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The Powerhour

The Powerhour is an hour long talk show focused on Ultima Online, similar to a podcast. Currently airs live every Saturday at 7pm EST, 4pm PST, 1am GMT. It can be listened/viewed at

Participate in the Show

Being a live show, listeners can interact with the host via Twitch chat. Signup for a free user account on Twitch. The chat room is available on every Twitch channel page. Make comments or ask questions on what the hosts are talking about. Or interact with other viewers.

Listen on the Go

Download the mobile app on your iOS or Android smartphone to tune into the show anywhere. The Twitch app has an audio only mode so you can store your phone in your pocket.

Powerhour Episodes

Each past episode is available on JC the Builder's Youtube channel.

# Date Description
-001 6-21-16 A "test" episode which was not done live and under the name "The Britain Crossroads". JC & Zarcon talked about changes coming in Publish 93
000 1-21-17 JC focuses on changes in Publish 96. The planned guest host for this episode turned out to be a troll. Honestly, don't bother listening!
001 1-28-17 JC & Broomy mainly discuss the Bulk Order Deed changes from Publish 95. Then get into a few short topics such as upcoming pet revamp, new player challenges, classic vs enhanced client, and how hard players on Oceania shard have had it. The "true" first episode of the series.
002 2-04-17 JC & Nails Warstein talk about rares. From the server births to EM event items.
003 2-11-17 JC & Broomy talk about the Doom gauntlet changes.
004 2-18-17 JC goes over the history of Champion Spawns. But the show goes poorly due to lack of planning.
005 2-25-17 The show improved greatly this week, as JC spent time planning this episode. Discussion on the Publish 96 updates and call for new castle designs for the 20th anniversary.
006 3-04-17 Discussion on a variety of happenings and news from the past week.
007 3-11-17
008 3-18-17 First attempt at creating a little intro scene. Talked about the initial release of Publish 97 on Test Center. Also the Tournament of Champions starting on Atlantic with 4 billion gold prize. Later, a little exploration in the Tokuno Islands leads to an unpleasant discovery!


List of people who have appeared on the show. If anyone is interested in being a guest host they should contact JC the Builder.

  • JC the Builder - UOGuide Administrator
  • BroomyBroom - UOGuide Contributor
  • Zarcon - HOT Guild Council Member
  • Nails Warstein - Rare Item Historian

Future Topics

List of ideas for future shows. If you have show ideas contact JC.

See Also

  • This UO House - a home building show airing every Saturday at 6pm EST (right before the Powerhour)