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Template:Inscription Craftables

Item Components Skill Remarks
Scroll Red South.png
Magery Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
Mana/Reagents equal to those required to cast the spell.
Varies See Scrolls - Magery for individual skill requirements. You must already have a spell with you in order to copy it.
Scroll Animate Dead.png
Necromancy Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
Mana/Reagents equal to those required to cast the spell.
Varies See Scrolls - Necromancy for individual skill requirements. You must already have a spell with you in order to copy it.
Scroll spell plague.png
Mysticism Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
Mana/Reagents equal to those required to cast the spell.
Varies See Scrolls - Mysticism for individual skill requirements. You must already have a spell with you in order to copy it.
Enchanted Switch
1 Blank Scroll
1 Spiders' Silk
1 Black Pearl
1 Switch
45% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion.
Runed Prism
1 Hollow Prism
1 Blank Scroll
1 Spiders' Silk
1 Black Pearl
45% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion.
8 Blank Scrolls
1 Unmarked Rune
1 Recall Scroll
1 Gate Travel Scroll
Runic Atlas
24 Blank Scrolls
3 Unmarked Rune
3 Recall Scroll
3 Gate Travel Scroll
Bulk Order Book.png
Bulk Order Book
10 Blank Scrolls 65%
Mini spellbook.gif
10 Blank Scrolls 50%
Necromancer spellbook.png
Necromancer Spellbook
10 Blank Scrolls 50%
Mysticism spellbook.png
Mysticism Spellbook
10 Blank Scrolls 50%
Scrapper's Compendium.png
Scrapper's Compendium
100 Blank Scrolls
1 Dread Horn Mane
10 Taint
10 Corruption
75% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion and the relevant Recipe.
Scribe's Pen.png
Spellbook Engraving Tool
1 Feather
7 Black Pearl
75% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion.
Blank Scrolls.png
Blank Scrolls
1 Wood Pulp 50%
Scroll binder.png
Scroll Binder
1 Wood Pulp 75%
Book (100 Pages)
40 Blank Scrolls
2 Beeswax
Book (200 Pages)
80 Blank Scrolls
4 Beeswax
Exodus summoning rite.png
Exodus Summoning Rite
5 Taints
5 Daemon Bones
1 Summon Daemon Scroll
5 Daemon Bloods