


FoF #62, May 25
Healing "slip" bug: The fix for excessive slippage did go in.

Cure potions failing more with high Enhance Pots: Fixed!

Ugly roads in 2D: Some of them have been made less ugly, making them all pretty will be a great way to train up new worldbuilders :P

Serpent Arrow: Still deeply weird, still on the list.


FoF #63, June 1
Changing your face in KR: In! The Body Sculptors that hang around various cities can change your face to any of the available KR ones, and the newest "roleplaying" faces will be available to everyone shortly.


FoF #64, June 8
2D Going Away: The answer is still no :) 2D will be around for quite a while.


FoF #66, June 22
Partial Hueing in KR: In!


FoF #67, June 29
Windowed mode in KR: In!


FoF #68, HoC Chat
PvP Balance: Balance is never done, but we took a good initial swing at it.

Skinnable windows: in, plus lots of other moddable goodies.

Elf Circlet Options: Still on the list

Stacking Issues in KR: Fixed!

Music on the Website: Got back-burnered, I'll follow up after the new year.

Female Paperdoll: Much, much hotter :P

KR Chat customization: While changing fonts isn't in, you can definitely change colors for different types of chat.

Working further on the Virtues: Still on the back burner. I think everyone wants to do it, but it just hasn't made it up the list.


FoF #69, July 13
AoE effects and durability: Still silly, still on the list.


FoF #70, July 20
Repeating Crossbow: Still wrong, but as it's a display issue, it's hanging out in the corner with the Berserker's Maul

Double Dragon Scales in Fel: Leurocian fixed this to make it consistent across resources, so now the dragons in Fel are, in fact, extra-scaly.


FoF #71, July 27
Lower Weight: Still on my list to look at, as I at least can't think of a single case where it's worth spending the property slot on.

KR Crafting Interface: Now with extra coolness!


FoF #73, Aug. 10
Randomized resources: Various ideas for tweaking are still on the table, although we have no firm schedules or anything.

Spirit of Totem: Still unrepairable, definitely still on the list.

Commas in checks: The fix is still pending, although I gather that various crafty players have modded KR to display checks with commas :P


FoF #74, Aug. 17
Lumberjacking vs. mining: Still on the list for some analysis, although we may or may not decide to change them.


FoF #76, Aug. 31
Lesser Hiryu bonding: Bug has been fixed.

Spirit Speak Page: See, this is why I did this - I'd clean forgotten about that. The page is correct now, though :P


FoF #79, Sept. 28
Doom Stealable lockdown bug: Fixed. (Finally!)


FoF #85, Nov. 9
Large Iron BOD bug: This is waiting for the team to settle in to Virginia to be tested and published, so y'all won't see it until January at the earliest (along with the other BOD system tweaks that Wilki put together.)

Begging/Karma bug: Fixed!


FoF #86, Nov. 16
Vendor Storage Chart: On my own personal list.


FoF #87, Nov. 30
Frenzied Whirlwind: Like the BOD tweaks, this you'll see in a post-move publish.


FoF #88, Dec. 7
Bags of Sending: There was actually a bug with the calculation that was making weights divisible by 10 take one extra charge. We've fixed that, and you should see it post-move.


We got a lot done this year, although there's clearly a lot left to do. What do y'all think of this as a yearly article? The FoF covers a lot of ground, and I don't like the idea of making vague promises that only get forgotten.

- Jeremy

See Also