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"This pizza tastes wonderful! What’s on it?"

The art of Cooking is likely the least useful of crafting skills, but does offer a wide range of "decorative" items. The ability to place personalised messages on things such as Cakes adds a special flavor to role-playing situations.

While most food officially grants no benefits other then a small Stamina boost when eaten, Egg Bombs and Enchanted Apples can be of great value in PvP situations. Savage Kin Paint can also be used to prevent morph spells being used on those who apply it (especially helpful when battling Barracoon the Piper).

Chefs will often find that they need an Oven nearby to create their masterpieces, though in some cases a simple Heating Stand will suffice. The serious cook will also install a Flour Mill and Water Trough in his or her home, and perhaps even hire an NPC Barkeep Vendor.

Publish 88 and Holidays 2014 brought the Steam Powered Beverage Maker and the Grinder as Gifts that are required to make item in the beverages category.


There are a few items available with which to practice your culinary skill. Despite their names and appearances, each is equally suitable for the preparation of any dish.


Obtained from the quest Bad Company

Obtained from the quest A Dish Best Served Cold

Obtained from the Holiday 2006 event.

Obtained from the Holiday 2015 Gift Token

Obtained from possible Loot on killing Fezzik The Ogre Cook


Start with 50 on a new character, or buy from an NPC Baker to around 30.

Barbecued items are easiest for training, since they only require raw meat, and no water. These can be made out of a single piece of meat each, so you can collect more while you're gathering Leather or out Fishing.

Targeting a stack of meat will cook the entire lot in one go and give much faster gains than cooking one slab at a time. You'll require less meat overall if you take the slow method, however. Going from 0 to 100.0 skill will take about 20,000 Cooking attempts, but your mileage may vary.


You can cook whatever you like to get to about 75ish - personally I made lots of dough as it stacks and I'm likely to use it later on. Once you hit about 75 or so, switch to Miso Soups; there are four different kinds and all require 60 skill, water and a single uncooked fish steak to make. Making Miso will take you to GM with probably the least resources (as long as you have a house).

Ideally you want an oven, a water trough, 10 pitchers of water (or an Endless Decanter of Water), a trash barrel and a crate full of bags and skillets (or whatever your preferred tool of choice is). Put the pitchers of water in your backpack and a load of fish steaks in a bag (in your pack) and start making Miso. The Miso will appear in the bag with your fish steaks so when your backpack is full just remove the fish steaks from that bag and drop it in the trash barrel. When you run out of water just refill pitchers from the water trough.

Rinse and repeat to 100.


Catogory Picture Item Resources Needed Stand Near Recipe Required Minimum Skill
Ingredients Open sack of flour.png Sack of Flour Wheat Flour Mill 0
Ingredients Dough.png Dough Flour
Pitcher of Water
Ingredients Sweet dough.png Sweet Dough Honey
Ingredients Cake mix.png Cake Mix Sweet Dough
Ingredients Cookie mix.png Cookie Mix Sweet Dough
Ingredients Cocoa butter.png Cocoa Butter Cocoa Pulp Fire 0
Ingredients Cocoa liquor.png Cocoa Liquor Cocoa Pulp
Pewter Bowl
Fire 0
Ingredients Wheat wort.png Wheat Wort Flour
Pitcher of Water
Empty Bottle
Ingredients Fish oil flask.png Fish Oil Flask Coffee Grounds
8 Raw Fish Steak
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Quiche Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Meat Pie Dough
Cut of Raw Ribs
Preparations Uncooked pizza.png Uncooked Sausage Pizza Dough
Preparations Uncooked pizza.png Uncooked Cheese Pizza Dough
Wheel of Cheese
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Fruit Pie Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Peach Cobbler Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Apple Pie Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Pumpkin Pie Dough
Preparations Green tea.png Green Tea Pitcher of Water
Green Tea Raw
Oven 80
Preparations Wasabi clumps.png Wasabi Clumps Pitcher of Water
3 Bowl of Peas
Preparations Sushi rolls.png Sushi Rolls 10 Raw Fish Steak 90
Preparations Sushi platter.png Sushi Platter Pitcher of Water
10 Raw Fish Steak
Preparations Savage kin paint.png Savage Kin Paint Flour
Tribal Berries
Preparations Smoke bomb.png Egg Bomb Eggs
Preparations Parrot wafer.png Parrot Wafer Dough
Raw Fish Steak
Preparations Plant pigment.png Plant Pigment Plant Clippings
Empty Bottle
Preparations Natural Dye Plant Pigment
Color Fixative
Preparations Color fixative.png Color Fixative Silver Serpent Venom
Bottle of Wine
Preparations Wood pulp.png Wood Pulp Bark Fragment
Pitcher of Water
Preparations Charcoal.png Charcoal Board Oven 0
Baking Bread loaf.png Bread Loaf Dough Oven 0
Baking Pan of cookies.png Pan of Cookies Cookie Mix Oven 0
Baking Cake.png Cake Cake Mix Oven 0
Baking Muffins.png Muffins Sweet Dough Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Quiche Unbaked Quiche Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Meat Pie Unbaked Meat Pie Oven 0
Baking Pizza.png Sausage Pizza Uncooked Sausage Pizza Oven 0
Baking Pizza.png Cheese Pizza Uncooked Cheese Pizza Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Fruit Pie Unbaked Fruit Pie Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Peach Cobbler Unbaked Peach Cobbler Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Apple Pie Unbaked Apple Pie Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Pumpkin Pie Unbaked Pumpkin Pie Oven 0
Baking Miso soup.png Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking White miso soup.png White Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking Red miso soup.png Red Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking Awase miso soup.png Awase Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking Gingerbread-cookie.png Gingerbread Cookie Cookie Mix
Fresh Ginger
Oven Yes 35
Baking 3-tier-cake.png Three Tier Cake 3 Cake Mix Oven Yes 60
Barbeque Cooked bird.png Cooked Bird Raw Bird Fire 0
Barbeque Chicken leg.png Chicken Leg Raw Chicken Leg Fire 0
Barbeque Fish steak.png Fish Steak Raw Fish Steak Fire 0
Barbeque Fried eggs.png Fried Eggs Eggs Fire 0
Barbeque Leg of lamb.png Leg of Lamb Raw Leg of Lamb Fire 0
Barbeque Cut of ribs.png Cut of Ribs Cut of Raw Ribs Fire 0
Barbeque Bowl of rotworm stew.png Bowl of Rotworm Stew Raw Rotworm Meat Fire Yes 0
Barbeque Blackrock stew.png Blackrock Stew Bowl of Rotworm Stew
A Small Piece of Blackrock
Fire Yes 30
Enchanted Food Decoration Tool.png Food Decoration Tool Dough
Enchanted EnchantedApple.png Enchanted Apple Apple
Greater Heal Potion
Enchanted Grapes of Wrath.png Grapes of Wrath Grapes
Greater Strength Potion
Enchanted Fruit Bowl.png Fruit Bowl Wooden Bowl
3 Pear
3 Apple
3 Bananas
Chocolatiering Sweet Cocoa Butter Sack of Sugar
Cocoa Butter
Chocolatiering DarkChocolate.png Dark Chocolate Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Chocolatiering MilkChocolate.png Milk Chocolate Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Pitcher of Milk
Chocolatiering WhiteChocolate.png White Chocolate Sweet Cocoa Butter
Pitcher of Milk
Chocolatiering ChocolateNutcracker.png Dark Chocolate Nutcracker Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Foil Sheet
Yes 15
Chocolatiering ChocolateNutcracker.png Milk Chocolate Nutcracker Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Pitcher of Milk
Foil Sheet
Yes 32.5
Chocolatiering ChocolateNutcracker.png White Chocolate Nutcracker Sweet Cocoa Butter
Pitcher of Milk
Foil Sheet
Yes 52.5
Magical Fish Pies Great barracuda pie.png Great Barracuda Pie Dough
Great Barracuda Steak
Zoogi Fungus
Mento Seasoning
Oven 60
Magical Fish Pies Giant koi pie.png Giant Koi Pie Dough
Giant Koi Steak
Bowl of Peas
Mento Seasoning
Oven 61
Magical Fish Pies Fire fish pie.png Fire Fish Pie Dough
Fire Fish Steak
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 62
Magical Fish Pies Stone crab pie.png Stone Crab Pie Dough
Stone Crab Meat
Head of Cabbage
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 63
Magical Fish Pies Blue lobster pie.png Blue Lobster Pie Dough
Blue Lobster Meat
Tribal Berry
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 64
Magical Fish Pies Reaper fish pie.png Reaper Fish Pie Dough
Reaper Fish Steak
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 65
Magical Fish Pies Crystal fish pie.png Crystal Fish Pie Dough
Crystal Fish Steak
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 66
Magical Fish Pies Bull fish pie.png Bull Fish Pie Dough
Bull Fish Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 67
Magical Fish Pies Summer dragonfish pie.png Summer Dragonfish Pie Dough
Summer Dragonfish Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 68
Magical Fish Pies Fairy salmon pie.png Fairy Salmon Pie Dough
Fairy Salmon Steak
Ear of Corn
Dark Truffle
Oven 69
Magical Fish Pies Lava fish pie.png Lava Fish Pie Dough
Lava Fish Steak
Wheel of Cheese
Dark Truffle
Oven 70
Magical Fish Pies Autumn dragonfish pie.png Autumn Dragonfish Pie Dough
Autumn Dragonfish Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 71
Magical Fish Pies Spider crab pie.png Spider Crab Pie Dough
Spider Crab Meat
Head of Lettuce
Mento Seasoning
Oven 72
Magical Fish Pies Yellowtail barracuda pie.png Yellowtail Barracuda Pie Dough
Yellowtail Barracuda Steak
Bottle of Wine
Mento Seasoning
Oven 73
Magical Fish Pies Holy mackerel pie.png Holy Mackerel Pie Dough
Holy Mackerel Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 74
Magical Fish Pies Unicorn fish pie.png Unicorn Fish Pie Dough
Unicorn Fish Steak
Fresh Ginger
Mento Seasoning
Oven 75
Beverages MugCoffee.png Coffee Pitcher of Water
Coffee Grounds
Steam Powered Beverage Maker 0
Beverages MugGreenTea.png Green Tea Pitcher of Water
Green Tea Raw
Steam Powered Beverage Maker 0
Beverages MugHotCocoa.png Hot Cocoa Pitcher of Milk
Cocoa Liquor
Sack of Sugar
Steam Powered Beverage Maker 0


In the past, Cooking used to require a more in-depth knowledge of food ingredients and recipes. There were no usable tools to display a Cooking menu, a player simply used raw food items on heat sources to cook them or on each other to combine ingredients. Additionally, some foods would cook with any heat source, such as a camp fire or heating stand, while many of the baked goods explicitly required an oven.

Many players who did not own houses would cook their goods in town at an NPC bakery or kitchen and then hawk their food at the local bank. Farm fields and fruit orchards would be combed for their harvest as a free way to gather food items. Although uncertain, it was said that being extremely hungry could actually affect skill performance, such as in combat or while crafting, which in turn contributed to a very modest market for cooked foods.

For many years, there are a few food items that would impart stat bonuses such as the Grapes of Wrath or assist in some skills, such as the Egg Bomb, hunger has no effect on skill performance and most food is simply decorative in player homes or used in Roleplaying. Aside from Savage Kin Paint and Parrot Wafers, there was little demand for cooked foods.

With the release of the Adventures on the High Seas booster expansion in 2010, several Magical Fish Pies were introduced sparking a renewed and useful interest in Cooking.

See Also

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