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Many of the items in Ultima Online can be crafted by a character of sufficient skill. This process usually involves taking one or more resources and combining them using a tool.

Nearly all types of weapons and armor can be produced by crafting, though there are some weapons that can only be bought from NPC vendors or looted from the corpses of monsters.

Many crafted items serve decorative purposes, though some powerful equipment is possible when using Runic Tools. There are also a selection of Craftable Artifacts for those characters with very high levels of skill.


Primarily the alchemist creates potions which restore Hit Points or bestow other temporary character effects.

Catogory Picture Potion Ingredients (All potions require 1 Empty Bottle) Min Required Skill Success Chance Recipe Required
Enhancement Potion Agility.gif Agility Potion 1 Blood Moss 15 100% -
Enhancement Potion Agility.gif Greater Agility Potion 3 Blood Moss 35 100% -
Healing and Curative Barrb hemo potion.gif Barrab Hemolymph Concentrate 20 Ginseng
5 Plant Clippings
5 Myrmidex Eggsacs
51 95% Yes
Enhancement Baraok potions.png Barako Draft of Might 20 Spider’s Silk
10 Bottles of Liquor
5 Perfect Bananas
51 95% Yes
Explosive Black powder.png Black Powder 1 Charcoal
6 Saltpeter
1 Sulfurous Ash
65 70% -
Ingredients Bottle of ichor.png Bottle of Ichor 1 Darkglow Poison Potion
30 Spider’s Silk
90 20% -
Ingredients Color fixative.png Color Fixative 1 Silver Serpent Venom 75 50% -
Explosive Potion Conflagration.gif Conflagration Potion 5 Grave Dust 55 90% -
Explosive Potion Conflagration.gif Greater Conflagration Potion 10 Grave Dust 70 60% -
Explosive Potion Confusion Blast.gif Confusion Blast Potion 5 Pig Iron 50 100% -
Explosive Potion Confusion Blast.gif Greater Confusion Blast Potion 10 Pig Iron 65 70% -
Ingredients Crystal dust.png Crystal Dust 4 Broken Crystal 75 50% -
Ingredients Crystalgranules.gif Crystal Granules 1 Shimmering Crystals 75 50% -
Healing and Curative Potion Cure.gif Lesser Cure Potion 1 Garlic 0 100% -
Healing and Curative Potion Cure.gif Cure Potion 3 Garlic 25 100% -
Healing and Curative Potion Cure.gif Greater Cure Potion 6 Garlic 65 70% -
Toxic Darkglow potion.gif Darkglow Poison 5 Luminescent Fungi 65 70% Yes
Healing and Curative Elixir of rebirth.png Elixir of Rebirth 1 Medusa Blood
3 Spider’s Silk
65 70% -
Explosive Potion Explosion.gif Lesser Explosion Potion 1 Sulfurous Ash 5 100% -
Explosive Potion Explosion.gif Explosion Potion 5 Sulfurous Ash 35 100% -
Explosive Potion Explosion.gif Greater Explosion Potion 10 Sulfurous Ash 65 70% -
Explosive Fuse cord.png Fuse Cord 1 A Ball of Yarn
1 Black Powder
1 Potash
1 Pitcher of Water
55 90% -
Healing and Curative Potion Heal.gif Lesser Heal Potion 1 Ginseng 0 100% -
Healing and Curative Potion Heal.gif Heal Potion 3 Ginseng 15 100% -
Healing and Curative Potion Heal.gif Greater Heal Potion 7 Ginseng 55 90% -
Strange Brew Hovering Wisp.png Hovering Wisp 4 Captured Essence 75 50% Yes
Enhancement Invisibility potion.gif Invisibility Potion 4 Blood Moss
3 Nightshade
65 70% Yes
Enhancement Jukari potion.png Jukari Burn Poultice 20 Black Pearl
10 Vanilla
5 Lava Berry
51 95% Yes
Enhancement Kurak potions.png Kurak Ambusher’s Essence 20 Blood Moss
1 Blue Diamond
5 Tiger Pelts
51 95% Yes
Explosive Match cord.png Match Cord 1 A Ball of Yarn
1 Potash
1 Saltpeter
1 Pitcher of Water
25 100% -
Strange Brew Natural Dye Color Fixative
Plant Pigment
75 50% -
Strange Brew Nexus core.png Nexus Core 5 Crushed Glass
5 Dark Sapphire
10 Mandrake Root
10 Spider’s Silk
90 20% -
Enhancement Potion Night Sight.gif Night Sight (potion) 1 Spider’s Silk 0 100% -
Toxic Parasitic potion.gif Parasitic Poison 5 Parasitic Plant 65 70% Yes
Ingredients Plant pigment.png Plant Pigment 1 Plant Clippings 75 50% -
Toxic Potion Poison.gif Lesser Poison Potion 1 Nightshade 0 100% -
Toxic Potion Poison.gif Poison Potion 2 Nightshade 15 100% -
Toxic Potion Poison.gif Greater Poison Potion 4 Nightshade 55 90% -
Toxic Potion Poison.gif Deadly Poison Potion 8 Nightshade 90 20% -
Ingredients Potash.png Potash 1 Board
1 Pitcher of Water
0 100% -
Ingredients Gold dust.png Gold Dust 1000 Gold 90 33% -
Healing and Curative Potion Refresh.gif Refresh Potion 1 Black Pearl 15 100% -
Healing and Curative Potion Refresh.gif Greater Refreshment Potion 5 Black Pearl 25 100% -
Enhancement Sakkhra potions.png Sakkhra Prophylaxis Potion 20 Nightshade
10 Bottles of Wine
5 Blue Corn
51 95% Yes
Toxic Scouring toxin.png Scouring Toxin 1 Toxic Venom Sac 75 50% -
Strange Brew Smoke bomb.png Smoke Bomb 1 Eggs
3 Ginseng
90 33% -
Ingredients Softened reeds.png Softened Reeds 1 Scouring Toxin
2 Dry Reeds
75 100% -
Enhancement Potion Strength.gif Strength Potion 2 Mandrake Root 25 100% -
Enhancement Potion Strength.gif Greater Strength Potion 5 Mandrake Root 45 100% -
Enhancement Urali potions.png Urali Trance Tonic 20 Mandrake Root
10 Sea Serpent or Dragon Scales
5 River Moss
51 95% Yes
Ingredients Vial of vitriol.png Vial of Vitriol 30 Nightshade
1 Parasitic Poison Potion
90 20% -


Most forms of Weapons and Armor come from smiths.

Catogory Pictures Item Name Resources Needed Requires Recipe Min Skill Required
Armor Chainmail Coif.png Chainmail Coif 10 Ingots 14.5
Armor Chainmail Leggings.png Chainmail Leggings 18 Ingots 36.7
Armor Chainmail Tunic.png Chainmail Tunic 20 Ingots 39.1
Armor Deed (Shadow Iron).png Dragon Barding Deed 750 Ingots 72.5
Armor Female Plate.png Female Plate 20 Ingots 44.1
Armor GargishAmuletBlacksmith.png Gargish Amulet 3 Ingots 60
Armor Gargish platemail arms.gif Gargish Platemail Arms 18 Ingots 66.3
Armor Gargish platemail chest.gif Gargish Platemail Chest 25 Ingots 75
Armor Gargish platemail kilt.gif Gargish Platemail Kilt 12 Ingots 58.9
Armor Gargish platemail leggings.gif Gargish Platemail Leggings 20 Ingots 68.8
Armor Platemail Arms.png Platemail Arms 18 Ingots 66.3
Armor Platemail Do.png Platemail Do 28 Ingots 87
Armor Platemail Gloves.png Platemail Gloves 12 Ingots 58.9
Armor Platemail Gorget.png Platemail Gorget 10 Ingots 56.4
Armor Platemail Haidate.png Platemail Haidate 20 Ingots 65
Armor Platemail Hiro Sode.png Platemail Hiro Sode 16 Ingots 80
Armor Platemail Legs.png Platemail Legs 20 Ingots 68.8
Armor Platemail Mempo.png Platemail Mempo 18 Ingots 80
Armor Platemail Suneate.png Platemail Suneate 20 Ingots 65
Armor Platemail Tunic.png Platemail Tunic 25 Ingots 75
Armor Ringmail Gloves.png Ringmail Gloves 10 Ingots 12
Armor Ringmail Leggings.png Ringmail Leggings 16 Ingots 19.4
Armor Ringmail Sleeves.png Ringmail Sleeves 14 Ingots 16.9
Armor Ringmail Tunic.png Ringmail Tunic 18 Ingots 21.9
Axes Axe.png Axe 14 Ingots 34.2
Axes Battle Axe.png Battle Axe 14 Ingots 30.5
Axes Double Axe.png Double Axe 12 Ingots 29.3
Axes Dual short axes.gif Dual Short Axes 24 Ingots 75
Axes Executioner's Axe.png Executioner's Axe 14 Ingots 34.2
Axes Gargish axe.png Gargish Axe 14 Ingots 34.2
Axes Gargish battle Axe.png Gargish Battle Axe 14 Ingots 30.5
Axes Ornate Axe.png Guardian Axe 18 Ingots
1 Blue Diamond
Yes 75
Axes Ornate Axe.png Heavy Ornate Axe 18 Ingots
1 Turquoise
Yes 75
Axes Large Battle Axe.png Large Battle Axe 12 Ingots 28
Axes Ornate Axe.png Ornate Axe 18 Ingots 70
Axes Ornate Axe.png Singing Axe 18 Ingots
1 Brilliant Amber
Yes 75
Axes Ornate Axe.png Thundering Axe 18 Ingots
1 Ecru Citrine
Yes 75
Axes Two Handed Axe.png Two-Handed Axe 16 Ingots 33
Axes War Axe.png War Axe 16 Ingots 39.1
Bashing Diamond Mace.png Diamond Mace 20 Ingots 70
Bashing Disc mace.gif Disc Mace 20 Ingots 70
Bashing Diamond Mace.png Emerald Mace 20 Ingots
1 Perfect Emerald
Yes 75
Bashing Gargish maul.png Gargish Maul 10 Ingots 19.4
Bashing Gargish tessen.png Gargish Tessen 10 Cloth 50
Bashing Gargish war hammer.png Gargish War Hammer 16 Ingots 34.2
Bashing Hammer Pick.png Hammer Pick 16 Ingots 34.2
Bashing Mace.png Mace 6 Ingots 14.5
Bashing Maul (Weapon).png Maul 10 Ingots 19.4
Bashing Diamond Mace.png Ruby Mace 20 Ingots
1 Fire Ruby
Yes 75
Bashing Diamond Mace.png Sapphire Mace 20 Ingots
1 Dark Sapphire
Yes 75
Bashing Scepter.png Scepter 10 Ingots 21.6
Bashing Shard Thrasher.png Shard Thrasher 20 Ingots
10 Corruption
1 Eye of the Travesty
10 Muculent
Yes 70
Bashing Diamond Mace.png Silver-Etched Mace 20 Ingots
1 Blue Diamond
Yes 75
Bashing Tessen.png Tessen 16 Ingots
10 Cloth
85.0 Blacksmith
50.0 Tailoring
Bashing War Hammer.png War Hammer 16 Ingots 34.2
Bashing War Mace.png War Mace 14 Ingots 28
Bladed Elven Machete.png Adventurer's Machete 14 Ingots
1 White Pearl
Yes 75
Bladed Assassin Spike.png Assassin Spike 9 Ingots 70
Bladed Bloodblade.gif Bloodblade 8 Ingots 44.1
Bladed Bone Harvester.png Bone Harvester 10 Ingots 33
Bladed Elven Machete.png Bone Machete 6 Bones Yes 45
Bladed Broadsword.png Broadsword 10 Ingots 35.4
Bladed War Cleaver.png Butcher's War Cleaver 18 Ingots
1 Turquoise
Yes 75
Bladed Assassin Spike.png Charged Assassin Spike 9 Ingots
1 Ecru Citrine
Yes 75
Bladed Cold Forged Blade.png Cold Forged Blade 18 Ingots
10 Blight
1 Grizzled Bones
10 Taint
Yes 70
Bladed Rune Blade.png Corrupted Rune Blade 15 Ingots
1 Corruption
Yes 75
Bladed Crescent Blade.png Crescent Blade 14 Ingots 45
Bladed Cutlass.png Cutlass 8 Ingots 24.3
Bladed Dagger.png Dagger 3 Ingots 0
Bladed Daisho.png Daisho 15 Ingots 60
Bladed Radiant Scimitar.png Darkglow Scimitar 15 Ingots
1 Dark Sapphire
Yes 75
Bladed Elven Machete.png Diseased Machete 14 Ingots
1 Blight
Yes 75
Bladed Dread sword.gif Dread Sword 14 Ingots 75
Bladed Elven Machete.png Elven Machete 14 Ingots 70
Bladed Elven Spellblade.png Elven Spellblade 14 Ingots 70
Bladed Elven Spellblade.png Fiery Spellblade 14 Ingots
1 Fire Ruby
Yes 75
Bladed Gargish bone harvester.png Gargish Bone Harvester 10 Ingots 33
Bladed Gargish dagger.gif Gargish Dagger 3 Ingots 0
Bladed Gargish daisho.png Gargish Daisho 15 Ingots 60
Bladed Gargish katana.png Gargish Katana 8 Ingots 44.1
Bladed Gargish kryss.png Gargish Kryss 8 Ingots 36.7
Bladed Gargish talwar.gif Gargish Talwar 18 Ingots 75
Bladed Gargish tekagi.png Gargish Tekagi 12 Ingots 55
Bladed Radiant Scimitar.png Icy Scimitar 15 Ingots
1 Dark Sapphire
Yes 75
Bladed Elven Spellblade.png Icy Spellblade 14 Ingots
1 Turquoise
Yes 75
Bladed Kama.png Kama 14 Ingots 40
Bladed Katana.png Katana 8 Ingots 44.1
Bladed War Cleaver.png Knight's War Cleaver 18 Ingots
1 Perfect Emerald
Yes 75
Bladed Kryss.png Kryss 8 Ingots 36.7
Bladed Lajatang.png Lajatang 25 Ingots 80
Bladed Leafblade.png Leafblade 12 Ingots 70
Bladed Leafblade.png Leafblade of Ease 12 Ingots
1 Perfect Emerald
Yes 75
Bladed Longsword.png Longsword 12 Ingots 28
Bladed Leafblade.png Luckblade 12 Ingots
1 White Pearl
Yes 75
Bladed Luminous Rune Blade.png Luminous Rune Blade 15 Ingots
10 Corruption
1 Grizzled Bones
10 Putrefaction
Yes 70
Bladed Elven Machete.png Machete of Defense 14 Ingots
1 Brilliant Amber
Yes 75
Bladed Rune Blade.png Mage's Rune Blade 15 Ingots
1 Blue Diamond
Yes 75
Bladed Assassin Spike.png Magekiller Assassin Spike 9 Ingots
1 Brilliant Amber
Yes 75
Bladed Leafblade.png Magekiller Leafblade 12 Ingots
1 Fire Ruby
Yes 75
Bladed No-Dachi.png No-Dachi 18 Ingots 75
Bladed Elven Machete.png Orcish Machete 14 Ingots
1 Scourge
Yes 75
Bladed Overseer Sundered Blade.png Overseer Sundered Blade 15 Ingots
10 Blight
1 Grizzled Bones
10 Scourge
Yes 70
Bladed Radiant Scimitar.png Radiant Scimitar 15 Ingots 75
Bladed Rune Blade.png Rune Blade 15 Ingots 70
Bladed Rune Blade.png Rune Blade of Knowledge 15 Ingots
1 Ecru Citrine
Yes 75
Bladed Rune Carving Knife.png Rune Carving Knife 9 Ingots
1 Dread Horn Mane
10 Muculent
10 Putrefaction
Yes 70
Bladed Rune Blade.png Runesabre 15 Ingots
1 Turquoise
Yes 75
Bladed Exodus sacrificial dagger.png Exodus Sacrificial Dagger 12 Ingots
10 A Small Piece of Blackrock
2 Blue Diamond
2 Fire Ruby
Bladed Sai.png Sai 12 Ingots 50
Bladed Scimitar.png Scimitar 10 Ingots 31.7
Bladed War Cleaver.png Serrated War Cleaver 18 Ingots
1 Ecru Citrine
Yes 75
Bladed Shortblade.gif Shortblade 12 Ingots 28
Bladed Shuriken.png Shuriken 5 Ingots 45
Bladed Elven Spellblade.png Spellblade of Defense 18 Ingots
1 White Pearl
Yes 75
Bladed Tekagi.png Tekagi 12 Ingots 55
Bladed Assassin Spike.png True Assassin Spike 9 Ingots
1 Dark Sapphire
Yes 75
Bladed Leafblade.png True Leafblade 12 Ingots
1 Blue Diamond
Yes 75
Bladed Radiant Scimitar.png True Radiant Scimitar 15 Ingots
1 Brilliant Amber
Yes 75
Bladed Elven Spellblade.png True Spellblade 14 Ingots
1 Blue Diamond
Yes 75
Bladed War Cleaver.png True War Cleaver 18 Ingots
1 Brilliant Amber
Yes 75
Bladed Radiant Scimitar.png Twinkling Scimitar 15 Ingots
1 Dark Sapphire
Yes 75
Bladed Viking Sword.png Viking Sword 14 Ingots 24.3
Bladed Wakizashi.png Wakizashi 8 Ingots 50
Bladed War Cleaver.png War Cleaver 18 Ingots 70
Bladed Assassin Spike.png Wounding Assassin Spike 9 Ingots
1 Perfect Emerald
Yes 75
Cannons Cannonball.png Heavy Cannonball 12 Ingots 10
Cannons Grapeshot.png Heavy Grapeshot 12 Ingots
2 Cloth
Cannons Heavy ship cannon.png Heavy Ship Cannon 1800 Ingots
75 Boards
70.0 Blacksmith
70.0 Carpentry
Cannons Cannonball.png Light Cannonball 6 Ingots 0
Cannons Grapeshot.png Light Grapeshot 6 Ingots
1 Cloth
Cannons Light ship cannon.png Light Ship Cannon 900 Ingots
50 Boards
65.0 Blacksmith
65.0 Carpentry
Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Breastplate.png Dragon Breastplate 36 Dragon Scales 85
Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Gloves.png Dragon Gloves 16 Dragon Scales 68.9
Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Helm.png Dragon Helm 20 Dragon Scales 72.6
Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Leggings.png Dragon Leggings 28 Dragon Scales 78.8
Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Sleeves.png Dragon Sleeves 24 Dragon Scales 76.3
Helmets Bascinet.png Bascinet 15 Ingots 8.3
Helmets Chainmail Hatsuburi.png Chainmail Hatsuburi 20 Ingots 30
Helmets Circlet.png Circlet 6 Ingots 62.1
Helmets Close Helmet.png Close Helmet 15 Ingots 37.9
Helmets Decorative Platemail Kabuto.png Decorative Platemail Kabuto 25 Ingots 90
Helmets Gemmed Circlet.png Gemmed Circlet 6 Ingots
1 Amethyst
1 Blue Diamond
1 Tourmaline
Helmets Heavy Platemail Jingasa.png Heavy Platemail Jingasa 20 Ingots 45
Helmets Helmet.png Helmet 15 Ingots 37.9
Helmets Light Platemail Jingasa.png Light Platemail Jingasa 20 Ingots 45
Helmets Norse Helm.png Norse Helm 15 Ingots 37.9
Helmets Plate Helm.png Plate Helm 15 Ingots 62.6
Helmets Platemail Battle Kabuto.png Platemail Battle Kabuto 25 Ingots 90
Helmets Platemail Hatsuburi.png Platemail Hatsuburi 20 Ingots 45
Helmets Royal Circlet.png Royal Circlet 6 Ingots 70
Helmets Small Platemail Jingasa.png Small Platemail Jingasa 20 Ingots 45
Helmets Standard Platemail Kabuto.png Standard Platemail Kabuto 25 Ingots 90
Miscellaneous Crushed glass.png Crushed Glass 5 Glass Sword
1 Blue Diamond
Miscellaneous Metal keg.png Metal Keg 25 Ingots 85
Miscellaneous PolishedPlating.png Polished Plating 20 Malleable Alloy
1 Polish
Miscellaneous Powdered iron.png Powdered Iron 20 Ingots
1 White Pearl
Miscellaneous ScouredPlating.png Scoured Plating 20 Malleable Alloy
1 Scour
Polearms Bardiche.png Bardiche 18 Ingots 31.7
Polearms Bladed Staff.png Bladed Staff 12 Ingots 40
Polearms Double Bladed Staff.png Double Bladed Staff 16 Ingots 45
Polearms Dual pointed spear.gif Dual Pointed Spear 12 Ingots 47
Polearms Gargish bardiche.png Gargish Bardiche 18 Ingots 31.7
Polearms Gargish lance.png Gargish Lance 20 Ingots 48
Polearms Gargish pike.png Gargish Pike 12 Ingots 47
Polearms Gargish scythe.png Gargish Scythe 14 Ingots 0
Polearms Gargish war fork.png Gargish War Fork 12 Ingots 42.9
Polearms Halberd.png Halberd 20 Ingots 39.1
Polearms Lance.png Lance 20 Ingots 48
Polearms Pike.png Pike 12 Ingots 47
Polearms Scythe.png Scythe 14 Ingots 39
Polearms Short Spear.png Short Spear 6 Ingots 45.3
Polearms Spear.png Spear 12 Ingots 49
Polearms War Fork.png War Fork 12 Ingots 42.9
Shields BronzeShield.png Bronze Shield 12 Ingots 0
Shields Buckler.png Buckler 10 Ingots 0
Shields Chaos shield.png Chaos Shield 25 Ingots 85
Shields Gargish chaos shield.gif Gargish Chaos Shield 25 Ingots 85
Shields Gargish kite shield.gif Gargish Kite Shield 16 Ingots 4.6
Shields Gargish order shield.gif Gargish Order Shield 25 Ingots 85
Shields HeaterShield.png Heater Shield 18 Ingots 24.3
Shields Large plate shield.gif Large Plate Shield 18 Ingots 0
Shields Medium plate shield.gif Medium Plate Shield 14 Ingots 0
Shields MetalKiteShield.png Metal Kite Shield 16 Ingots 4.6
Shields MetalShield.png Metal Shield 14 Ingots 0
Shields Order shield.png Order Shield 25 Ingots 85
Shields Small plate shield.gif Small Plate Shield 12 Ingots 0
Shields TearKiteShield.png Tear Kite Shield 8 Ingots 0
Throwing Boomerang.gif Boomerang 5 Ingots 75
Throwing Cyclone.gif Cyclone 9 Ingots 75
Throwing Soul glaive.gif Soul Glaive 9 Ingots 75


Bowyers & Fletchers create archery weapons such as bows and arrows, or crossbows and bolts.

Catogory Picture Item Name Resources Needed Retains Color Makers Mark Requires Recipe Min Skill Required
Ammunition Arrow.png Arrow 1 Feather
1 Shaft
- - - 0
Ammunition Crossbow bolt.png Bolt 1 Feather
1 Shaft
- - - 0
Ammunition Fukiya Dart.png Fukiya Dart 1 Boards or Logs - - - 50
Materials Elven fletching.png Elven Fletching 1 Faery Dust
20 Feather
- - - 90
Materials Kindling.png Kindling 1 Boards or Logs - - - 0
Materials Shaft.png Shaft 1 Boards or Logs - - - 0
Weapons (Magical) Magical Shortbow.png Assassin's Shortbow 15 Boards or Logs
1 Dark Sapphire
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Magical) Elven Composite Longbow.png Barbed Longbow 20 Boards or Logs
1 Fire Ruby
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Artifact) Blight Gripped Longbow.png Blight Gripped Longbow 20 Boards or Logs
10 Blight
10 Corruption
1 Lard of Paroxysmus
- - Yes 75
Weapons (Standard) Bow.png Bow 7 Boards or Logs - Yes - 30
Weapons (Standard) Composite Bow.png Composite Bow 7 Boards or Logs - Yes - 70
Weapons (Standard) Crossbow.png Crossbow 7 Boards or Logs - Yes - 60
Weapons (Standard) Elven Composite Longbow.png Elven Composite Longbow 20 Boards or Logs Yes Yes - 95
Weapons (Artifact) Faerie Fire.png Faerie Fire 20 Boards or Logs
1 Lard of Paroxysmus
10 Putrefaction
10 Taint
- - Yes 75
Weapons (Magical) Elven Composite Longbow.png Frozen Longbow 20 Boards or Logs
1 Turquoise
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Standard) Heavy Crossbow.png Heavy Crossbow 10 Boards or Logs - Yes - 80
Weapons (Magical) Magical Shortbow.png Lightweight Shortbow 15 Boards or Logs
1 White Pearl
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Magical) Elven Composite Longbow.png Longbow of Might 10 Boards or Logs
1 Blue Diamond
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Standard) Magical Shortbow.png Magical Shortbow 15 Boards or Logs Yes Yes - 85
Weapons (Artifact) Mischief Maker.png Mischief Maker 15 Boards or Logs
10 Corruption
10 Putrefaction
1 Dread Horn Mane
- - Yes 75
Weapons (Magical) Magical Shortbow.png Mystical Shortbow 15 Boards or Logs
1 Ecru Citrine
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Magical) Magical Shortbow.png Ranger's Shortbow 15 Boards or Logs
1 Perfect Emerald
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Standard) Repeating Crossbow.png Repeating Crossbow 10 Boards or Logs - Yes - 90
Weapons (Artifact) Silvanis feywood bow.gif Silvani's Feywood Bow 20 Boards or Logs
1 Lard of Paroxysmus
10 Muculent
10 Scourge
- - Yes 75
Weapons (Magical) Elven Composite Longbow.png Slayer Longbow 20 Boards or Logs
1 Brilliant Amber
Yes - Yes 75
Weapons (Artifact) The Night Reaper.png The Night Reaper 10 Boards or Logs
10 Blight
10 Scourge
1 Dread Horn Mane
- - Yes 75
Weapons (Standard) Yumi.png Yumi 10 Boards or Logs Yes Yes - 90


Furniture and many House Addons come from carpenters, though they can also fashion a small selection of weapons and armor pieces.

Catogory Picture Item Resources Needed Creates Deed Retains Color Requires Recipe Min Skill Required
Armor Bramble Coat.png Bramble Coat 10 Boards
1 Diseased Bark
10 Scourge
10 Taint
Yes Yes 85
Armor Darkwood Chest.png Darkwood Chest 20 Boards
10 Corruption
1 Dread Horn Mane
10 Muculent
Armor Darkwood Crown.png Darkwood Crown 10 Boards
10 Blight
1 Lard of Paroxysmus
10 Taint
Armor Darkwood Gauntlets.png Darkwood Gauntlets 15 Boards
1 Captured Essence
10 Muculent
10 Putrefaction
Armor Darkwood Gorget.png Darkwood Gorget 15 Boards
10 Blight
1 Diseased Bark
10 Scourge
Armor Darkwood Leggings.png Darkwood Leggings 15 Boards
10 Corruption
1 Grizzled Bones
10 Putrefaction
Armor Darkwood Pauldrons.png Darkwood Pauldrons 15 Boards
1 Eye of the Travesty
10 Scourge
10 Taint
Armor Gargish wooden shield.gif Gargish Wooden Shield 9 Boards Yes 52.6
Armor Ironwood Crown.png Ironwood Crown 10 Boards
10 Corruption
1 Diseased Bark
10 Putrefaction
Yes 85
Armor Raven Helm.png Raven Helm 10 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
25 Feather
Yes 65
Armor Vulture Helm.png Vulture Helm 10 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
25 Feather
Yes 63.9
Armor Winged Helm.png Winged Helm 10 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
60 Feather
Yes 58.4
Armor Wooden shield.png Wooden Shield 9 Boards 52.6
Armor Woodland Arms.png Woodland Arms 15 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
Yes 85
Armor Woodland Chest.png Woodland Chest 20 Boards
6 Bark Fragment
Yes 90
Armor Woodland Gauntlets.png Woodland Gauntlets 15 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
Yes 85
Armor Woodland Gorget.png Woodland Gorget 15 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
Yes 85
Armor Woodland Leggings.png Woodland Leggings 15 Boards
4 Bark Fragment
Yes 85
Blacksmithy Anvil (East).png Anvil 5 Boards
150 Ingots
Yes 73.6 Carpentry
75.0 Blacksmith
Blacksmithy Elven Forge.png Elven Forge 200 Boards Yes Yes 94.7
Blacksmithy Large Forge (East).png Large Forge 5 Boards
100 Ingots
Yes 78.9 Carpentry
80.0 Blacksmith
Blacksmithy Small Forge.png Small Forge 5 Boards
75 Ingots
Yes 73.6 Carpentry
75.0 Blacksmith
Blacksmithy Soulforge.gif Soulforge 150 Boards
150 Ingots
1 Relic Fragment
Yes Yes 100.0 Carpentry
75.0 Imbuing
Containers Academic bookcase.png Academic Bookcase 25 Boards
1 Academic Books
Yes 60
Containers Arcane bookshelf east.png Arcane Bookshelf 80 Boards Yes Yes Yes 94.7
Containers Armoire.png Armoire 35 Boards 84.2
Containers Armoire red.png Armoire (red) 35 Boards 84.2
Containers Cherry armoire.png Cherry Armoire 40 Boards 90
Containers Decorative box.png Decorative Box 25 Boards Yes 80
Containers Elegant armoire.png Elegant Armoire 40 Boards 90
Containers Elven armoire fancy.png Elven Armoire (fancy) 60 Boards Yes Yes 80
Containers Elven armoire simple.png Elven Armoire (simple) 60 Boards Yes 80
Containers Elven dresser south.png Elven Dresser 45 Boards Yes Yes Yes 75
Containers Carpentry elven wash basin01.gif Elven Wash Basin 40 Boards Yes Yes 70
Containers Empty liquor barrel.png Empty Liquor Barrel 50 Boards Yes 60
Containers Finished wooden chest.png Finished Wooden Chest 30 Boards 90
Containers Gargish chest.png Gargish Chest 30 Boards Yes 80
Containers Gilded wooden chest.png Gilded Wooden Chest 30 Boards 90
Containers Keg.png Keg 1 Barrel Hoops
1 Barrel Lid
3 Barrel Staves
Containers Large crate.png Large Crate 18 Boards 47.3
Containers Maple armoire.png Maple Armoire 40 Boards 90
Containers Medium crate.png Medium Crate 15 Boards 31.5
Containers Ornate elven chest east.png Ornate Elven Chest 40 Boards Yes Yes Yes 94.7
Containers Ornate wooden chest.png Ornate Wooden Chest 30 Boards 90
Containers Plain wooden chest.png Plain Wooden Chest 30 Boards 90
Containers Rarewood chest.png Rarewood Chest 30 Boards Yes 80
Containers Red-armoire.gif Red Armoire 40 Boards 90
Containers Short cabinet.png Short Cabinet 35 Boards 90
Containers Small crate.png Small Crate 8 Boards 10
Containers Tall cabinet.png Tall Cabinet 35 Boards 90
Containers Wooden box.png Wooden Box 10 Boards 21
Containers Wooden chest.png Wooden Chest 20 Boards 73.6
Containers Wooden footlocker.png Wooden Footlocker 30 Boards 90
Containers Wooden shelf.png Wooden Shelf 25 Boards 31.5
Furniture Chicken coop.gif Chicken Coop 150 Boards Yes 90
Furniture Cozy elven chair.png Cozy Elven Chair 40 Boards Yes 85
Furniture Elegant low table.png Elegant Low Table 35 Boards 80
Furniture Elven podium.png Elven Podium 20 Boards Yes 80
Furniture Foot stool.png Foot Stool 9 Boards 11
Furniture Hardwood table.png Hardwood Table 50 Boards Yes Yes 80
Furniture Incubator.gif Incubator 100 Boards Yes 90
Furniture Large table.png Large Table 23 Boards 63.1
Furniture Magincia-style throne.png Magincia-Style Throne 19 Boards 73.6
Furniture Ornate elven chair.png Ornate Elven Chair 30 Boards Yes Yes 80
Furniture Ornate table.png Ornate Table 60 Boards Yes Yes 85
Furniture Plain low table.png Plain Low Table 35 Boards 80
Furniture Elven reading chair.png Reading Chair 30 Boards Yes 80
Furniture Small table.png Small Table 17 Boards 42.1
Furniture Stool.png Stool 9 Boards 11
Furniture Straw chair.png Straw Chair 13 Boards 21
Furniture Ter-Mur style chair.png Ter-Mur Style Chair 40 Boards Yes 85
Furniture Ter-Mur style table.png Ter-Mur Style Table 50 Boards 75
Furniture Trinsic-style chair.png Trinsic-Style Chair 15 Boards 42.1
Furniture Upholstered-chair.gif Upholstered Chair 40 Boards
12 Cloth
Yes 70.0 Carpentry
55.0 Tailoring
Furniture Vesper-style chair.png Vesper-Style Chair 15 Boards 42.1
Furniture Wooden bench.png Wooden Bench 17 Boards 52.6
Furniture Wooden chair.png Wooden Chair 13 Boards 21
Furniture Wooden throne.png Wooden Throne 17 Boards 52.6
Furniture Writing table.png Writing Table 17 Boards 63.1
Furniture Yew-wood table.png Yew-Wood Table 27 Boards 84.2
Instruments Aud-Char.png Aud-Char 35 Boards
15 Granite
78.9 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Bamboo Flute.png Bamboo Flute 15 Boards 80.0 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Carp-cello.gif Cello 15 Boards
5 Cloth
Yes Yes 75.0 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Carp-cowbell.gif Cowbell 10 Boards
15 Ingots
Yes Yes 85.0 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Drum.png Drum 20 Boards
10 Cloth
57.8 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Lap harp.png Lap Harp 20 Boards
10 Cloth
63.1 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Lute.png Lute 25 Boards
10 Cloth
68.4 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Snake charmer flute.png Snake Charmer Flute 15 Boards
3 Luminescent Fungi
80.0 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Standing harp.png Standing Harp 35 Boards
15 Cloth
78.9 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Tambourine.png Tambourine 15 Boards
10 Cloth
57.8 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Tambourine tassel.png Tambourine (tassel) 15 Boards
15 Cloth
57.8 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Carp-trumpet.gif Trumpet 10 Boards
15 Ingots
Yes Yes 85.0 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Instruments Carp-wallbell.gif Wall Mounted Bell 50 Boards
50 Cloth
Yes Yes 75.0 Carpentry
45.0 Musicianship
Misc Add-Ons Abbatoir.png Abbatoir 100 Boards
40 Ingots
Yes 100.0 Carpentry
50.0 Magery
Misc Add-Ons Alchemist table.png Alchemist Table 70 Boards Yes Yes 85
Misc Add-Ons Arcane circle item.png Arcane Circle 100 Boards
2 Blue Diamond
2 Fire Ruby
2 Perfect Emerald
Yes Yes 94.7
Misc Add-Ons Strongbox.png Ballot Box 5 Boards Yes 47.3
Misc Add-Ons Bulletin board south.png Bulletin Board 50 Boards 85
Misc Add-Ons Dartboard south.png Dartboard 5 Boards Yes 15.7
Misc Add-Ons Elven bed south.png Elven Bed 100 Boards
100 Cloth
Yes Yes 94.7
Misc Add-Ons Elven loveseat.png Elven Loveseat 50 Boards
24 Cloth
Yes Yes 80
Misc Add-Ons Fancy-couch.gif Fancy Couch 80 Boards
48 Cloth
Yes Yes 70.0 Carpentry
55.0 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Fancy-loveseat.gif Fancy Loveseat 80 Boards Yes Yes 70.0 Carpentry
55.0 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Fancy-wooden-shelf.gif Fancy Wooden Shelf 15 Boards Yes Yes 40
Misc Add-Ons Gargish couch south.png Gargish Couch 75 Boards Yes 90
Misc Add-Ons Large bed south.png Large Bed 150 Boards
150 Cloth
Yes 94.7 Carpentry
75.0 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Long-metal-table.gif Long Metal Table 40 Boards
30 Ingots
Yes Yes 80.0 Carpentry
75.0 Tinkering
Misc Add-Ons Long table.png Long Table 80 Boards Yes 90
Misc Add-Ons Long-wooden-table.gif Long Wooden Table 80 Boards Yes Yes 80
Misc Add-Ons Metal-table.gif Metal Table 20 Boards
15 Ingots
Yes Yes 80.0 Carpentry
75.0 Tinkering
Misc Add-Ons Parrot perch.png Parrot Perch 50 Boards Yes Yes 50
Misc Add-Ons Pentagram.png Pentagram 100 Boards
40 Ingots
Yes 100.0 Carpentry
75.0 Magery
Misc Add-Ons Plain-wooden-shelf.gif Plain Wooden Shelf 15 Boards Yes Yes 40
Misc Add-Ons Plant-tapestry.gif Plant Tapestry 12 Boards
50 Cloth
Yes Yes 85.0 Carpentry
75.0 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Plush-loveseat.gif Plush Loveseat 80 Boards
24 Cloth
Yes Yes 70.0 Carpentry
55.0 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Rustic bench east.png Rustic Bench 35 Boards Yes Yes 94.7
Misc Add-Ons Short table.png Short Table 60 Boards Yes 80
Misc Add-Ons Small bed south.png Small Bed 100 Boards
100 Cloth
Yes 94.7 Carpentry
75.0 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Small-display-case.gif Small Display Case 40 Boards
10 Ingots
Yes 95.0 Carpentry
75.0 Tinkering
Misc Add-Ons Tall elven bed south.png Tall Elven Bed 200 Boards
100 Cloth
Yes Yes Yes 94.7
Misc Add-Ons Ter-Mur style dresser south.png Ter-Mur Style Dresser 60 Boards Yes 90
Misc Add-Ons Wooden-table.gif Wooden Table 20 Boards Yes Yes 80
Other Rope small.png Acid Proof Rope 2 Wood Switch
2 Greater Strength Potion
1 Protection
Yes 80
Other Arcanist statue south.png Arcanist Statue 250 Boards Yes Yes 0
Other Bamboo screen.png Bamboo Screen 75 Boards
60 Cloth
80.0 Carpentry
50.0 Tailoring
Other Barrel lid.png Barrel Lid 4 Boards 11
Other Barrel staves.png Barrel Staves 5 Boards 0
Other Boards.png Board 1 Logss 0
Other Dark-wooden-signhanger.gif Dark Wooden Sign Hanger 5 Boards Yes 42.1
Other Easel south.png Easel 20 Boards 86.8
Other Deed.png Exodus Summoning Altar 100 Boards
10 A Small Piece of Blackrock
10 Granite
1 Nexus Core
100.0 Carpentry
75.0 Magery
Other Fishing Pole.png Fishing Pole 5 Boards
5 Cloth
68.4 Carpentry
40.0 Tailoring
Other Gargish banner.png Gargish Banner 50 Boards
50 Cloth
94.7 Carpentry
75.0 Tailoring
Other Giant replica acorn.png Giant Replica Acorn 35 Boards Yes 80
Other GlazedResin.png Glazed Resin 20 Solvent Flask
1 Gloss
Other Light-wooden-signhanger.gif Light Wooden Sign Hanger 5 Boards Yes 42.1
Other Mounted dread horn.gif Mounted Dread Horn 50 Boards
1 Pristine Dread Horn
Other Red hanging lantern.png Red Hanging Lantern 5 Boards
10 Blank Scroll
Other Runed Switch.png Runed Switch 1 Enchanted Switch
1 Runed Prism
1 Jeweled Filigree
Other Shoji screen.png Shoji Screen 75 Boards
60 Cloth
80.0 Carpentry
50.0 Tailoring
Other Short music stand.png Short Music Stand 15 Boards 78.9
Other Squirrel statue south.png Squirrel Statue 250 Boards Yes Yes 0
Other Tall music stand.png Tall Music Stand 20 Boards 81.5
Other VarnishedResin.png Varnished Resin 20 Solvent Flask
1 Varnish
Other Warrior statue south.png Warrior Statue 250 Boards Yes Yes 0
Other White hanging lantern.png White Hanging Lantern 5 Boards
10 Blank Scroll
Other Wooden Container Engraving Tool.png Wooden Container Engraving Tool 2 Ingots
4 Boards
Tailoring and Cooking Dressform (Side).png Dressform 25 Boards
10 Cloth
63.1 Carpentry
65.0 Tailoring
Tailoring and Cooking Elven Oven (South).png Elven Oven 80 Boards Yes Yes 85
Tailoring and Cooking Elven Spinning Wheel (East).png Elven Spinning Wheel 60 Boards
40 Cloth
Yes Yes 75.0 Carpentry
65.0 Tailoring
Tailoring and Cooking Flour Mill (South).png Flour Mill 100 Boards
50 Ingots
Yes 94.7 Carpentry
50.0 Tinkering
Tailoring and Cooking Loom (East).png Loom 85 Boards
25 Cloth
Yes 84.2 Carpentry
65.0 Tailoring
Tailoring and Cooking Spinning Wheel (South).png Spinning Wheel 75 Boards
25 Cloth
Yes 73.6 Carpentry
65.0 Tailoring
Tailoring and Cooking Stone Oven (East).png Stone Oven 85 Boards
125 Ingots
Yes 68.4 Carpentry
50.0 Tinkering
Tailoring and Cooking Water Trough (East).png Water Trough 150 Boards Yes 94.7
Training Pickpocket Dip (East).png Pickpocket Dip 65 Boards
60 Cloth
Yes 73.6 Carpentry
50.0 Tailoring
Training Training Dummy (East).png Training Dummy 55 Boards
60 Cloth
Yes 68.4 Carpentry
50.0 Tailoring
Weapons Wild Staff.png Ancient Wild Staff 16 Boards
1 Perfect Emerald
Yes Yes 63.8
Weapons Wild Staff.png Arcanist's Wild Staff 16 Boards
1 White Pearl
Yes Yes 63.8
Weapons Black Staff.png Black Staff 9 Boards Yes 81.5
Weapons Bokuto.png Bokuto 6 Boards 70
Weapons Fukiya.png Fukiya 8 Boards 60
Weapons Gargish gnarled staff.png Gargish Gnarled Staff 7 Boards Yes 78.9
Weapons Gnarled Staff.png Gnarled Staff 7 Boards 78.9
Weapons Black Staff.png Kotl Black Rod 20 Boards
1 Black Moonstone
1 Staff of the Magi
Yes Yes 100
Weapons Wild Staff.png Hardened Wild Staff 16 Boards
1 Turquoise
Yes Yes 63.8
Weapons Phantom Staff.png Phantom Staff 16 Boards
1 Diseased Bark
10 Putrefaction
10 Taint
Yes 90
Weapons Quarter Staff.png Quarter Staff 6 Boards 73.6
Weapons Serpentstone staff.gif Serpentstone Staff 16 Boards
1 Ecru Citrine
Weapons Shepherd's Crook.png Shepherd's Crook 7 Boards 78.9
Weapons Tetsubo.png Tetsubo 10 Boards 80
Weapons Wild Staff.png Thorned Wild Staff 16 Boards
1 Fire Ruby
Yes Yes 63.8
Weapons Wild Staff.png Wild Staff 16 Boards Yes 63.8
Weapons Club.png Club 10 Boards Yes 65


Maps of varying levels of detail are drawn up by cartographers.

Item Components Skill Remarks
Map.gif Local Map 1 Map/Blank Scroll 0.0 A close up view of the nearby area.
Map.gif City Map 1 Map/Blank Scroll 25.0 A somewhat expanded view of the area.
Map.gif Sea Chart 1 Map/Blank Scroll 35.0 Quite a large area around your location.
Map.gif World Map 1 Map/Blank Scroll 50.0 A map of the entire world.
Tattered wall maps.jpg

Tattered Wall Map

10 stash Treasure Maps.
5 cache Treasure Maps.
3 hoard Treasure Maps.
1 trove Treasure Map.
90.0 A decorative item that may be hung on the wall in a player's home. All maps used must be decoded after Mondain's Legacy and completed by the same person. Feluccan maps cannot be used with those obtained elsewhere.

Wall Map of Eodon

50 blank Maps or Blank Scrolls.
1 Unabridged Atlas of Eodon, available for sale from Professor Ellie Rafkin in Sir Goeffrey’s camp
65.0 (recipe required) Displays in-game as a wall map that when double-clicked opens up a full view of a map of the Valley of Eodon


Although most forms of food that are made by cooks officially give no other benefit then a small stamina boost when eaten, there's a large selection that can be used as decoration in houses. Some foods offer more substantial benefits.

Catogory Picture Item Resources Needed Stand Near Recipe Required Minimum Skill
Ingredients Open sack of flour.png Sack of Flour Wheat Flour Mill 0
Ingredients Dough.png Dough Flour
Pitcher of Water
Ingredients Sweet dough.png Sweet Dough Honey
Ingredients Cake mix.png Cake Mix Sweet Dough
Ingredients Cookie mix.png Cookie Mix Sweet Dough
Ingredients Cocoa butter.png Cocoa Butter Cocoa Pulp Fire 0
Ingredients Cocoa liquor.png Cocoa Liquor Cocoa Pulp
Pewter Bowl
Fire 0
Ingredients Wheat wort.png Wheat Wort Flour
Pitcher of Water
Empty Bottle
Ingredients Fish oil flask.png Fish Oil Flask Coffee Grounds
8 Raw Fish Steak
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Quiche Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Meat Pie Dough
Cut of Raw Ribs
Preparations Uncooked pizza.png Uncooked Sausage Pizza Dough
Preparations Uncooked pizza.png Uncooked Cheese Pizza Dough
Wheel of Cheese
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Fruit Pie Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Peach Cobbler Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Apple Pie Dough
Preparations Unbaked pie.png Unbaked Pumpkin Pie Dough
Preparations Green tea.png Green Tea Pitcher of Water
Green Tea Raw
Oven 80
Preparations Wasabi clumps.png Wasabi Clumps Pitcher of Water
3 Bowl of Peas
Preparations Sushi rolls.png Sushi Rolls 10 Raw Fish Steak 90
Preparations Sushi platter.png Sushi Platter Pitcher of Water
10 Raw Fish Steak
Preparations Savage kin paint.png Savage Kin Paint Flour
Tribal Berries
Preparations Smoke bomb.png Egg Bomb Eggs
Preparations Parrot wafer.png Parrot Wafer Dough
Raw Fish Steak
Preparations Plant pigment.png Plant Pigment Plant Clippings
Empty Bottle
Preparations Natural Dye Plant Pigment
Color Fixative
Preparations Color fixative.png Color Fixative Silver Serpent Venom
Bottle of Wine
Preparations Wood pulp.png Wood Pulp Bark Fragment
Pitcher of Water
Preparations Charcoal.png Charcoal Board Oven 0
Baking Bread loaf.png Bread Loaf Dough Oven 0
Baking Pan of cookies.png Pan of Cookies Cookie Mix Oven 0
Baking Cake.png Cake Cake Mix Oven 0
Baking Muffins.png Muffins Sweet Dough Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Quiche Unbaked Quiche Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Meat Pie Unbaked Meat Pie Oven 0
Baking Pizza.png Sausage Pizza Uncooked Sausage Pizza Oven 0
Baking Pizza.png Cheese Pizza Uncooked Cheese Pizza Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Fruit Pie Unbaked Fruit Pie Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Peach Cobbler Unbaked Peach Cobbler Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Apple Pie Unbaked Apple Pie Oven 0
Baking Pie.png Baked Pumpkin Pie Unbaked Pumpkin Pie Oven 0
Baking Miso soup.png Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking White miso soup.png White Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking Red miso soup.png Red Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking Awase miso soup.png Awase Miso Soup Pitcher of Water
Raw Fish Steak
Oven 60
Baking Gingerbread-cookie.png Gingerbread Cookie Cookie Mix
Fresh Ginger
Oven Yes 35
Baking 3-tier-cake.png Three Tier Cake 3 Cake Mix Oven Yes 60
Barbeque Cooked bird.png Cooked Bird Raw Bird Fire 0
Barbeque Chicken leg.png Chicken Leg Raw Chicken Leg Fire 0
Barbeque Fish steak.png Fish Steak Raw Fish Steak Fire 0
Barbeque Fried eggs.png Fried Eggs Eggs Fire 0
Barbeque Leg of lamb.png Leg of Lamb Raw Leg of Lamb Fire 0
Barbeque Cut of ribs.png Cut of Ribs Cut of Raw Ribs Fire 0
Barbeque Bowl of rotworm stew.png Bowl of Rotworm Stew Raw Rotworm Meat Fire Yes 0
Barbeque Blackrock stew.png Blackrock Stew Bowl of Rotworm Stew
A Small Piece of Blackrock
Fire Yes 30
Enchanted Food Decoration Tool.png Food Decoration Tool Dough
Enchanted EnchantedApple.png Enchanted Apple Apple
Greater Heal Potion
Enchanted Grapes of Wrath.png Grapes of Wrath Grapes
Greater Strength Potion
Enchanted Fruit Bowl.png Fruit Bowl Wooden Bowl
3 Pear
3 Apple
3 Bananas
Chocolatiering Sweet Cocoa Butter Sack of Sugar
Cocoa Butter
Chocolatiering DarkChocolate.png Dark Chocolate Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Chocolatiering MilkChocolate.png Milk Chocolate Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Pitcher of Milk
Chocolatiering WhiteChocolate.png White Chocolate Sweet Cocoa Butter
Pitcher of Milk
Chocolatiering ChocolateNutcracker.png Dark Chocolate Nutcracker Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Foil Sheet
Yes 15
Chocolatiering ChocolateNutcracker.png Milk Chocolate Nutcracker Sweet Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Liquor
Pitcher of Milk
Foil Sheet
Yes 32.5
Chocolatiering ChocolateNutcracker.png White Chocolate Nutcracker Sweet Cocoa Butter
Pitcher of Milk
Foil Sheet
Yes 52.5
Magical Fish Pies Great barracuda pie.png Great Barracuda Pie Dough
Great Barracuda Steak
Zoogi Fungus
Mento Seasoning
Oven 60
Magical Fish Pies Giant koi pie.png Giant Koi Pie Dough
Giant Koi Steak
Bowl of Peas
Mento Seasoning
Oven 61
Magical Fish Pies Fire fish pie.png Fire Fish Pie Dough
Fire Fish Steak
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 62
Magical Fish Pies Stone crab pie.png Stone Crab Pie Dough
Stone Crab Meat
Head of Cabbage
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 63
Magical Fish Pies Blue lobster pie.png Blue Lobster Pie Dough
Blue Lobster Meat
Tribal Berry
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 64
Magical Fish Pies Reaper fish pie.png Reaper Fish Pie Dough
Reaper Fish Steak
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 65
Magical Fish Pies Crystal fish pie.png Crystal Fish Pie Dough
Crystal Fish Steak
Samuel's Secret Sauce
Oven 66
Magical Fish Pies Bull fish pie.png Bull Fish Pie Dough
Bull Fish Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 67
Magical Fish Pies Summer dragonfish pie.png Summer Dragonfish Pie Dough
Summer Dragonfish Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 68
Magical Fish Pies Fairy salmon pie.png Fairy Salmon Pie Dough
Fairy Salmon Steak
Ear of Corn
Dark Truffle
Oven 69
Magical Fish Pies Lava fish pie.png Lava Fish Pie Dough
Lava Fish Steak
Wheel of Cheese
Dark Truffle
Oven 70
Magical Fish Pies Autumn dragonfish pie.png Autumn Dragonfish Pie Dough
Autumn Dragonfish Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 71
Magical Fish Pies Spider crab pie.png Spider Crab Pie Dough
Spider Crab Meat
Head of Lettuce
Mento Seasoning
Oven 72
Magical Fish Pies Yellowtail barracuda pie.png Yellowtail Barracuda Pie Dough
Yellowtail Barracuda Steak
Bottle of Wine
Mento Seasoning
Oven 73
Magical Fish Pies Holy mackerel pie.png Holy Mackerel Pie Dough
Holy Mackerel Steak
Mento Seasoning
Oven 74
Magical Fish Pies Unicorn fish pie.png Unicorn Fish Pie Dough
Unicorn Fish Steak
Fresh Ginger
Mento Seasoning
Oven 75
Beverages MugCoffee.png Coffee Pitcher of Water
Coffee Grounds
Steam Powered Beverage Maker 0
Beverages MugGreenTea.png Green Tea Pitcher of Water
Green Tea Raw
Steam Powered Beverage Maker 0
Beverages MugHotCocoa.png Hot Cocoa Pitcher of Milk
Cocoa Liquor
Sack of Sugar
Steam Powered Beverage Maker 0


In order to take up glassblowing, a character must first become a Grand Master alchemist.

  • Some glass items created by glassblowers can be changed in color by using an Interior Decorator tool on them.

Picture Glassblowing Item Sand Success Remarks
Glass sword.png Glass Sword 14 90% May hold its maker's mark.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion

Glass staff.png Glass Staff 10 95% May hold its maker's mark.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.

Picture Glassblowing Item Sand Success Remarks
Empty bottle.png Empty Bottle 1 95% For Potions
Flask2a.gifFlask2b.gifFlask2c.gifFlask2d.gif Small Flask 2 95% Changes color and direction when turned.
Flask1a.gifFlask1b.gifFlask1c.gifFlask1d.gif Medium Flask 3 95% Changes color when turned.
Flask3a.gifFlask3b.gifFlask3c.gifFlask3d.gifFlask3e.gifFlask3f.gif Curved Flask 3 95% Changes color and direction when turned.
Flask5a.gifFlask5b.gifFlask5c.gif Large Flask 1 4 85% Changes color when turned.
Flask4a.gifFlask4b.gifFlask4c.gif Large Flask 2 5 80% Changes color when turned.
Flasksmall anim.gif Bubbling Blue Flask 5 80%
Flasklarge anim.gif Bubbling Purple Flask 5 80%
Flasklong anim.gif Bubbling Red Flask 7 80%
Emptyvials.gif Empty Vials 8 70% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.
Fullvials.gif Full Vials 8 70% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.
Hourglass anim.gif Spinning Hourglass 10 50% The Interior Decorator will stop or start it.
Empty oil flask.png Empty Oil Flask 5 60%
WorkableGlass.png Workable Glass 10 55%
Prism.png Hollow Prism 8 50% Used in making a Runed Prism.
Ter-Mur style floor mirror.png Ter-Mur Style Floor Mirror 20 50% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.

Ter-Mur style wall mirror.png Ter-Mur Style Wall Mirror 10 60% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.

SoulstoneFragment.jpg Soulstone Fragment - 60% Requires 2 Crystal Granules and 2 Void Essence
Empty venom vial.png Empty Venom Vial 1 95% Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.


Scribes can copy spell-containing scrolls, or bind books for various purposes.

Item Components Skill Remarks
Scroll Red South.png
Magery Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
Mana/Reagents equal to those required to cast the spell.
Varies See Scrolls - Magery for individual skill requirements. You must already have a spell with you in order to copy it.
Scroll Animate Dead.png
Necromancy Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
Mana/Reagents equal to those required to cast the spell.
Varies See Scrolls - Necromancy for individual skill requirements. You must already have a spell with you in order to copy it.
Scroll spell plague.png
Mysticism Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
Mana/Reagents equal to those required to cast the spell.
Varies See Scrolls - Mysticism for individual skill requirements. You must already have a spell with you in order to copy it.
Enchanted Switch
1 Blank Scroll
1 Spiders' Silk
1 Black Pearl
1 Switch
45% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion.
Runed Prism
1 Hollow Prism
1 Blank Scroll
1 Spiders' Silk
1 Black Pearl
45% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion.
8 Blank Scrolls
1 Unmarked Rune
1 Recall Scroll
1 Gate Travel Scroll
Runic Atlas
24 Blank Scrolls
3 Unmarked Rune
3 Recall Scroll
3 Gate Travel Scroll
Bulk Order Book.png
Bulk Order Book
10 Blank Scrolls 65%
Mini spellbook.gif
10 Blank Scrolls 50%
Necromancer spellbook.png
Necromancer Spellbook
10 Blank Scrolls 50%
Mysticism spellbook.png
Mysticism Spellbook
10 Blank Scrolls 50%
Scrapper's Compendium.png
Scrapper's Compendium
100 Blank Scrolls
1 Dread Horn Mane
10 Taint
10 Corruption
75% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion and the relevant Recipe.
Scribe's Pen.png
Spellbook Engraving Tool
1 Feather
7 Black Pearl
75% Requires the Mondain's Legacy expansion.
Blank Scrolls.png
Blank Scrolls
1 Wood Pulp 50%
Scroll binder.png
Scroll Binder
1 Wood Pulp 75%
Book (100 Pages)
40 Blank Scrolls
2 Beeswax
Book (200 Pages)
80 Blank Scrolls
4 Beeswax
Exodus summoning rite.png
Exodus Summoning Rite
5 Taints
5 Daemon Bones
1 Summon Daemon Scroll
5 Daemon Bloods


In order to take up masonry, a character must first become a Grand Master carpenter.

Catogory Picture Item Resources Needed Recipe Required Success Rate
Furniture Ritual table.png Ritual Table 8 Granite 94.70%
Furniture Stone Chair.gif Stone Chair 4 Granite 90%
Furniture Medium Stone Table South.gif Medium Stone Table 6 Granite 70%
Furniture Large Stone Table South.gif Large Stone Table 9 Granite 50%
Statues Pegasus Statuette.gif Pegasus Statuette 4 Granite 60%
Statues Small Statue South.gif Small Statue (facing south) 3 Granite 80%
Statues Small Statue North.gif Small Statue ( facing north) 3 Granite 80%
Statues Small Statue East.gif Small Statue (facing east) 3 Granite 80%
Statues Gargoyle statue.png Gargoyle Statue 20 Granite 91%
Statues Gryphon statue.png Gryphon Statue 16 Granite 91%
Decorations Vase.gif Vase 1 Granite
Decorations Large Vase.gif Large Vase 3 Granite
Decorations Tower Sculpture.gif Tower Sculpture 3 Granite 36%
Decorations Small Urn.gif Small Urn 3 Granite 36%
Decorations Gargish painting.png Gargish Painting 3 Granite 34%
Decorations Gargish sculpture.png Gargish Sculpture 4 Granite 36%
Decorations Gargish vase.png Gargish Vase 4 Granite 40%
Decorations 18thshortvase.gif 18th Anniversary Short Vase 6 Granite Yes 100%
Decorations 18thtallvase.gif 18th Anniversary Tall Vase 6 Granite Yes 100%
Misc Add-Ons Gargish large bed.png Large Gargish Bed 100 Granite
100 Cloth
75 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Gargish cot.png Gargish Cot 100 Granite
100 Cloth
75 Tailoring
Misc Add-Ons Stone anvil east.jpg Stone Anvil 20 Granite 36.70%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone arms.pngGargish stone arms 2.png Gargish Stone Arms 8 Granite 87.40%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone chest.pngGargish stone chest 2.png Gargish Stone Chest 12 Granite 90%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone leggings.pngGargish stone leggings 2.png Gargish Stone Leggings 10 Granite 82.40%
Armor and Weapons Gargish stone kilt.pngGargish stone kilt 2.png Gargish Stone Kilt 6 Granite 100%
Armor and Weapons Large stone shield.png Large Stone Shield 16 Granite 90%
Armor and Weapons Stone War Sword.png Stone War Sword 18 Granite 90%
Armor and Weapons Stone amulet.gif Gargish Stone Amulet 3 Granite 80%
Walls Roughwall.gif Rough Windowless 10 Granite 80%
Walls Roughwindow.gif Rough Window 10 Granite 80%
Walls Rougharch.gif Rough Arch 5 Granite 80%
Walls Roughpillar.gif Rough Pillar 3 Granite 80%
Walls Roughroundedarch.gif Rough Rounded Arch 5 Granite 80%
Walls Smallarch.gif Rough Small Arch 3 Granite 80%
Walls Roughangledpillar.gif Rough Angled Pillar 5 Granite 80%
Walls Roughshort.gif Short Rough 3 Granite 80%
Walls Stone-door1.gif Stone Door South 10 Granite 80%
Walls Stone-door2.gif Stone Door East 10 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughblock.gif Rough Block 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughsteps.gif Rough Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughcornersteps.gif Rough Corner Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roundedcornersteps.gif Rough Rounded Corner Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roughinsetsteps.gif Rough Inset Steps 5 Granite 80%
Stairs Roundedinsetsteps.gif Rough Rounded Inset Steps 5 Granite 80%
Floor Tiles Paver-light.gif Light Paver 5 Granite 80%
Floor Tiles Paver-medium.gif Medium Paver 5 Granite 80%
Floor Tiles Paver-dark.gif Dark Paver 5 Granite 80%


Clothing is the best way to decorate your character, though tailors also produce some of the best armor in the game.

  • Note that of the armor categories, items in the Leather and Cloth sections have a hidden Mage Armor property (allowing you to actively Meditate while wearing them).
  • Note that of the armor categories, items in the studded armor and bone has a hidden 3% Lower Mana Cost property.
Catogory Picture Item Name Resources Needed Requires Recipe Minimum Skill Required
Bone Armor Bone Armor (Tunic).png Bone Armor 12 Leather
10 Bones
- 96
Bone Armor Bone Arms.png Bone Arms 8 Leather
4 Bones
- 92
Bone Armor Bone Gloves.png Bone Gloves 6 Leather
2 Bones
- 89
Bone Armor Bone Helmet.png Bone Helmet 4 Leather
2 Bones
- 85
Bone Armor Bone Leggings.png Bone Leggings 10 Leather
6 Bones
- 95
Bone Armor Orc Helm.png Orc Helm 6 Leather
4 Bones
- 90
Cloth Armor Gargish cloth arms.pngGargish cloth arms 2.png Gargish Cloth Arms 8 Cloth - 87.1
Cloth Armor Gargish cloth chest.pngGargish cloth chest 2.png Gargish Cloth Chest 12 Cloth - 94
Cloth Armor Gargish cloth kilt.pngGargish cloth kilt 2.png Gargish Cloth Kilt 6 Cloth - 82.9
Cloth Armor Gargish cloth leggings.pngGargish cloth leggings 2.png Gargish Cloth Leggings 10 Cloth - 91.2
Cloth Armor Gargish cloth wing armor.png Gargish Cloth Wing Armor 12 Cloth - 65
Female Armor Dragon Turtle Bustier.png Dragon Turtle Hide Bustier 6 Leather
3 Dragon Turtle Scute
Yes 101.5
Female Armor Female Leather Armor.png Female Leather Armor 8 Leather - 62.2
Female Armor Leather Bustier.png Leather Bustier 6 Leather - 58
Female Armor Leather Shorts.png Leather Shorts 8 Leather - 62.2
Female Armor Leather Skirt.png Leather Skirt 6 Leather - 58
Female Armor Studded Armor (Female).png Studded Armor (Female) 10 Leather - 87.1
Female Armor Studded Bustier.png Studded Bustier 8 Leather - 82.9
Female Armor Tiger Pelt Bustier.png Tiger Pelt Bustier 6 Leather
3 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Female Armor Tiger Pelt Long Skirt.png Tiger Pelt Long Skirt 4 Leather
2 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Female Armor Tiger Pelt Skirt.png Tiger Pelt Skirt 4 Leather
2 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Footwear Boots.png Boots 8 Leather - 33.1
Footwear Elven Boots.png Elven Boots 15 Leather - 80
Footwear Fur Boots.png Fur Boots 12 Cloth - 50
Footwear Gargish leather talons.png Gargish Leather Talons 6 Leather - 40.4
Footwear Jester-shoes.png Jester Shoes 6 Cloth Yes 20
Footwear Ninja Tabi.png Ninja Tabi 10 Cloth - 70
Footwear Sandals.png Sandals 4 Leather - 12.4
Footwear Shoes.png Shoes 6 Leather - 16.5
Footwear Thigh Boots.png Thigh Boots 10 Leather - 41.4
Footwear Waraji And Tabi.png Waraji And Tabi 6 Cloth - 20
Hats Bandana.png Bandana 2 Cloth - 0
Hats Bear Mask.png Bear Mask 15 Cloth - 77.5
Hats Bonnet.png Bonnet 11 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Cap.png Cap 11 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Chefs-toque.png Chefs Toque 11 Cloth Yes 6.2
Hats Cloth Ninja Hood.png Cloth Ninja Hood 13 Cloth - 80
Hats Deer Mask.png Deer Mask 15 Cloth - 77.5
Hats Feathered Hat.png Feathered Hat 12 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Floppy Hat.png Floppy Hat 11 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Flower Garland.png Flower Garland 5 Cloth - 10
Hats Jester Hat.png Jester Hat 15 Cloth - 7.2
Hats Kasa.png Kasa 12 Cloth - 60
Hats Orc Mask.png Orc Mask 12 Cloth - 75
Hats Skullcap.png Skullcap 2 Cloth - 0
Hats Straw Hat.png Straw Hat 10 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Tall Straw Hat.png Tall Straw Hat 13 Cloth - 6.7
Hats Tribal Mask (Large).png Tribal Mask (Large) 12 Cloth - 82.5
Hats Tribal Mask (Small).png Tribal Mask (Small) 12 Cloth - 82.5
Hats Tricorne Hat.png Tricorne Hat 12 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Wide-Brim Hat.png Wide-Brim Hat 12 Cloth - 6.2
Hats Wizard's Hat.png Wizard's Hat 15 Cloth - 7.2
Hats - Mage's Hood Of Scholarly Insight 5 yards of Cloth
5 Leather
1 Scholar's Halo
10 Void Core
Yes 120
Leather Armor Dragon Turtle Arm.png Dragon Turtle Arms 4 Leather
2 Dragon Turtle Scute
Yes 101.5
Leather Armor Dragon Turtle Chest.png Dragon Turtle Chest 8 Leather
4 Dragon Turtle Scute
Yes 101.5
Leather Armor Dragon Turtle Helm.png Dragon Turtle Helm 2 Leather
1 Dragon Turtle Scute
Yes 101.5
Leather Armor Dragon Turtle Leggings.png Dragon Turtle Leggings 8 Leather
4 Dragon Turtle Scute
Yes 101.5
Leather Armor Gargish leather arms.pngGargish leather arms 2.png Gargish Leather Arms 8 Leather - 53.9
Leather Armor Gargish leather chest.pngGargish leather chest 2.png Gargish Leather Chest 8 Leather - 70.5
Leather Armor Gargish leather kilt.pngGargish leather kilt 2.png Gargish Leather Kilt 6 Leather - 58
Leather Armor Gargish leather leggings.pngGargish leather leggings 2.png Gargish Leather Leggings 10 Leather - 66.3
Leather Armor Gargish leather wing armor.png Gargish Leather Wing Armor 12 Leather - 65
Leather Armor Leaf Arms.png Leaf Arms 15 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leaf Gloves.png Leaf Gloves 15 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leaf Gorget.png Leaf Gorget 15 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leaf Leggings.png Leaf Leggings 15 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leaf Tonlet.png Leaf Tonlet 12 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leaf Tunic.png Leaf Tunic 15 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leather Cap.png Leather Cap 2 Leather - 6.2
Leather Armor Leather Do.png Leather Do 12 Leather - 75
Leather Armor Leather Gloves.png Leather Gloves 3 Leather - 51.8
Leather Armor Leather Gorget.png Leather Gorget 4 Leather - 53.9
Leather Armor Leather Haidate.png Leather Haidate 12 Leather - 68.9
Leather Armor Leather Hiro Sode.png Leather Hiro Sode 5 Leather - 55
Leather Armor Leather Jingasa.png Leather Jingasa 4 Leather - 45
Leather Armor Leather Leggings.png Leather Leggings 10 Leather - 66.3
Leather Armor Leather Mempo.png Leather Mempo 8 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leather Ninja Belt.png Leather Ninja Belt 5 Leather - 50
Leather Armor Leather Ninja Hood.png Leather Ninja Hood 14 Leather - 90
Leather Armor Leather Ninja Jacket.png Leather Ninja Jacket 13 Leather - 85
Leather Armor Leather Ninja Mitts.png Leather Ninja Mitts 12 Leather - 65
Leather Armor Leather Ninja Pants.png Leather Ninja Pants 13 Leather - 80
Leather Armor Leather Sleeves.png Leather Sleeves 4 Leather - 53.9
Leather Armor Leather Suneate.png Leather Suneate 12 Leather - 68
Leather Armor Leather Tunic.png Leather Tunic 12 Leather - 70.5
Leather Armor Song Woven Mantle.png Song Woven Mantle 15 Leather
10 Blight
1 Eye of the Travesty
10 Muculent
Yes 92.5
Leather Armor Spell Woven Britches.png Spell Woven Britches 15 Leather
1 Eye of the Travesty
10 Putrefaction
10 Scourge
Yes 92.5
Leather Armor Stitcher's Mittens.png Stitcher's Mittens 15 Leather
1 Captured Essence
10 Corruption
10 Taint
Yes 92.5
Leather Armor Tiger Pelt Chest.png Tiger Pelt Chest 8 Leather
4 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Leather Armor Tiger Pelt Collar.png Tiger Pelt Collar 2 Leather
1 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Leather Armor Tiger Pelt Helm.png Tiger Pelt Helm 2 Leather
1 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Leather Armor Tiger Pelt Leggings.png Tiger Pelt Leggings 8 Leather
4 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Leather Armor Tiger Pelt Shorts.png Tiger Pelt Shorts 4 Leather
2 Tiger Pelt
Yes 90
Materials Abyssal cloth.png Abyssal Cloth 50 Bolt of Cloth
1 Crystalline Blackrock
- 110
Materials Light powder charge.png Heavy Powder Charge 1 Cloth
4 Black Powder
- 110
Materials Light powder charge.png Light Powder Charge 1 Cloth
1 Black Powder
- 0
Miscellaneous Body Sash.png Body Sash 4 Cloth - 4.1
Miscellaneous Brocade Goza (east).pngBrocade Goza (south).png Brocade Goza 25 Cloth - 55
Miscellaneous CuredThread.png Cured Thread 20 Leather Braid
1 Cure Refinement
- 100
Miscellaneous Elven Quiver.png Elven Quiver 28 Leather Yes 65
Miscellaneous Full Apron.png Full Apron 10 Cloth - 29
Miscellaneous Gargish half apron.png Gargish Half Apron 6 Cloth - 20.7
Miscellaneous Gargish sash.png Gargish Sash 4 Cloth - 4.1
Miscellaneous Goza (east).pngGoza (south).png Goza 25 Cloth - 55
Miscellaneous Half Apron.png Half Apron 6 Cloth - 20.7
Miscellaneous Leather Container Engraving Tool.png Leather Container Engraving Tool 6 Leather
1 Bones
1 Dyes
2 Spool of Thread
- 75
Miscellaneous Obi.png Obi 6 Cloth - 20
Miscellaneous OilCloth.png Oil Cloth 1 Cloth - 74.6
Miscellaneous Quiver Of Blight.png Quiver of Blight 28 Leather
10 Blight
Yes 65
Miscellaneous Quiver Of Fire.png Quiver of Fire 28 Leather
15 Fire Ruby
Yes 65
Miscellaneous Quiver Of Ice.png Quiver of Ice 28 Leather
15 White Pearl
Yes 65
Miscellaneous Quiver Of Lightning.png Quiver of Lightning 28 Leather
10 Corruption
Yes 65
Miscellaneous Square Brocade Goza (east).png Square Brocade Goza 25 Cloth - 55
Miscellaneous Square Goza (east).png Square Goza 25 Cloth - 55
Miscellaneous MaceBelt.jpg Mace Belt 5 Cloth
5 Leather
5 Lodestone
Yes 90.0
Miscellaneous SwordBelt.jpg Sword Belt 5 Cloth
5 Leather
5 Lodestone
Yes 90.0
Miscellaneous DaggerBelt.jpg Dagger Belt 5 Cloth
5 Leather
5 Lodestone
Yes 90.0
Miscellaneous ElegantCollar.jpg Elegant Collar 5 Cloth
5 Leather
5 Fey Wings
Yes 90.0
Miscellaneous MaceBelt.jpg Crimson Mace Belt 5 Cloth
5 Leather
1 Crimson Cincture
10 Lodestone
Yes 120.0
Miscellaneous SwordBelt.jpg Crimson Sword Belt 5 Cloth
5 Leather
1 Crimson Cincture
10 Lodestone
Yes 120.0
Miscellaneous DaggerBelt.jpg Crimson Dagger Belt 5 Cloth
5 Leather
1 Crimson Cincture
10 Lodestone
Yes 120.0
Miscellaneous ElegantCollar.jpg Elegant Collar of Fortune 5 Cloth
5 Leather
1 Leurocian's Mempo of Fortune
10 Fey Wings
Yes 120.0
Miscellaneous WashedThread.png Washed Thread 20 Leather Braid
1 Wash Refinement
- 100
Shirts and Pants Checkered-kilt.png Checkered Kilt 8 Cloth Yes 41.4
Shirts and Pants Cloak.png Cloak 14 Cloth - 41.4
Shirts and Pants Cloth Ninja Jacket.png Cloth Ninja Jacket 12 Cloth - 75
Shirts and Pants Doublet.png Doublet 8 Cloth - 0
Shirts and Pants Elven Robe.png Elven Robe 30 Cloth - 80
Shirts and Pants Elven Shirt (Brown).png Elven Shirt (Brown) 10 Cloth - 80
Shirts and Pants Elven Shirt (Grey).png Elven Shirt (Grey) 10 Cloth - 80
Shirts and Pants Evening-dress.png Evening Gown 18 Cloth Yes 75
Shirts and Pants Fancy Dress.png Fancy Dress 12 Cloth - 33.1
Shirts and Pants Fancy-kilt.png Fancy Kilt 8 Cloth Yes 20.7
Shirts and Pants Fancy Shirt.png Fancy Shirt 8 Cloth - 24.8
Shirts and Pants Female Elven Robe.png Female Elven Robe 30 Cloth - 80
Shirts and Pants Female Kimono.png Female Kimono 16 Cloth - 50
Shirts and Pants Flowered-dress.png Flowered Dress 18 Cloth Yes 75
Shirts and Pants Formal Shirt.png Formal Shirt 16 Cloth - 26
Shirts and Pants Fur Cape.png Fur Cape 13 Cloth - 35
Shirts and Pants Gargish fancy robe.png Gargish Fancy Robe 18 Cloth - 75
Shirts and Pants Gargish robe.png Gargish Robe 16 Cloth - 53.9
Shirts and Pants Gilded Dress.png Gilded Dress 16 Cloth - 37.5
Shirts and Pants Gilded-kilt.png Gilded Kilt 8 Cloth Yes 82.8
Shirts and Pants Hakama-Shita.png Hakama-Shita 14 Cloth - 40
Shirts and Pants Jester Suit.png Jester Suit 24 Cloth - 8.2
Shirts and Pants Jin-Baori.png Jin-Baori 10 Cloth - 30
Shirts and Pants Kamishimo.png Kamishimo 15 Cloth - 75
Shirts and Pants Male Kimono.png Male Kimono 16 Cloth - 50
Shirts and Pants Plain Dress.png Plain Dress 10 Cloth - 12.4
Shirts and Pants Robe.png Robe 16 Cloth - 53.9
Shirts and Pants Robe of rite.png Robe of Rite 6 Leather
6 Abyssal Cloth
1 Fire Ruby
5 Gold Dust
- 101.5
Shirts and Pants Shirt.png Shirt 8 Cloth - 20.7
Shirts and Pants Surcoat.png Surcoat 14 Cloth - 8.2
Shirts and Pants Tunic.png Tunic 12 Cloth - 0
Shirts and Pants Elven Pants.png Elven Pants 12 Cloth - 80
Shirts and Pants Fur Sarong.png Fur Sarong 12 Cloth - 35
Shirts and Pants Hakama.png Hakama 16 Cloth - 50
Shirts and Pants Kilt.png Kilt 8 Cloth - 20.7
Shirts and Pants Long Pants.png Long Pants 8 Cloth - 24.8
Shirts and Pants Short Pants.png Short Pants 6 Cloth - 24.8
Shirts and Pants Skirt.png Skirt 10 Cloth - 29
Shirts and Pants Tattsuke-Hakama.png Tattsuke-Hakama 16 Cloth - 50
Shirts and Pants Woodland Belt.png Woodland Belt 10 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Hide Gloves.png Hide Gloves 15 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Hide Gorget.png Hide Gorget 15 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Hide Pants.png Hide Pants 15 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Hide Pauldrons.png Hide Pauldrons 15 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Hide Tunic.png Hide Tunic 15 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Studded Do.png Studded Do 14 Leather - 95
Studded Armor Studded Gloves.png Studded Gloves 8 Leather - 82.9
Studded Armor Studded Gorget.png Studded Gorget 6 Leather - 78.8
Studded Armor Studded Haidate.png Studded Haidate 14 Leather - 92
Studded Armor Studded Hiro Sode.png Studded Hiro Sode 8 Leather - 85
Studded Armor Studded Leggings.png Studded Leggings 12 Leather - 91.2
Studded Armor Studded Mempo.png Studded Mempo 8 Leather - 80
Studded Armor Studded Sleeves.png Studded Sleeves 10 Leather - 87.1
Studded Armor Studded Suneate.png Studded Suneate 14 Leather - 92
Studded Armor Studded Tunic.png Studded Tunic 14 Leather - 94


The tinker has a large variety of craftable items available, ranging from tools to be used with other professions, to more intricate items such as jewelry and traps.

Catogory Picture Item Name Resources Needed Retains Color Makers Mark Requires Recipe Skill Required
Assemblies Advanced training dummy east.png Advanced Training Dummy 1 Training Dummy
1 Broadsword
1 Platemail Tunic
1 Close Helmet
- - - 90
Assemblies Arcanic rune stone.png Arcanic Rune Stone 1 Crystal Shards
5 Power Crystal
- - - 90.0 Tinkering
80.0 Magery
Assemblies Axle with gears.gif Axle with Gears 1 Axle
1 Gears
- - - 0
Assemblies Bola.png Bola 4 Bola Balls
3 Leather
- - - 60
Assemblies Clock.png Clock 1 Clock Frame
1 Clock Parts
- - - 0
Assemblies Clockwork assembly.gif Clockwork Scorpion Assembly 1 Clockwork Assembly
1 Power Crystal
1 Void Essence
- - - 90
Assemblies Distillery south.png Distillery 4 Heating Stand
2 Metal Keg
- - - 90
Assemblies Hitching-post.gif Hitching Post (replica) 50 Ingots
1 Animal Pheromone
2 Hitching Rope
1 Phillip's Wooden Steed
- - - 90
Assemblies Rope(item).gif Hitching Rope 1 Resolve's Bridle
1 Rope
- - - 60.0 Tinkering
15.0 Animal Lore
Assemblies Automaton.png Kotl Automaton 300 Ingots
1 Automaton Actuator
1 Stasis Chamber Power Core
1 Inoperative Automaton Head
Yes - Yes 100
Assemblies Clockwork assembly.gif Leather Wolf Assembly 1 Clockwork Assembly
1 Power Crystal
2 Void Essence
- - - 90
Assemblies Potion Keg.gif Potion Keg 10 Empty Bottle
1 Barrel Lid
1 Barrel Tap
1 Keg
- - - 75
Assemblies Sextant.png Sextant 1 Sextant Parts - - - 0
Assemblies Void orb.png Void Orb 1 Dark Sapphire
50 Black Pearl
- - - 90.0 Tinkering
80.0 Magery
Assemblies Clockwork assembly.gif Vollem Assembly 1 Clockwork Assembly
1 Power Crystal
3 Void Essence
- - - 90
Jewelry Bracelet.PNG Bracelet 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 55
Jewelry Bracelet.PNG Bracelet (gemmed) 2 Ingots
1 Gems
Yes - - 40
Jewelry Earrings.gif Earrings 2 Ingots
1 Gems
Yes - - 40
Jewelry Gargish bracelet.png Gargish Bracelet 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 55
Jewelry Gargish earrings.png Gargish Earrings 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 55
Jewelry Gargish necklace.png Gargish Necklace 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 60
Jewelry Gargish ring.png Gargish Ring 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 65
Jewelry Necklace golden.gif Necklace (golden) 2 Ingots
1 Gems
Yes - - 40
Jewelry Necklace jewelled.gif Necklace (jewelled) 2 Ingots
1 Gems
Yes - - 40
Jewelry Necklace silver.gif Necklace (silver) 2 Ingots
1 Gems
Yes - - 40
Jewelry Ring.PNG Ring 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 65
Jewelry Ring.PNG Ring (gemmed) 2 Ingots
1 Gems
Yes - - 40
Magic Jewelry Ring.PNG Blue Diamond Ring 5 Ingots
10 Blue Diamond
20 Diamond
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Bracelet.PNG Brilliant Amber Bracelet 5 Ingots
20 Amber
10 Brilliant Amber
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Bracelet.PNG Dark Sapphire Bracelet 5 Ingots
10 Dark Sapphire
20 Sapphire
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Elven Glasses.png Dr. Spector's Lenses 200 Ingots
1 Hat of the Magi
1 Black Moonstone
- - Yes 100
Magic Jewelry Ring.PNG Ecru Citrine Ring 5 Ingots
20 Citrine
10 Ecru Citrine
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Essence Of Battle.png Essence of Battle 2 Ingots
50 Ruby
5 Fire Ruby
1 Captured Essence
- - Yes 100
Magic Jewelry Bracelet.PNG Fire Ruby Bracelet 5 Ingots
10 Fire Ruby
20 Ruby
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Pendant Of The Magi.png Pendant of the Magi 2 Ingots
50 Star Sapphire
5 White Pearl
1 Eye of the Travesty
- - Yes 100
Magic Jewelry Ring.PNG Perfect Emerald Ring 5 Ingots
20 Emerald
10 Perfect Emerald
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Resillient Bracer.png Resillient Bracer 2 Ingots
5 Blue Diamond
50 Diamond
1 Captured Essence
- - Yes 100
Magic Jewelry Ring.PNG Turquoise Ring 5 Ingots
20 Amethyst
10 Turquoise
Yes Yes - 75
Magic Jewelry Bracelet.PNG White Pearl Bracelet 5 Ingots
20 Tourmaline
10 White Pearl
Yes Yes - 75
Miscellaneous Candelabra.png Candelabra 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 55
Miscellaneous Wallsafe.gif Currency Wall Safe 20 Ingots - - - 0
Miscellaneous CurledMetalSignHanger.gif Curled Metal Sign Hanger 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous Dragon-lamp.gif Dragon Lamp 8 Ingots
1 Candelabra
1 Workable Glass
- - - 85
Miscellaneous EndCurledMetalSignHanger.gif End Curled Metal Sign Hanger 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous Fancy Wind Chimes.png Fancy Wind Chimes 15 Ingots - Yes - 80
Miscellaneous Farspeaker.gif Farspeaker 20 Ingots
10 Emerald
10 Ruby
1 Copper Wire
Yes Yes - 80
Miscellaneous FlourishedMetalSignHanger.gif Flourished Metal Sign Hanger 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous Globe.png Globe 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 55
Miscellaneous Gorgon lens.png Gorgon Lens 3 Crystal Dust
2 Scales
Yes - - 90
Miscellaneous Heating Stand.png Heating Stand 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 60
Miscellaneous InwardCurledMetalSignHanger.gif Inward Curled Metal Sign Hanger 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous Iron Key.png Iron Key 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 20
Miscellaneous Key ring(empty).gif Key Ring 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 10
Miscellaneous Kotl-power-core.gif Kotl Power Core 100 Ingots
5 Workable Glass
5 Copper Wire
5 Moonstone Crystal Shards
- - Yes 85
Miscellaneous Lantern.png Lantern 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 30
Miscellaneous Match.png Match 4 Boards
10 Match Cord
- - - 15
Miscellaneous LeftMetalDoor(S).gif Left Metal Door (S) 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous RightMetalDoor(S).gif Right Metal Door (S) 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous LeftMetalDoor(E).gif Left Metal Door (E) 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous RightMetalDoor(E).gif Right Metal Door (E) 8 Ingots Yes - - 40
Miscellaneous Paper Lantern.png Paper Lantern 5 Boards
10 Ingots
- Yes - 65
Miscellaneous Round Paper Lantern.png Round Paper Lantern 5 Boards
10 Ingots
- Yes - 65
Miscellaneous ScaleCollar.png Scale Collar 4 Dragon Scales
1 Scourge
Yes Yes - 50
Miscellaneous Scales.png Scales 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 60
Miscellaneous Shoji Lantern.png Shoji Lantern 5 Boards
10 Ingots
- Yes - 65
Miscellaneous Spyglass.png Spyglass 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 60
Miscellaneous Stainedglass-lamp.gif Stained Glass Lamp 1 Candelabra
8 Ingots
1 Workable Glass
- - - 85
Miscellaneous Tall-double-lamp.gif Tall Double Lamp 1 Candelabra
8 Ingots
1 Workable Glass
- - - 85
Miscellaneous Ter-Mur style candelabra.png Ter-Mur Style Candelabra 4 Ingots Yes Yes - 55
Miscellaneous Weather-archer.gif Weathered Bronze Archer 200 Bronze Ingots - - Yes 85
Miscellaneous Weather-fairy.gif Weathered Bronze Fairy Sculpture 200 Bronze Ingots - - Yes 80
Miscellaneous Weather-globe.gif Weathered Bronze Globe 200 Bronze Ingots - - Yes 85
Miscellaneous Weather-bench.gif Weathered Man on a Bench 200 Bronze Ingots - - Yes 80
Miscellaneous Wind Chimes.png Wind Chimes 15 Ingots - Yes - 80
Parts Barrel hoops.gif Barrel Hoops 5 Ingots - Yes - 0
Parts Barrel tap.gif Barrel Tap 2 Ingots - Yes - 35
Parts Bola Balls.png Bola Balls 10 Ingots - - - 45
Parts Clock Parts.png Clock Parts 1 Ingots - - - 25
Parts Gears.png Gears 2 Ingots - - - 5
Parts Hinge.png Hinge 2 Ingots - - - 5
Parts Jeweled Filigree.png Jeweled Filigree 2 Ingots
1 Ruby
1 Star Sapphire
- - - 70
Parts Sextant Parts.png Sextant Parts 4 Ingots - - - 30
Parts Springs.gif Springs 2 Ingots - - - 5
Tools Clippers.png Clippers 4 Ingots - Yes - 50
Tools CarpentryToolsDovetailSaw.PNG Dovetail Saw 4 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools CarpentryToolsDrawKnife.PNG Draw Knife 2 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools Fletcher's Tools.png Fletcher's Tools 3 Ingots - Yes - 35
Tools Flour Sifter.png Flour Sifter 3 Ingots - Yes - 50
Tools CarpentryToolsFroe.PNG Froe 2 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools CarpentryToolsHammer.PNG Hammer 1 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools Hatchet.png Hatchet 4 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools CarpentryToolsInshave.PNG Inshave 2 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools Lockpick.png Lockpick 1 Ingots - - - 45
Tools Mapmaker's Pen.png Mapmaker's Pen 1 Ingots - Yes - 25
Tools Metal Container Engraving Tool.png Metal Container Engraving Tool 4 Ingots
1 Diamond
2 Gears
1 Springs
- - - 75
Tools Mortar and Pestle.png Mortar and Pestle 3 Ingots - Yes - 20
Tools Pickaxe.png Pickaxe 4 Ingots - Yes - 40
Tools Pitchfork.png Pitchfork 8 Ingots Yes Yes - 0
Tools CarpentryToolsSaw.PNG Saw 4 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools Scissors.png Scissors 2 Ingots - Yes - 5
Tools CarpentryToolsScorp.PNG Scorp 2 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools Scribe's Pen.png Scribe's Pen 1 Ingots - Yes - 25
Tools Sewing Kit.png Sewing Kit 2 Ingots - Yes - 10
Tools Shovel.gif Shovel 4 Ingots - Yes - 40
Tools Skillet.png Skillet 4 Ingots - Yes - 30
Tools Sledge Hammer.png Sledge Hammer 4 Ingots - Yes - 40
Tools Smith's Hammer.png Smith's Hammer 4 Ingots - Yes - 40
Tools Tinker's Tools (Crafted).png Tinker's Tools 2 Ingots - Yes - 10
Tools Tongs.png Tongs 1 Ingots - Yes - 35
Traps Dart Trap.png Dart Trap 1 Ingots
1 Crossbow Bolt
- - - 30
Traps Explosion Trap.png Explosion Trap 1 Ingots
1 Explosion Potion
- - - 55
Traps Poison Trap.png Poison Trap 1 Ingots
1 Poison Potion
- - - 30
Utensils Butcher Knife.png Butcher Knife 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 25
Utensils Cleaver.png Cleaver 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 20
Utensils Fork (Left).png Fork 1 Ingots Yes Yes - 0
Utensils Gargish butchers knife.png Gargish Butcher's Knife 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 25
Utensils Gargish cleaver.png Gargish Cleaver 3 Ingots Yes Yes - 20
Utensils Goblet.png Goblet 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 10
Utensils Knife (Left).png Knife 1 Ingots Yes Yes - 0
Utensils Pewter Mug.png Pewter Mug 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 10
Utensils Plate.png Plate 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 0
Utensils Skinning Knife.png Skinning Knife 2 Ingots Yes Yes - 25
Utensils Spoon (Left).png Spoon 1 Ingots Yes Yes - 0
Wooden Items Axle.gif Axle 1 Boards - - - 0
Wooden Items Clock frame.gif Clock Frame 6 Boards - - - 0
Wooden Items CarpentryToolsJointingPlane.PNG Jointing Plane 4 Boards - Yes - 0
Wooden Items CarpentryToolsMouldingPlane.PNG Moulding Planes 4 Boards - Yes - 0
Wooden Items Nunchaku.png Nunchaku 8 Boards
3 Ingots
Yes Yes - 70
Wooden Items Ramrod.png Ramrod 8 Boards - - - 0
Wooden Items Rolling Pin.png Rolling Pin 5 Boards - Yes - 0
Wooden Items CarpentryToolsSmoothingPlane.PNG Smoothing Plane 4 Boards - Yes - 0
Wooden Items Swab.png Swab 4 Boards
4 Cloth
- - - 0
Basket Weaving Basket(Plain).gif Basket 3 Shaft
2 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving Picnic basket.png Picnic Basket 2 Shaft
1 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving Basket.png Round Basket 3 Shaft
2 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving Basket handles.png Round Basket (handles) 3 Shaft
2 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving Small bushel.png Small Bushel 2 Shaft
1 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving SmallRoundBasket.gif Small Round Basket 2 Shaft
1 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving SmallSquareBasket.gif Small Square Basket 2 Shaft
1 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving Softened reeds.png Softened Reeds 2 Dry Reeds
1 Scouring Toxin
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving SquareBasket.gif Square Basket 3 Shaft
2 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving TallBasket.gif Tall Basket 4 Shaft
3 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving TallRoundBasket.gif Tall Round Basket 4 Shaft
3 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100
Basket Weaving Winnowing basket.gif Winnowing Basket 3 Shaft
2 Softened Reeds
Yes - - 100