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Primeval Lich Champion Spawn

The Primeval Lich Spawn was added with the Stygian Abyss expansion. It takes place in a graveyard outside a giant mansion.

The entire spawn area is under the Felucca ruleset. This means non-consensual PVP combat can occur and Murderers are allowed in. Thievery through Stealing is also enabled.

There are two entrances to the spawn. One is on the 4th level of Deceit in Felucca facet. The other in the Stygian Abyss Dungeon.



As the spawn progresses, more decorations appear in the area. There are four different stages of decorations: when the spawn first starts (brambles, fallen branches, etc), partly through the first wave (graves, gravestones, etc), partly through the second wave (lava, demon skulls, etc), and partly through the third wave (pillory, ore cart, etc). The stages occur when a new red candle spawns, although the exact candle depends on how many red candles the spawn started with. At each stage of decorations, there is a chance that ANY decoration piece that has spawned so far will be duplicated on the ground nearby the original piece. Only TWO decoration stages will produce a duplicate decoration piece per spawn and this is random for each spawn.

Decorations can be farmed by determining which decoration stage is currently spawning duplicates and then noting the red candle that the decoration stage occurs; by allowing the spawn to revert and despawn that red candle and then re-working the spawn until the red candle reappears again, you can effectively trigger that decoration stage over and over along with a new decoration piece each time. It takes 10 minutes for a red candle to revert.

When the Primeval Lich arrives, the static decorations will disappear soon after, making it much easier to see the pieces that you can pick up. Duplicate decoration pieces will despawn after sitting on the ground for roughly 30 minutes.


  • You can teleport into the middle of the boulders surrounding the lava tiles to access decoration pieces that might be out of reach otherwise. There are a couple decoration pieces here that can spawn inside the mountain out of sight no matter where you stand (even after the spawn finishes and the boulders disappear). If this happens, you can call a GM and they should be able to move it for you so you can pick it up.
  • Static decoration pieces do not show weight in their tooltip. Decorations pieces that you can pick up show a weight of 2 stones.
  • You can pick up decoration pieces that are on the roof of the main building from the ground floor using the Scavenger agent in EC.
  • If you're looking to farm decoration pieces, it's usually best to ensure the last stage of decoration items is the one spawning as this allows any decoration piece to be attainable. This might require completing the spawn several times as it is random which stage spawns a duplicate.

Lever Puzzle

Inside the mansion there are 8 colored levers. The levers only appear when the champion spawn is active. They must be pulled in a specific order to solve the puzzle. By killing spawn you may receive a solution book in your backpack. The puzzle can only be completed once per spawn.


  • Bag of gems
  • Red or black bone container
  • Gruesome Standard
  • Totem
  • 0.1 - 1.0 Scroll of Transcendence
  • Random piece of spawn decoration (This has been tested quite a bit and, as of 2023, it appears that the only decoration piece that can be attained from the lever puzzle is the single white skull.)


At random stages, Restless Bones will spawn on the champion altar. These have a timer and a random name on them that correlates to one of the gravestones somewhere in the spawn. If you double click the bones and target the dirt of the matching grave, you will receive either a small buff to a random stat or a soul gem.

If you double click the axe of the Executioner's Block that spawns during wave three, you have a small chance of receiving a decorative Executioner's Block in deed form. Most of the time this will just apply a bleed effect on your character or summon an executioner NPC that will attack you.

A prisoner will spawn on the pillory that appears during wave three. You can double click the prisoner to free them, at which point they will attack nearby spawn for you. You also have a small chance of receiving a bag of sending, soul gem, or wilted soul fragments as a reward for freeing them (very rarely you can receive a decorative pillory in deed form). Sometimes the prisoner will turn grey and attack you instead, though this can be avoided entirely if you are hidden or invisible when you free them.

Soul gems can be consumed to do roughly 200 damage to the Primeval Lich.

Wilted soul fragments appear to act similarly to a VvV Supernova potion, although anyone can use them and they can only be used within the Primeval Lich champion spawn area.


Primeval lich spawn map.png

  1. Exit to the Stygian Abyss Dungeon
  2. Drop in from Deceit (no exit)
  3. Exit sparkle to the Lost Lands Felucca desert (coordinates 41o 29'N 37o 20'W)
  4. Resurrection Ankh and exit sparkle to The Lost Lands Felucca southwest from Papua (coordinates 21o 12'S 29o 02'W)
  5. Champion spawn altar
  6. Lever puzzle levers

See Also