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Publish 70
Deployment History
- April 1, 2011 - released to all shards.
- March 24, 2011 - released to Origin.
- March 17, 2011 - released to TC1.
- January 17, 2011 - mentioned as the next Publish by Calvin Crowner.
Publish Notes
Publish 70.0 will be available on Test Center 1 after 4pm today. You can find the publish notes as well as the notes for the Classic Client 7.0.13 and the Enhanced Client below. This client patch is mandatory, please make sure that you get it! Be aware that this patch is larger than usual, as we are pushing the last set of missing animation files.
We encourage you to check out what's new and thank you for your feedback.
Magincia Plot Lotto
- Main Article: Magincia Plot Guidelines.
We currently have a copy of Great Lakes on Test Center 1. Hopefully this will make it a little easier to test what we have done in Magincia with the lotto.
- There are 22 lots each in both Trammel and Felucca. The island is divided up by North and South end. The North end is the area towards the beach area and these plots are 10K per ticket and you are allowed to buy one ticket per account per plot. The South end is towards the bank and these are 2K a ticket and there are no ticket purchase limits.
Magincia Planting System
- Players are able to plant seeds in grassy areas around Magincia by using a hoe. The players will have to maintain the upkeep of the seeds to keep them healthy. Only the owner of the seed can take care of the plant . The plant will be tagged with the owners name and the date he/she planted it. Players will be able to dig up the plants after they have matured and they will continue to keep the player’s name, the date planted and the date harvested. Players can use the blue crystals to magically advance the growth of a plant in Magincia. You will be able to find 2 Gardeners that will see the hoes needed to plant seeds in Magincia.
Abyss Quest and Monsters
- Added a new quest in the Abyss, this quest will start with Xeninlor the Security Advisor and he can be found in the Royal Palace. We have also added a few new mobs to challenge your fighting talents.
Bug Fixes
- Veteran Reward Statues such as the Efreet, Harrower, Terathan Matriarch and the Fire Ant can now be turned off an on.
- The issue with fish that are fished up by a non High Seas entitled account not having resources was fixed.
- You can now fish up the new fish in Shame level 4 with the correct entitlement.
- You should now be able to obtain the Magic Key for the Puzzle Room.
- Faction Traps were removed from Magincia .
- Players having a false reading of having a ship placed should be fixed.
- Magic Reflection: A Murderer using magic reflect will be flagged criminal if they reflect the paralyze spell back onto a blue character.
- Detect Hidden will once again detect everyone. Detect hidden will apply out of hide timer to detected players that are freely aggressable.
- Splintering weapons do not lose max durability allowing them to proc infinity without destroying the weapon
- Players will now parry when wielding a throwing weapon and a shield equipped.
- Players who were stuck in a state where they were unable to place a new ship will once again be able to place ships.
- Magincia is no longer part of the Factions system.
- Scalis Eels will now last a maximum of 2 minutes.
- Both facings of the kabuto can be dyed with the Metallic Dye Tub.
- The reward weight of the lobsters and crabs has been adjusted.
- You can now have your parrots on your Britannian Ship without losing it when you move
- You can now place one tile soul forges on your Britannian Ship.
- Moongate name was changed from Magincia to New Magincia.
- Cleansing Winds will not heal after removing Mortal Wound any longer.
Enhanced Client
Starting Locations
- Players can now pick what part of the world you would like for your character to begin. You will have the option to start in New Haven if you wish. Young players can start where ever they like but the default will still be New Haven.
2D Paperdoll mode
- In the enhanced client you can switch to the classic paperdoll for viewing. The option is found under the legacy tab in the settings window.
Bug Fixes
- Trading an item from one using the Enhanced client to another will carry over the item's position in the old backpack to the new backpack has been fixed.
Classic Client
Starting Locations
- Players can now pick what part of the world you would like for your character to begin. You will have the option to start in New Haven if you wish. Young players can start where ever they like but the default will still be New Haven.
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