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Mondain's Legacy introduced recipes to crafters. No longer could a craftsman craft any item they wanted. Certain items, especially the most powerful, must first be learned by using a recipe scroll. Most recipes are obtained by doing a craftsman's quest, which rewards you a Craftsman's Satchel. As of Publish 67, most recipes can also be obtained from the chests recovered by Treasure Maps. Later recipes come from several sources including anniversary gifts, later quests and monster drop.
All Obtainable from doing the Reptilian Dentist quest. This quest can easily be farmed killing Coil in the Stygian Abyss Dungeon.
Obtained as possible reward for completing the The Myrmidex Threat Barrab Tinker Quest line.
- Barrab Hemolymph Concentrate
- Barako Draft of Might
- Jukari Burn Poultice
- Kurak Ambusher’s Essence
- Sakkhra Prophylaxis Potion
- Urali Trance Tonic
Blacksmithy Recipes Obtained in City of Heartwood or Sanctuary. or from Treasure chests.
Blacksmithy Recipes obtained from Doom Dungeon Gauntlet
Obtained as possible reward for completing the The Myrmidex Threat Eodonian (Professor Rafkin) Quest line.
Carpentry Quests are quests that ask for Footstools and Lap Harps.
Obtained from the quest Bad Company
Obtained from the quest A Dish Best Served Cold
Obtained from the Holiday 2006 event and from cooking Bulk Order Deed Reward pick.
Obtained from the Holiday 2015 Gift Token
Obtained from possible Loot on killing Fezzik The Ogre Cook
Obtainable by questing with Cillitha the Bowcrafter and Jusae the Bowcrafter in Heartwood and Beotham the Bowcrafter in Sanctuary.
- Assassin's Shortbow
- Barbed Longbow
- Blight Gripped Longbow (rare)
- Faerie Fire (rare)
- Frozen Longbow
- Lightweight Shortbow
- Longbow of Might
- Mischief Maker (rare)
- Mystical Shortbow
- Ranger's Shortbow
- Silvani's Feywood Bow (rare)
- Slayer Longbow
- The Night Reaper (rare)
Obtainable by Tinkering Quests in City of Heartwood or Sanctuary. These are the Empty Bottle, Tinker Tool, Tic Toc (Clock), The Song of the Wind (Wind Chime), and Beer Goggles (Keg Tapper) quests.
- Scrapper's Compendium (rare)
December Holiday 2015 Gift Token and from inscription Bulk Order Deed Reward pick.
- Stone Anvil (East) (rare)
- Stone Anvil (South)
Anniversary Gift
Obtainable by Questing with Ahie the Cloth Weaver in Heartwood and Tallinin the Cloth Weaver Sanctuary.
- Elven Quiver
- Song Woven Mantle (rare)
- Spell Woven Britches (rare)
- Stitcher's Mittens (rare)
- Quiver of Blight
- Quiver of Fire
- Quiver of Ice
- Quiver of Lightning
Dropped in the Pack of Characters Killing Creatures in Eodon
- Jester Shoes
- Chefs Toque
- Gilded Kilt
- Checkered Kilt
- Fancy Kilt
- Flowered Dress
- Evening Gown
- Tiger Pelt Chest
- Tiger Pelt Bustier
- Tiger Pelt Leggings
- Tiger Pelt Shorts
- Tiger Pelt Long Skirt
- Tiger Pelt Skirt
- Tiger Pelt Helm
- Tiger Pelt Collar
- Dragon Turtle Chest
- Dragon Turtle Bustier
- Dragon Turtle Leggings
- Dragon Turtle Arms
- Dragon Turtle Helm
Obtainable from Doom Dungeon Gauntlet
Obtainable by Tinkering quests in Heartwood and Sanctuary.
- Essence of Battle (rare)
- Pendant of the Magi (rare)
- Resilient Bracer (rare)
Obtained as possible reward for completing the The Myrmidex Threat Barrab Tinker Quest line.
Obtainable by turning in Kotl artifacts turn-in and from tinkering Bulk Order Deed Reward pick.
Obtained as a random 1 out of the 4 from the 19th Anniversary Gift token
- Weathered Bronze Archer
- Weathered Bronze Fairy Sculpture
- Weathered Bronze Globe
- Weathered Man on a Bench
Obtainable from Doom dungeon Gauntlet.