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[hide]Any "solid" object within uo is considered an Item.
Most items are Tradeable.
- Artifacts : Minor, Major, Stealables, Rares
- Books : Runebooks, Skill books, Readable books
- Collectibles : Rare items, Named items, Christmas deeds, etc.
- Cooperative Collections
- Common Quest Items : Quest items from pixies, unicorns, mongbats and the like.
- Event/Rares
- Money
- Named and Peerless Loot : Items which drop from special named monsters and peerless.
- Plants / Fish
- Quest Starting Items
- Soulstones
- Spawning and Decaying : Items which can be found on the ground, or with a limited lifetime
- Tokens
- Veteran Rewards
- BODs : Bulk Order Deeds and BOD Rewards
- House Addons
- Recipes
- Resources
Also see:
- Item Properties
- Enhancing : Improving equipment