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Publish 97
First TC1 Release – 3/16/2017
2nd TC1 Release – 3/17/2017
3rd TC1 Release – 3/23/2017
4th TC1 Release – 3/31/2017
5th TC1 Release – 4/11/2017
Final TC1 Release – 4/14/2017
Origin, Izumo, & Baja Release – 4/18/2017
Worldwide Release – 4/27/2017
Animal Training
New methods of Animal Training are now available. Visit in-game Town Criers for more information!
- Pets can now be trained beyond their current control slot requirements up to new maximums.
- Train pets in endless combinations of special abilities, special moves, area effects and magic schools.
- Customize skill caps and attributes to create new pet variants.
- All pet training is final and cannot be reverted.
- Visit Animal Trainers to embark on the “Discovering Animal Training Quest” to learn more about animal training, and earn the new title “Ethologist.”
- Pet Slot Update
- Existing pets will retain their current control slot requirement.
- Newly tamed pets and pets that undergo the Animal Training process will have their control slot requirement updated.
- Control slot requirements for pets have been reworked to take variation within the species into account. It is now possible that creatures can have varying control slot requirements based on their overall power.
- Special Moves, Special Abilities, Magics, and Area Effects now require mana for pets to use.
- Various AI tweaks when those AIs are applied to pets.
- Animal Lore Update
- Updated Animal Lore Gump to display all available skills, magic, special abilities, and new information related to Animal Training.
- New Tameable Creatures
- Shadow Wyrm
- Phoenix
- Dimetrosaur
- Gallusaurus
- Saurosaurus
- Serpentine Dragon
- Najasaurus
- Dread Spider
- Tsuki Wolf
- Dragon Wolf – found guarding Level 6 treasure chests in all facets except Ter Mur
- Cold Drake – found guarding Level 6 treasure chests
- Frost Dragon – found guarding Level 7 treasure chests in Trammel or Felucca
- Palamino Horse – found in the Second Age
- Sabre-Toothed Tiger – found in the Valley of Eodon
- Triceratops – found in the Valley of Eodon
- Lion – found in the Valley of Eodon
- Blood Fox – found in Ilshenar
- Frost Mite – found in Tokuno
- Ossein Ram – found in Deceit
- Platinum Drake
- Crimson Drake
- Platinum & Crimson Drakes spawn in various locations throughout Felucca, Trammel, Ilshenar, Malas, & Eodon, Destard, Montor, Ice Dungeon, Umbra, and the Kotl City
- Platinum and Crimson Drakes spawn in colors related to the type of damage they deal.
- Stygian Drakes spawn in various locations throughout the Stygian Abyss.
- Stygian Drakes spawn in a variety of rare hues and deal physical damage.
- The following pets now have a chance to spawn in rare hues,
Miscellaneous Changes
- All pet damage is now reduced by 30% when targeting players.
- Added new option for the taming mastery ability “Combat Training” – As One, which allows pets to share damage while they are close to their master. Requires multiple pets to active.
- All creatures with Grandmaster and above wrestling now have a chance to parry.
- Skree AI has been updated.
Client Versions
- Classic -
- Enhanced –