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Publish 90

8/26/2015 – Initial Test Center Release
9/11/2015 – Test Center Update 1
9/17/2015 – Test Center Update 2
9/25/2015 – Test Center Update 3
9/29/2015 – Origin & Izumo Initial Release
10/3/2015 – Origin & Izumo Update 1
10/8/2015 – World Wide Release

Virtue System Updates

The Humility and Spirituality virtues have been implemented via the Virtue Menu. This makes the virtue system complete.


To gain in the virtue of Humility you shed all resistances and kill Monsters. As you gain in Humility you can give a bonus to pets you control.

Gaining Humility

  • To begin the Humility Hunt, say the words “lum lum lum”.
  • During the Humility Hunt players, pets, and summons receive a -70 resist debuff to all resists.
  • Hiding via hiding skill, spells, potions, or turkey feathers is prohibited while on a Humility Hunt.
  • Players receive Humility points for killing evil aligned creatures while on the hunt.
  • To end the hunt a player can speak, “lum lum lum.” After 30 seconds resists return to normal. There is a 60 second cooldown to re-initiate the hunt.

Using Humility

  • Through the virtue menu, double click the Humility virtue to bring up a targeting cursor.
  • Targeting a Pet will provide that pet with a 20 minute Hit Point Regeneration buff based on Humility path and consume some Humility points,
    • Seeker: +10 HPR
    • Follower: +20 HPR
    • Knight: +30 HPR
  • Pets buffed with Humility display a visual effect while under the effects of the buff.


Spirituality is gained by using targeted heals and resurrections on other players including bandages, close wounds, heal, greater heal, gift of renewal, cleansing winds, and rejuvenate.

Using Spirituality

  • Through the virtue menu, double click the humility virtue to bring up a targeting cursor.
  • Targeting a living player or pet will grant a Spirituality shield that will absorb incoming damage based on Spirituality path and consume some Spirituality points,
  • * Seeker: 5% shield, with 50 shield HP
  • * Follower: 10% shield, with 100 shield HP
  • * Knight: 20% shield, with 200 shield HP

Currency Conversion

  • Physical Gold piles will remain in the world.
  • All existing player-owned gold and checks that were located in the player’s bank box have been added to the player’s currency account on the shard.
  • Players must add gold or checks to their currency account in order to use it.
  • To add gold or checks to a player’s currency account, simply place it inside their Bank Box.
  • Bankers no longer create checks from gold stored in the bank box.
  • All bank checks are Shard Bound.
  • Both client Trade Windows have been updated to improve currency account trading.
  • New Currency Type Platinum has been minted. A platinum is valued at 1 billion gold. Once a player’s gold account reaches a balance of 1 billion gold, it will automatically convert to 1 platinum.

New Ways to Interact with Currency

  • Character Transfer Account – any currency that a player wishes to transfer to another shard must be placed in the Character Transfer Account
  • Wall Safe (House Add-on)
    • Can be crafted via the Tinkering skill from the “Miscellaneous” category
    • Once a wall safe is placed in a house, it can store up to 100,000,000 gold.
    • This can be used to conduct offline transactions between players with security access.
    • Currency can only be added/removed from the wall safe using the Secure Account.
  • Secure Account – holds up to 100,000,000 gold and is only used to transfer from the player’s bank to the Wall Safe.
  • New Bank Action Gump
    • Open bank box to view gump and mouse over action buttons for more information.
    • Current balance information will be updated and displayed when trades are successful.

18th Anniversary Gifts

  • All characters that are at least 30 days old that log in between September 1, 2015 at 12am ET and November 18th, 2015 at 11:59pm ET will receive an 18th Anniversary Gift Bag that contains the following,
  • 1 of 2 Masonry Recipes for an 18th Anniversary Vase. The Vases can be found in the "Decorations" category.
  • An Anniversary Plate with different engravings including:
    • "The Stranger Shatters the Gem of Immortality"
    • "Mondain the Wizard Murders King Wolfgang"
    • "Juo'nar the Lich Occupies Trinsic"
    • "Lord Dupre leads an Army Against Exodus"
    • "Minax Enchants the Mage Anon"
    • "Lord Blackthorn Accepts the Throne of Britannia"
    • "The Time Lord Opens a Gate to the Valley of Eodon"
    • "Lord Crawworth Discovers the Lost Lands"
    • A rare chance at, "[Your Character's Name] First Adventures in Britania"
  • An Anniversary Card
  • An Enchanted Timepiece that will change from a Moon Dial to a Sun Dial depending on the time of day.
    • When locked down the shadow on the dial will change to show the current time.
    • Double clicking on the dial will tell you the exact time.

Time of Legends

The following are part of the Ultima Online: Time of Legends expansion and require an upgraded account to use. All accounts that were active during August, September, or October 2015 were automatically given the expansion upgrade.

Skill Masteries

  • The Skill Mastery system has been expanded to include the following skills: Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Bushido, Chivalry, Ninjitsu, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship, Throwing, Parrying, Poisoning, Wrestling, Animal Taming, and Archery.
  • Players may obtain skill masteries from Champion Spawns, Scalis, Charybdis, and the Wreck of the Ararat.
  • Each skill mastery has 3 levels of proficiency and do not have a cumulative requirement (you don’t need to use volume 1 and volume 2 to use volume 3). Double click a volume to learn that mastery.
  • Visit Hawkwind the Timelord near the Valley of Eodon moongate to receive a quest to the first volume of a chosen skill:
    • Quests objectives change hourly and include the Abyss Spawn, Arachnid Spawn, Cold Blood Spawn, Forest Lord Spawn, Unholy Terror Spawn, Vermin Horde Spawn, Sleeping Dragon Spawn, Minotaur Spawn, Corrupt Spawn, Glade Spawn, Dread Horn Peerless, Chief Paroxysmus Peerless, Lady Melisande Peerless, Shimmering Effusion Peerless, Dragon Turtle Spawn.
    • In addition non-Vice vs Virtue players can receive Travesty Peerless and Monstrous Interred Grizzle Peerless.
    • In addition to any of the non-Felucca spawns Vice vs. Virtue players may also receive, Abyssal Infernal Spawn or Primeval Lich Spawn.
  • To switch skill mastery, access the Context Menu on the Mastery Book and select from the list of available masteries.
  • Each skill mastery provides 3 abilities, which can be passive or activated.
  • There is a 10 minute cooldown between switching masteries.


  • Death Ray - The mage focuses a death ray on their opponent which snares the mage to their location and does damage based on magery skill, evaluating intelligence skill, and mastery level as long as the mage has mana and the target is in range
  • Ethereal Blast - The mage restores a large amount of mana based on mastery level and can recast the ability more often based on magery skill, evaluating intelligence skill, and mastery level
  • Enchanted Summoning – User receives a buff to summoned creatures based on skill and mastery level.


  • Nether Blast - The mystic releases a wave of nether energy that pulses on attacked targets based on mastery level and does chaos damage based on mysticism skill, and focus or imbuing skill. Nether Blast also can apply a mana rip debuff to targets that are hit which will cause the target to lose extra mana and restores that mana to the Nether Blast caster.
  • Mystic Weapon - The mystic converts mysticism skill into an equipped weapon’s required skill for a penalty to mysticism skill based on mastery level
  • Enchanted Summoning – User receives a buff to summoned creatures based on skill and mastery level.


  • Command Undead - the necromancer has a chance to command the undead to do their bidding based on necromancy skill, spirit speak sill, mastery level, and creature barding difficulty while providing a life leech to the target.
  • Conduit – The necromancer creates a conduit field at a targeted location that causes all targeted necromancy spells to effect all valid targets within the field at reduced spell strength based on necromancy skill, spirit speak skill, and mastery level
  • Enchanted Summoning – User receives a buff to summoned creatures based on skill and mastery level.


  • Mana Shield – Toggle ability that results in a shield on the spellweaver that has a chance to deduct incoming damage from the spellweaver’s mana pool based on spellweaving skill, arcane focus, and mastery level.
  • Summon Reaper – The spellweaver summons a stationary reaper for a duration based on spellweaving skill, and meditation skill. The strength of the summoned reaper is determined by the spellweaving skill, arcane focus, and mastery level.
  • Spellweaving Masters will receive one bonus Arcane Focus per Spellweaving Mastery level. Arcane Focus still caps at 6 strength bonus. Spellweaving Masters are able to cast Arcane Circle alone but will not receive circle bonuses.
  • Enchanted Summoning – User receives a buff to summoned creatures based on skill and mastery level.


  • Anticipate Hit – While the bushido mastery is active the samurai has a chance to reduce hit point regeneration instead of completely losing it when using confidence as well as increasing the amount of health and stamina returned when successfully parrying an attack.
  • Warcry – The samurai unleashes a warcry that will reduce incoming damage from targets within a radius based on the samurai’s bushido skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level
  • Intuition – The master’s maximum mana is increased based on mastery level.


  • Rejuvenate – The paladin restores the hit points, stamina, and mana of a target based on mastery level, and with sufficient karma can remove poison and curses. The paladin may rejuvenate a target more often based on higher mastery level, higher best weapon skill, and higher Chivalry skill.
  • Holy Fist – The paladin unleashes a flying fist against a target that does energy damage based on the paladin’s chivalry skill, best weapon skill and mastery level. A bonus to damage is provided by high karma as well against undead targets.
  • Intuition – The master’s maximum mana is increased based on mastery level.


  • Shadow – Toggle ability that while active will consume stamina and make the ninja more difficult to become unhidden from taking damage based on ninjitsu skill, stealth skill, and mastery level.
  • White Tiger Form – The ninja transforms into a white tiger, providing the ninja with a buff to defense chance increase, a chance to evade attacks based on mastery level, and an applied bleed attack on targets based on ninjitsu skill and best weapon skill.
  • Intuition – The master’s maximum mana is increased based on mastery level.


  • Flaming Shot – The archer fires a volley of flaming arrows at a target or location. On successful hit fire damage based on mastery level is done to a number of targets in a radius based on the archery and tactics skill.
  • Playing the Odds – the archer’s party members rally for them with increased swing speed and hit chance as the archer’s range is decreased. Party member buffs are based on the archery and tactics skill of the archer along with the mastery level.
  • Saving Throw - The combatant receives a chance to block a disarm attempt based on weapon and tactics skill.


  • Thrust – Toggle ability that provides a swing speed increase buff based on mastery level to the fencer that consumes mana while active as well as a damage increase buff.
  • Pierce – The fencer executes a piercing move on their opponent causing a stamina debuff and stamina drain on the victim based on the fencer’s fencing and tactics skill, and mastery level.
  • Saving Throw - The combatant receives a chance to block a disarm attempt based on weapon and tactics skill.

Mace Fighting

  • Stagger – The mace fighter executes a staggering move on their opponent causing a swing speed increase debuff and massive damage to the victim based on mastery level.
  • Toughness – Toggle ability that provides the mace fighter with increased hit points based on the mace fighter’s tactics and mace fighting skill, and mastery level that consumes mana while active.
  • Saving Throw - The combatant receives a chance to block a disarm attempt based on weapon and tactics skill.


  • Onslaught – The swordsman executes an onslaught of attacks on their opponent reducing one of their victim’s resists based on the swordsman’s swordsmanship and tactics skill and the damage type of the weapon used for a duration based on mastery level
  • Focused Eye – Toggle ability that provides the swordsman with a hit chance increase buff based on the swordsman’s swordsmanship and tactics skill and mastery level that consumes stamina while active.
  • Saving Throw - The combatant receives a chance to block a disarm attempt based on weapon and tactics skill.


  • Elemental Fury – When activated the thrower will generate a pool of fury based on their weapon’s damage type. Each successful attack the thrower deals with add fury to the pool. Once the pool is full the thrower will unleash the Elemental Fury. The duration and fury pool size are based on the thrower’s mastery level, throwing, and tactics skill.
  • Called Shot – The thrower executes a called shot that provides a Hit Chance Increase and Damage increase based on the thrower’s throwing and tactics skill and mastery level.
  • Saving Throw - The combatant receives a chance to block a disarm attempt based on weapon and tactics skill.


  • Shield Bash – When activated the shield user will execute a shield bash on successfully hitting or parrying their opponent causing physical damage and paralyzing their opponent based on parry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level.
  • Body Guard – The shield user chooses a protectee to absorb a percentage of damage done to the protectee based on parry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level.
  • Heighten Senses – Toggle ability that provides the Parrying Master with increased chance to parry based on parry skill, best weapon skill and mastery level that consumes mana while active


  • Tolerance – Toggle ability that grants the poisoner a reduction to poison level when poisoned at a stamina cost based on mastery level
  • Injected Strike – When activated the poisoner will apply a poison resistance debuff to their target for a duration based on poisoning skill, anatomy skill, and mastery level. Any poison applied to the poisoner’s weapon will also be applied to the target. Poison may be applied to any weapon using this ability, however the poison applied to non-infecting weapons may only be applied by use of this ability.
  • Potency – While the poisoning mastery is active, the poisoner has a chance to not consume poison charges when using infected strike based on poisoning skill, anatomy skill, and mastery level.


  • Rampage – The wrestler attempts to continually hit their opponent where with each successful hit the wrestler receives a bonus to hit point regeneration, stamina regeneration, casting focus, and swing speed increase based on mastery level. The effect is lost if the wrestler misses, the wrestler's opponent parries the attack, or fails to cast a spell.
  • Fists of Fury – The wrestler attempts to land three hits in rapid succession to the next target that damages you within a 2 tile radius. If successful the third hit will deal direct damage based on the wrestler's mastery level. The duration of this ability is based on wrestling skill and anatomy skill or evaluating intelligence skill.
  • Knockout – While the wrestling mastery is active the wrestler receives a damage bonus to each hit based on mastery level.

Animal Taming

  • Whispering – The animal tamer attempts to guide their pet on the path of skill gain, increasing the pet’s skill gains based on the tamer’s animal taming skill, animal lore skill, and mastery level. This ability function similarly to a scroll of alacrity.
  • Combat Training – The animal tamer readies their pet for battle allowing the tamer to add combat abilities to their pet based on animal taming skill, animal lore skill, and mastery level.
    • Empowerment - When hit with physical damage the pet enters an empowerment phase where it begins to charge up its damage increase and spell damage increase for 5 seconds. . During this consume period any physical damage will be stored by the pet. After the empowerment period is over the pet enters the unleash phase for 10 seconds where it will apply the damage increase and spell damage increase bonuses based on stored damage.
    • Berserk - As your pet takes damage it gains rage which increase its physical damage and reduces all incoming damage for 8 seconds. While in rage your pet can not stealth and all healing effects are reduced. After the rage period there is a 60 second cooldown before your pet will gain rage again.
    • Consume Damage - When hit with physical damage the pet enters a consume phase where it begins to build up its hit chance and regeneration for 5 seconds. During this consume period any physical damage will be stored by the pet. After the consume period is over the pet enters the unleash phase for 10 seconds where it will apply the hit chance and regeneration bonuses based on stored damage.
  • Boarding – While the animal taming mastery is active the animal tamer receives additional stables slots
  • All tamers, regardless of mastery selection, receive two additional stable slots with the Time of Legends.

Titles have been added for the new skill masteries, available from the skills section of the title menu:

  • Parry - the Deflector
  • Magery - the Marvelous
  • Poisoning - the Lethal
  • Archery - the Exact
  • Animal Taming - the Beastmaster
  • Swords - the Blade
  • Mace - the Crushing
  • Fencing - the Needle
  • Wrestling - the Champion
  • Necromany - the Undying
  • Chivalry - the Courageous
  • Bushido - the Disciplined
  • Ninjitsu - the Unseen
  • Spellweaving - the Mysterious
  • Mysticism - the Enigmatic
  • Throwing - the Precise

Housing Craftables

  • In an effort to provide more customization options for those players who currently live in towers, keeps, and castles, new craftables are available via the masonry and tinkering skills.
  • Walls, steps, and doors can only be placed within a house and have the “House Only” item property.
  • There are limits to the maximum elevation these crafted items can be placed. Players found to be exploiting these limits will find themselves subject to GM action if what they build blocks other players housing, vendors, path, etc.
  • “House Only” doors can only be placed in non-customizable housing.
  • “House Only” walls can be turned via the interior decorator to cycle through available options.

Stone Walls

  • Rough Windowless
  • Rough Window
  • Rough Arch
  • Rough Pillar
  • Rough Rounded Arch
  • Rough Small Arch
  • Rough Angled Pillar
  • Short Rough
  • Stone Door (S Out)
  • Stone Door (E Out)
  • Stone Door (S In)
  • Stone Door (s Out)

Stone Stairs

  • Rough Block
  • Rough Steps
  • Rough Corner Steps
  • Rough Rounded Corner Steps
  • Rough Inset Steps
  • Rough Rounded Inset Steps

Stone Floor

  • Light Paver
  • Medium Paver
  • Dark Paver


  • Curled Metal Sign Hanger
  • Flourished Metal Sign Hanger
  • Inward Curled Metal Sign Hanger
  • End Curled Metal Sign Hanger
  • Left Metal Door (S In)
  • Right Metal Door (S In)
  • Left Metal Door (E In)
  • Right Metal Door (E In)
  • Left Metal Door (S Out)
  • Right Metal Door (S Out)
  • Left Metal Door (E Out)
  • Right Metal Door (E Out)

Customizable Housing Tiles

  • Two new housing tile sets have been added, Jungle and Shadowguard

The Valley of Eodon

  • The Valley of Eodon can be accessed through the public Moongate system.
  • The Valley is home to a variety of native peoples known to be aggressive to those who they are unfamiliar with:
    • The Jukari Tribe - A tribe that worships fire and lives among the lava flows in the shadow of a great volcanic range.
    • The Kurak Tribe - A tribe that worships the Tiger, living deep in the lush jungles of the Valley.
    • The Barrab Tribe - A tribe that worships the Myrmidex, an insect race thought to be of relation to the Solen & Terathan. The Barrab live high atop bluffs surrounded by sand pits where the Myrmidex come to the surface to feed.
    • The Barako Tribe - A tribe that worship the Ape, living in the forests of the Valley of Eodon.
    • The Urali Tribe - A tribe that worships the Dragon Turtle, living among the swamps near the Dragon Turtle habitat.
    • The Sakkhra Tribe - A tribe that worships the dinosaurs, inhabiting the plains near the waterfalls in the Valley.

The Valley is also home to a variety of creatures unique to this lush wilderness.

  • Myrmidex - Insect like creatures thought to be of relation to the Solen & Terathans.
  • Silverback Gorilla - A large ape species with a devastating banana throwing attack.
  • Wild Tiger - A big cat species known for loyalty to those skilled enough to gain their trust. Commonly seen with orange fur with black stripes, but also more rarely seen in black and white varieties.
  • [[Greater Phoenix - An agile bird of paradise with magical abilities.
  • Infernus - A magical creature spawned from the caldera of a great volcano with dangerous fiery attacks.
  • Dimetrosaur - A winged quadriped with an angry temperament and poisonous breath.
  • Allosaurus - A towering bipedal carnivore with crushing jaws capable of penetrating even the most protective of armors.
  • Gallusaurus - A strong biped thought to be of relation to the modern chicken with razor sharp talons.
  • Archaeosaurus - A lightning quick winged biped with a dangerous venomous spit.
  • Najasaurus - A legless reptile thought to be of relation to the modern day snake with a venomous bite.
  • Saurosaurus - A winged biped with razor sharp claws and a dangerous tail.
  • Anchisaurus - A lumbering quadriped with an infectious breath.

Dragon Turtle Champion Spawn

  • The Dragon Turtle is an ancient species with the ferocity of a dragon and the protection of a turtle. This gargantuan beast has long been thought forgotten since the earliest times of recorded history. The Dragon Turtle prefers a sandy habitat nearby to water and is known for having an appetite for berries.
  • A copy of this Champ Spawn is available in Felucca, accessible from the Ancient Wyrm lair in Destard.


  • The mysterious fortress of the vile Enchantress Minax is perched high above the Valley of Eodon.
  • Using the crystal ball located near the double red doors will bring up a selection gump that will allow you explore different areas of Shadowguard.
  • The Bar
  • The Orchard
  • The Armory
  • The Fountain
  • The Belfry
  • The Roof

  • You must complete the Bar, Orchard, Armory, Fountain, and Belfry before attempting the Roof.
  • Entries in the gump that are green have been completed, while those that are red have not.
  • You may replay previously completed encounters as often as you like .
  • Party up and enter an encounter with other players for a greater chance of success.
  • Only the party leader may initiate an encounter when players are partied.
  • If your entire party dies or logs out you will fail the encounter.
  • You may exit any encounter by accessing the context menu on your character and selecting "Exit Shadowguard."
  • You may exit the queue for Shadowguard by selecting "Exit Shadowguard Queues" from the crystal ball.
  • Luck increases a player's chance at obtaining a powerful artifact reward.

  • Stealables - There are several stealables hidden throughout the Valley that spawn randomly.
  • Stretched Dinosaur Hide
  • Carved Myrmidex Glyph
  • Waku on a Spit
  • Sacred Lava Rock
  • Hand Carved White Tiger Figurine
  • Dragon Turtle Hatchling Net


New artifacts can be found in the Valley of Eodon. These artifacts are available as rewards from completing Shadowguard:

New Tameable Creatures

  • 2 new tameables are available in the Valley of Eodon:

The Wild Tiger

  • Takes 2 control slots
  • Power level between a nightmare and a dreadmare

Dragon Turtle Hatchling

  • Takes 5 control slots
  • Equal in power to a greater dragon
  • Available from the Dragon Turtle Champ spawn.

New Crafting Recipes

New crafting recipes are available that will allow tailors to craft the following. These recipes drop as loot from creatures in the Valley of Eodon and are placed in the player's backpack. Luck increases the chance at receiving a recipe.


  • Jester Shoes
  • Chef's Toque
  • Gilded Kilt
  • Checkered Kilt
  • Fancy Kilt
  • Flowered Dress
  • Evening Gown


  • Tiger Pelt Chest
  • Tiger Pelt Bustier
  • Tiger Pelt Leggings
  • Tiger Pelt Shorts
  • Tiger Pelt Long Skirt
  • Tiger Pelt Skirt
  • Tiger Pelt Helm
  • Tiger Pelt Collar

Coming Soon in a future update

  • Dragon Turtle Chest
  • Dragon Turtle Bustier
  • Dragon Turtle Leggings
  • Dragon Turtle Arms
  • Dragon Turtle Helm

New Armor Sets

  • Pieces of these armor sets drop as loot from creatures in the Valley of Eodon. Luck increases the chance at receiving a piece of the armor set.
  • Aloron's Armor - Named for the great chief of the Kurak Tribe, Aloron's Armor consists of four pieces made from the pelts of a tiger and when fully equipped provides the wearer with,
  • Mana Increase 15
  • Lower Mana Cost 20%
  • Dinosaur Slayer
  • Self Repair 3
  • Cold Eater 8%
  • Dexterity Bonus 12
  • Stamina Increase 16
  • Stamina Regeneration 12
  • Physical Resist 60%
  • Fire Resist 60%
  • Cold Resist 60%
  • Poison Resist 60%
  • Energy Resist 60%

  • Darden's Armor - Named for the great chief of the Urali tribe, Darden's Armor consists of four pieces made from the scoots of a Dragon Turtle. This armor is not yet available, and will be available in a future update.

Worldbuilding Changes


  • Necromancy Update: Focused Spec players can now cast spells in Horrific Beast Form.
  • Special move update: Frenzied Whirlwind slow debuff reduced to 1.5 seconds from 4 seconds.
  • Balance Update: Ninjitsu, Chivalry, and Bushido spells that are beneficial with a default cast time less than or equal to one second will reset swing timer.
  • Sextants will now provide X,Y,Z coordinates as system message when used.

Bug Fixes

Enhanced Client Updates

  • Corrected a mobile health bar issue which caused bars not to update in densely populated areas.
  • Added support for Classic Client particle system.

Second Release Updates

  • Tooltips now work when highlighting over gump text.
  • Korean Language is now supported.
  • Show Names All option now works as expected.
  • Added toggle for Auto Ignore Corpses under user settings which determines if object handles will be removed from viewed corpses for thirty minutes.
  • A new Time of Legends splash screen has been added.
  • Updated Credits.

Classic Client Updates

  • A new Time of Legends splash screen has been added.
  • Updated Credits.

Test Center Update 1

Currency Conversion

  • Updated Bank Action Gump with account balance.
  • City Heralds now take donations from your account balance.
  • Community Collection now takes donations from your account balance.
  • Updated trade gump art.

Skill Masteries

  • Updated Mastery Book layout in both clients.
  • Mastery Primers now drop as rewards from all Champion Spawns, Scalis, and Charybdis.
  • Mastery Necromancy ability Conduit no longer forces hands free when casting.
  • Mastery abilities Called Shot, Thrust, Shield Bash, and Elemental Fury damage is now capped at 35 in player verses player.
  • Mastery Chivalry ability Holy Fist now has a chance to slow its target that can be resisted.
  • Mastery Archery ability Playing the Odds now applies a lower defense buff to targets within a five tiles radius.
  • Mastery abilities that trigger from hitting targets no longer trigger when combined with special moves.
  • Mastery Animal Taming abilities Combat Training and Whispering now unhide caster.
  • Mastery Parry ability Shield Bash now interrupts spells if players are not immune to paralyze.
  • Mastery Poisoning ability Injected Strike debuff will be reduced on ranged weapons.
  • Mastery Balance: All special abilities (Death Strike, Counter Attack …) now cancel Injected Strike.

Test Center Update 2

  • Players that use the "Help Stuck" command out of Shadowguard will no longer break the encounter.
  • Anon the Mage will now spawn in the Shadowguard Roof encounter, resulting in the encounter progressing as expected.
  • The area around Shadowguard and the Valley of Eodon as a whole has had a world building pass. This is not the final pass and the entire area will continue to be polished.
  • Tiger pelts will now function properly when placed in the Commodity Broker system.
  • The Dragon Turtle egg will drop via the Dragon Turtle Champ spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where certain effects in Shadowguard were not visible in the Enhanced Client.
  • The doors in the Armory encounter of Shadowguard have been temporarily removed.
  • The tribes people of Eodon have had AI & stat tweaks.
  • There is now a chance that a player who attempts to throw a bottle in the Bar encounter of Shadowguard will be persuaded to drink it instead, causing them to get drunk.
  • Throwing a bottle in the Bar encounter of Shadowguard while inebriated may result in hitting oneself with the bottle.
  • The spawn dynamic for Ensorcelled Armor in the Armory encounter of Shadowguard has been tweaked.
  • The number of drakes that spawn in the Belfry encounter of Shadowguard when the feeding bell is rung has been reduced.
  • The lifespan on the "magic drake wing" has been increased to 90 seconds.
  • Clue barks and names have been added to useable elements in the Fountain encounter of Shadowguard.
  • Players may use an axe to chop canals in the Fountain encounter of Shadowguard.
  • When a canal from the Fountain encounter of Shadowguard is dropped outside of a Shadowguard tower it will be destroyed.
  • The steps into and out of Shadowguard now function properly.
  • A bridge has been added to connect Kuraki Island with the rest of the Valley of Eodon.
  • Dinosaurs spawning in the Valley of Eodon have had AI & stat tweaks.
  • Fixed an issue where unused tiles were being displayed in the trade gump while trading new pets.
  • All new monsters found in the Valley of Eodon can now be tracked properly using the tracking skill.
  • Fixed issue where mobs in the Valley of Eodon were dropping blessed weapons.
  • Mobs that spawn in the Orchard and Canal encounters of Shadowguard have had AI & stat tweaks.
  • Players in a Shadowguard encounter can exit the encounter by selecting "Shadowguard" from the context menu on their player character.
  • Certain creatures in the Valley of Eodon that had erroneous pack instinct have been corrected.
  • Bosses in the Roof encounter of Shadowguard have had AI and stat tweaks.

Origin & Izumo Initial Release

  • Attack skills on creatures spawned in the Shadowguard towers have been adjusted.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowguard finale mobs with spell casting abilities would enter into an infinitely defensive state.
  • Added ability for legends in the Shadowguard finale to summon additional monsters to fight with them.
  • Fixed issue where Animal Taming Mastery abilities were not being removed properly.
  • Fixed issue where Mastery quest could get stuck on a player.
  • Updated weapon skills on Ozymandias in the Shadowguard finale.
  • Increased spell speed of Mysticism Mastery ability Nether Blast.
  • Added a copy of the Dragon Turtle Champ spawn to Felucca. The Champ Spawn can be accessed via the Ancient Wyrm's nest in Destard. The Time of Legends entitlement is required to access the Champ Spawn.
  • The Animal Taming mastery title has been changed to "The Beastmaster."
  • Additional opening directions of stone and metal doors have been added to Masonry and Tinkering.
  • Only the final monster encountered in the Shadowguard finale has substantial loot. The loot level on this monster has been increased substantially to compensate for the other three monsters faced during the encounter.
  • The exit time for Shadowguard Towers has been changed to 60 seconds.
  • The exit time for the Shadowguard Finale has been changed to 3 minutes.
  • You can no longer throw a phylactery at a target you cannot see in the Shadowguard Armory encounter.
  • Monsters with enhanced spell AI are now more aggressive.
  • Ozymandias is now more aggressive.
  • Treefellows in the Shadowguard Orchard encounter will no longer flee when their hit points are low.
  • Ninjitsu Mastery ability Shadow upkeep now costs 10 mana and duration is determined by ninjitsu and stealth skill.
  • Legends in the Shadowguard finale now move more quickly.
  • New splash screens have been added to the Classic & Enhanced client.
  • Wrestling Mastery ability Rampage now uses evaluating intelligence or anatomy as a secondary skill.
  • The tiger pelt bustier cannot be quipped by males.
  • The Fencing Mastery title has been changed to "The Needle."
  • Players who are not involved in Vice vs. Virtue will not receive champ spawns in Felucca as an objective in the Mastery Quest.
  • Fixed an issue where players could enter a broken state when cancelling the Mastery Quest.

=Test Center Update 3

  • Players who select "cancel" in the Shadowguard exit gump no longer enter a broken state.
  • Updated Ozymandias' AI in the Shadowguard finale.
  • Fixed issue where the trade gump was not functioning properly in the trade of currency.
  • All dinosaurs are now correctly identified in the tracking gump.
  • New artifacts have been added:
    • Totem of the Tribe
    • Anon's Boots
    • Shanty's Waders
    • Minax's Sandals
    • Ozymandias' Obi
    • Hawkwind's Robe
    • Juo'nar's Grimoire
    • Enhantress' Cameo
    • Anon's Spellbook
  • Tweaks have been made to existing artifacts. This is not a retroactive change for artifacts already claimed on TC1.
    • Grugor's Shield
    • Halawa's Hunting Bow
    • Balakai's Shaman Staff
    • Lerei's Hunting SPear
    • Jumu's Sacred Hide
    • Wamap's Bone Earrings
  • Loot found on creatures in the Valley of Eodon has been adjusted.
  • The Word of Death button will now function as expected in the Enhanced Client.
  • The Gallusaurus can no longer be mounted.
  • An issue with Charybdis' tidal wave AI spawning an excessive amount of guards when activated in a guard zone has been corrected.
  • Corrected an issue where players that failed the Armory encounter of Shadowguard were erroneously getting credit.
  • Eodon Tribes people have had stat and AI tweaks.
  • Fixed issue with equipping short and long tiger pelt skirts.
  • Leg armors and boots are no longer visible through the evening gown while an avatar is running in the Classic & Enhanced Clients.
  • Partial hueing on the kilts has been adjusted to better show the hue.
  • An issue that causes champion spawn altars to randomly break has been addressed.
  • Titles have been added for the new skill masteries, available from the skills section of the title menu
    • Parry - the Deflector
    • Magery - the Marvelous
    • Poisoning - the Lethal
    • Archery - the Exact
    • Animal Taming - the Beast
    • Swords - the Blade
    • Mace - the Crushing
    • Fencing - the Incisor
    • Wrestling - the Champion
    • Necromany - the Undying
    • Chivalry - the Courageous
    • Bushido - the Disciplined
    • Ninjitsu - the Unseen
    • Spellweaving - the Mysterious
    • Mysticism - the Enigmatic
    • Throwing - the Precise
  • The weight of the tiger pelt has been changed from 10 to 2 stones.
  • Tiger pelt armor crafted from orange tiger pelts will no longer be hued orange.
  • A mastery quest has been added to obtain the first level of all skill masteries, visit Hawkwind the Timelord near the Valley of Eodon Moongate to learn more.
  • Rewards have been added to the Shadowguard finale. Luck increases your chances of getting a reward when successfully completing the finale.
  • Visual effects and a loot show has been added to the Shadowguard finale.
  • A particle effect has been added to pets that are buffed with the Humility Virtue.
  • Fixed issue where artifacts obtained from the Wreck of the Ararat were getting brittle applied.
  • Fixed an issue where the chef's toque was erroneously getting material bonuses applied.
  • The Valley of Eodon has been added to the public moongate system, available from the "Ter Mur & Eodon" section.
  • Wandering healers in the Valley of Eodon are now known as Wandering Shaman and have had their appearance adjusted to something more appropriate for their origin.
  • New super slayer category, Eodon Tribe gives double damage against Eodon tribal people, causing 1.5x damage from other creatures found in the Valley of Eodon.
  • Fixed an issue where Dinosaur and Myrmidex slayers were giving triple damage instead of double damage.
  • Gargoyle versions of some of the Eodon artifacts have been added.
  • Fixed issue where the type of granite was not listed on commodity deeds obtained from a commodity broker.
  • Ninjitsu Mastery ability Shadow no longer unhides the user and now has a mana cost of 14.
  • The Dragon Turtle loot and stats have been adjusted.
  • Wrestling Mastery ability Rampage now has a mana cost of 10.
  • Mace Fighting Mastery ability Stagger now has a PvP damage cap of 35.
  • Necromancy Mastery ability Command Undead will now cancel the hit point regneration buff on creatures with animate dead.
  • Poisoning Mastery ability Injected Strike now scales poison strength based on distance from target.

Origin & Izumo Update 1

  • Tweaked stats and AIs for the Dragon Turtle.
  • Fixed an issue where players who had consumed a mastery primer before completing the Mastery Quest were not receiving the mastery book.
  • Adjusted the loot on the Dragon Turtle.
  • Tweaked stats on tribe NPCs.
  • Peerless encounters now have a chance at being an objective in the Mastery Quest.
  • Treasures of Doom is now active on Origin & Izumo.
  • The Mastery Quest will now update objectives every hour and will remain the same for each player during that time based on account entitlements and VvV status.
  • Fixed issue where Hawkwind's Mastery quest was delivering cards instead of a Mastery Book on completion.
  • Any cards received in error have been converted into Mastery Books

World Wide Updates

  • Reduced the spawn rate of water elementals in the Fountain encounter of Shadowguard.
  • Fixed issue where the finale legend encountered in the Shadowguard Finale did not have appropriate loot.
  • Increased the loot on the Dragon Turtle.
  • Added Tiger Armor to randomly generated loot in the Valley of Eodon.
  • Reduced karma of tribes people to zero.
  • Adjusted AIs on the legends in the Shadowguard finale.
  • Fixed issue where Shadowguard finale mobs were not being cleaned up properly.
  • Fixed issue where players were not receiving a Mastery Book from Hawkwind's quest.
  • Updated AIs on the Dragon Turtle.
  • Fixed issue where players with more than 100,000 gold in the bank were not able to tithe gold as expected.
  • Fixed issue where the incorrect mastery was selected when switching to bard masteries.
  • Fixed issue where some doors crafted via masonry or tinkering did not recieve "House Only."