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Colors of Granite

Masonry is a skill that can only be learned by Grandmaster Carpenters. Learning the art of masonry does not cost any skill points, and has no effect on a character's skill cap.

To learn how to craft stone, a carpenter must read the book "Making Valuables with Stonecrafting", which can be purchased from the Gargoyle Stone Crafter NPC located in the carpenter shop in the Royal City in Ter Mur. The book costs 10,625 gold and is consumed once read.

To create stone items, the resource High Quality Granite and a Mallet and Chisel is needed. The tools can be purchased from the same NPC in the Royal City. Costing only a few gold pieces each, they wear out, just like Pickaxes and Shovels. Granite is obtained by Mining.


Catogory Picture Item Resources Needed Recipe Required Success Rate
Furniture Ritual table.png Ritual Table 8 Granite 94.70%
Furniture Stone Chair.gif Stone Chair 4 Granite 90%
Furniture Medium Stone Table South.gif Medium Stone Table 6 Granite 70%
Furniture Large Stone Table South.gif Large Stone Table 9 Granite 50%
Statues Pegasus Statuette.gif Pegasus Statuette 4 Granite 60%
Statues Small Statue South.gif Small Statue (facing south) 3 Granite 80%
Statues Small Statue North.gif Small Statue ( facing north) 3 Granite 80%
Statues Small Statue East.gif Small Statue (facing east) 3 Granite 80%
Statues Gargoyle statue.png Gargoyle Statue 20 Granite 91%
Statues Gryphon statue.png Gryphon Statue 16 Granite 91%
Decorations Vase.gif Vase 1 Granite
Decorations Large Vase.gif Large Vase 3 Granite
Decorations Tower Sculpture.gif Tower Sculpture 3 Granite 36%
Decorations Small Urn.gif Small Urn 3 Granite 36%
Decorations Gargish painting.png Gargish Painting 3 Granite 34%
Decorations Gargish sculpture.png Gargish Sculpture 4 Granite 36%
Decorations Gargish vase.png Gargish Vase 4 Granite 40%
Decorations 18thshortvase.gif 18th Anniversary Short Vase 6 Granite Yes 100%
Decorations 18thtallvase.gif 18th Anniversary Tall Vase 6 Granite Yes 100%
Misc Add-Ons Gargish large bed.png Large Gargish Bed 100 Granite
100 Cloth
75 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Gargish cot.png Gargish Cot 100 Granite
100 Cloth
75 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Stone anvil east.jpg Stone Anvil 20 Granite 36.70%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone arms.pngGargish stone arms 2.png Gargish Stone Arms 8 Granite 87.40%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone chest.pngGargish stone chest 2.png Gargish Stone Chest 12 Granite 90%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone leggings.pngGargish stone leggings 2.png Gargish Stone Leggings 10 Granite 82.40%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone kilt.pngGargish stone kilt 2.png Gargish Stone Kilt 6 Granite 100%
Armor and Weapons Large stone shield.png Large Stone Shield 16 Granite 90%
Armor and Weapons Stone War Sword.png Stone War Sword 18 Granite 90%
Armor and Weapons Stone amulet.gif Gargish Stone Amulet 3 Granite 80%
Walls Roughwall.gif Rough Windowless 10 Granite 80%
Walls Roughwindow.gif Rough Window 10 Granite 80%
Walls Rougharch.gif Rough Arch 5 Granite 80%
Walls Roughpillar.gif Rough Pillar 3 Granite 80%
Walls Roughroundedarch.gif Rough Rounded Arch 5 Granite 80%
Walls Smallarch.gif Rough Small Arch 3 Granite 80%
Walls Roughangledpillar.gif Rough Angled Pillar 5 Granite 80%
Walls Roughshort.gif Short Rough 3 Granite 80%
Walls Stone-door1.gif Stone Door South 10 Granite 80%
Walls Stone-door2.gif Stone Door East 10 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughblock.gif Rough Block 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughsteps.gif Rough Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughcornersteps.gif Rough Corner Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roundedcornersteps.gif Rough Rounded Corner Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughinsetsteps.gif Rough Inset Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roundedinsetsteps.gif Rough Rounded Inset Steps 5 Granite 80%
Floor Tiles Paver-light.gif Light Paver 5 Granite 80%
Floor Tiles Paver-medium.gif Medium Paver 5 Granite 80%
Floor Tiles Paver-dark.gif Dark Paver 5 Granite 80%

See also