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Tameable Pets

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Some creatures on Ultima Online can be tamed by players who have sufficient skill as indicated in the table below.

  • with the addition of Publish 97 pet revamp, a lot of new tamables have been added and some information for them is still missing.

Special Notes

  • Bushido = Chars with 90.0 Bushido can control/own/ride but not tame.
  • Elf = Can only be tamed and ridden by Elves, but can be owned/controled by humans too. Using Pads of the Cu Sidhe a human can ride this animal as well. This creature also becomes hostile if taming attempt is failed.
  • Good = This creature is Good Aligned and will attack anything with negative karma.
  • Female = Can only be tamed/ridden by female characters but can be owned by male characters.
  • Male = Can only be tamed/ridden by male characters but can be owned by female characters.
  • Submission = Creature must be beaten into submission before taming.
  • Dismount = you must Dismount the Savage Rider before you can tame it.
  • Restricted = Creatures Restricted From Animal Training.
  • Mount = Creature can be used as a mount.

Other Notes

  • Training creatures in other magic schools with the creature classification magical will remove any existing magical ability.
  • Only creatures native to the Tokuno Islands are capable of learning Bushido and Ninjitsu abilities

List of Tameable Creatures

Name Slots Min Slots Max Hostile Min Taming Pack Instinct Wild Starting Abilitys Creature Classifications Special Note
Alligator 1 4 Yes 47.1 Tailed, Clawed
Bake Kitsune 3 5 Yes 80.7 Magery, Rage Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Bane Dragon 4 5 Yes 107.1 Magery Tailed, Clawed Mounts, Submission
Battle Chicken Lizard 1 1 No 0 Restricted
Bird 1 2 No 0 Clawed
Black Bear 1 3 No 35.1 Bear Clawed
Blood Fox 2 3 Yes 72 Canine Bleed, Grasping Claw
Boar 1 3 No 29.1
Brown Bear 1 3 No 41.1 Bear Clawed
Bull 1 4 No 71.1 Bull
Bullfrog 1 3 No 23.1
Cat 1 3 No 0 Feline Clawed
Chicken Lizard 1 1 No 0 Restricted
Chicken 1 2 No 0 Clawed
Cold Drake 3 5 Yes 96 Dragon Breath
Corrosive Slime 1 2 Yes 23.1 Poisoning Sticky Skin
Cougar 1 3 No 41.1 Feline Tailed, Clawed
Cow 1 3 No 11.1
Crimson Drake 2 5 Yes 85 Drake Dragon Breath
Cu Sidhe 3 5 No 101.1 Healing, Bleed Magical, Tailed, Clawed Mounts, Elf
Deathwatch Beetle 1 4 Yes 41.1 Crushing Blow Insectoid
Desert Ostard 1 3 No 29.1 Ostard Clawed Mounts
Dimetrosaur 3 5 Yes 102 Poison Breath, Dismount, Mortal Strike
Dire Wolf 1 4 Yes 83.1 Canine Necromantic, Clawed
Dog 1 3 No 0 Canine Tailed
Dragon Turtle Hatchling 4 5 No 104.7 Bleed, Dragon Breath, Magery Magical, Tailed
Dragon Wolf 4 5 Yes 102 Dragon Breath
Dragon 4 5 Yes 93.9 Dragon Breath, Magery Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Drake 2 5 Yes 84.3 Dragon Breath Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Dread Spider 3 5 Yes 96 Magery, Poisoning Necromantic
Dread Warhorse 3 5 Yes 108 Dragon Breath, Magery Magical, Necromantic Mounts
Eagle 1 3 No 17.1 Clawed
Eodon Bird of Prey 1 3 No Magical, Tailed Mounts
Ferret 1 No -21.3 Clawed
Fire Beetle 1 5 Yes 93.9 Insectoid Mounts, Submission
Fire Steed 2 5 Yes 106 Equine Dragon Breath Magical Mounts
Forest Ostard 1 3 No 29.1 Ostard Mounts
Frenzied Ostard 1 3 Yes 77.1 Ostard Clawed Mounts
Frost Dragon 5 5 Yes 105 Bleed, Dragon Breath, Magery
Frost Mite 2 5 No 102 Cold Wind Insectoid
Frost Spider 1 4 Yes 74.7 Arachnid
Gallusaurus 3 5 Yes 102 Block, Grasping Claw
Gaman 1 4 No 68.7 Tailed
Giant Beetle 1 5 Yes 29.1 Insectoid Mounts, Submission
Giant Ice Worm 1 2 Yes 71.1 Poisoning Tailed Submission
Giant Rat 1 3 Yes 29.1 Clawed
Giant Spider 1 3 Yes 59.1 Arachnid Poisoning
Giant Toad 1 3 Yes 77.1 Sticky Skin
Goat 1 3 No 11.1
Gorilla 1 3 No 0
Great Hart 1 3 No 59.1
Greater Dragon 4 5 Yes 104.7 Bleed, Dragon Breath, Magery Magical, Tailed
Greater Mongbat 1 3 Yes 71.1 Clawed
Grey Wolf 1 3 No 53.1 Canine Tailed, Clawed
Grizzly Bear 1 3 No 59.1 Bear Clawed
Hell Hound 2 4 Yes 85.5 Canine Dragon Breath Necromantic, Tailed, Clawed
Hellcat (Small) 2 3 Yes 71.1 Feline Dragon Breath Necromantic, Tailed, Clawed
High Plains Boura 2 5 Yes 47.1 Tail Swipe Tailed
Hind 1 3 No 23.1
Hiryu 3 5 Yes 98.7 Dismount, Grasping Claw Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Horse 1 3 No 29.1
Imp 2 4 Yes 83.1 Daemon Magery
Iron Beetle 2 5 Yes 71.1 Insectoid Submission
Jack Rabbit 1 2 No 0
Ki-Rin 2 5 Karma Based 95.1 Magery Magical, Tailed, Clawed Mounts, Good, Male
Lasher 1 3 No Magical Mounts
Lava Lizard 1 4 Yes 80.7 Dragon Breath Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Lesser Hiryu 1 5 Yes 98.7 Grasping Claw, Dismount Magical, Tailed, Clawed Mounts, Bushido
Lion 2 5 Yes 96 Feline Piercing, Paralyzing Blow, Armor Ignore, Bleed
Llama 1 3 No 35.1
Lowland Boura 2 3 No 29.1 Boura Tailed
Mongbat 1 2 Yes 0 Clawed
Mountain Goat 1 3 No 0
Najasaurus 2 5 Yes 102 Poisoning
Nightmare 2 5 Yes 95.1 Dragon Breath, Magery Magical, Necromantic
Ossein Ram 2 5 Yes 72 Battle Defense, Disarm, Paralyzing Blow, Life Leech
Pack Horse 1 3 No 29.1
Pack Llama 1 3 No 29.1
Panther 1 3 No 53.1 Feline Tailed, Clawed
Phoenix 3 5 Yes 102 Magery Magical, Clawed
Pig 1 3 No 11.1
Platinum Drake 2 5 Yes 85 Drake Dragon Breath
Polar Bear 1 3 No 35.1 Bear Clawed
Predator Hellcat 2 3 Yes 89.1 Feline Dragon Breath Necromantic, Tailed, Clawed
Rabbit 1 2 No 0
Raptor 2 5 Yes 107.1 Raptor Tailed, Clawed
Rat 1 2 No 0 Tailed, Clawed
Reptalon 2 5 Yes 101.1 Dragon Breath, Paralyzing Blow Magical, Tailed Mounts
Rideable Llama 1 3 No 29.1 Mounts
Ridgeback 1 3 No 83.1 Clawed Mounts
Ruddy Boura 2 3 No 17.1 Tailed
Rune Beetle 3 5 Yes 93.9 Rune Corruption, Bleed, Poisoning, Magery Insectoid
Sabre-Toothed Tiger 2 5 No 102 Slashing, Disarm, Armor Ignore, Nerve Strike
Saurosaurus 3 5 Yes 102 Life Leech, Concussion Blow, Tail Swipe Tailed
Savage Ridgeback 1 3 No 83.1 Clawed Mounts, Dismount
Scorpion 1 3 Yes 47.1 Arachnid Poisoning Tailed
Serpentine Dragon 3 5 Karma Based 108 Dragon Breath, Magery Magical, Tailed, Clawed Good
Sewer Rat 1 2 Yes 0 Tailed, Clawed
Shadow Wyrm 5 5 Yes 105 Necromancy, Magery, Dragon Breath Necromantic, Tailed
Sheep 1 2 No 11.1
Skittering Hopper 1 2 No 0 Clawed
Skree 3 5 No 95.1 Mysticism Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Slime 1 2 Yes 23.1 Poisoning Sticky Skin
Slith 1 4 Yes 80.7 Dragon Breath Tailed, Clawed
Snake 1 2 Yes 59.1 Poisoning
Snow Leopard 1 3 No 53.1 Feline Tailed, Clawed
Squirrel 1 2 No -21.3 Clawed
Stone Slith 1 5 Yes 65.1 Tail Swipe, Grasping Claw, Bleed Tailed, Clawed
Stygian Drake 4 5 Yes 85 Magery Mastery
Swamp Dragon 1 1 Yes 93.9 Mounts, Restricted
Timber Wolf 1 3 No 23.1 Canine Clawed
Triceratops 3 5 No 102 Piercing, Paralyzing Blow, Armor Ignore, Bleed
Tsuki Wolf 3 5 Yes 96 Rage Magical, Necromantic, Tailed, Clawed
Turkey 1 2 No -0.9 Clawed
Unicorn 2 5 Karma Based 95.1 Magery Magical Mounts, Good, Female
Vollem 3 5 No Magery, Dragon Breath Magical, Tailed
Walrus 1 3 No 35.1
War Horse 1 No 29.1 Mounts, Factions
War Ostard 1 No Clawed Mounts, Factions
White Wolf 1 3 No 65.1 Canine Tailed, Clawed
White Wyrm 3 5 Yes 96.3 Magery Magical, Tailed, Clawed
Wild Tiger 2 5 Yes 95.1 Bleed, Grasping Claw Tailed, Clawed
Windrunner 1 3 No Necromantic, Tailed Mounts
Wolf Spider 1 3 Yes 59.1 Arachnid Poisoning

See Also