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Talismans are special charms that can be equipped in a character's paperdoll. They can possess a wide variety of properties, many of which can only be found on talismans. Normal, random talismans drop both as rewards in quests and on monsters in dungeons associated with Mondain's Legacy. There are also several unique talismans that can be received from the community collections and as minor artifacts.
Tinkers can repair Talismans such as the VvV Talisman Primer on Arms and Damage Removal
Owned By
There is a rare chance that a talisman, even a unique talisman (see below), will spawn with a property that reads "Owned By No One". When a talisman with this property is equipped on a character, this property will change to "Owned By (Name of Character)" and will become blessed for that character. The blessed state of the talisman is linked directly to that specific character and only to that specific character. The talisman will not act as blessed for any other character equipping this talisman, even characters with identical names and/or on the same account.
Crafting Bonus
Crafting bonuses are found on talismans with a range of 1-30%, and are found in both standard and exceptional types. These two types generally spawn together, with both being associated with the same skill.
A standard crafting bonus gives you an increased chance to successfully craft items associated with the bonus's skill. Rather than giving you a skill bonus, the standard crafting bonus instead applies directly to the percentage chance to craft an item that is displayed in the crafting window.
- Example: You have a 50% chance to successfully craft a particular item. You equip a talisman possessing a 25% standard bonus in the skill associated with that item. You now have a 75% chance to craft the item.
If you do not have the base skill required to craft a particular item, equipping a talisman with a standard crafting bonus in the skill associated with that item will not allow you to craft it.
- Example: You have a 0% chance to successfully craft a particular item. You equip a talisman possessing a 25% standard bonus in the skill associated with that item. You still cannot craft that item.
An exceptional crafting bonus gives you an increase chance to successfully craft items associated with the bonus's skill at an exceptional level. Rather than giving you a skill bonus, the exceptional crafting bonus instead applies directly to the percentage chance to craft an exceptional version of an item that is displayed in the crafting window.
- Example: You have a 50% chance to craft an exceptional version of a particular item. You equip a talisman possessing a 25% exceptional bonus in the skill associated with that item. You now have a 75% chance to craft an exceptional version of the item.
If you do not have the base skill required to craft an exceptional version of a particular item, equipping a talisman with an exceptional crafting bonus in the skill associated with that item will not allow you to craft an exceptional version of it.
- Example: You have a 0% chance to craft an exceptional version of a particular item. You equip a talisman possessing a 25% exceptional bonus in the skill associated with that item. You still cannot craft an exceptional version of that item.
Both standard and exceptional bonuses come in the following skills:
- Alchemy
- Blacksmithing
- Carpentry
- Cartography
- Cooking
- Bowcraft/Fletching
- Glassblowing
- Inscription
- Masonry
- Tailoring
- Tinkering
Note: Alchemy, Glassblowing, and Cartography do not have any exceptional items associated with them. It is unknown at this time as to why exceptional crafting bonuses exist for them.
Neither standard nor exceptional crafting bonuses give any increased chance to enhancing.
Slayers, Killers, & Protections
Talismans can possess one of a short list of slayers that can be found only on talismans. Some of these slayers were released to correspond with certain new monsters released with Mondain's Legacy. The slayers are as following:
- Bat Slayer
- Bear Slayer - Meant for use against Grobu in the Painted Caves.
- Beetle Slayer
- Bird Slayer - Meant for use against Swoop in the Twisted Weald, Pyre in the Labyrinth, and Saliva in the Blighted Grove.
- Bovine Slayer - Meant for use against Minotaurs in the Labyrinth.
- Flame Slayer
- Goblin Slayer
- Ice Slayer
- Mage Slayer
- Vermin Slayer
It should be noted that while the above text says 'meant,' the various Slayers can be used against other related creatures. That is to say, one may certainly use a Bird Slayer Talisman to hunt Stone Harpies.
Killer bonuses increase the damage dealt to a particular type of creature, and are found in the range of 1-100%. Killer damage property DOES stack with Slayer damage, subject to the Damage Increase cap of 300%.
Protection bonuses reduce the damage taken from a particular type of creature by a percentage amount. Protection is available in every Monster type. They come with an intensity range of 0 to 60% (i.e., X% amount of less damage dealt to a character). Protection does not affect reflected damage returned to a character.
Status Removal
There are four talisman properties that remove various status effects. These properties possess a certain number of charges; one charge is removed each time the talisman removes its associated status effect.
Removal Types
- Curse Removal - Removes the Curse spell or other curse effect, much like the Remove Curse Chivalry spell
- Damage Removal - Removes the effects of special attacks such as Bleed or Mortal Strike
- Ward Removal - Can be used to target other players and remove any protective spells from them, such as Protection or Vampire Form
- Wildfire Removal - Removes the effect of the Spellweaving spell Wildfire
Talismans with status removal properties exist in two types:
- The property recharges on its own after X amount of time spent equipped in the paperdoll while not being used.
- The property must be recharged using a Runed Switch.
Talismans can spawn with one of a variety of summoning properties. These talismans can be double-clicked to produce a small amount of a particular resource or a creature.
- Bandage Summoning - Summons a stack of 10 bandages. Can be used once every 60 seconds. There is a semi-rare chance that a talisman that spawns with this property will summon stacks of bandages using the older, rounded, pile style of stack.
- Board Summoning - Summons a stack of 10 plain boards. Can be used once every 60 seconds.
- Ingot Summoning - Summons a stack of 10 iron ingots. Can be used once every 60 seconds.
- Creature Summoning - Summons a creature, much like the necromantic spell Summon Familiar, that can be renamed, but cannot be directly controlled. These creatures are mostly for decoration, as they will only barely fight back if attacked, and will not pursue targets farther than one tile from the character who summoned them. The following creature types can be found:
- Ant Lion
- Arctic Ogre Lord
- Bake Kitsune
- Bogling
- Bullfrog
- Chicken
- Cow
- Doppleganger
- Frost Spider
- Great Hart
- Lava Serpent*
- Orc Brute
- Panther
- Sheep (Cannot be sheared.)
- Skeletal Knight
- Vorpal Bunny (Will burrow into the ground and disappear after a period of time.)
- Wailing Banshee
- Talisman of Creatures - Every time a talisman with this property is used, it spawns a random creature from the list above.
*NOTE: Summoning a Lava Serpent will will do area heat damage to you. In town, it will make NPCs call the town guards on you! So, be careful out there.
Unique Talismans
There are a number of talismans with unique names that always possess more or less the same properties every time they spawn. They can be acquired through the Britain Library Collection, as artifact drops or occasionally from specific quests and events.
Britain Library Collection
- Library Talisman - A Grammar of Orchish (Summoner)
- Library Talisman - A Primer on Arms Damage Removal
- Library Talisman - Birds of Britannia Random Summoner
- Library Talisman - My Book
- Library Talisman - Talking to Wisps Ward Removal
- Library Talisman - The Life of a Traveling Minstrel Curse Remover
- Library Talisman - Treatise on Alchemy
Covetous Void Pool Rewards
- Lumberjack's Yew Map
- Lumberjack's Heartwood Map
- Lumberjack's Bloodwood Map
- Lumberjack's Frostwood Map
- Smelter's Golden Talisman
- Smelter's Agapite Talisman
- Smelter's Verite Talisman
- Smelter's Valorite Talisman
Mondain's Legacy Dungeons
Stygian Abyss Dungeon
A group of named talisman coming from ToT-style events. Listed chronologically:
- Conjurer's Trinket
- Frostguard
- Jade Snake Head
- Locket Of Winter: Ice Slayer talisman from Tears of the Ice Dragon
- Al Ban Xen: Demons Slayer talisman from Treasures of Hythloth
- Carved Bone Relic From Holmes: Talisman without slayer property from Treasures of Wildfire
- In Corp Mani Xen: Fey Slayer talisman from Treasures of Fey Wrath
- Divinum Luminous: Luck talisman from Treasures of the Archlich
- Batlin’s Inner Voice
- Serpent’s Bite: Luck talisman from Treasures of the Feudal Lands
Treasure Maps
Clean Up Britannia
- Friend of the Library Token - Allows you to donate to the Britain Library Collection to earn points towards library rewards. It is obtained from the Friends of the Library Quest chain.
NOTE: The talisman must be earned in order for one to be able to donate, but it need not be worn while donating. While anyone can equip the Token, it cannot be used to donate on a character who has not yet finished the quest.