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List of Artifacts

The following table contains a complete list of artifacts found in the game. To sort by column, click the dot after the column name.

Catogory Picture Item Name Type Source Still Spawning Race Restriction
Archery Abhorrence.gif Abhorrence Crossbow Artifacts (Ararat)
Archery Blight Gripped Longbow.png Blight Gripped Longbow Elven Composite Longbow Artifacts (Craftable)
Archery Blight of the tundra.png Blight of the Tundra Composite Bow Artifacts (Covetous)
Archery BowoftheJukaKing.gif Bow of the Juka King Bow Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Archery Faerie Fire.png Faerie Fire Elven Composite Longbow Artifacts (Craftable)
Archery Frostbringer.png Frostbringer Bow Artifacts (Doom)
Archery Yumi.png Halawa’s Hunting Bow Yumi Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Archery Yumi.png Hanzo's Bow Yumi Artifacts (ToT) No
Archery Ironwood composite bow.png Ironwood Composite Bow Composite Bow Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Archery Mischief Maker.png Mischief Maker Magical Shortbow Artifacts (Craftable)
Archery Nox Ranger's Heavy Crossbow.png Nox Ranger's Heavy Crossbow Heavy Crossbow Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Archery Runed driftwood bow.png Runed Driftwood Bow Bow Artifacts (Message In A Bottle)
Archery Shamino's Best Crossbow.png Shamino's Best Crossbow Repeating Crossbow Artifacts (Other)
Archery Silvanis feywood bow.gif Silvani's Feywood Bow Elven Composite Longbow Artifacts (Craftable)
Archery Bow.png Swiftflight Bow Artifacts (Other)
Archery The Dryad Bow.png The Dryad Bow Bow Artifacts (Doom)
Archery Yumi.png The Horselord Yumi Artifacts (ToT) No
Archery The Night Reaper.png The Night Reaper Repeating Crossbow Artifacts (Craftable)
Archery Wildfire Bow.png Wildfire Bow Elven Composite Longbow Artifacts (ML)
Archery Wind of corruption.png Wind of Corruption Bow Artifacts (Other)
Archery Windsong.png Windsong Magical Shortbow Artifacts (ML)
Fencing (1 Hand) BlackthornsKryss.png Blackthorn's Kryss Kryss Vesper Museum Collection
Fencing (1 Hand) Blade of battle.png Blade of Battle Shortblade Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Fencing (2 Hand) Claws of the berserker.png Claws of the Berserker Tekagi Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Fencing (2 Hand) Cold Forged Blade.png Cold Forged Blade Elven Spellblade Artifacts (Craftable)
Fencing (2 Hand) Craven gargoyle.gif Craven Dual Pointed Spear Artifacts (Ararat) Gargoyle
Fencing (2 Hand) Kama.png Darkened Sky Kama Artifacts (ToT) No
Fencing (2 Hand) Sai.png Demon Forks Sai Artifacts (ToT) No
Fencing (2 Hand) Demon hunters standard.png Demon Hunter's Standard Spear Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Fencing (1 Hand) Dreads revenge.png Dread's Revenge Kryss Artifacts (Peerless)
Fencing (2 Hand) EnchantedTitanLegBone.gif Enchanted Titan Leg Bone Short Spear Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Fencing (1 Hand) Fang of Ractus (Replica).png Fang of Ractus Kryss Champion Spawn Artifacts
Fencing (1 Hand) Flesh Ripper.png Flesh Ripper Assassin Spike Artifacts (ML)
Fencing (1 Hand) Hailstorm.png Hailstorm War Fork Artifacts (Despise)
Fencing (1 Hand) Hailstorm gargoyle.png Hailstorm Gargish War Fork Artifacts (Despise) Gargoyle
Fencing (1 Hand) NightsKiss.gif Night's Kiss Dagger Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Fencing (2 Hand) Spear.png Lerei’s Hunting Spear Dual Pointed Spear Artifacts (Shadowguard) Gargoyle
Fencing (2 Hand) Dual pointed spear.gif Lerei’s Hunting Spear Spear Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Fencing (1 Hand) Life Syphon.png Life Syphon Bloodblade Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Fencing (1 Hand) LunaLance.gif Luna Lance Lance Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Fencing (1 Hand) Dagger.png Misericord Dagger Artifacts (Other)
Fencing (1 Hand) Dagger.png Oblivion's Needle Dagger Champion Spawn Artifacts
Fencing (2 Hand) Pacify (Replica).png Pacify Pike Champion Spawn Artifacts
Fencing (1 Hand) Raed's Glory.png Raed's Glory War Cleaver Artifacts (ML)
Fencing (1 Hand) Rune Carving Knife.png Rune Carving Knife Assassin Spike Artifacts (Craftable)
Fencing (1 Hand) Serpent's Fang.png Serpent's Fang Kryss Artifacts (Doom)
Fencing (2 Hand) Standard of chaos human.png Standard of Chaos Double Bladed Staff Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Fencing (2 Hand) Standard of chaos.png Standard of Chaos Dual Pointed Spear Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Fencing (1 Hand) Stone dragons tooth.png Stone Dragon's Tooth Gargish Dagger Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Fencing (1 Hand) The Dragon Slayer.png The Dragon Slayer Lance Artifacts (Doom)
Fencing (1 Hand) The Taskmaster.png The Taskmaster War Fork Artifacts (Doom)
Fencing (1 Hand) VorpalBlade.png Vorpal Blade Kryss EM Event No
Macing (1 Hand) Arctic Death Dealer.png Arctic Death Dealer War Mace Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Macing (1 Hand) Balakaisshamanstaff.png Balakai’s Shaman Staff Wand Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Macing (1 Hand) BalakaiWildStaff.png Balakai’s Shaman Staff Wild Staff Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Macing (1 Hand) The Berserker's Maul.png The Berserker's Maul Maul Artifacts (Doom)
Macing (1 Hand) Bone Crusher.png Bone Crusher War Mace Artifacts (Doom)
Macing (1 Hand) Bonesmasher.png Bonesmasher Diamond Mace Artifacts (ML)
Macing (1 Hand) Boomstick.png Boomstick Wild Staff Artifacts (ML)
Macing (1 Hand) Cavorting Club.png Cavorting Club Club Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Macing (1 Hand) Deaths head.png Death's Head Disc Mace Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Macing (2 Hand) Nunchaku.png Dragon Nunchaku Nunchaku Artifacts (ToT) No
Macing (2 Hand) Eternal guardian staff.png Eternal Guardian Staff Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Macing (2 Hand) Equivocation human.gif Equivocation Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Ararat)
Macing (2 Hand) Equivocation gargoyle.gif Equivocation Gargish Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Ararat) Gargoyle
Macing (2 Hand) Tetsubo.png Exiler Tetsubo Artifacts (ToT) No
Macing (1 Hand) Illustrious wand of thundering glory.png Illustrious Wand of Thundering Glory Wand Artifacts (High Seas)
Macing (1 Hand) The impalers pick.png The Impaler's Pick Hammer Pick Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Macing (1 Hand) Jade war axe.png Jade War Axe War Axe Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Macing (2 Hand) Jaana's Staff.png Jaana's Staff Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Virtue)
Macing (2 Hand) Shepherd's Crook.png Katrina's Crook Shepherd's Crook Artifacts (Virtue)
Macing (2 Hand) Equivocation gargoyle.gif Kotl Black Rod Gargish Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Craftable) Gargoyle
Macing (2 Hand) KotlBlackRod.png Kotl Black Rod Black Staff Artifacts (Craftable)
Macing (2 Hand) Petrified snake.png Petrified Snake Serpentstone Staff Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Macing (1 Hand) Phantom Staff.png Phantom Staff Wild Staff Artifacts (Craftable)
Macing (2 Hand) Tessen.png Pilfered Dancer Fans Tessen Artifacts (ToT) No
Macing (1 Hand) PixieSwatter.gif Pixie Swatter Scepter Artifacts (ML)
Macing (2 Hand) Resonant staff of enlightenment.png Resonant Staff of Enlightenment Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Macing (1 Hand) Rune engraved peg leg.png Rune Engraved Peg Leg Club Artifacts (High Seas)
Macing (1 Hand) ScepteroftheChief.png Scepter of the Chief Scepter Artifacts (Peerless)
Macing (1 Hand) Scepter.png Scepter of Pride Scepter Treasures of Doom
Macing (1 Hand) Shard Thrasher.png Shard Thrasher Diamond Mace Artifacts (Craftable)
Macing (2 Hand) StaffofPower.png Staff of Power Black Staff Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Macing (2 Hand) StaffofPyros.png Staff of Pyros Black Staff EM Event No
Macing (2 Hand) Staff of resonance.png Staff of Resonance Glass Staff Stygian Abyss stealables Gargoyle
Macing (2 Hand) Staff of shattered dreams.png Staff of Shattered Dreams Glass Staff Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Macing (2 Hand) Staff Of The Magi.png Staff of the Magi Black Staff Artifacts (Doom)
Macing (2 Hand) Titan's Hammer.png Titan's Hammer War Hammer Doom stealables
Macing (2 Hand) Tessen.png Wind's Edge Tessen Artifacts (ToT) No
Macing (2 Hand) WrathoftheDryad.gif Wrath of the Dryad Gnarled Staff Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Swords (1 Hand) Abyssal blade.png Abyssal Blade Stone War Sword Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (2 Hand) Axe of abandon.png Axe of Abandon Large Battle Axe Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (2 Hand) Axe Of The Heavens.png Axe of the Heavens Double Axe Artifacts (Doom)
Swords (2 Hand) Axes of fury.png Axes of Fury Dual Short Axes Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Swords (2 Hand) Bardiche.png Berserker's Bardiche Bardiche EM Event No
Swords (2 Hand) BerserkersScythe.png Berserker's Scythe Scythe EM Event No
Swords (2 Hand) Blade Dance.png Blade Dance Rune Blade Artifacts (ML)
Swords (1 Hand) Blade Of Insanity.png Blade of Insanity Katana Artifacts (Doom)
Swords (1 Hand) Blade Of The Righteous.png Blade of the Righteous Longsword Doom stealables
Swords (2 Hand) Blaze Of Death.png Blaze of Death Halberd Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Swords (1 Hand) Brave Knight of The Britannia (Replica).png Brave Knight of the Britannia Katana Champion Spawn Artifacts
Swords (1 Hand) Breath Of The Dead.png Breath of the Dead Bone Harvester Artifacts (Doom)
Swords (1 Hand) Brightblade gargoyle.png Brightblade Gargish Katana Artifacts (Covetous) Gargoyle
Swords (1 Hand) Brightblade.png Brightblade Katana Artifacts (Covetous)
Swords (2 Hand) Halberd.png Calm Halberd Champion Spawn Artifacts
Swords (1 Hand) Captain Johne gargoyle.gif Captain Johne's Blade Glass Sword Artifacts (Ararat) Gargoyle
Swords (1 Hand) Captain Johne human.gif Captain Johne's Blade Scimitar Artifacts (Ararat)
Swords (1 Hand) CaptainQuacklebushsCutlass.gif Captain Quacklebush's Cutlass Cutlass Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Swords (2 Hand) Cavalrys folly.png Cavalry's Folly Bladed Staff Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (1 Hand) Channelers defender.png Channeler's Defender Glass Sword Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (1 Hand) Cold Blood.png Cold Blood Cleaver Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Swords (1 Hand) Defiler of virtue.png Defiler of Virtue Katana EM Event No
Swords (1 Hand) Draconis wrath.png Draconi's Wrath Katana Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (1 Hand) Dragon's End.png Dragon's End Longsword Artifacts (Virtue)
Swords (2 Hand) GeoffreysAxe.png Geoffrey's Axe Executioner's Axe Vesper Museum Collection
Swords (2 Hand) BerserkersScythe.png Grim Reaper's Scythe Scythe Artifacts (Other) No
Swords (1 Hand) The Holy Sword.png Holy Sword Longsword Artifacts (Other)
Swords (2 Hand) Bardiche.png Invalis's Burchete Bardiche EM Event No
Swords (1 Hand) Legacy of despair.png Legacy of Despair Dread Sword Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (2 Hand) Legacy Of The Dread Lord.png Legacy of the Dread Lord Bardiche Artifacts (Doom)
Swords (2 Hand) Light in the void.png Light in the Void Gargish Talwar Stygian Abyss stealables Gargoyle
Swords (2 Hand) Luminous Rune Blade.png Luminous Rune Blade Rune Blade Artifacts (Craftable)
Swords (1 Hand) Mangler.png Mangler Broadsword Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (2 Hand) MelisandesCorrodedHatchet.png Melisande's Corroded Hatchet Hatchet Artifacts (Peerless)
Swords (1 Hand) Mocapotlsobsidiansword.gif Mocapotl’s Obsidian Sword Paladin Sword Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Swords (1 Hand) Obsidian Blade.png Obsidian Blade Longsword EM Event No
Swords (1 Hand) Overseer Sundered Blade.png Overseer Sundered Blade Radiant Scimitar Artifacts (Craftable)
Swords (1 Hand) Bokuto.png Peasant's Bokuto Bokuto Artifacts (ToT) No
Swords (2 Hand) Pincer gargoyle.gif Pincer Gargish Battle Axe Artifacts (Ararat) Gargoyle
Swords (2 Hand) Pincer human.gif Pincer Battle Axe Artifacts (Ararat)
Swords (1 Hand) Planesword.png Planesword Longsword EM Event No
Swords (2 Hand) Bardiche.png Quell Bardiche Champion Spawn Artifacts
Swords (1 Hand) Righteous Anger.png Righteous Anger Elven Machete Artifacts (ML)
Swords (1 Hand) Royal Guard Survival Knife (Replica).png Royal Guard Survival Knife Butcher Knife Champion Spawn Artifacts
Swords (2 Hand) Smiling moon blade.png Smiling Moon Blade Crescent Blade Artifacts (High Seas)
Swords (1 Hand) Soul Seeker.png Soul Seeker Radiant Scimitar Artifacts (ML)
Swords (2 Hand) Scythe.png Subdue Scythe Champion Spawn Artifacts
Swords (1 Hand) Viking Sword.png Sword of Justice Viking Sword Vesper Museum Collection
Swords (1 Hand) Sword of shattered hopes.png Sword of Shattered Hopes Glass Sword Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (2 Hand) No-Dachi.png Sword of the Stampede No-Dachi Artifacts (ToT) No
Swords (2 Hand) Daisho.png Swords of Prosperity Daisho Artifacts (ToT) No
Swords (2 Hand) Talon Bite.png Talon Bite Ornate Axe Artifacts (ML)
Swords (1 Hand) The culling blade.png The Culling Blade Bone Harvester Artifacts (High Seas)
Swords (2 Hand) No-Dachi.png The Destroyer No-Dachi Artifacts (ToT) No
Swords (1 Hand) The Redeemer.png The Redeemer Paladin Sword EM Event No
Swords (1 Hand) Vampiric essence.png Vampiric Essence Cutlass Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Swords (2 Hand) Zyronic Claw.png Zyronic Claw Executioner's Axe Doom stealables
Throwing Banshees call.png Banshee's Call Cyclone Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Throwing Blight of the tundra gargoyle.png Blight of the Tundra Soul Glaive Artifacts (Covetous) Gargoyle
Throwing Soul glaive.gif Halawa’s Hunting Bow Soul Glaive Artifacts (Shadowguard) Gargoyle
Throwing Raptor claw.png Raptor Claw Boomerang Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Throwing Stone slith claw.png Stone Slith Claw Cyclone Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Throwing Storm caller.png Storm Caller Boomerang Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Throwing Valkyries glaive.png Valkyrie's Glaive Soul Glaive Stygian Abyss stealables Gargoyle
Throwing Wind of corruption gargish.png Wind of Corruption Cyclone Artifacts (Other) Gargoyle
Shield Aegis.png Aegis Heater Shield Artifacts (Doom)
Shield Arcane Shield.png Arcane Shield Tear Kite Shield Artifacts (Doom)
Shield Boura tail shield.png Boura Tail Shield Tear Kite Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Shield Chaos Shield - Museum of Vesper Replica.png Chaos Shield - Museum of Vesper Replica Chaos Shield Vesper Museum Collection
Shield Defender of the magus.png Defender of the Magus Metal Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Shield Dragon hide shield.png Dragon Hide Shield Gargish Kite Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Shield Dupre's Shield.png Dupre's Shield Chaos Shield Artifacts (Other)
Shield Wooden shield.png Grugor’s Shield Wooden Shield Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Shield Gargish wooden shield.gif Grugor’s Shield Gargish Wooden Shield Artifacts (Shadowguard) Gargoyle
Shield Hephaestus gargoyle.png Hephaestus Large Plate Shield Artifacts (Covetous) Gargoyle
Shield Hephaestus.png Hephaestus Heater Shield Artifacts (Covetous)
Shield Lights rampart.png Light's Rampart Metal Shield Champion Spawn Artifacts
Shield Lord Blackthorn's Exemplar.png Lord Blackthorn's Exemplar Chaos Shield Artifacts (Virtue)
Shield Maleki's Honor (Juggernaut Set).png Maleki's Honor Metal Kite Shield Artifacts (Other)
Shield Mystics Guard.png Mystic's Guard Small Plate Shield Stygian Abyss stealables Gargoyle
Shield Order Shield - Museum Of Vesper Replica.png Order Shield - Museum of Vesper Replica Order Shield Vesper Museum Collection
Shield Pillar of strength.png Pillar of Strength Large Stone Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Shield Planeshield.png Planeshield Metal Kite Shield EM Event No
Shield Resonant shield of vengeance.png Resonant Shield of Vengeance Bronze Shield Artifacts (Other)
Shield Resonant shield of vengeance gargish.png Resonant Shield of Vengeance Gargish Wooden Shield Artifacts (Other) Gargoyle
Shield Sentinel's Guard.png Sentinel's Guard Order Shield Artifacts (Virtue)
Shield Shield Of Invulnerability.png Shield of Invulnerability Order Shield Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Shield Sign of chaos.png Sign of Chaos Gargish Chaos Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Shield Sign of chaos human.png Sign of Chaos Chaos Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Shield Sign of order.png Sign of Order Gargish Order Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Shield Order shield.png Sign of Order Order Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Shield Surge shield gargoyle.png Surge Shield Gargish Wooden Shield Artifacts (Traditional Minor) Gargoyle
Shield Surge shield human.png Surge Shield Bronze Shield Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Shield TongueoftheBeast.png Tongue of the Beast Tear Kite Shield Champion Spawn Artifacts
Shield Wall of hungry mouths.png Wall of Hungry Mouths Heater Shield Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Instruments ArachnidDoom.png Arachnid Doom Instrument Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Instruments Dread flute.png Dread Flute Instrument Artifacts (Peerless)
Instruments Bamboo Flute.png Flute of Renewal Instrument Artifacts (ToT) No
Instruments Gwenno's Harp.png Gwenno's Harp Instrument Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Instruments Iolo's Lute.png Iolo's Lute Instrument Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Instruments NaturesTears.png Nature's Tears Instrument Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Instruments PrimordialDecay.png Primordial Decay Instrument Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Bracelet Alchemist's Bauble.png Alchemist's Bauble Bracelet Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Neck AnkhPendant.png Ankh Pendant Necklace Artifacts (Virtue)
Bracelet Bracelet Of Health.png Bracelet of Health Bracelet Artifacts (Doom)
Bracelet Bracelet of protection.png Bracelet of Protection Bracelet Artifacts (Covetous)
Ring Burning amber.png Burning Amber Ring Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Ring Compassion's eye.png Compassion's Eye Ring Artifacts (Despise)
Ring CrystallineRing.png Crystalline Ring Ring Artifacts (Peerless)
Ring Demon bridle ring.png Demon Bridle Ring Ring Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Ring Djinni'sRing.png Djinni's Ring Ring Champion Spawn Artifacts
Gargoyle Earrings Dragon jade earrings.png Dragon Jade Earrings Gargoyle Earrings Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Head Elven Glasses.png Dr. Spector's Lenses Glasses Artifacts (Craftable)
Bracelet Enchanted coral bracelet.png Enchanted Coral Bracelet Bracelet Artifacts (High Seas)
Ring Essence Of Battle.png Essence of Battle Ring Artifacts (Craftable)
Ring Etoile Bleue.png Etoile Bleue Ring Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Bracelet Jade armband replica.png Jade Armband Bracelet Champion Spawn Artifacts
Ring Ring.png Katalkotl's Ring Ring Treasures of the Kotl City
Neck Lavaliere.png Lavaliere Necklace Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Ring Lune Rouge.png Lune Rouge Ring Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Gargoyle Earrings Obsidian earrings.png Obsidian Earrings Gargoyle Earrings Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Bracelet Ornament Of The Magician.png Ornament of the Magician Bracelet Artifacts (Doom)
Bracelet Novo Bleue.png Novo Bleue Bracelet Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Neck Pendant Of The Magi.png Pendant of the Magi Necklaces Artifacts (Craftable)
Ring Petrified Matriarchs Tongue.png Petrified Matriarch's Tongue Ring EM Event No
Bracelet Resillient Bracer.png Resillient Bracer Bracelet Artifacts (Craftable)
Ring Ring Of The Elements.png Ring of the Elements Ring Artifacts (Doom)
Ring Ring of the soulbinder.png Ring of the Soulbinder Ring Artifacts (High Seas)
Ring Ring Of The Vile.png Ring of the Vile Ring Artifacts (Doom)
Bracelet Soleil Rouge.png Soleil Rouge Bracelet Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Bracelet Token of holy favor.png Token of Holy Favor Bracelet Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Gargoyle Necklace Torc of the guardians.png Torc of the Guardians Gargoyle Necklace Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Bracelet Venom.png Venom Bracelet Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Talisman Talisman (Serpent).png A Grammar of Orcish Talisman Britain Library Collection
Robe A Necromancer Shroud (Replica).png A Necromancer Shroud Robe Champion Spawn Artifacts
Talisman Primer On Arms Damage Removal.png A Primer on Arms Talisman Britain Library Collection
Robe Acid-proof robe.png Acid-Proof Robe Robe Champion Spawn Artifacts
Feet Talons.png Anon's Boots Talons Artifacts (Shadowguard) Gargoyle
Feet Anonsboots.png Anon's Boots Boots Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Talisman BirdsOfBritannia.png Birds of Britannia Talisman Britain Library Collection
Talisman Bloodwood Spirit.png Bloodwood Spirit Talisman Artifacts (ML)
Feet Thigh Boots.png Boots of Escaping Thigh Boots Treasures of the Kotl City
Feet Talons.png Boots of Escaping Talons Treasures of the Kotl City Gargoyle
Robe CloakofCorruption.png Cloak of Corruption Elven Robe EM Event No
Robe Cloak Of Death.png Cloak Of Death Elven Robe EM Event No
Robe Cloak Of Life.png Cloak Of Life Elven Robe EM Event No
Back Cloak.png Cloak of Light Cloak Treasures of Doom No
Robe Cloak Of Power.png Cloak Of Power Elven Robe EM Event No
Robe Cloak Of Silence.png Cloak Of Silence Elven Robe EM Event No
Robe Conjurer's garb.png Conjurer's Garb Robe Halloween 2009 No
Talisman Conjurer's Trinket.png Conjurer's Trinket Talisman Halloween 2008 No
Sash Corguls enchanted sash.png Corgul's Enchanted Sash Body Sash Artifacts (High Seas)
Waist Crimson cincture.png Crimson Cincture Half Apron Artifacts (Peerless)
Back Despicable quiver.png Despicable Quiver Quiver Artifacts (Despise)
Talisman Duelistsedge.png Duelist's Edge Talisman Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Feet Boots.png Elder Detective of the Royal Guard Boots Champion Spawn Artifacts
Feet Boots.png Legendary Detective of the Royal Guard Boots Champion Spawn Artifacts
Feet Boots.png Mythical Detective of the Royal Guard Boots Champion Spawn Artifacts
Shroud EmbroideredOakLeafCloak.png Embroidered Oak Leaf Cloak Shroud Champion Spawn Artifacts
Talisman Enchantresscameo.gif Enchantress’ Cameo Talisman Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Back Feathernock.png Feathernock Quiver Artifacts (Other)
Talisman Frostguard talisman.png Frostguard Talisman EM Event No
Robe GoodSamaritanofBritan.png Good Samaritan of Britain Robe Champion Spawn Artifacts
Robe Hawkwindsrobe.gif Hawkwind's Robe Fancy Robe Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Talisman Jade snake head.png Jade Snake Head Talisman EM Event No
Back Gargish leather wing armor.png Jumu’s Sacred Hide Leather Wing Armor Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Back Jumussacredhide.png Jumu’s Sacred Hide Cape Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Sash Lieutenant of The Britannian Royal Guard (Replica).png Lieutenant of The Britannian Royal Guard Body Sash Champion Spawn Artifacts
Talisman LuckyCharm.png Lucky Charm Talisman Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Talisman Mana phasing orb.png Mana Phasing Orb Talisman Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Back Melissa'sCloak.png Melissa's Cloak Cloak EM Event No
Feet Talons.png Minax's Sandals Talons Artifacts (Shadowguard) Gargoyle
Feet Minax'sSandals.png Minax's Sandals Sandals Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Shroud The Most Knowledge Shroud (Replica).png The Most Knowledge Person Shroud Champion Spawn Artifacts
Talisman MyBookTalisman.png My Book Talisman Britain Library Collection
Gargish Robe Mystics garb.png Mystic's Garb Gargish Robe Artifacts (Stygian Abyss) Gargoyle
Talisman Mysticsmomento.png Mystic's Memento Talisman Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Talisman Necromancersphylactery.png Necromancer's Phylactery Talisman Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Earrings Nocturne earrings.png Nocturne Earrings Earrings Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Belt Obi di ense.png Obi Di Ense Obi Champion Spawn Artifacts
Belt Ozymandias’Obi.png Ozymandias’ Obi Obi Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Feet Pads Of The Cu Sidhe.png Pads of the Cu Sidhe Fur Boots Artifacts (ML)
Back Quiver Of Blight.png Quiver of Blight Quiver Artifacts (Craftable)
Back Quiver Of Infinity.png Quiver of Infinity Quiver Artifacts (Other)
Back Quiver Of Rage.png Quiver of Rage Quiver Artifacts (ML)
Back Quiver Of The Elements.png Quiver of the Elements Quiver Artifacts (ML)
Back Rangers cloak of augmentation.png Ranger's Cloak of Augmentation Cloak EM Event No
Robe The Robe of Britannia - Ari (Replica).png The Robe of Britannia "Ari" Robe Champion Spawn Artifacts
Robe Robe Of The Equinox.png Robe of the Equinox Robe Artifacts (ML) Elves
Robe Robe Of The Eclipse.png Robe of the Eclipse Robe Artifacts (ML)
Back Royal guard investigator.png Royal Guard Investigator Cloak Champion Spawn Artifacts
Sash Runed sash of warding.png Runed Sash of Warding Body Sash Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Back Shadow cloak of rejuvenation.png Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation Cloak EM Event No
Feet Talons.png Shanty's Waders Talons Artifacts (Shadowguard) Gargoyle
Feet Thigh Boots.png Shanty's Waders Thighboots Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Robe Shroud of the condemned.png Shroud of the Condemned Robe Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Talisman Slither.png Slither Talisman Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Talisman Soldiersmedal.jpg Soldier's Medal Talisman Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Sash Body Sash.png Spell Focusing Sash Body Sash EM Event No
Talisman Talisman (Serpent).png Talisman of the Fey Talisman Artifacts (Other)
Talisman TalkingtoWisps.png Talking to Wisps Talisman Britain Library Collection
Waist Tangle.png Tangle Half Apron Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Talisman TheLifeofaTravelingMinstrel.png The Life of a Travelling Minstrel Talisman Britain Library Collection
Talisman Totemofthetribe.gif Totem of the Tribe Talisman Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Talisman Totem Of The Void.png Totem of the Void Talisman Artifacts (ML)
Talisman TreatiseonAlchemy.png Treatise on Alchemy Talisman Britain Library Collection
Feet UnicornManeWovenTalons.png Unicorn Mane Woven Talons Talons Artifacts (Despise) Gargoyle
Feet Unicorn mane woven sandals.png Unicorn Mane Woven Sandals Sandals Artifacts (Despise)
Earrings Wamap'sBoneEarrings.png Wamap’s Bone Earrings Earrings Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Talisman Wizardscurio.png Wizard's Curio Talisman Clean Up Britannia (2011-Present)
Magery Spellbook Anonsspellbook.gif Anon's Spellbook Spellbook Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Magery Spellbook Clainins spellbook.png Clainin's Spellbook Spellbook Vesper Museum Collection
Magery Spellbook Conjurer's Grimoire.png Conjurer's Grimoire Spellbook Halloween 2008 No
Mysticism Spellbook Corguls handbook on mysticism.png Corgul's Handbook on Mysticism Spellbook Artifacts (High Seas)
Necromancy Spellbook Corguls handbook on the undead.png Corgul's Handbook on the Undead Spellbook Artifacts (High Seas)
Mysticism Spellbook Fallen mystics spellbook.png Fallen Mystic's Spellbook Spellbook Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Necromancy Spellbook Necromancer Spellbook.png Juo’nar’s Grimoire Spellbook Artifacts (Shadowguard)
Necromancy Spellbook Necromancer Spellbook.png Ossian Grimoire Spellbook Artifacts (Other)
Magery Spellbook Scrapper's Compendium.png Scrapper's Compendium Spellbook Artifacts (Craftable)
Magery Spellbook Tome Of Enlightenment.png Tome of Enlightenment Spellbook Artifacts (ToT) No
Magery Spellbook Tome Of Lost Knowledge.png Tome of Lost Knowledge Spellbook Artifacts (ToT) No
Head Aegis of Grace (Circlet).png Aegis of Grace Circlet Artifacts (ML)
Head Kasa.png Ancient Farmer's Kasa Kasa Artifacts (ToT) No
Head Kabuto.png Ancient Samurai Helm Kabuto Artifacts (Other)
Chest Platemail Do.png Ancient Samurai Do Platemail Do Artifacts (ToT) No
Legs Animated legs of the insane tinker.png Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker Platemail Leggings Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Elven Glasses.png Anthropomorphist Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Chest Armor Of Fortune.png Armor of Fortune Studded Tunic Artifacts (Doom)
Arms Leather Hiro Sode.png Arms of Tactical Excellence Leather Hiro Sode Artifacts (ToT) No
Chest Basilisk hide breastplate.png Basilisk Hide Breastplate Dragon Breastplate Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Cloth Ninja Hood.png Black Lotus Hood Leather Ninja Hood Artifacts (ToT) No
Chest Bramble Coat.png Bramble Coat Wooden Chest Artifacts (Craftable)
Chest Breastplate of the berserker.png Breastplate of the Berserker Gargish Platemail Chest Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Brightsight Lenses.png Brightsight Lenses Glasses Artifacts (ML)
Head Bronzed armor of the valkyrie.png Bronzed Armor of the Valkyrie Studded Bustier Artifacts (Message In A Bottle)
Head Burglar's Bandana.png Burglar's Bandana Bandana Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Head Dread Pirate Hat.png Captain John's Hat Tricorne Hat Champion Spawn Artifacts
Gargish Arms Cast off zombie skin.png Cast-Off Zombie Skin Gargish Leather Arms Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Crown of arcane temperament.png Crown of Arcane Temperament Circlet Stygian Abyss stealables
Head Crown of Tal'Keesh (Replica).png Crown of Tal'Keesh Bandana Champion Spawn Artifacts
Head Platemail Battle Kabuto.png Daimyo's Helm Platemail Battle Kabuto Artifacts (ToT) No
Head Divine Countenance.png Divine Countenance Tribal Mask Artifacts (Doom)
Head Dread Pirate Hat.png Dread Pirate Hat Tricorne Hat Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Legs Enchanted kelp woven leggings.png Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings Leather Leggings Artifacts (Message In A Bottle)
Legs Chainmail Leggings.png Fey Leggings Chainmail Leggings Artifacts (ML) Elven
Legs Chainmail Leggings.png Fey Leggings Chainmail Leggings Artifacts (Peerless)
Head Elven Glasses.png Folded Steel Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Hands Gauntlets of Anger (Replica).png Gauntlets of Anger Platemail Gloves Champion Spawn Artifacts
Hands Gauntlets Of Nobility.png Gauntlets of Nobility Leather Gloves Artifacts (Doom)
Arms Gauntlets of virtue bane.png Gauntlets of Virtue Bane Bone Arms EM Event No
Gargish Legs Giant steps.png Giant Steps Gargish Stone Leggings Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Neck Gladiator's Collar (Replica).png Gladiator's Collar Platemail Gorget Champion Spawn Artifacts
Hands GlovesofthePugilist.gif Gloves of the Pugilist Leather Gloves Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Hands Leather Ninja Mitts.png Gloves of the Sun Leather Ninja Mitts Artifacts (ToT) No
Head Skullcap.png Gypsy Headdress Skullcap Vesper Museum Collection
Head Hat Of The Magi.png Hat of the Magi Wizard's Hat Artifacts (Doom)
Chest HeartoftheLion.gif Heart of the Lion Platemail Tunic Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Head Helm Of Insight.png Helm of Insight Plate Helm Artifacts (Doom)
Head Helm Of Swiftness.png Helm of Swiftness Helm Artifacts (ML)
Head Helm of vengeance.png Helm of Vengeance Norse Helm Artifacts (High Seas)
Chest Holy Knight's Breastplate.png Holy Knight's Breastplate Platemail Tunic Artifacts (Doom)
Head Hunter's Headdress.png Hunter's Headdress Deer Mask Artifacts (Doom)
Hands The Inquisitor's Resolution.png The Inquisitor's Resolution Platemail Gloves Doom stealables
Head Ironwood Crown.png Ironwood Crown Raven Helm Artifacts (Craftable)
Neck Jackal's Collar.png Jackal's Collar Platemail Gorget Artifacts (Doom)
Head Jester Hat.png Jester Hat of Chuckles Jester Hat Vesper Museum Collection
Head Kasa.png Kasa of the Raj-In Kasa Artifacts (ToT) No
Chest KeeoneansChainMail.png Keeonean's Chain Mail Chainmail Tunic Vesper Museum Collection
Legs Leggings Of Bane.png Leggings of Bane Chainmail Leggings Artifacts (Doom)
Legs Platemail Suneate.png Legs of Stability Platemail Suneate Artifacts (ToT) No
Neck Leurocian's Mempo Of Fortune.png Leurocian's Mempo of Fortune Leather Mempo Artifacts (ToT) No
Arms Leviathan hide bracers.png Leviathan Hide Bracers Leather Sleeves Artifacts (High Seas)
Head Elven Glasses.png Light of the Way Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Head Elven Glasses.png Lyrical Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Head Elven Glasses.png Mace and Shield Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Gargish Chest Mantle of the fallen.png Mantle of the Fallen Gargish Cloth Chest Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Elven Glasses.png Maritime Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Head Mark of the travesty.png Mark of Travesty Tribal Mask Artifacts (Peerless)
Arms Midnight Bracers.png Midnight Bracers Bone Arms Artifacts (Doom)
Chest Minax'sArmor.png Minax's Armor Studded Armor Vesper Museum Collection Female
Head Elven Glasses.png Necromantic Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Head Night eyes.png Night Eyes Glasses Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Wizard's Hat.png Nystul's Wizard's Hat Wizard's Hat Vesper Museum Collection
Head OrcChieftainHelm.png Orc Chieftain Helm Orc Helm Champion Spawn Artifacts
Head OrcishVisage.gif Orcish Visage Orc Helm Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Head Ornate Crown Of The Harrower.png Ornate Crown of the Harrower Bone Helmet Artifacts (Doom)
Head Elven Glasses.png Poisoned Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Head PolarBearMask.png Polar Bear Mask Bear Mask Artifacts (Traditional Minor)
Head Prismatic lenses.png Prismatic Lenses Glasses Artifacts (Covetous)
Head Prismatic lenses gargoyle.png Prismatic Lenses Gargish Glasses Artifacts (Covetous) Gargoyle
Chest Protector of the battle mage.png Protector of the Battle Mage Leather Tunic Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Elven Glasses.png Reading Glasses of the Arts Glasses Britain Library Collection
Head Elven Glasses.png Reading Glasses of the Trades Glasses Britain Library Collection
Legs Royal Leggings Of Embers.png Royal Leggings of Embers Platemail Leggings Artifacts (Other)
Chest Platemail Do.png Rune Beetle Carapace Platemail Do Artifacts (ToT) No
Legs Shadow Dancer Leggings.png Shadow Dancer Leggings Leather Leggings Artifacts (Doom)
Chest Shroud of Deceit (Replica).png Shroud of Deceit Bone Tunic Champion Spawn Artifacts
Arms Song Woven Mantle.png Song Woven Mantle Leaf Arms Artifacts (Craftable)
Legs Spell Woven Britches.png Spell Woven Britches Leaf Leggings Artifacts (Craftable)
Arms Spined bloodworm bracers.png Spined Bloodworm Bracers Gargish Cloth Arms Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Spirit Of The Totem.png Spirit of the Totem Bear Mask Artifacts (Doom)
Hands Stitcher's Mittens.png Stitcher's Mittens Leaf Gloves Artifacts (Craftable)
Arms Stone arms of virtue bane.png Stone Arms of Virtue Bane Gargish Stone Arms EM Event No
Hands Leather Ninja Mitts.png Stormgrip Leather Ninja Mitts Artifacts (ToT) No
Gargish Kilt Summoners kilt.png Summoner's Kilt Gargish Cloth Kilt Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Head Elven Glasses.png Treasures and Trinkets Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection
Chest Tunic Of Fire.png Tunic of Fire Chainmail Tunic Artifacts (Doom)
Back Unforgiven veil.png Unforgiven Veil Gargish Leather Wing Armor Artifacts (Despise) Gargoyle
Chest VioletCourage.png Violet Courage Female Plate Artifacts (Traditional Minor) Female
Neck Voice Of The Fallen King.png Voice of the Fallen King Leather Gorget Artifacts (Doom)
Gargish Kilt Void infused kilt.png Void Infused Kilt Gargish Platemail Kilt Artifacts (Stygian Abyss)
Arms Warded demonbone bracers.png Warded Demonbone Bracers Bone Arms EM Event No
Back WardensArmorofAugmentation.png Warden's Armor of Augmentation Gargish Leather Wing Armor EM Event No Gargoyle
Head Elven Glasses.png Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses Glasses Britain Library Collection