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UOGuide:Blog/Archive 1
Current blog posts are available at UOGuide:Blog.
January 4
This blog is not updated very much. Here is something, a graphic of UOGuide's traffic model for the past 2 years.
Longer bars mean more visitors. - JC the Builder 08:46, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
September 7
This blog is still updated more regularly than UO gets updates!
In the past few days I have promoted 3 new active contributors as Sysops. They are Bomb Bloke, Meridus and Tancred RedStar. Not only will they be able to help update all of website, but SysOp status shows that you are a frequent contributor. In addition to promotions I have retired 3 other SysOps who have been inactive for a very long time. They are welcome to have their SysOp status restored when they return. - JC the Builder 12:16, 7 September 2008 (PDT)
February 10
The "monthly" update was sent out to all known UO news sites today. It can be viewed here. It was a big month and I probably forgot to mention a couple things. - JC the Builder 11:25, 10 February 2008 (PST)
February 2
Wow, lots of blog posts. I am just posting the top 20 pages on UOGuide by visitors for the past month. Site contributers may want to focus on these pages to make sure they are up to date and as complete as possible.
- Main Page
- UOGuide:Directory
- Britain_Library_Collection
- Vesper_Museum_Collection
- Quest
- Artifacts
- Spellweaving
- Category:Quest_NPCs
- Doom
- Skills
- Wood
- Moonglow_Royal_Zoo_Collection
- Quests_by_Area
- Item_Sets
- Crafting
- Item
- Recipe
- Special:Recentchanges
- Dungeons
- Monsters
- JC the Builder 18:38, 2 February 2008 (PST)
February 1
I bit the bullet and spent a couple hours today upgrading the site. It was every bit of a hassle as I expected. But everything seems to be in order now. I've also installed a new Imagelink extension which allows you to turn images into page links. It is too bad linking pages with images isn't a standard feature. I also installed am extension which makes you answer a random question when signing up an account. Hopefully this will prevent spam bots from signing up.
Overall the site feels a little faster. But there really isn't any noticable changes. If any errors or issues are encounter please report them. - JC the Builder 16:11, 1 February 2008 (PST)
January 31
In December 2007 UOGuide used under 1GB of bandwidth total. In January 2008 bandwidth rose 1100% to just over 11GB in the month. I don't know why that would be considering traffic has only gone up about 300% since the UOStuff merger announcement. It is of no concern though because our hosting plan allows for 5.6TB.
Anyway, lots of big things happening besides the traffic jump. The new Main Page design is up and it is a lot better than what was there before. The UOGuide text graphic is just temporary until I or someone else makes a nicer one. Some time soon I will be updating to the latest version of Mediawiki. It is a little bit of a pain because after each update I have to modify the style. Modifying any wiki code is a huge hassle because it is a giant mess.
The usual monthly announcement that I send out to all UO sites is being delayed a couple days because I am setting up the newsletter system. It will be a good opportunity to get a lot of sign ups at once. I had wanted to do a newsletter for a long time now but was hoping to work with another site instead of doing it "in house". There will be plenty of stuff to throw in it now with the furious content updating getting done, the new main page features and perhaps some upcoming UO news. - JC the Builder 21:51, 31 January 2008 (PST)
January 5
Oh how neglected this blog has been! There are a couple things I can write about so I might as well make an entry. If you are reading this then you have obviously heard of the recent merger with UOStuff. This is a great event for both UOGuide and UO players in general. By combining information and contributors, there will now be a single source of information which is larger and recieves more updating than two separate ones. Things are going very well with only a couple hundred pages left to handle. Since the day of the announcement, UOGuide traffic is up 300%.
At the moment there are over 3,000 wanted pages. If you do the math that means there are over 5,000 potential pages for UOGuide to hold currently. But I think there is even more, at least 10,000. There are so many things in Ultima Online that can be documented and written about. For example a new project is starting up to try and write about the history and communities of various shards. There will be more about that later. - JC the Builder 21:41, 4 January 2008 (PST)
January 31
January was a good month for UOGuide. About 150 new pages of information were added. Notable additions include: Cooperative Collections, Covetous, Animals, and Stygian Abyss. This month also marks the collaboration between Inuwiki, which integrates lots of event content from the past year into UOGuide. It is a win-win for both sites. This month also brought much exciting news to the UO world about the Kingdom Reborn expansion. Not only details, but actual game play footage was played at the Atlantic Town Hall meeting.
The last thing I will mention is there are over 1,750 wanted pages on the site currently. Wanted pages are red links which need a page created. If you are reading this, then we could certainly use your help adding them! - JC the Builder 19:13, 31 January 2007 (PST)
January 6
I just got finished coding in the new privacy shield for anonymous contributors. Only UOGuide administrators will be able to see your IP address, so feel free to contribute without registering an account. I apologize to anyone who tried to use the site and it was broken, I didn't realize that something was borked for logged out users. I began the process of setting up a testing site for changes earlier today but ran into some issues. But that should be a piece of cake to solve compared to trying to modify the Mediawiki code. It is such a mess trying to find the exact spot to make a one line change, sheesh.
Something else I should probably mention is the new poll on the front page. I plan on making further modifications which include hiding results before voting and not allowing users to change their vote. In addition, polls are not allowed anywhere else on the site due to the amount of resources it takes to have one on a page. - JC the Builder 21:16, 5 January 2007 (PST)
- Update: The privacy shield code was removed due to bugs. It will be reimplemented at a later date.
January 1
Added Google Sitemaps extension and got that all setup. It seems Google is already crawling the site very nicely. Also changed the default timezone to EST. Registered users can still see their own time zone in preferences. I would like to get it off military time, but there doesn't seem an easy route to that at this time. One of the next updates will be a privacy shield for unregistered user IPs on the recent change list.
- JC the Builder 13:37, 1 January 2007 (PST)