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Adding Icons to UO Auto-Map

Beginning with verison 5.0, UOAM now supports assigning icons to categories. This document discusses how to assign icons to categories and where those icons come from.

First of all, it needs to be said that UOAM doesn't just support icons, it also supports cursors. The difference is a subtle one. Cursors in Windows are essentially just like icons with one minor difference: cursors have an explicit location called a "hot-spot" that determines where they will be drawn. An icon has a hot-spot as well, but it's always located at the center of the icon. A cursor's hot-spot can be located anywhere.

How Do I Associate an Icon With a Category?

Go to the Filters pane in the control panel and either create a new category or select an existing category and press the Edit button. It should be obvious what to do next.

Where Do Icons Come From?

Ah little one. I have been waiting for you to ask this delicate question. Sit here while I tell you the facts of life.

UOAM can use any .EXE, .DLL, .CUR or .ICO file as a source of icons and cursors. Also, UOAM has a built-in set of icons and it is intelligent enough to associate them with common category names. UOAM will suggest a default icon for you whenever you create a category with one of the following names:

archers guild, armaments guild, armourers guild, arms, assasins guild, baker, bank, barbershop, bard, bardic guild, beekeeper, blacksmith, blacksmiths guild, body of water, bowyer, brass, bridge, butcher, carpenter, castle, cavalry guild, cooks guild, customs, docks, dungeon, exit, fighters guild, fishermans guild, fletcher, gate, gem, graveyard, guild, hand, healer, healersguild, illusionists guild, inn, island, jeweler, keep, landmark, large house, library, log cabin, loot, mage, mages guild, marble patio, marble shop, market, merchants guild, minax's fortress, miners guild, moongate, painter, patio house, pin, point of interest, point, provisioner, provisioners guild, reagents, rogues guild, ruins, sailors guild, sandstone patio, scenic, ship, shipwright, shipwrights guild, shrine, small house, small tower, sorcerers guild, stable, stairs, stone shop, tailor, tanner, tavern, teleporter, tent, terrain, theater, thieves guild, tinker, tinkers guild, tower, town, traders guild, two story house, villa, warriors guild, weapons guild, small boat (N), small boat (S), small boat (E), small boat (W), medium boat (N), medium boat (S), medium boat (E), medium boat (W), large boat (N), large boat (S), large boat (E), large boat (W), UOAM-l, UOAM-s, and UOAM.

You can create your own icons and cursors by using any tool designed to create Windows icons and cursors. Microsoft Visual Studio comes immediately to mind but there are certainly many other choices out there. Get on a search engine and do a search on icon editors and I'm sure you will find something that meets your needs.

See Also