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m (Heartwood)
(Crafting Quests)
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During your playtime in [[UO]] you will find some [[NPC]]s that require your assistance, this assistance comes in the form of a [[Quests|Quest]], sometimes these will reward you with [[magical]] [[item]]s or [[gold]].
For a listing of quests by NPC name please see the [[:Category:Quest NPC| Quest Givers]] Category.
These are all of the currently known quests.
= New Haven =
All quests on this page use a newer quest engine that is accessible as a button in the UO user interface. An older quest engine, accessed via your character's [[context menu]], is used in conjunction with a series of [[Classic Quests]].
* [[The Collector's Quest]]  (Classic)
==Crafting Quests==
* [[New_Player_Quests|New Player Quests]] (25 Skill Gain and Blessed Item Reward Quests)
A List of all Quest that reward a [[Craftsman's Satchel]] and contain a chance to have different [[recipe]]s or [[Talisman]]. High [[Luck]] improves the quality of loot inside.
{| class="uoguidetable sortable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Givers'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Objective'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
| Prism of Light||[[Crystalline Fragments]]||[[Tor the Iron Worker]]||Obtain||10 [[Crystalline Fragments]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Prism of Light||[[Heart of Ice]]||[[Tor the Iron Worker]]||Obtain||6 [[Icy Heart]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Prism of Light||[[Protector's Essence]]||[[Tor the Iron Worker]]||Obtain||5 [[Protector's Essence]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Arch Support]]||[[Aniel the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Anolly the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Ciala the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Waelian the Trinket Weaver]]||Carpentry||10 [[Foot Stool]]  ||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[A Simple Bow]]||[[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]] {{Line Break}} [[Jusae the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Bow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Beer Goggles]]||[[Tholef the Grape Tender]] {{Line Break}} [[Tillanil the Wine Tender]]||Tinkering||25  [[Barrel Tap]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Cuts Both Ways]]||[[Lohn the Metal Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Olla the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||10  [[Broadsword]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Dragon Protection]]||[[Lohn the Metal Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Olla the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||10  [[Dragon Helm]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[From the Gaultier Collection]]||[[Ahie the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Sleen the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Thallary the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Waelian the Trinket Weaver]]||Tailoring||10 [[ Studded Bustier]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Haute Couture]]||[[Ahie the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Thallary the Cloth Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Flower Garland]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Ingenious Archery, Part I]]||[[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]] {{Line Break}} [[Jusae the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10 [[ Crossbow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Ingenious Archery, Part II]]||[[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]] {{Line Break}} [[Jusae the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||8  [[Heavy Crossbow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Ingenious Archery, Part III]]||[[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]] {{Line Break}} [[Jusae the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Repeating Crossbow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Lethal Darts]]||[[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]] {{Line Break}} [[Jusae the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Crossbow Bolt]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Message in a Bottle (quest)|Message in a Bottle]]||[[Tholef the Grape Tender]] {{Line Break}} [[Tillanil the Wine Tender]]||Glassblowing||50  [[Empty Bottle]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Necessity's Mother]]||[[Sleen the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Waelian the Trinket Weaver]]||Tinkering||10  [[Tinker's Tools]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Nothing Fancy]]||[[Lohn the Metal Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Anolly the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Unoelil the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Olla the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||15  [[Bascinet]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Reptilian Dentist]]||[[Sleen the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Hunting||1 [[Coil's Fang]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Stop Harping on Me]]||[[Anolly the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Unoelil the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Waelian the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Cillitha the Bowcrafter]]||Carpentry||20  [[Lap Harp]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[The Bulwark]]||[[Lohn the Metal Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Olla the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||10  [[Heater Shield]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[The Far Eye]]||[[Anolly the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Sleen the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Unoelil the Bark Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Waelian the Trinket Weaver]]||Tinkering||20  [[Spyglass]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[The King of Clothing]]||[[Ahie the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Thallary the Cloth Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Kilt]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[The Puffy Shirt]]||[[Ahie the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Thallary the Cloth Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Fancy Shirt]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[The Song of the Wind]]||[[Tholef the Grape Tender]] {{Line Break}} [[Tillanil the Wine Tender]]||Tinkering||10  [[Fancy Wind Chimes]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Heartwood||[[Tick Tock]]||[[Sleen the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Waelian the Trinket Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Tinkering||10  [[Clock]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[A Nice Shirt]]||[[Tallinin the Cloth Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Fancy Shirt]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[An Impressive Plaid]]||[[Tallinin the Cloth Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Kilt]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Arms Race]]||[[Beotham the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Crossbow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Bending the Bow]]||[[Beotham the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Bow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Breeze's Song]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Tinkering||10  [[Fancy Wind Chimes]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Broken Shaft]]||[[Beotham the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Arrow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Building the Better Crossbow]]||[[Beotham the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10  [[Repeating Crossbow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Fey Headgear]]||[[Tallinin the Cloth Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Flower Garland]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Improved Crossbows]]||[[Beotham the Bowcrafter]]||Bowcrafting||10 [[ Heavy Crossbow]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Instrument of War]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||10  [[Broadsword]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Inventive Tools]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Purchase||10  [[Tinker's Tools ]] ||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Lazy Humans]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Carpentry||10  [[Foot Stool]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Leather and Lace]]||[[Tallinin the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Tailoring||10  [[Studded Bustier]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Music to my Ears]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Carpentry||10  [[Lap Harp]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[New Cloak]]||[[Tallinin the Cloth Weaver]]||Hunting||1  [[Grobu's Fur]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Nothing Fancy]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||10  [[Bascinet]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Tapping the Keg]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Tinkering||10  [[Barrel Tap]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[The Glass Eye]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Tinkering||10  [[Spyglass]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[The Shield]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Blacksmithy||10  [[Heater Shield]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Sanctuary||[[Waiting to be Filled]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Glassblowing||20  [[Empty Bottle]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
| Prism of Light||[[In the Belly of the Beast]]||[[Boric the Vagabond]] {{Line Break}} [[Glenno]]||Obtain||1 [[Lucky Dagger]]||[[Craftsman's Satchel]]
= Heartwood =
==Treasure Bag Quests==
A List of Quests that reward [[A Small Bag of Trinkets]], [[A Bag of Trinkets]], [[A Bag of Treasure]], [[A Large Bag of Treasure]], [[A Strongbox]]. High [[Luck]] improves the quality of loot inside.
* [[The Afterlife]] (Kill)
* [[A Big Job]] (Kill)
* [[A Fine Feast]] (Kill)
* [[A Simple Bow]] (Craft)
* [[A Tale of Tail]] (Kill)
* [[All That Glitters is Not Good]] (Kill)
* [[Animated Monstrosity]] (Kill)
* [[Arachnofobia]] (Kill)
* [[Birds of a Feather]] (Kill)
* [[Bloodsuckers]] (Kill)
* [[Bullfighting ... Sort Of]] (Kill)
* [[Circle of Life]] (Kill)
* [[Cold Hearted]] (Kill)
* [[Creepy Crawlies]] (Kill)
* [[Cuts Both Ways]] (Craft)
* [[Dead Man Walking]] (Kill)
* [[The Far Eye]] (Craft)
* [[Filthy Pests!]] (Kill)
* [[Forced Migration]] (Kill)
* [[Forked Tongues]] (Kill)
* [[Friend of the Fey]] (Quest Chain)
* [[Frightmares]] (Kill)
* [[Impish Delights]] (Kill)
* [[Ingenious Archery]] (Archery Quest Chain)
* [[It's a Ghastly Job]] (Kill)
* [[Lethal Darts]] (Craft)
* [[Mini Swamp Things]] (Kill)
* [[Molten Reptiles]] (Kill)
* [[Mongbat Menace!]] (Kill)
* [[No Good, Fish Stealing ...]] (Kill)
* [[Nothing Fancy]] (Craft)
* [[Overpopulation]] (Kill)
* [[Patience]] (Arcanist Quest Chain)
* [[The Puffy Shirt]] (Craft)
* [[Roll the Bones]] (Kill)
* [[Shaking Things Up]] (Kill)
* [[So, You Want to Be a Hero]] (Kill)
* [[The Song of the Wind]] (Craft)
* [[Specimen]] (Kill)
* [[Spirits]] (Kill)
* [[Squishy]] (Kill)
* [[Stop Harping on Me]] (Craft)
* [[They'll Eat Anything]] (Kill)
* [[They're Breeding Like Rabbits]] (Kill)
* [[Thinning the Herd]] (Kill)
* [[Trolling for Trolls]] (Kill)
* [[Unholy Construct]] (Kill)
* [[Voracius Plants]] (Kill)
* [[Warrior Caste]] (Kill)
* [[Wild Boar Cull]] (Kill)
{| class="uoguidetable sortable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Givers'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Objective'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
| Heartwood||[[All That Glitters is Not Good]]||[[Lorekeeper Siarra the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Elder Brae the Wise]]||Slay||1  [[Shimmering Effusion]]||[[A Strongbox]]
| Heartwood||[[Dreadhorn]]||[[Lorekeeper Calendor the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||1 [[Dread Horn]]||[[A Strongbox]]
| Heartwood||[[New Leadership]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]]||Slay||1  Dragon's Flame [[Black Order Grand Mage]] {{Line Break}} 1  Serpent's Fang [[Black Order High Executioner]] {{Line Break}} 1  Tiger's Claw [[Black Order Master Thief]]||[[A Strongbox]]
| Ilshenar||[[Guile, Irk and Spite]]||[[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||1  [[Guile]] {{Line Break}} 1  [[Irk]] {{Line Break}} 1  [[Spite]]||[[A Strongbox]]
| Tokuno Islands||[[Correspondence from Minax]]||[[Sarakki the Notary]]||Deliver||[[Correspondence from Minax]]||[[A Strongbox]]
| Heartwood||[[A Fine Feast]]||[[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Sheep]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[A Hero in the Making]]||[[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Mongbat]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Bullfighting ... Sort Of]]||[[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Bull]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Filthy Pests!]]||[[Saril the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Sewer Rat]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Forced Migration]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Bird]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[No Good, Fish Stealing ...]]||[[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||30  [[Walrus]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Overpopulation]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Hind]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[They'll Eat Anything]]||[[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Pig]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[They're Breeding Like Rabbits]]||[[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Rabbit]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Thinning the Herd]]||[[Clehin the Soil Nurturer]] {{Line Break}} [[Landy the Soil Nurturer]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Goat]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Wild Boar Cull]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]]||Slay||10  [[Boar]]||[[A Small Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[A Chill in the Air]]||[[Vilo the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||15  [[Ice Elemental]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[A Trog and His Dog]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Canir the Thaumaturgist]]||Slay||1 [[Lurg]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Grobu]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Caustic Combo]]||[[Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||3 [[Poison Elemental]] {{Line Break}} 6 [[Acid Elemental]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Circle of Life]]||[[Aniel the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Brinnae the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Ciala the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Mielan the Arcanist]]||Slay||8  [[Bog Thing]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Daemonic Prism]]||[[Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||3  [[Crystal Daemon]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Forked Tongue]]||[[Gorrow the Mayor]] {{Line Break}} [[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Ophidian Warrior]] or [[Ophidian Knight-Errant]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Friendly Neighborhood Spider-killer]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Slay||8  [[Dread Spider]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Gargoyle's Wrath]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||6  [[Gargoyle Enforcer]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Glassy Foe]]||[[Aniel the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Ciala the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||5  [[Crystal Lattice Seeker]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Hailstorm (Original)|Hailstorm]]||[[Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||8  [[Crystal Vortex]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[How Many Heads?]]||[[Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||3  [[Crystal Hydra]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Industrious as an Ant Lion]]||[[Vilo the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||12  [[Ant Lion]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Paroxysmus' Arcane Daemons]]||[[Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||3  [[Arcane Daemon]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Paroxysmus' Daemons]]||[[Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||12  [[Daemon]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Paroxysmus' Moloch]]||[[Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||3  [[Moloch]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Paroxysmus' Succubi]]||[[Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||3  [[Succubus]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Plague Lord]]||[[Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||10  [[Plague Beast Spawn]] {{Line Break}} 3  [[Plague Beast]] {{Line Break}} 1  [[Plague Beast Lord]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[The Perils of Farming]]||[[Vilo the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||15  [[Whipping Vine]]  ||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Three Wishes]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||8  [[Efreet]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Unholy Construct]]||[[Braen the Thaumaturgist]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Golem]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Sanctuary||[[Pixie dust to dust]]||[[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||10  [[Pixie]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Bedlem||[[Momento!]]||[[Kia the Student]]||Obtain||1 [[Resolve's Bridle]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Lord Paroxymus's Palace||[[Kodar's Rescue]]||[[Kodar the Lost Villager]]||Escort||[[Kodar the Lost Villager]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Prism of Light||[[Last Words]]||[[Verity Librarian]]||Deliver||[[Lord Denthe's Journal]]||[[A Large Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[A Big Job]]||[[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||5 [[Ogre]] {{Line Break}} 5 [[Ettin]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Animated Monstrosity]]||[[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||12  [[Flesh Golem]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Birds of a Feather]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10  [[Harpy]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Bloodsuckers]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10  [[Vampire Bat]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Bloody Nuisance]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10  [[Gore Fiend]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Cold Hearted]]||[[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||6 [[Frost Spider]] {{Line Break}} 6 [[Giant Ice Serpent]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Creepy Crawlies]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Clehin the Soil Nurturer]] {{Line Break}} [[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Landy the Soil Nurturer]]||Slay||12  [[Giant Spider]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Dead Man Walking]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||5 [[Skeleton]] {{Line Break}} 5 [[Zombie]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Forked Tongues]]||[[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Lizardmen]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Frightmares]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10  [[Plague Beast Spawn]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Gibber Jabber]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10  [[Gibberling]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[It's a Ghastly Job]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Slay||12  [[Ghoul]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[King of Bears]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Grizzly Bear]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Molten Reptiles]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10 [[ Lava Lizard]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Mongbat Menace!]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Clehin the Soil Nurturer]] {{Line Break}} [[Landy the Soil Nurturer]]||Slay||4  [[Greater Mongbat]] {{Line Break}} 10  [[Mongbat]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Orc Slaying]]||[[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||4  [[Orc Scout]] {{Line Break}} 8  [[Orc]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Roll the Bones]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Slay||8  [[Patchwork Skeleton]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Specimens]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Clehin the Soil Nurturer]] {{Line Break}} [[Landy the Soil Nurturer]] {{Line Break}} [[Salaenih the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Slay||12  [[Solen Worker]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Squishy]]||[[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||12  [[Slime]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Troglodytes!]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Canir the Thaumaturgist]]||Slay||12  [[Troglodyte]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Trolling for Trolls]]||[[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Troll]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Heartwood||[[Voracious Plants]]||[[Aulan the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||8  [[Corpser]] {{Line Break}} 2  [[Swamp Tentacle]]  ||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Sanctuary||[[Brotherly Love]]||[[Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition]]||Deliver||1  Letter||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Sanctuary||[[Freedom!]]||[[Lenley the Snitch]]||Escort||[[Lenley the Snitch]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Sanctuary||[[Lost and Found]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Deliver||[[A Battered Bucket]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Sanctuary||[[Proof of the Deed]]||[[Elder Onallan the Wise]]||Obtain||20  [[Severed Human Ears]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Sanctuary||[[Trouble on the Wing]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]]||Slay||12  [[Gargoyle]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Sanctuary||[[Vermin]]||[[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||12  [[Ratmen]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Ilshenar||[[Runaways!]]||[[Petrus the Beekeeper]] {{Line Break}} [[Jelrice the Trader]]||Slay||12  [[Frenzied Ostard]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Ilshenar||[[Vicious Predator]]||[[Petrus the Beekeeper]] {{Line Break}} [[Jelrice the Trader]]||Slay||10  [[Dire Wolf]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Bucs Den||[[Pointy Ears]]||[[Sledge the Versatile]] {{Line Break}} [[Gorrow the Mayor]] {{Line Break}} [[Drithen the Fierce]]||Obtain||20 [[Severed Elf Ears]]||[[A Bag of Trinkets]]
| Jhelom||[[Embracing Humanity]]||[[Iosep the Trader]]||Deliver||1 treat||[[A Bag of Treasure ]]
| Heartwood||[[A Feather in Yer Cap]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Obtain||1 [[Saliva's Feather]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[A Tale of Tail]]||[[Drithen the Fierce]] {{Line Break}} [[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Obtain||1 [[Abscess' Tail]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Scale Armor]]||[[Ahie the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Thallary the Cloth Weaver]] {{Line Break}} [[Tallinin the Cloth Weaver]]||Obtain||1  [[Thrasher's Tail]] {{Line Break}} 10  [[Hydra Scale]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Arachnophobia]]||[[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||12  [[Giant Black Widow]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Big Worms]]||[[Elder Caelas the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Giant Ice Serpent]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Crime and Punishment]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Male Tiger Claw Thiefs]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Death to the Ninja!]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Elite Ninja]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Dust to Dust]]||[[Aniel the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Ciala the Arborist]]||Slay||12  [[Earth Elemental]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Evil Eye]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||12  [[Gazer]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Ex-Assassins]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Male Serpent's Fang Assassins]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Extinguishing the Flame]]||[[Elder Acob the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Male Dragon's Flame Mages]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Impish Delights]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||12  [[Imp]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[It's Elemental]]||[[Elder Alejaha the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Elder Caelas the Wise]]||Slay||4  [[Earth Elemental]] {{Line Break}} 4  [[Fire Elemental]] {{Line Break}} 4  [[Water Elemental]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Mini Swamp Thing]]||[[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||20  [[Bogling  ]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Orcish Elite]]||[[Elder Caelas the Wise]]||Slay||6  [[Orc Bomber]] {{Line Break}} 4  [[Orc Captain]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Shaking Things Up]]||[[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10 Black or Red [[Solen Warrior]]  ||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Spirits]]||[[Cailla the Guard]]||Slay||15  [[Shade]] or [[Spectre]] or [[Wraith]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Stirring the Nest]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||3  Black or Red [[Solen Queen ]] ||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[The Afterlife]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||15  [[Mummy]]  ||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Undead Mages]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]]||Slay||10  [[Bone Mage]] or [[Skeletal Mage]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Unholy Knights]]||[[Cailla the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]]||Slay||16  [[Bone Knight]] or [[Skeletal Knight]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Heartwood||[[Warrior Caste]]||[[Elder Caelas the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Salaenih the Expeditionist]]||Slay||10  [[Terathan Warrior]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Sanctuary||[[A Dish Best Served Cold (Original)|A Dish Best Served Cold]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Orc]] {{Line Break}} 5  [[Orc Bomber]] {{Line Break}} 3  [[Orc Brute]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Sanctuary||[[Arch Enemies]]||[[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||10  [[Ratman Archer]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Sanctuary||[[Common Brigands]]||[[Gorrow the Mayor]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiana the Guard]]||Slay||20  [[Brigand]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Ilshenar||[[Something to Wail About]]||[[Petrus the Beekeeper]]||Slay||12  [[Wailing Banshee]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Ter Mur||[[In the Weeds]]||[[Farmer Nash]]||Obtain||[[Farmer Nash's Pitchfork]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Underworld||[[A Tangled Web]]||[[Jaacar]]||Slay||12 [[Bloodworm]] or [[Blood Elemental]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Underworld||[[Ending the Threat]]||[[Elder Dugan the Prospector]]||Slay||10 [[Gray Goblin]]s||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Britain||[[Black Order Badges]]||[[Sarakki the Notary]]||Obtain||5 [[Serpent Fang Badge]]s {{Line Break}} 5 [[Tiger Claw Badge]]s {{Line Break}} 5 [[Dragon Flame Badge]]s||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Bedlem||[[Culinary Crisis]]||[[Emerillo the Cook]]||Obtain|| 20 [[Bunch of Dates]] {{Line Break}} 5 [[Wheel of Cheese]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Vesper||[[Odds and Ends]]||[[Patricus the Trader]]||Obtain||12 [[Primitive Fetish]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Tokuno Islands||[[Assassination Contract]]||[[Tiana the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Petrus the Beekeeper]] {{Line Break}} [[Yorus the Tinker]] {{Line Break}} [[Drithen the Fierce]] {{Line Break}} [[Aniel the Arborist]] {{Line Break}} [[Jelrice the Trader]] {{Line Break}} [[Vilo the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Gorrow the Mayor]]||Deliver||[[Assassination Contract (Item)]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
| Tokuno Islands||[[Lost in Transit]]||[[Brinnae the Wise]] {{Line Break}} [[Arielle]] {{Line Break}} [[Saril the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Cloorne the Expeditionist]] {{Line Break}} [[Iosep the Trader]] {{Line Break}} [[Sarakki the Notary]] {{Line Break}} [[Patricus the Trader]] {{Line Break}} [[Koole the Arcanist]]||Deliver||[[Stolen Goods]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]
= Ilshenar =
* [[Runaways!]] (Kill)
= Umbra =
==Skill Gain Quests==
* questname
List of Quest from New Haven that Accelerate skill gain to 50. Remember to buy skill from the Trainer before taking the quest as you can't train skill with Gold while you are on any of the [[New Player Quests]] listed below.
{| class="uoguidetable sortable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Giver'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Skill'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
| New Haven||[[The Right Tool for the Job]]||[[Amelia Youngstone the Tinkering Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Tinkering]]||[[Amelia's Toolbox]]
| New Haven||[[The Art of War]]||[[Alden Armstrong the Tactics Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Tactics]]||[[Arms of Armstrong]]
| New Haven||[[Channeling the Supernatural]]||[[Morganna the Spirit Speak Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Spirit Speak]]||Bag of 100 of each Necromancer [[Reagents]]
| New Haven||[[Becoming One With The Shadows]]||[[Chiyo the Hiding Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Hiding]]||Bag of 20 [[Smoke Bomb]]s
| New Haven||[[Defying the Arcane]]||[[Alefian the Resisting Spells Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Resisting Spells]]||[[Bracelet of Resilience]]
| New Haven||[[Cleansing Old Haven]]||[[Aelorn the Chivalry Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Chivalry]]||[[Bulwark Leggings]]
| New Haven||[[Crushing Bones and Taking Names]]||[[Churchill the Mace Fighting Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Mace Fighting]]||[[Churchill's War Mace]]
| New Haven||[[The Inner Warrior]]||[[Sarsmea Smythe the Focus Instructor‎]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Focus]]||[[Clasp of Concentration]]
| New Haven||[[The Allure of Dark Magic]]||[[Mulcivikh the Necromancy Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Necromancy]]||Complete Necromancer [[Spellbook]]
| New Haven||[[The Mage's Apprentice]]||[[Kaelynna the Magery Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Magery]]||[[Ember Staff]]
| New Haven||[[Thou and Thine Shield]]||[[Tyl Ariadne the Parrying Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Parrying]]||[[Escutcheon de Ariadne]]
| New Haven||[[The Rudiments of Self Defense]]||[[Dimethro the Wrestling Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Wrestling]]||[[Gloves of Safeguarding]]
| New Haven||[[Scribing Arcane Knowledge]]||[[Jillian the Inscription Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Inscription]]||[[Hallowed Spellbook]]
| New Haven||[[It's Hammer Time!]]||[[George Hephaestus the Blacksmithing Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Blacksmithing]]||[[Hammer of Hephaestus]]
| New Haven||[[Bruises, Bandages and Blood]]||[[Avicenna the Healing Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Healing]]||[[Healer's Touch]]
| New Haven||[[Swift as an Arrow]]||[[Robyn the Archery Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Archery]]||[[Heartseeker]]
| New Haven||[[The Delucian's Lost Mine]]||[[Jacob Waltz the Mining Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Mining]]||[[Jacob's Pickaxe]]
| New Haven||[[The Way of the Blade]]||[[Jockles the Swordsmanship Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Swordsmanship]]||[[Jockles' Quicksword]]
| New Haven||[[Stopping the World]]||[[Gustar the Meditation Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Meditation]]||[[Philosopher's Hat]]
| New Haven||[[En Guarde!]]||[[Recaro the Fencing Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Fencing]]||[[Recaro's Riposte]]
| New Haven||[[A Scholarly Task]]||[[Mithneral the Evaluating Intelligence Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Evaluating Intelligence]]||[[Ring of the Savant]]
| New Haven||[[The Art of Stealth]]||[[Ryuichi the Ninjitsu Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Ninjitsu]]||[[Silver Serpent Blade]]
| New Haven||[[The Way of the Samurai]]||[[Hamato the Bushido Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Bushido]]||[[The Dragon's Tail]]
| New Haven||[[Knowing Thine Enemy]]||[[Andreas Vesalius the Anatomy Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Anatomy]]||[[Tunic of Guarding]]
| New Haven||[[Walking Silently]]||[[Jun the Stealth Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Stealth]]||[[Twilight Jacket]]
| New Haven||[[Eyes of a Ranger]]||[[Walker the Tracking Instructor]]||Skill Gain to 50.0||[[Tracking]]||[[Walker's Leggings]]
= Moonglow =
* [[Elven Heritage]]
= Cove =
==Virtue Quests==
* questname
List of Quest for the 8 Virtues and 1 extra for Humility to obtain the [[Cloak of Humility]]. These quests can only be done Once per Character.
{| class="uoguidetable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Giver'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Objective'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
! align="center" |'''Part of Quest Chain'''
| Moonglow||[[Gentle Blade]]||[[Fabrizio the Master Weaponsmith]]||Slay||[[Aminia the Master Weaponsmiths Wife]]||[[Misericord]]||Compassion Virtue Quest
| Britain||[[Honest Beggar]]||[[Evan the Beggar]]||Deliver||[[Regina's Ring‎]]||||Honesty Virtue Quest 1
| Britain||[[Regina's Thanks]]||[[Regina the Noble]]||Deliver||[[Regina's Letter‎]]||[[Transparent Heart]]||Honesty Virtue Quest 2
| Trinsic||[[The Honor of the De Boors]]||[[Derek the Merchant]]||Obtain||10 [[Diamond]]s\10 [[Ruby]]s\10 [[Emerald]]s  ||||Honor Virtue Quest 1
| Trinsic||[[Jack the Villain]]||[[Derek the Merchant]]||Deliver||[[Bag of Jewels]]||||Honor Virtue Quest 2
| Trinsic||[[Saved Honour]]||[[Jack The Loan Shark]]||Deliver||[[Ancestral Sheild]]||[[Goblet of Celebration]]||Honor Virtue Quest 3
| Britain||[[Unfading Memories]]||[[Emilio the Tortured Artist]]||Obtain||[[Prismatic Amber]]||||Humility Virtue Quest 1
| Britain||[[Unfading Memories]]||[[Emilio the Tortured Artist]]||Deliver||[[Portrait of the Bride]]||||Humility Virtue Quest 2
| Britain||[[Unfading Memories]]||[[Thalia the Bride]]||Deliver||[[Bride's Letter]]||[[Bleach]]||Humility Virtue Quest 3
| Skara Brae||[[Guilty]]||[[Natalie the Lady of Skara Brae]]||Slay||[[Gregorio the Brigand]]||[[Amulet of Righteousness]]||Justice Virtue Quest
| Minoc||[[A Ghost of Covetous]]||[[Ben the Apprentice Necromancer]]||Deliver||[[Spirit Bottle]]||||Sacrifice Virtue Quest 1
| Vesper||[[Save His Dad]]||[[Frederic the Ghost]]||Deliver||[[Dread Spider Silk]]||||Sacrifice Virtue Quest 2
| Minoc||[[A Fathers Gratitude]]||[[Leon the Alchemist]]||Deliver||[[Alchemist's Bandage]]||[[Andros' Grattitude]]||Sacrifice Virtue Quest 3
| Jhelom||[[Aemaeth]]||[[Aurelia the Architect's Daughter]]||Deliver||[[Basin of Crystal-Clear Water]]||||Spirituality Virtue Quest 1
| Jhelom||[[Aemaeth]]||[[Skeleton of Szandor the Late Architect]]||Deliver||[[Basin of Crystal-Clear Water]]||[[Mirror of Purification]]||Spirituality Virtue Quest 2
| Trinsic||[[Doughty Warriors]]||[[Kane Master of Arms]]||Slay||10 [[Mongbat]]s  or [[Greater Mongbat]]s||||Valor Virtue Quest 1
| Trinsic||[[Doughty Warriors]]||[[Kane Master of Arms]]||Slay||10 [[Imp]]s||||Valor Virtue Quest 2
| Trinsic||[[Doughty Warriors]]||[[Kane Master of Arms]]||Slay||10 [[Daemon]]s or [[Balron]]s||[[Sash of Might]]||Valor Virtue Quest 3
| Trinsic||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Gareth the Emissary of the RBC]]||Questions||||||Humility Cloak Quests 1
| Trinsic||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Gareth the Emissary of the RBC]]||Obtain ||[[Shepherd's Crook of Humility]]||||Humility Cloak Quests 2
| Trinsic||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Gareth the Emissary of the RBC]]||Obtain ||[[For the Life of Britannia]] sash||||Humility Cloak Quests 3
| Trinsic||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Gareth the Emissary of the RBC]]||Obtain ||[[Special Printing of 'Virtue' by Lord British]] book||||Humility Cloak Quests 4
| Trinsic||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Gareth the Emissary of the RBC]]||Obtain||[[Iron Chain]]||[[Grey Cloak]]\[[Ring]]||Humility Cloak Quests 5
| Britain - Trammel||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Maribel the Waitress]]||Obtain||Random Item||Random Item||Humility Cloak Quests 6
| Britain - Felucca||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Deirdre the Beggar]]||Obtain||Random Item||Random Item||Humility Cloak Quests 7
| Minoc - Trammel||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Kevin the Butcher]]||Obtain||Random Item||Random Item||Humility Cloak Quests 8
| Skara Brae - Trammel||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Jason the Healer]]||Obtain||Random Item||Random Item||Humility Cloak Quests 9
| Skara Brae - Felucca||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Walton the Horse Trainer]]||Obtain||Random Item||Random Item||Humility Cloak Quests 10
| Haven||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Nelson the Shepherd]]||Obtain||Random Item||Random Item||Humility Cloak Quests 11
| Minoc - Felucca||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Sean the Blacksmith]]||Obtain||Random Item||[[Iron Chain]]||Humility Cloak Quests 12
| Trinsic||[[Know Thy Humility]]||[[Gareth the Emissary of the RBC]]||||Reject Reward to get [[Cloak of Humility]]||yellow-gold hued [[Order Shield]]||Humility Cloak Quests 13
==Dungeon Entrance Quests==
There are 7 Dungeons that can only be accessed after starting or completing quest.
{| class="uoguidetable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Giver'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Objective'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
! align="center" |'''Part of Quest Chain'''
| Malas||[[Mistaken Identity]]||[[Aernya the Mistress of Admissions]]||Deliver||[[Tuition Reimbursement Form]]||||Bedlam Access 1
| Malas||[[You Scratch My Back]]||[[Gorrow the Mayor]]||Obtain||1 [[Unicorn Ribs]] {{Line Break}} 2 [[Ki-Rin Brains]] {{Line Break}} 5 [[Pixie Leg]]s||||Bedlam Access 2
| Malas||[[Fooling Aernya]]||[[Gorrow the Mayor]]||Deliver||[[Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form]]||||Bedlam Access 3
| Malas||[[Not Quite That Easy]]||[[Aernya the Mistress of Admissions]]||Deliver||[[Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form]]||||Bedlam Access 4
| Malas||[[Convince Me]]||[[Master Gnosos the Necromancer]]||Slay||1 [[Red Death]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Gore Fiend]]s {{Line Break}} 8 [[Rotting Corpse]]s||||Bedlam Access 5
| Malas||[[Tuition Reimbursement]]||[[Master Gnosos the Necromancer]]||Deliver||[[Completed Tuition Reimbursement Form]]||[[A Strongbox]]||Bedlam Access 6
| Nujel'm||[[Wonders of the Natural World]]||[[Lefty the Ticket Seller]]||Obtain||10,000 [[Gold]]||[[Prism of Light Admission Ticket]]||Prisim of Light
| Blighted Grove||[[Vile Poison]]||[[Jamal the Fisherman]]||Deliver||1 [[Tainted Tree Sample]]||||Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 1
| Jhelom||[[Continues with Iosep The Exporter]]||[[Iosep the Trader]]||Obtain||4 [[Granite]] and 2 [[Blue Diamond]]||||Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 2
| Jhelom||[[Sympathetic Magic]]||[[Iosep the Trader]]||Obtain||[[Bark Fragment]]s||||Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 3
| Jhelom||[[Already Dead]]||[[Iosep the Trader]]||Obtain||10 [[Bone]]||||Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 4
| Jhelom||[[Eureka]]||[[Iosep the Trader]]||Deliver||[[Sealed Notes]]||Learn the [[Bone Machete]] Recipe||Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 5
| Blighted Grove||[[Sub Contracting]]||[[Jamal the Fisherman]]||Obtain||3 Samples of [[Corrupted Water]]||[[A Bag of Treasure]]||Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 6
| Britain||[[Evidence]]||[[Sarakki the Notary]]||Obtain||[[Orders from Minax]]||[[A Strongbox]]||The Citidel
| Heartwood||[[Dreadhorn]]||[[Lorekeeper Calendor the Keeper of Tradition]]||Slay||1 [[Dread Horn]]||[[A Strongbox]]||Twisted Weld
| Ter Mur||[[Sacred Quest]]||[[Shrine of Singularity]]||Questions||Say "unorus" and answer the questions||enter the [[Stygian Abyss Dungeon]]||Stygian Abyss Dungeon
| Trinsic||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Hepler Paulson]]||Obtain||piece of wreckage||||BVM Ararat 1
| ||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Cousteau Perron]]||Obtain||Ice Wyrm Scale||||BVM Ararat 2
| ||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Cousteau Perron]]||Obtain||master instructor plans||||BVM Ararat 3
| Buccaneer’s Den||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Josef Skimmons]]||Obtain||schematic||[[Nictitating Lenses]]||BVM Ararat 4
| Jhelom||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Madeline Harte]]||Obtain||Willem’s hat||[[Canvass Robe]]||BVM Ararat 5
|  Ilshenar||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Zalia the Gemologist]]||Obtain||Aqua Gem||[[Aqua Pendant]]||BVM Ararat 6
| Vesper||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Champ Huthwait]]||Obtain||Mercutio’s cutlass||[[Boots of Ballast]]||BVM Ararat 7
| Trinsic||[[Exploring the Deep]]||[[Hepler Paulson]]||||||[[Map]] {{Line Break}} Access to [[BVM Ararat]]||BVM Ararat 8
==Quest Chains Quests==
A List of all other Quest Chains.
{| class="uoguidetable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Giver'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Objective'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
! align="center" |'''Part of Quest Chain'''
| Ter Mur||[[Shearing Knowledge]]||[[Laifem the Weaver]]||Obtain||10 [[Wool]]||||Custom Carpets 1
| Ter Mur||[[Weaving Friendships]]||[[Laifem the Weaver]]||Deliver||[[Laifem's Letter of Introduction]]||||Custom Carpets 2
| Ter Mur||[[A New Spin on Things]]||[[Dermott the Weaver]]||Deliver||[[Mastering the Art of Weaving]]||Access to Decorative [[Carpet]]s||Custom Carpets 3
| Sanctuary||[[Marauders]]||[[Tiana the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Koole the Arcanist]] {{Line Break}} [[Elder Onallan the Wise]]||Slay||10 [[Ogre]]s||A Bag of Treasure||Giants 1
| Sanctuary||[[The Brains of the Operation]]||[[Tiana the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Koole the Arcanist]] {{Line Break}} [[Elder Onallan the Wise]]||Slay||10 [[Ogre Lord]]s||A Large Bag of Treasure||Giants 2
| Sanctuary||[[The Brawn]]||[[Tiana the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Koole the Arcanist]] {{Line Break}} [[Elder Onallan the Wise]]||Slay||6 [[Cyclopean Warrior]]s||A Large Bag of Treasure||Giants 3
| Sanctuary||[[The Bigger They Are]]…||[[Tiana the Guard]] {{Line Break}} [[Koole the Arcanist]] {{Line Break}} [[Elder Onallan the Wise]]||Slay||3 [[Titan]]s||A Large Bag of Treasure||Giants 4
| Underworld||[[Untangling the Web]]||[[Vernix]]||Slay||12 [[Acid Slug]]s or [[Acid Elemental]]s||Acid Popper||Goblin 1
| Underworld||[[Green with Envy]]||[[Vernix]]||Obtain||1 [[Eye of Navrey Night-Eyes]]||A Large Bag of Treasure||Goblin 2
| Heartwood||[[The Ancient World]]||[[Lorekeeper Broolol the Keeper of Tradition]]||Obtain||1 [[Fragment of a Map]]||||Minotaur Heartwood 1
| Heartwood||[[The Golden Horn]]||[[Lorekeeper Broolol the Keeper of Tradition]]||Deliver||[[Fragment of a Map]]||||Minotaur Heartwood 2
| Heartwood||[[Bullish]]||[[Braen the Thaumaturgist]]||Obtain||20 [[Gaman Horns]]||||Minotaur Heartwood 3
| Heartwood||[[Lost Civilization]]||[[Braen the Thaumaturgist]]||Obtain ||3 [[Minotaur Artifact]]||A Strongbox||Minotaur Heartwood 4
| Sanctuary||[[Warriors of the Gemkeeper]]||[[Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition]]||Obtain||1 [[Fragment of a Map]]||||Minotaur Sanctuary 1
| Sanctuary||[[Close Enough]]||[[Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition]]||Deliver||1 [[Fragment of a Map]]||||Minotaur Sanctuary 2
| Sanctuary||[[Taking the Bull by the Horns]]||[[Canir the Thaumaturgist]]||Obtain||20 [[Gaman Horns]]||||Minotaur Sanctuary 3
| Sanctuary||[[Emissary to the Minotaur]]||[[Canir the Thaumaturgist]]||Obtain||3 [[Minotaur Artifact]]||A Strongbox||Minotaur Sanctuary 4
| Sanctuary||[[Spring Cleaning]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Slay||15 [[Ratmen]]||A Bag of Trinkets||Ratmen 1
| Sanctuary||[[Cowards!]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Slay||10 [[Ratman Archer]]||A Bag of Trinkets||Ratmen 2
| Sanctuary||[[Token of Love]]||[[Danoel the Metal Weaver]]||Obtain||1 [[Stolen Ring]]||A Bag of Treasure||Ratmen 3
| Ter Mur||[[Ritual#Ritual:_Scales_of_a_Dream_Serpent|Scales of a Dream Serpent]]||[[Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen]]||Obtain|| 1 [[Dream Serpent Scales]]||||Ritual 1
| Ter Mur||[[Ritual#Ritual:_Catch_Me_If_You_Can!|Catch Me If You Can]]||[[Bexil the Dream Serpent]]||Slay||Hit the Dream Serpent 6 times before the time is up||[[Dream Serpent Scales]]||Ritual 2
| Ter Mur||[[Ritual#Ritual:_Tears_of_a_Soulbinder|Tears of a Soulbinder]]||[[Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen]]||Obtain||1 [[Soulbinder's Tears]]||||Ritual 3
| Ter Mur||[[Filthy Lifestealers]]||[[Grubbix the Soulbinder]]||Slay||10 [[Lifestealer]]||[[Soulbinder's Tears]]||Ritual 4
| Ter Mur||[[Pristine Crystal Lotus]]||[[Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen]]||Obtain||1 [[Pristine Crystal Lotus]]||Chronicle of the Gargoyle Queen Vol. II {{Line Break}} [[Ter Mur Snowglobe]]||Ritual 5
| Ter Mur||[[Hair of the Dryad Queen]]||[[Linzrom The Guard Captain]]||Obtain||1 [[Dryad Queen Hair]]||||Ritual 6
| Ter Mur||[[Heart of the Night Terror]]||[[Linzrom The Guard Captain]]||Obtain||1 [[Night Terror Heart]]||Chronicles of the Gargoyle Queen Vol III||Ritual 7
| Sanctuary||[[Moug-Guur Must Die]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Slay||1 [[Moug-Guur]]||A Bag of Treasure||Sanctuary Bosses 1
| Sanctuary||[[Leader of the Pack]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Slay||1 [[Chiikkaha the Toothed]]||A Bag of Treasure||Sanctuary Bosses 2
| Sanctuary||[[Sayonara, Szavetra]]||[[Dallid the Cook]]||Slay||1 [[Szavetra]]||A Strongbox||Sanctuary Bosses 3
| Britan||[[Friends of the Library]]||[[Verity Librarian]]||Obtain||[[Notarized Application]]||Friend Of The Library Token||Friends of the Library Quest 1
| Britan||[[Bureacratic Delay]]||[[Sarakki the Notary]]||Obtain||[[Official Sealing Wax]]||||Friends of the Library Quest 2
| Ilshenar||[[The Secret Ingredient]]||[[Petrus the Beekeeper]]||Obtain||5 [[Poison Sacs]]||||Friends of the Library Quest 3
| Serpent's Hold||[[Human Heritage]]||[[Nedrick Iron Worker]]||Start||||||Human Heritage Quest 1
| Vesper||[[Heave Ho!]]||[[Patricus the Trader]]||Deliver||5 crates||||Human Heritage Quest 2
| Buc's Den||[[Ingenuity]]||[[Sledge the Versatile]]||Obtain||10 [[Power Crystals]]||||Human Heritage Quest 3
| Nujel'm||[[All Season Adventurer]]||[[Balulah the Scorned]]||Slay||5 [[Efreet]]s in Fire Dungeon {{Line Break}}  5 [[Ice Fiend]]s in Ice Dungeon||||Human Heritage Quest 4
| Ilshenar||||[[Lissbet the Flower Girl]]||Escort||||||Human Heritage Quest 5
| Serpent's Hold||[[Human Heritage]]||[[Nedrick Iron Worker]]||End||||Become Human||Human Heritage Quest 6
| Moonglow||[[Elven Heritage]]||[[Darius the Wise]]||Start||||||Elven Heritage Quest 1
| Ilshenar||[[The Joys of Life]]||[[Arielle the Pixie]]||Obtain||3 [[Baubles]]||||Elven Heritage Quest 2
| Hedge Maze||[[Defending the Herd]]||[[Bravehorn]]||Escort||[[Bravehorn]]||||Elven Heritage Quest 3
| Compassion||[[Wisdom of the Sphynx]]||[[Enigma]]||Obtain||1 [[Pitcher of Water]]||||Elven Heritage Quest 4
| Wrong||[[Balance of Nature]]||[[Huntsman]]||Slay||15 [[Timber Wolf]]||||Elven Heritage Quest 5
| Wrong||[[Seasons]]||[[Maul (NPC)]]||Obtain||20 [[Raw Fish Steak]]s||||Elven Heritage Quest 6
| Yew||[[Caretaker of the Land]]||[[Strongroot]]||Obtain||1 [[Sap of Sosaria]]||||Elven Heritage Quest 7
| Moonglow||[[Elven Heritage]]||[[Darius the Wise]]||End||||Become Elven||Elven Heritage Quest 8
| Heartwood||[[Patience]]||[[Aeluva the Arcanist]]||Obtain ||20  [[Miniature Mushroom]]||||Spellweaving Heartwood 1
| Heartwood||[[Needs of the Many I - The Heartwood]]||[[Aeluva the Arcanist]]||Obtain ||10 [[Bale of Cotton]]||||Spellweaving Heartwood 2
| Heartwood||[[Needs of the Many II - The Heartwood]]||[[Aeluva the Arcanist]]||Obtain ||250 [[Board]]s ||||Spellweaving Heartwood 3
| Heartwood||[[Making a Contribution - The Heartwood]]||[[Aeluva the Arcanist]]||Obtain ||1 [[Sack of Flour]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Jar of Honey]] {{Line Break}}  20 Cooked [[Fish Steak]]||||Spellweaving Heartwood 4
| Heartwood||[[Unnatural Creations]]||[[Aeluva the Arcanist]]||Slay||5 [[Exodus Overseer]] {{Line Break}} 2 [[Exodus Minion]]||1 [[Arcane Circle]] Scroll {{Line Break}} 1 [[Gift of Renewal]] Scroll  {{Line Break}} 1 Spellweaving [[Spellbook]]||Spellweaving Heartwood 5
| Sanctuary||[[Discipline]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]]||Slay||50 [[Rat]]||||Spellweaving Sanctuary 1
| Sanctuary||[[Needs of the Many - Sanctuary]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]]||Obtain||10 [[Bale of Cotton]]||||Spellweaving Sanctuary 2
| Sanctuary||[[Making a Contribution - Sanctuary]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]]||Obtain||250 [[Board]]s||||Spellweaving Sanctuary 3
| Sanctuary||[[Supplies for Sanctuary]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]]||Obtain||1 [[Sack of Flour]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Jar of Honey]] {{Line Break}} 20 Cooked [[Fish Steak]]||||Spellweaving Sanctuary 4
| Sanctuary||[[The Human Blight]]||[[Koole the Arcanist]]||Obtain||30 [[Severed Human Ears]]||1 [[Arcane Circle]] Scroll {{Line Break}} 1 [[Gift of Renewal]] Scroll  {{Line Break}} 1 Spellweaving [[Spellbook]]||Spellweaving Sanctuary 5
| Heartwood||[[Friend of the Fey]]||[[Synaeva the Arcanist]]||Obtain||1 [[Beads]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Jar of Honey]]||||Spellweaving Fey 1
| Heartwood||[[Token of Friendship]]||[[Synaeva the Arcanist]]||Deliver||[[Gift for Arielle]]||||Spellweaving Fey 2
| Heartwood||[[Alliance]]||[[Arielle]]||Slay||20 [[Reaper]]||1 [[Summon Fey]] scroll & ability to cast Summon Fey||Spellweaving Fey 3
| Sanctuary||[[Fiendish Friends]]||[[Elder Brae the Wise]]||Slay||50 [[Imp]]||||Spellweaving Fiend 1
| Sanctuary||[[Cracking the Whip]]||[[Elder Brae the Wise]]||Obtain||1 [[Stout Whip]]||||Spellweaving Fiend 2
| Sanctuary||[[Iron Will]]||[[Elder Brae the Wise]]||Slay||1 [[Arcane Daemon]]||1 [[Summon Fiend]] scroll & ability to cast Summon Fiend||Spellweaving Fiend 3
| Valley of Eodon||[[Exterminating the Infestation]]||[[Ellie Rafkin]]||Obtain||[[Bottled Myrmidex Pheremone]] {{Line Break}} [[Bottle of Concentrated Insecticide]] {{Line Break}} [[Mymidex Population Report]]||||Eodonian Alliance 1
| Valley of Eodon||[[Pest Control ]]||[[Foxx the Lieutenant]]||Slay||20 [[Myrmidex Larvae]] {{Line Break}} 15 [[Myrmidex Drone]]s {{Line Break}} 10 [[Myrmidex Warriors]]||[[Mymidex Population Report]]||Eodonian Alliance 2
| Valley of Eodon||[[Getting Even]]||[[Yero The Gambler]]||Gamble||Win 3 Games at [[Fortune's Fire Casino]] of  {{Line Break}}  “Chuckle’s Luck”, “Hi-Middle-Lo”, Dice Rider” ||[[Bottle of Concentrated Insecticide]]||Eodonian Alliance 3
| Valley of Eodon||[[Of Vorpals and Lettuces]]||[[Alida The Gardener]]||Slay||1 [[Vorpal Bunny]]||[[Bottled Myrmidex Pheremone]]||Eodonian Alliance 4
| Valley of Eodon||[[Exterminating the Infestation]]||[[Ellie Rafkin]]||Slay||[[Myrmidex Queen]]||[[A Statuette for Sakkhran Bird of Prey]] {{Line Break}} [[Reward Title]] Token {{Line Break}} [[Recipe]] for an Eodonian Wall Map {{Line Break}} [[Raw Moonstone]]||Eodonian Alliance 5
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Zealotry of Zipactriotl]]||[[Yar The Barrab Tinker]]||Obtain||[[Stasis Chamber Power Core]] {{Line Break}} [[Stasis Chamber Activator]] {{Line Break}} [[Stasis Chamber Regulator]] {{Line Break}} [[Stasis Chamber Stator]]||||Myrmidex Alliance 1
| Valley of Eodon||[[Hidden Treasures]]||[[Carroll The Gemologist]]||Obtain||1 [[Perfect Emerald]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[White Pearl]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Brilliant Amber]]||[[Stasis Chamber Activator]]||Myrmidex Alliance 2
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Salty Sea]]||[[Bront The Captain]]||Slay||10 [[Water Elemental]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Sea Serpent]]s {{Line Break}} 10 [[Deep Sea Serpent]]s {{Line Break}} 5 [[Kraken]]s {{Line Break}} All in the South Seas||[[Stasis Chamber Regulator]]||Myrmidex Alliance 3
| Valley of Eodon||[[A Tinker’s Task]]||[[Eriathwen The Golem Maker]]||Obtain||500 [[Ingot]]s {{Line Break}} 25 [[Gear]]s {{Line Break}} 5 [[Power Crystal]] {{Line Break}} 2 [[Clockwork Assembly]]||[[Stasis Chamber Stator]]||Myrmidex Alliance 4
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Zealotry of Zipactriotl]]||[[Yar The Barrab Tinker]]||Slay||[[Zipactriotl]]||[[A Moonstone Crystal]] {{Line Break}} [[Recipe]] for a [[Kotl Power Core]] {{Line Break}} [[Reward Title]] Token {{Line Break}} A [[Recipe]] for a New Potion||Myrmidex Alliance 5
==Other Quests==
List of all other Quests not listed Above
{| class="uoguidetable sortable" {{table}}
! align="center" |'''Quest Location'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Name'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Giver'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Type'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Objective'''
! align="center" |'''Quest Reward'''
| Bedlem||[[Misplaced]]||[[Master Cohenn the Librarian]]||Obtain||5 [[Disintegrating Thesis Notes]]||[[Librarian's Key]]
| Blighted Grove||[[Bound to the Land]]||[[The Frightened Dryad]]||Slay||12 [[Insane Dryad]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Saliva]]||[[Dryad's Blessing]]
| Britain||[[I Think I Overate]]||[[Pepta the Royal Tastetester]]||Obtain||2 [[Tribal Berries]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Fresh Ginger]]||[[Pepta's Satiety Cure]]
| New Haven||[[A Stitch In Time]]||[[Clairesse the Servant]]||Obtain||1 [[Fancy Dress]]||[[An Old Ring]] {{Line Break}} [[An Old Necklace]]
| New Haven||[[Baker's Dozen]]||[[Asandos the Chef]]||Obtain||5 [[Cookie Mix]]||[[Skillet]] {{Line Break}} 2 [[Sack of Flour]]
| Sea Market||[[Professional Bountyhunter Quest]]||[[G.B. Bigglesby]]||Slay||Capture or kill a pirate listed on the bulletin board||[[Ruined Ship Plans]] {{Line Break}} Flame or Frost [[Cannonball]]s
| Stygian Abyss||[[Perfect Timing]]||[[Sutek the Mage]]||Obtain||1 [[Completed Clockwork Assembly]]||[[Mechanical Life Manual]] {{Line Break}} [[Sutek's Dirty Gear]]
| New Haven||[[A Clockwork Puzzle]]||[[Nibbet the Tinker]]||Obtain||5 [[Clock Parts]]||3 [[Clock Frame]] {{Line Break}} [[Tinker's Tools]]
| New Haven||[[More Ore Please]]||[[Mugg the Miner]]||Obtain||5 Iron [[Ore]]||2 [[Pickaxe]]
| Ter Mur||[[Dabbling on the Dark Side]]||[[Zosilem the Alchemist]]||Obtain|| 5 [[Boura Skin]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Fairy Dragon Wing]] {{Line Break}}  1 [[Dough]]||2 [[Deliciously Tasty Treat]]
| New Haven||[[Chop Chop, On the Double!]]||[[Hargrove the Lumberjack]]||Obtain||60 [[Logs]]||15 [[Gold]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Hatchet]]
| New Haven||[[Battered Bucklers]]||[[Gervis the Blacksmith Trainer]]||Obtain||10 [[Buckler]]||10 Iron [[Ingot]]s {{Line Break}} [[Smith's Hammer]]
| Sea Market||[[Professional Fisher Quest]]||||Obtain||Various Fish or  Crustacean||[[Professional Fisher Quest#Reward_System|Fishing Power Scrolls]]
| Ter Mur||[[The Forbidden Fruit]]||[[Zosilem the Alchemist]]||Obtain|| 5 [[Boura Skin]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Treefellow Wood]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Dough]]||[[ Irresistibly Tasty Treat]]
| Ter Mur||[[The Brainy Alchemist]]||[[Zosilem the Alchemist]]||Obtain||1 [[Arcane Gem]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Undamaged Undead Gargoyle Horns]] {{Line Break}}  1 [[Inspected Keg of Total Refreshment Potions]] {{Line Break}}  1 [[Inspected Keg of Greater Poison Potions]]|| [[Infused Alchemist's Gem]]
| Ter Mur||[[Putting the Pieces Together]]||[[Axem the Curator]]||Obtain||5 [[Tattered Remnants of an Ancient Scroll]]||[[A Dusty Museum Bag]] {{Line Break}} 15 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
| Ter Mur||[[Mastering the Soulforge]]||[[Ansikart the Artificer]]||Obtain||50 [[Relic Fragment]]||[[Power Scrolls|A Legendary Scroll of Imbuing (120 Skill)]]
| Ter Mur||[[A Little Something]]||[[Ansikart the Artificer]]||Obtain||1 [[Brilliant Amber]]||[[A Meager Imbuing Bag]] {{Line Break}} 25 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
| Ter Mur||[[A Broken Vase]]||[[Axem the Curator]]||Obtain||10 [[Ancient Pottery Fragments]]||[[A Meager Museum Bag]] {{Line Break}} 5 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
| Ter Mur||[[Knowledge of the Soulforge]]||[[Aurvidlem the Artificer]]||Obtain||50  [[Enchanted Essence]]||[[Power Scrolls|A Mythical Scroll of Imbuing (115 Skill)]] {{Line Break}} A random Runic Mallet and Chisels (rare)
| Ter Mur||[[A Worthy Proposition]]||[[Aliabeth the Tinker]]||Obtain||10 [[Bamboo Flute]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Elven Fletching]]||[[A Valuable Imbuing Bag]] {{Line Break}}  Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
| Ter Mur||[[Secrets of the Soulforge]]||[[Beninort the Artificer]]||Obtain||50 [[Magical Residue]]||[[Power Scrolls|A Wondrous or An Exalted Scroll of Imbuing (105 or 110 Skill)]]
| Ter Mur||[[The Exchange]]||[[Aliabeth the Tinker]]||Obtain||5 [[White Chocolates]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Dark Sapphire ]]||[[Average Imbuing Bag]]
| Ter Mur||[[Ye Olde Gargish]]||[[Axem the Curator]]||Obtain||1 [[Untranslated Ancient Tome]]||[[Bulging Museum Bag]] {{Line Break}} 50 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
| Ter Mur||[[Pink is the New Black]]||[[Thepem the Apprentice]]||Obtain|| 5 [[Seared Fire Ant Goo]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Agapite Ingots]]||[[Elixir of Agapite Conversion]]
| Ter Mur||[[All That Glitters]]||[[Thepem the Apprentice]]||Obtain||5 [[Congealed Slug Acid]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Gold Ingots]]||[[Elixir of Gold Conversion]]
| Ter Mur||[[Metal Head]]||[[Thepem the Apprentice]]||Obtain||10 [[Undamaged Iron Beetle Scale]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Dull Copper Ingots]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Shadow Iron Ingots]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Copper Ingots]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Bronze Ingots]]||[[Elixir of Metal Conversion]]
| Ter Mur||[[Pure Valorite]]||[[Zosilem the Alchemist]]||Obtain|| 5 [[Infused Glass Stave]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Valorite Ingots]]||[[Elixir of Valorite Conversion]]
| Ter Mur||[[To Turn Base Metal into Verite]]||[[Zosilem the Alchemist]]||Obtain||5 [[Undead Gargoyle Medallion]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Pile of Inspected Verite Ingots]]||[[Elixir of Verite Conversion]]
| Ter Mur||[[Unusual Goods]]||[[Sliem the Fence]]||Obtain||2 [[Perfect Emerald]] {{Line Break}} 1 [[Crystalline Blackrock]]||[[Essence Box]] {{Line Break}} 75 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
| Ter Mur||[[Gathering of Evidence]]||[[Xeninlor the Security Advisor]]||Obtain||[[Void Crystal of Corrupted Arcane Essence]] {{Line Break}} [[Void Crystal of Corrupted Spiritual Essence]] {{Line Break}} [[Void Crystal of Corrupted Mystical Essence]]||[[Resonant Shield of Vengeance]] {{Line Break}} [[Wind of Corruption]]
| Ter Mur||[[Gathering Proof]]||[[Prassel the Security Liason]]||Obtain||[[Void Crystal of Corrupted Arcane Essence]] {{Line Break}} [[Void Crystal of Corrupted Spiritual Essence]] {{Line Break}} [[Void Crystal of Corrupted Mystical Essence]]||[[Resonant Shield of Vengeance]] {{Line Break}} [[Wind of Corruption]]
| Ter Mur||[[Tasty Treats]]||[[Thepem the Apprentice]]||Obtain||5 [[Boura Skin]]s {{Line Break}} 1 [[Dough]]||[[Tasty Treat]]
| Ter Mur||[[Armor Up]]||[[Zosilem the Alchemist]]||Obtain||5 [[Boura Skin]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Undamaged Iron Beetle Scale]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Leather Wolf Skin]]||[[Vial Of Armor Essence]]
| Ter Mur||[[Journey to the Athenaeum Isle]]||[[Zhah]]||Slay||10 Minion of [[Scelestus]]||[[Chronicle of the Gargoyle Queen Vol. I]]
| Ter Mur||[[Boura, Boura]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||15 [[Lowland Boura]] {{Line Break}} 20 [[Ruddy Boura]]||[[Dusty Adventurer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[Raptorlicious]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Raptor]]||[[Dusty Adventurer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[The Slith Wars]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Slith]]||[[Dusty Adventurer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[Ambushing the Ambushers]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Kepetch Ambusher]]||[[Dusty Explorer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[Boura, Boura, and more Boura]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[High Plains Boura]]||[[Dusty Explorer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[Revenge of the Slith]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Toxic Slith]]||[[Dusty Explorer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[We've Got an Ant Problem]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Fire Ant]]||[[Dusty Explorer's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[It Makes Me Sick]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Putrid Undead Gargoyle]]||[[Dusty Hunter's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[It's a Mad, Mad World]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Maddening Horror]]s||[[Dusty Hunter's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[The Dreamers]]||[[Percolem the Hunter]]||Slay||20 [[Dream Wraith]]||[[Dusty Hunter's Backpack]]
| Ter Mur||[[Into the Void]]||[[Agralem the Bladeweaver]]||Slay||10 [[Void Creatures|Void Daemon]]s||[[Abyss Reaver]]
| Britain||[[Wielding the Sonic Blade]]||[[Sir Berran the Song Weilder]]||Skill Use||Discord 5 [[Goat]]s||Discordance [[Skill Mastery]] 3 {{Line Break}} [[Book of Skill Masteries]]
| Britain||[[The Beacon of Harmony]]||[[Sir Falean the Spirit Soother]]||Skill Use||Peacemake 5 [[Mongbat]]s||Peacemaking [[Skill Mastery]] 3 {{Line Break}} [[Book of Skill Masteries]]
| Britain||[[Indoctrination of a Battle Rouser]]||[[Sir Hareus the Battle Rouser]]||Skill Use||Provoke 5 [[Rabbit]]s with 5 [[Wandering Healer]]||Discordance [[Skill Mastery]] 3 {{Line Break}} [[Book of Skill Masteries]]
| Underworld||[[Done in the Name of Tinkering]]||[[Fiddling Tobin the Tinkerer]]||Obtain||5 [[Trap Components]]||5 [[Floor Trap Kits]]
| Ter Mur||[[A Mystic's Journey]]||[[Ortlem the Mystic]]||Obtain||100 [[Dragon's Blood]] {{Line Break}} 100 [[Daemon Bone]]||[[Crystal Ball of Knowledge]]
| Underworld||||[[Neville Brightwhistle]]||Escort||[[Neville Brightwhistle]]||[[Talisman of Goblin Slaying]]
| Underworld||[[Bibliophile]]||[[Quartermaster Flint]]||Obtain||1 [[Flint's Logbook]]||[[A Keg of Flint's Pungent Brew]]
| Underworld||[[Something Fishy]]||[[Barreraak]]||Obtain||1 [[Red Herring]]||[[Barreraak's Old Beat Up Ring]]
| Underworld||[[Missing]]||[[Elder Dugan the Prospector]]||Obtain||4 [[Ariel Haven Writ of Membership]]||[[Candlewood Torch]]
| Underworld||[[Curiosities‎]]||[[Gretchen the Alchemist]]||Obtain||3 [[Bone]] {{Line Break}} 3 [[Fertile Dirt]]||[[Exploding Tar Potion]]
| Underworld||[[Scraping the Bottom]]||[[Xenrr]]||Obtain||1 [[Mud Puppy]]||[[Xenrr's Fishing Pole]]
| Underworld||[[Thieves Be Afoot!]]||[[Quartermaster Flint]]||Slay||4 [[Barrel of Barley]]||[[A Bottle of Flint's Pungent Brew]]
| Underworld||[[Bad Company]]||[[Jaacar]]||Slay||10 [[Green Goblin]]s||A recipe for [[Bowl of Rotworm Stew]].
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Pride of the Ambush]]||[[Kurak High Chief]]||Escort||Free 5 [[Tiger Cub]]s||[[Skull of Motazz]]
| Valley of Eodon||[[Empty Nest]]||[[Urali High Chief]]||Escort||Save 5 [[Dragon Turtle Hatchling]]||[[Totem of Fabozz]]
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Great Volcano]]||[[Jukari High Chief]]||Obtain||5 [[Lavastone]]||[[Fires of Kukuzz]]
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Great Hunt]]||[[Sakkhra High Chieftess]]||Slay||[[Tyrannosaurus Rex]]||[[Mosaic of Heluzz]]
| Valley of Eodon||[[The Great Ape]]||[[Barako High Chief]]||Slay||[[Great Ape]]||[[Skull of Aphazz]]
| Valley of Eodon||[[Uniting the Tribes]]||[[Sir Geoffrey]]||Obtain||[[Mosaic of Heluzz]] {{Line Break}} [[Totem of Fabozz]] {{Line Break}} [[Fires of Kukuzz]] {{Line Break}} [[Skull of Motazz]] {{Line Break}} [[Skull of Aphazz]]||[[Lava Rock Display]] {{Line Break}} [[Tiger Rug]] {{Line Break}} [[Banana Hoard]] {{Line Break}} [[Dragon Turtle Fountain]] {{Line Break}} [[Reward Title]] {{Line Break}} [[Pet tiger cub statuette]]
| Castle Blackthorn ||[[Heckles Hero]]||[[Heckles]] ||Slay||  1 [[Exodus Minion]] {{Line Break}}  1 [[Drake]] {{Line Break}} 10 [[Liche]]s {{Line Break}} {{Line Break}} 20 [[Skeleton]]s {{Line Break}} 20 [[Giant Spider]]s {{Line Break}} 20 [[Hell Hound]]s {{Line Break}} 25 [[Brigand]]s {{Line Break}} 50 [[Vermin]] ||title scroll {{Line Break}} 25 loaded [[minax artifact]]'s
==Quests No Longer Available==
= Britain =
* [[Regina the Noble]]
= Solen Hive =
*[[Threads of Fate]]
* [[Ambitious Solen Queen]] (Classic)
*[[Threads of Life]]
* [[Matriarch Solen Queen]] (Classic)
*[[Threads of Thought]]
* Water Purification Quest also known as the [[Strange Contraption]] (Classic)
= Yew =
* [[The Hag's Assistant]] (Classic)
*[[Dark Knight]] (New Character "challenge" using the Kingdom Reborn Client only.)
= Other =
==See Also==
* [[Naturalist Quest]] (Classic)
* [[Classic Quests]]
* [[Plague Beast Lord Surgery]] (Special)
* [[List of Quest NPCs]]
* [[Lost in Transit]] (Delivery)
* [[Quests]]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 24 July 2024

These are all of the currently known quests.

All quests on this page use a newer quest engine that is accessible as a button in the UO user interface. An older quest engine, accessed via your character's context menu, is used in conjunction with a series of Classic Quests.

Crafting Quests

A List of all Quest that reward a Craftsman's Satchel and contain a chance to have different recipes or Talisman. High Luck improves the quality of loot inside.

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Givers Quest Type Quest Objective Quest Reward
Prism of Light Crystalline Fragments Tor the Iron Worker Obtain 10 Crystalline Fragments Craftsman's Satchel
Prism of Light Heart of Ice Tor the Iron Worker Obtain 6 Icy Heart Craftsman's Satchel
Prism of Light Protector's Essence Tor the Iron Worker Obtain 5 Protector's Essence Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Arch Support Aniel the Arborist
Anolly the Bark Weaver
Ciala the Arborist
Waelian the Trinket Weaver
Carpentry 10 Foot Stool Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood A Simple Bow Cillitha the Bowcrafter
Jusae the Bowcrafter
Bowcrafting 10 Bow Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Beer Goggles Tholef the Grape Tender
Tillanil the Wine Tender
Tinkering 25 Barrel Tap Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Cuts Both Ways Lohn the Metal Weaver
Olla the Metal Weaver
Blacksmithy 10 Broadsword Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Dragon Protection Lohn the Metal Weaver
Olla the Metal Weaver
Blacksmithy 10 Dragon Helm Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood From the Gaultier Collection Ahie the Cloth Weaver
Sleen the Trinket Weaver
Thallary the Cloth Weaver
Waelian the Trinket Weaver
Tailoring 10 Studded Bustier Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Haute Couture Ahie the Cloth Weaver
Thallary the Cloth Weaver
Tailoring 10 Flower Garland Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Ingenious Archery, Part I Cillitha the Bowcrafter
Jusae the Bowcrafter
Bowcrafting 10 Crossbow Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Ingenious Archery, Part II Cillitha the Bowcrafter
Jusae the Bowcrafter
Bowcrafting 8 Heavy Crossbow Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Ingenious Archery, Part III Cillitha the Bowcrafter
Jusae the Bowcrafter
Bowcrafting 10 Repeating Crossbow Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Lethal Darts Cillitha the Bowcrafter
Jusae the Bowcrafter
Bowcrafting 10 Crossbow Bolt Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Message in a Bottle Tholef the Grape Tender
Tillanil the Wine Tender
Glassblowing 50 Empty Bottle Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Necessity's Mother Sleen the Trinket Weaver
Waelian the Trinket Weaver
Tinkering 10 Tinker's Tools Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Nothing Fancy Lohn the Metal Weaver
Anolly the Bark Weaver
Unoelil the Bark Weaver
Olla the Metal Weaver
Blacksmithy 15 Bascinet Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Reptilian Dentist Sleen the Trinket Weaver
Danoel the Metal Weaver
Hunting 1 Coil's Fang Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Stop Harping on Me Anolly the Bark Weaver
Unoelil the Bark Weaver
Waelian the Trinket Weaver
Cillitha the Bowcrafter
Carpentry 20 Lap Harp Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood The Bulwark Lohn the Metal Weaver
Olla the Metal Weaver
Blacksmithy 10 Heater Shield Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood The Far Eye Anolly the Bark Weaver
Sleen the Trinket Weaver
Unoelil the Bark Weaver
Waelian the Trinket Weaver
Tinkering 20 Spyglass Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood The King of Clothing Ahie the Cloth Weaver
Thallary the Cloth Weaver
Tailoring 10 Kilt Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood The Puffy Shirt Ahie the Cloth Weaver
Thallary the Cloth Weaver
Tailoring 10 Fancy Shirt Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood The Song of the Wind Tholef the Grape Tender
Tillanil the Wine Tender
Tinkering 10 Fancy Wind Chimes Craftsman's Satchel
Heartwood Tick Tock Sleen the Trinket Weaver
Waelian the Trinket Weaver
Danoel the Metal Weaver
Tinkering 10 Clock Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary A Nice Shirt Tallinin the Cloth Weaver Tailoring 10 Fancy Shirt Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary An Impressive Plaid Tallinin the Cloth Weaver Tailoring 10 Kilt Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Arms Race Beotham the Bowcrafter Bowcrafting 10 Crossbow Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Bending the Bow Beotham the Bowcrafter Bowcrafting 10 Bow Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Breeze's Song Dallid the Cook Tinkering 10 Fancy Wind Chimes Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Broken Shaft Beotham the Bowcrafter Bowcrafting 10 Arrow Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Building the Better Crossbow Beotham the Bowcrafter Bowcrafting 10 Repeating Crossbow Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Fey Headgear Tallinin the Cloth Weaver Tailoring 10 Flower Garland Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Improved Crossbows Beotham the Bowcrafter Bowcrafting 10 Heavy Crossbow Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Instrument of War Danoel the Metal Weaver Blacksmithy 10 Broadsword Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Inventive Tools Danoel the Metal Weaver Purchase 10 Tinker's Tools Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Lazy Humans Danoel the Metal Weaver Carpentry 10 Foot Stool Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Leather and Lace Tallinin the Cloth Weaver
Danoel the Metal Weaver
Tailoring 10 Studded Bustier Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Music to my Ears Danoel the Metal Weaver Carpentry 10 Lap Harp Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary New Cloak Tallinin the Cloth Weaver Hunting 1 Grobu's Fur Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Nothing Fancy Danoel the Metal Weaver Blacksmithy 10 Bascinet Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Tapping the Keg Dallid the Cook Tinkering 10 Barrel Tap Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary The Glass Eye Danoel the Metal Weaver Tinkering 10 Spyglass Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary The Shield Danoel the Metal Weaver Blacksmithy 10 Heater Shield Craftsman's Satchel
Sanctuary Waiting to be Filled Dallid the Cook Glassblowing 20 Empty Bottle Craftsman's Satchel
Prism of Light In the Belly of the Beast Boric the Vagabond
Obtain 1 Lucky Dagger Craftsman's Satchel

Treasure Bag Quests

A List of Quests that reward A Small Bag of Trinkets, A Bag of Trinkets, A Bag of Treasure, A Large Bag of Treasure, A Strongbox. High Luck improves the quality of loot inside.

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Givers Quest Type Quest Objective Quest Reward
Heartwood All That Glitters is Not Good Lorekeeper Siarra the Keeper of Tradition
Elder Brae the Wise
Slay 1 Shimmering Effusion A Strongbox
Heartwood Dreadhorn Lorekeeper Calendor the Keeper of Tradition Slay 1 Dread Horn A Strongbox
Heartwood New Leadership Elder Acob the Wise Slay 1 Dragon's Flame Black Order Grand Mage
1 Serpent's Fang Black Order High Executioner
1 Tiger's Claw Black Order Master Thief
A Strongbox
Ilshenar Guile, Irk and Spite Yorus the Tinker Slay 1 Guile
1 Irk
1 Spite
A Strongbox
Tokuno Islands Correspondence from Minax Sarakki the Notary Deliver Correspondence from Minax A Strongbox
Heartwood A Fine Feast Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Sheep A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood A Hero in the Making Yorus the Tinker Slay 10 Mongbat A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Bullfighting ... Sort Of Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Bull A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Filthy Pests! Saril the Guard Slay 10 Sewer Rat A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Forced Migration Cailla the Guard
Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Bird A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood No Good, Fish Stealing ... Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 30 Walrus A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Overpopulation Elder Acob the Wise
Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Hind A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood They'll Eat Anything Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Pig A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood They're Breeding Like Rabbits Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Rabbit A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Thinning the Herd Clehin the Soil Nurturer
Landy the Soil Nurturer
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Goat A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Wild Boar Cull Elder Acob the Wise
Saril the Guard
Yorus the Tinker
Slay 10 Boar A Small Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood A Chill in the Air Vilo the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 15 Ice Elemental A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood A Trog and His Dog Cailla the Guard
Canir the Thaumaturgist
Slay 1 Lurg
1 Grobu
A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Caustic Combo Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 3 Poison Elemental
6 Acid Elemental
A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Circle of Life Aniel the Arborist
Brinnae the Wise
Ciala the Arborist
Mielan the Arcanist
Slay 8 Bog Thing A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Daemonic Prism Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 3 Crystal Daemon A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Forked Tongue Gorrow the Mayor
Brinnae the Wise
Slay 10 Ophidian Warrior or Ophidian Knight-Errant A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Friendly Neighborhood Spider-killer Brinnae the Wise
Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Slay 8 Dread Spider A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Gargoyle's Wrath Brinnae the Wise Slay 6 Gargoyle Enforcer A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Glassy Foe Aniel the Arborist
Ciala the Arborist
Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 5 Crystal Lattice Seeker A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Hailstorm Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 8 Crystal Vortex A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood How Many Heads? Lorekeeper Ryal the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 3 Crystal Hydra A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Industrious as an Ant Lion Vilo the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 12 Ant Lion A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Paroxysmus' Arcane Daemons Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 3 Arcane Daemon A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Paroxysmus' Daemons Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 12 Daemon A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Paroxysmus' Moloch Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 3 Moloch A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Paroxysmus' Succubi Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 3 Succubus A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Plague Lord Lorekeeper Nillaen the Keeper of Tradition
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 10 Plague Beast Spawn
3 Plague Beast
1 Plague Beast Lord
A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood The Perils of Farming Vilo the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 15 Whipping Vine A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Three Wishes Brinnae the Wise Slay 8 Efreet A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Unholy Construct Braen the Thaumaturgist
Vilo the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 10 Golem A Large Bag of Treasure
Sanctuary Pixie dust to dust Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition Slay 10 Pixie A Large Bag of Treasure
Bedlem Momento! Kia the Student Obtain 1 Resolve's Bridle A Large Bag of Treasure
Lord Paroxymus's Palace Kodar's Rescue Kodar the Lost Villager Escort Kodar the Lost Villager A Large Bag of Treasure
Prism of Light Last Words Verity Librarian Deliver Lord Denthe's Journal A Large Bag of Treasure
Heartwood A Big Job Cloorne the Expeditionist
Salaenih the Expeditionist
Slay 5 Ogre
5 Ettin
A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Animated Monstrosity Salaenih the Expeditionist Slay 12 Flesh Golem A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Birds of a Feather Aulan the Expeditionist Slay 10 Harpy A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Bloodsuckers Aulan the Expeditionist Slay 10 Vampire Bat A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Bloody Nuisance Aulan the Expeditionist Slay 10 Gore Fiend A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Cold Hearted Cloorne the Expeditionist
Salaenih the Expeditionist
Slay 6 Frost Spider
6 Giant Ice Serpent
A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Creepy Crawlies Aulan the Expeditionist
Clehin the Soil Nurturer
Cloorne the Expeditionist
Landy the Soil Nurturer
Slay 12 Giant Spider A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Dead Man Walking Cailla the Guard
Saril the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 5 Skeleton
5 Zombie
A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Forked Tongues Cloorne the Expeditionist
Saril the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 10 Lizardmen A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Frightmares Aulan the Expeditionist Slay 10 Plague Beast Spawn A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Gibber Jabber Aulan the Expeditionist Slay 10 Gibberling A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood It's a Ghastly Job Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Slay 12 Ghoul A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood King of Bears Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Slay 10 Grizzly Bear A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Molten Reptiles Aulan the Expeditionist Slay 10 Lava Lizard A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Mongbat Menace! Brinnae the Wise
Cailla the Guard
Clehin the Soil Nurturer
Landy the Soil Nurturer
Slay 4 Greater Mongbat
10 Mongbat
A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Orc Slaying Cloorne the Expeditionist
Lorekeeper Oolua the Keeper of Tradition
Slay 4 Orc Scout
8 Orc
A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Roll the Bones Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Slay 8 Patchwork Skeleton A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Specimens Cailla the Guard
Clehin the Soil Nurturer
Landy the Soil Nurturer
Salaenih the Expeditionist
Vilo the Guard
Slay 12 Solen Worker A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Squishy Cloorne the Expeditionist
Salaenih the Expeditionist
Slay 12 Slime A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Troglodytes! Cailla the Guard
Canir the Thaumaturgist
Slay 12 Troglodyte A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Trolling for Trolls Cloorne the Expeditionist
Saril the Guard
Tiana the Guard
Slay 10 Troll A Bag of Trinkets
Heartwood Voracious Plants Aulan the Expeditionist
Salaenih the Expeditionist
Slay 8 Corpser
2 Swamp Tentacle
A Bag of Trinkets
Sanctuary Brotherly Love Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition Deliver 1 Letter A Bag of Trinkets
Sanctuary Freedom! Lenley the Snitch Escort Lenley the Snitch A Bag of Trinkets
Sanctuary Lost and Found Dallid the Cook Deliver A Battered Bucket A Bag of Trinkets
Sanctuary Proof of the Deed Elder Onallan the Wise Obtain 20 Severed Human Ears A Bag of Trinkets
Sanctuary Trouble on the Wing Koole the Arcanist Slay 12 Gargoyle A Bag of Trinkets
Sanctuary Vermin Tiana the Guard Slay 12 Ratmen A Bag of Trinkets
Ilshenar Runaways! Petrus the Beekeeper
Jelrice the Trader
Slay 12 Frenzied Ostard A Bag of Trinkets
Ilshenar Vicious Predator Petrus the Beekeeper
Jelrice the Trader
Slay 10 Dire Wolf A Bag of Trinkets
Bucs Den Pointy Ears Sledge the Versatile
Gorrow the Mayor
Drithen the Fierce
Obtain 20 Severed Elf Ears A Bag of Trinkets
Jhelom Embracing Humanity Iosep the Trader Deliver 1 treat A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood A Feather in Yer Cap Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Obtain 1 Saliva's Feather A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood A Tale of Tail Drithen the Fierce
Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Obtain 1 Abscess' Tail A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Scale Armor Ahie the Cloth Weaver
Thallary the Cloth Weaver
Tallinin the Cloth Weaver
Obtain 1 Thrasher's Tail
10 Hydra Scale
A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Arachnophobia Salaenih the Expeditionist Slay 12 Giant Black Widow A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Big Worms Elder Caelas the Wise Slay 10 Giant Ice Serpent A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Crime and Punishment Elder Acob the Wise Slay 10 Male Tiger Claw Thiefs A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Death to the Ninja! Elder Acob the Wise Slay 10 Elite Ninja A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Dust to Dust Aniel the Arborist
Ciala the Arborist
Slay 12 Earth Elemental A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Evil Eye Brinnae the Wise Slay 12 Gazer A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Ex-Assassins Elder Acob the Wise Slay 10 Male Serpent's Fang Assassins A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Extinguishing the Flame Elder Acob the Wise Slay 10 Male Dragon's Flame Mages A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Impish Delights Brinnae the Wise Slay 12 Imp A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood It's Elemental Elder Alejaha the Wise
Elder Caelas the Wise
Slay 4 Earth Elemental
4 Fire Elemental
4 Water Elemental
A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Mini Swamp Thing Salaenih the Expeditionist Slay 20 Bogling A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Orcish Elite Elder Caelas the Wise Slay 6 Orc Bomber
4 Orc Captain
A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Shaking Things Up Salaenih the Expeditionist Slay 10 Black or Red Solen Warrior A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Spirits Cailla the Guard Slay 15 Shade or Spectre or Wraith A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Stirring the Nest Brinnae the Wise Slay 3 Black or Red Solen Queen A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood The Afterlife Brinnae the Wise Slay 15 Mummy A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Undead Mages Brinnae the Wise Slay 10 Bone Mage or Skeletal Mage A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Unholy Knights Cailla the Guard
Vilo the Guard
Slay 16 Bone Knight or Skeletal Knight A Bag of Treasure
Heartwood Warrior Caste Elder Caelas the Wise
Salaenih the Expeditionist
Slay 10 Terathan Warrior A Bag of Treasure
Sanctuary A Dish Best Served Cold Koole the Arcanist
Tiana the Guard
Slay 10 Orc
5 Orc Bomber
3 Orc Brute
A Bag of Treasure
Sanctuary Arch Enemies Tiana the Guard Slay 10 Ratman Archer A Bag of Treasure
Sanctuary Common Brigands Gorrow the Mayor
Tiana the Guard
Slay 20 Brigand A Bag of Treasure
Ilshenar Something to Wail About Petrus the Beekeeper Slay 12 Wailing Banshee A Bag of Treasure
Ter Mur In the Weeds Farmer Nash Obtain Farmer Nash's Pitchfork A Bag of Treasure
Underworld A Tangled Web Jaacar Slay 12 Bloodworm or Blood Elemental A Bag of Treasure
Underworld Ending the Threat Elder Dugan the Prospector Slay 10 Gray Goblins A Bag of Treasure
Britain Black Order Badges Sarakki the Notary Obtain 5 Serpent Fang Badges
5 Tiger Claw Badges
5 Dragon Flame Badges
A Bag of Treasure
Bedlem Culinary Crisis Emerillo the Cook Obtain 20 Bunch of Dates
5 Wheel of Cheese
A Bag of Treasure
Vesper Odds and Ends Patricus the Trader Obtain 12 Primitive Fetish A Bag of Treasure
Tokuno Islands Assassination Contract Tiana the Guard
Petrus the Beekeeper
Yorus the Tinker
Drithen the Fierce
Aniel the Arborist
Jelrice the Trader
Vilo the Guard
Gorrow the Mayor
Deliver Assassination Contract (Item) A Bag of Treasure
Tokuno Islands Lost in Transit Brinnae the Wise
Saril the Guard
Cloorne the Expeditionist
Iosep the Trader
Sarakki the Notary
Patricus the Trader
Koole the Arcanist
Deliver Stolen Goods A Bag of Treasure

Skill Gain Quests

List of Quest from New Haven that Accelerate skill gain to 50. Remember to buy skill from the Trainer before taking the quest as you can't train skill with Gold while you are on any of the New Player Quests listed below.

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Giver Quest Type Skill Quest Reward
New Haven The Right Tool for the Job Amelia Youngstone the Tinkering Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Tinkering Amelia's Toolbox
New Haven The Art of War Alden Armstrong the Tactics Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Tactics Arms of Armstrong
New Haven Channeling the Supernatural Morganna the Spirit Speak Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Spirit Speak Bag of 100 of each Necromancer Reagents
New Haven Becoming One With The Shadows Chiyo the Hiding Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Hiding Bag of 20 Smoke Bombs
New Haven Defying the Arcane Alefian the Resisting Spells Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Resisting Spells Bracelet of Resilience
New Haven Cleansing Old Haven Aelorn the Chivalry Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Chivalry Bulwark Leggings
New Haven Crushing Bones and Taking Names Churchill the Mace Fighting Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Mace Fighting Churchill's War Mace
New Haven The Inner Warrior Sarsmea Smythe the Focus Instructor‎ Skill Gain to 50.0 Focus Clasp of Concentration
New Haven The Allure of Dark Magic Mulcivikh the Necromancy Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Necromancy Complete Necromancer Spellbook
New Haven The Mage's Apprentice Kaelynna the Magery Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Magery Ember Staff
New Haven Thou and Thine Shield Tyl Ariadne the Parrying Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Parrying Escutcheon de Ariadne
New Haven The Rudiments of Self Defense Dimethro the Wrestling Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Wrestling Gloves of Safeguarding
New Haven Scribing Arcane Knowledge Jillian the Inscription Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Inscription Hallowed Spellbook
New Haven It's Hammer Time! George Hephaestus the Blacksmithing Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Blacksmithing Hammer of Hephaestus
New Haven Bruises, Bandages and Blood Avicenna the Healing Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Healing Healer's Touch
New Haven Swift as an Arrow Robyn the Archery Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Archery Heartseeker
New Haven The Delucian's Lost Mine Jacob Waltz the Mining Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Mining Jacob's Pickaxe
New Haven The Way of the Blade Jockles the Swordsmanship Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Swordsmanship Jockles' Quicksword
New Haven Stopping the World Gustar the Meditation Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Meditation Philosopher's Hat
New Haven En Guarde! Recaro the Fencing Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Fencing Recaro's Riposte
New Haven A Scholarly Task Mithneral the Evaluating Intelligence Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Evaluating Intelligence Ring of the Savant
New Haven The Art of Stealth Ryuichi the Ninjitsu Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Ninjitsu Silver Serpent Blade
New Haven The Way of the Samurai Hamato the Bushido Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Bushido The Dragon's Tail
New Haven Knowing Thine Enemy Andreas Vesalius the Anatomy Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Anatomy Tunic of Guarding
New Haven Walking Silently Jun the Stealth Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Stealth Twilight Jacket
New Haven Eyes of a Ranger Walker the Tracking Instructor Skill Gain to 50.0 Tracking Walker's Leggings

Virtue Quests

List of Quest for the 8 Virtues and 1 extra for Humility to obtain the Cloak of Humility. These quests can only be done Once per Character.

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Giver Quest Type Quest Objective Quest Reward Part of Quest Chain
Moonglow Gentle Blade Fabrizio the Master Weaponsmith Slay Aminia the Master Weaponsmiths Wife Misericord Compassion Virtue Quest
Britain Honest Beggar Evan the Beggar Deliver Regina's Ring‎ Honesty Virtue Quest 1
Britain Regina's Thanks Regina the Noble Deliver Regina's Letter‎ Transparent Heart Honesty Virtue Quest 2
Trinsic The Honor of the De Boors Derek the Merchant Obtain 10 Diamonds\10 Rubys\10 Emeralds Honor Virtue Quest 1
Trinsic Jack the Villain Derek the Merchant Deliver Bag of Jewels Honor Virtue Quest 2
Trinsic Saved Honour Jack The Loan Shark Deliver Ancestral Sheild Goblet of Celebration Honor Virtue Quest 3
Britain Unfading Memories Emilio the Tortured Artist Obtain Prismatic Amber Humility Virtue Quest 1
Britain Unfading Memories Emilio the Tortured Artist Deliver Portrait of the Bride Humility Virtue Quest 2
Britain Unfading Memories Thalia the Bride Deliver Bride's Letter Bleach Humility Virtue Quest 3
Skara Brae Guilty Natalie the Lady of Skara Brae Slay Gregorio the Brigand Amulet of Righteousness Justice Virtue Quest
Minoc A Ghost of Covetous Ben the Apprentice Necromancer Deliver Spirit Bottle Sacrifice Virtue Quest 1
Vesper Save His Dad Frederic the Ghost Deliver Dread Spider Silk Sacrifice Virtue Quest 2
Minoc A Fathers Gratitude Leon the Alchemist Deliver Alchemist's Bandage Andros' Grattitude Sacrifice Virtue Quest 3
Jhelom Aemaeth Aurelia the Architect's Daughter Deliver Basin of Crystal-Clear Water Spirituality Virtue Quest 1
Jhelom Aemaeth Skeleton of Szandor the Late Architect Deliver Basin of Crystal-Clear Water Mirror of Purification Spirituality Virtue Quest 2
Trinsic Doughty Warriors Kane Master of Arms Slay 10 Mongbats or Greater Mongbats Valor Virtue Quest 1
Trinsic Doughty Warriors Kane Master of Arms Slay 10 Imps Valor Virtue Quest 2
Trinsic Doughty Warriors Kane Master of Arms Slay 10 Daemons or Balrons Sash of Might Valor Virtue Quest 3
Trinsic Know Thy Humility Gareth the Emissary of the RBC Questions Humility Cloak Quests 1
Trinsic Know Thy Humility Gareth the Emissary of the RBC Obtain Shepherd's Crook of Humility Humility Cloak Quests 2
Trinsic Know Thy Humility Gareth the Emissary of the RBC Obtain For the Life of Britannia sash Humility Cloak Quests 3
Trinsic Know Thy Humility Gareth the Emissary of the RBC Obtain Special Printing of 'Virtue' by Lord British book Humility Cloak Quests 4
Trinsic Know Thy Humility Gareth the Emissary of the RBC Obtain Iron Chain Grey Cloak\Ring Humility Cloak Quests 5
Britain - Trammel Know Thy Humility Maribel the Waitress Obtain Random Item Random Item Humility Cloak Quests 6
Britain - Felucca Know Thy Humility Deirdre the Beggar Obtain Random Item Random Item Humility Cloak Quests 7
Minoc - Trammel Know Thy Humility Kevin the Butcher Obtain Random Item Random Item Humility Cloak Quests 8
Skara Brae - Trammel Know Thy Humility Jason the Healer Obtain Random Item Random Item Humility Cloak Quests 9
Skara Brae - Felucca Know Thy Humility Walton the Horse Trainer Obtain Random Item Random Item Humility Cloak Quests 10
Haven Know Thy Humility Nelson the Shepherd Obtain Random Item Random Item Humility Cloak Quests 11
Minoc - Felucca Know Thy Humility Sean the Blacksmith Obtain Random Item Iron Chain Humility Cloak Quests 12
Trinsic Know Thy Humility Gareth the Emissary of the RBC Reject Reward to get Cloak of Humility yellow-gold hued Order Shield Humility Cloak Quests 13

Dungeon Entrance Quests

There are 7 Dungeons that can only be accessed after starting or completing quest.

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Giver Quest Type Quest Objective Quest Reward Part of Quest Chain
Malas Mistaken Identity Aernya the Mistress of Admissions Deliver Tuition Reimbursement Form Bedlam Access 1
Malas You Scratch My Back Gorrow the Mayor Obtain 1 Unicorn Ribs
2 Ki-Rin Brains
5 Pixie Legs
Bedlam Access 2
Malas Fooling Aernya Gorrow the Mayor Deliver Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form Bedlam Access 3
Malas Not Quite That Easy Aernya the Mistress of Admissions Deliver Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form Bedlam Access 4
Malas Convince Me Master Gnosos the Necromancer Slay 1 Red Death
10 Gore Fiends
8 Rotting Corpses
Bedlam Access 5
Malas Tuition Reimbursement Master Gnosos the Necromancer Deliver Completed Tuition Reimbursement Form A Strongbox Bedlam Access 6
Nujel'm Wonders of the Natural World Lefty the Ticket Seller Obtain 10,000 Gold Prism of Light Admission Ticket Prisim of Light
Blighted Grove Vile Poison Jamal the Fisherman Deliver 1 Tainted Tree Sample Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 1
Jhelom Continues with Iosep The Exporter Iosep the Trader Obtain 4 Granite and 2 Blue Diamond Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 2
Jhelom Sympathetic Magic Iosep the Trader Obtain Bark Fragments Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 3
Jhelom Already Dead Iosep the Trader Obtain 10 Bone Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 4
Jhelom Eureka Iosep the Trader Deliver Sealed Notes Learn the Bone Machete Recipe Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 5
Blighted Grove Sub Contracting Jamal the Fisherman Obtain 3 Samples of Corrupted Water A Bag of Treasure Blighted Grove Bone Machete Recipe 6
Britain Evidence Sarakki the Notary Obtain Orders from Minax A Strongbox The Citidel
Heartwood Dreadhorn Lorekeeper Calendor the Keeper of Tradition Slay 1 Dread Horn A Strongbox Twisted Weld
Ter Mur Sacred Quest Shrine of Singularity Questions Say "unorus" and answer the questions enter the Stygian Abyss Dungeon Stygian Abyss Dungeon
Trinsic Exploring the Deep Hepler Paulson Obtain piece of wreckage BVM Ararat 1
Exploring the Deep Cousteau Perron Obtain Ice Wyrm Scale BVM Ararat 2
Exploring the Deep Cousteau Perron Obtain master instructor plans BVM Ararat 3
Buccaneer’s Den Exploring the Deep Josef Skimmons Obtain schematic Nictitating Lenses BVM Ararat 4
Jhelom Exploring the Deep Madeline Harte Obtain Willem’s hat Canvass Robe BVM Ararat 5
Ilshenar Exploring the Deep Zalia the Gemologist Obtain Aqua Gem Aqua Pendant BVM Ararat 6
Vesper Exploring the Deep Champ Huthwait Obtain Mercutio’s cutlass Boots of Ballast BVM Ararat 7
Trinsic Exploring the Deep Hepler Paulson Map
Access to BVM Ararat
BVM Ararat 8

Quest Chains Quests

A List of all other Quest Chains.

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Giver Quest Type Quest Objective Quest Reward Part of Quest Chain
Ter Mur Shearing Knowledge Laifem the Weaver Obtain 10 Wool Custom Carpets 1
Ter Mur Weaving Friendships Laifem the Weaver Deliver Laifem's Letter of Introduction Custom Carpets 2
Ter Mur A New Spin on Things Dermott the Weaver Deliver Mastering the Art of Weaving Access to Decorative Carpets Custom Carpets 3
Sanctuary Marauders Tiana the Guard
Koole the Arcanist
Elder Onallan the Wise
Slay 10 Ogres A Bag of Treasure Giants 1
Sanctuary The Brains of the Operation Tiana the Guard
Koole the Arcanist
Elder Onallan the Wise
Slay 10 Ogre Lords A Large Bag of Treasure Giants 2
Sanctuary The Brawn Tiana the Guard
Koole the Arcanist
Elder Onallan the Wise
Slay 6 Cyclopean Warriors A Large Bag of Treasure Giants 3
Sanctuary The Bigger They Are Tiana the Guard
Koole the Arcanist
Elder Onallan the Wise
Slay 3 Titans A Large Bag of Treasure Giants 4
Underworld Untangling the Web Vernix Slay 12 Acid Slugs or Acid Elementals Acid Popper Goblin 1
Underworld Green with Envy Vernix Obtain 1 Eye of Navrey Night-Eyes A Large Bag of Treasure Goblin 2
Heartwood The Ancient World Lorekeeper Broolol the Keeper of Tradition Obtain 1 Fragment of a Map Minotaur Heartwood 1
Heartwood The Golden Horn Lorekeeper Broolol the Keeper of Tradition Deliver Fragment of a Map Minotaur Heartwood 2
Heartwood Bullish Braen the Thaumaturgist Obtain 20 Gaman Horns Minotaur Heartwood 3
Heartwood Lost Civilization Braen the Thaumaturgist Obtain 3 Minotaur Artifact A Strongbox Minotaur Heartwood 4
Sanctuary Warriors of the Gemkeeper Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition Obtain 1 Fragment of a Map Minotaur Sanctuary 1
Sanctuary Close Enough Lorekeeper Rollarn the Keeper of Tradition Deliver 1 Fragment of a Map Minotaur Sanctuary 2
Sanctuary Taking the Bull by the Horns Canir the Thaumaturgist Obtain 20 Gaman Horns Minotaur Sanctuary 3
Sanctuary Emissary to the Minotaur Canir the Thaumaturgist Obtain 3 Minotaur Artifact A Strongbox Minotaur Sanctuary 4
Sanctuary Spring Cleaning Danoel the Metal Weaver Slay 15 Ratmen A Bag of Trinkets Ratmen 1
Sanctuary Cowards! Danoel the Metal Weaver Slay 10 Ratman Archer A Bag of Trinkets Ratmen 2
Sanctuary Token of Love Danoel the Metal Weaver Obtain 1 Stolen Ring A Bag of Treasure Ratmen 3
Ter Mur Scales of a Dream Serpent Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen Obtain 1 Dream Serpent Scales Ritual 1
Ter Mur Catch Me If You Can Bexil the Dream Serpent Slay Hit the Dream Serpent 6 times before the time is up Dream Serpent Scales Ritual 2
Ter Mur Tears of a Soulbinder Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen Obtain 1 Soulbinder's Tears Ritual 3
Ter Mur Filthy Lifestealers Grubbix the Soulbinder Slay 10 Lifestealer Soulbinder's Tears Ritual 4
Ter Mur Pristine Crystal Lotus Prugyilonus the Advisor to the Queen Obtain 1 Pristine Crystal Lotus Chronicle of the Gargoyle Queen Vol. II
Ter Mur Snowglobe
Ritual 5
Ter Mur Hair of the Dryad Queen Linzrom The Guard Captain Obtain 1 Dryad Queen Hair Ritual 6
Ter Mur Heart of the Night Terror Linzrom The Guard Captain Obtain 1 Night Terror Heart Chronicles of the Gargoyle Queen Vol III Ritual 7
Sanctuary Moug-Guur Must Die Dallid the Cook Slay 1 Moug-Guur A Bag of Treasure Sanctuary Bosses 1
Sanctuary Leader of the Pack Dallid the Cook Slay 1 Chiikkaha the Toothed A Bag of Treasure Sanctuary Bosses 2
Sanctuary Sayonara, Szavetra Dallid the Cook Slay 1 Szavetra A Strongbox Sanctuary Bosses 3
Britan Friends of the Library Verity Librarian Obtain Notarized Application Friend Of The Library Token Friends of the Library Quest 1
Britan Bureacratic Delay Sarakki the Notary Obtain Official Sealing Wax Friends of the Library Quest 2
Ilshenar The Secret Ingredient Petrus the Beekeeper Obtain 5 Poison Sacs Friends of the Library Quest 3
Serpent's Hold Human Heritage Nedrick Iron Worker Start Human Heritage Quest 1
Vesper Heave Ho! Patricus the Trader Deliver 5 crates Human Heritage Quest 2
Buc's Den Ingenuity Sledge the Versatile Obtain 10 Power Crystals Human Heritage Quest 3
Nujel'm All Season Adventurer Balulah the Scorned Slay 5 Efreets in Fire Dungeon
5 Ice Fiends in Ice Dungeon
Human Heritage Quest 4
Ilshenar Lissbet the Flower Girl Escort Human Heritage Quest 5
Serpent's Hold Human Heritage Nedrick Iron Worker End Become Human Human Heritage Quest 6
Moonglow Elven Heritage Darius the Wise Start Elven Heritage Quest 1
Ilshenar The Joys of Life Arielle the Pixie Obtain 3 Baubles Elven Heritage Quest 2
Hedge Maze Defending the Herd Bravehorn Escort Bravehorn Elven Heritage Quest 3
Compassion Wisdom of the Sphynx Enigma Obtain 1 Pitcher of Water Elven Heritage Quest 4
Wrong Balance of Nature Huntsman Slay 15 Timber Wolf Elven Heritage Quest 5
Wrong Seasons Maul (NPC) Obtain 20 Raw Fish Steaks Elven Heritage Quest 6
Yew Caretaker of the Land Strongroot Obtain 1 Sap of Sosaria Elven Heritage Quest 7
Moonglow Elven Heritage Darius the Wise End Become Elven Elven Heritage Quest 8
Heartwood Patience Aeluva the Arcanist Obtain 20 Miniature Mushroom Spellweaving Heartwood 1
Heartwood Needs of the Many I - The Heartwood Aeluva the Arcanist Obtain 10 Bale of Cotton Spellweaving Heartwood 2
Heartwood Needs of the Many II - The Heartwood Aeluva the Arcanist Obtain 250 Boards Spellweaving Heartwood 3
Heartwood Making a Contribution - The Heartwood Aeluva the Arcanist Obtain 1 Sack of Flour
10 Jar of Honey
20 Cooked Fish Steak
Spellweaving Heartwood 4
Heartwood Unnatural Creations Aeluva the Arcanist Slay 5 Exodus Overseer
2 Exodus Minion
1 Arcane Circle Scroll
1 Gift of Renewal Scroll
1 Spellweaving Spellbook
Spellweaving Heartwood 5
Sanctuary Discipline Koole the Arcanist Slay 50 Rat Spellweaving Sanctuary 1
Sanctuary Needs of the Many - Sanctuary Koole the Arcanist Obtain 10 Bale of Cotton Spellweaving Sanctuary 2
Sanctuary Making a Contribution - Sanctuary Koole the Arcanist Obtain 250 Boards Spellweaving Sanctuary 3
Sanctuary Supplies for Sanctuary Koole the Arcanist Obtain 1 Sack of Flour
10 Jar of Honey
20 Cooked Fish Steak
Spellweaving Sanctuary 4
Sanctuary The Human Blight Koole the Arcanist Obtain 30 Severed Human Ears 1 Arcane Circle Scroll
1 Gift of Renewal Scroll
1 Spellweaving Spellbook
Spellweaving Sanctuary 5
Heartwood Friend of the Fey Synaeva the Arcanist Obtain 1 Beads
1 Jar of Honey
Spellweaving Fey 1
Heartwood Token of Friendship Synaeva the Arcanist Deliver Gift for Arielle Spellweaving Fey 2
Heartwood Alliance Arielle Slay 20 Reaper 1 Summon Fey scroll & ability to cast Summon Fey Spellweaving Fey 3
Sanctuary Fiendish Friends Elder Brae the Wise Slay 50 Imp Spellweaving Fiend 1
Sanctuary Cracking the Whip Elder Brae the Wise Obtain 1 Stout Whip Spellweaving Fiend 2
Sanctuary Iron Will Elder Brae the Wise Slay 1 Arcane Daemon 1 Summon Fiend scroll & ability to cast Summon Fiend Spellweaving Fiend 3
Valley of Eodon Exterminating the Infestation Ellie Rafkin Obtain Bottled Myrmidex Pheremone
Bottle of Concentrated Insecticide
Mymidex Population Report
Eodonian Alliance 1
Valley of Eodon Pest Control Foxx the Lieutenant Slay 20 Myrmidex Larvae
15 Myrmidex Drones
10 Myrmidex Warriors
Mymidex Population Report Eodonian Alliance 2
Valley of Eodon Getting Even Yero The Gambler Gamble Win 3 Games at Fortune's Fire Casino of
“Chuckle’s Luck”, “Hi-Middle-Lo”, Dice Rider”
Bottle of Concentrated Insecticide Eodonian Alliance 3
Valley of Eodon Of Vorpals and Lettuces Alida The Gardener Slay 1 Vorpal Bunny Bottled Myrmidex Pheremone Eodonian Alliance 4
Valley of Eodon Exterminating the Infestation Ellie Rafkin Slay Myrmidex Queen A Statuette for Sakkhran Bird of Prey
Reward Title Token
Recipe for an Eodonian Wall Map
Raw Moonstone
Eodonian Alliance 5
Valley of Eodon The Zealotry of Zipactriotl Yar The Barrab Tinker Obtain Stasis Chamber Power Core
Stasis Chamber Activator
Stasis Chamber Regulator
Stasis Chamber Stator
Myrmidex Alliance 1
Valley of Eodon Hidden Treasures Carroll The Gemologist Obtain 1 Perfect Emerald
1 White Pearl
1 Brilliant Amber
Stasis Chamber Activator Myrmidex Alliance 2
Valley of Eodon The Salty Sea Bront The Captain Slay 10 Water Elemental
10 Sea Serpents
10 Deep Sea Serpents
5 Krakens
All in the South Seas
Stasis Chamber Regulator Myrmidex Alliance 3
Valley of Eodon A Tinker’s Task Eriathwen The Golem Maker Obtain 500 Ingots
25 Gears
5 Power Crystal
2 Clockwork Assembly
Stasis Chamber Stator Myrmidex Alliance 4
Valley of Eodon The Zealotry of Zipactriotl Yar The Barrab Tinker Slay Zipactriotl A Moonstone Crystal
Recipe for a Kotl Power Core
Reward Title Token
A Recipe for a New Potion
Myrmidex Alliance 5

Other Quests

List of all other Quests not listed Above

Quest Location Quest Name Quest Giver Quest Type Quest Objective Quest Reward
Bedlem Misplaced Master Cohenn the Librarian Obtain 5 Disintegrating Thesis Notes Librarian's Key
Blighted Grove Bound to the Land The Frightened Dryad Slay 12 Insane Dryad
1 Saliva
Dryad's Blessing
Britain I Think I Overate Pepta the Royal Tastetester Obtain 2 Tribal Berries
1 Fresh Ginger
Pepta's Satiety Cure
New Haven A Stitch In Time Clairesse the Servant Obtain 1 Fancy Dress An Old Ring
An Old Necklace
New Haven Baker's Dozen Asandos the Chef Obtain 5 Cookie Mix Skillet
2 Sack of Flour
Sea Market Professional Bountyhunter Quest G.B. Bigglesby Slay Capture or kill a pirate listed on the bulletin board Ruined Ship Plans
Flame or Frost Cannonballs
Stygian Abyss Perfect Timing Sutek the Mage Obtain 1 Completed Clockwork Assembly Mechanical Life Manual
Sutek's Dirty Gear
New Haven A Clockwork Puzzle Nibbet the Tinker Obtain 5 Clock Parts 3 Clock Frame
Tinker's Tools
New Haven More Ore Please Mugg the Miner Obtain 5 Iron Ore 2 Pickaxe
Ter Mur Dabbling on the Dark Side Zosilem the Alchemist Obtain 5 Boura Skin
10 Fairy Dragon Wing
1 Dough
2 Deliciously Tasty Treat
New Haven Chop Chop, On the Double! Hargrove the Lumberjack Obtain 60 Logs 15 Gold
1 Hatchet
New Haven Battered Bucklers Gervis the Blacksmith Trainer Obtain 10 Buckler 10 Iron Ingots
Smith's Hammer
Sea Market Professional Fisher Quest Obtain Various Fish or Crustacean Fishing Power Scrolls
Ter Mur The Forbidden Fruit Zosilem the Alchemist Obtain 5 Boura Skin
10 Treefellow Wood
1 Dough
Irresistibly Tasty Treat
Ter Mur The Brainy Alchemist Zosilem the Alchemist Obtain 1 Arcane Gem
10 Undamaged Undead Gargoyle Horns
1 Inspected Keg of Total Refreshment Potions
1 Inspected Keg of Greater Poison Potions
Infused Alchemist's Gem
Ter Mur Putting the Pieces Together Axem the Curator Obtain 5 Tattered Remnants of an Ancient Scroll A Dusty Museum Bag
15 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
Ter Mur Mastering the Soulforge Ansikart the Artificer Obtain 50 Relic Fragment A Legendary Scroll of Imbuing (120 Skill)
Ter Mur A Little Something Ansikart the Artificer Obtain 1 Brilliant Amber A Meager Imbuing Bag
25 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
Ter Mur A Broken Vase Axem the Curator Obtain 10 Ancient Pottery Fragments A Meager Museum Bag
5 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
Ter Mur Knowledge of the Soulforge Aurvidlem the Artificer Obtain 50 Enchanted Essence A Mythical Scroll of Imbuing (115 Skill)
A random Runic Mallet and Chisels (rare)
Ter Mur A Worthy Proposition Aliabeth the Tinker Obtain 10 Bamboo Flute
1 Elven Fletching
A Valuable Imbuing Bag
Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
Ter Mur Secrets of the Soulforge Beninort the Artificer Obtain 50 Magical Residue A Wondrous or An Exalted Scroll of Imbuing (105 or 110 Skill)
Ter Mur The Exchange Aliabeth the Tinker Obtain 5 White Chocolates
1 Dark Sapphire
Average Imbuing Bag
Ter Mur Ye Olde Gargish Axem the Curator Obtain 1 Untranslated Ancient Tome Bulging Museum Bag
50 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
Ter Mur Pink is the New Black Thepem the Apprentice Obtain 5 Seared Fire Ant Goo
1 Pile of Inspected Agapite Ingots
Elixir of Agapite Conversion
Ter Mur All That Glitters Thepem the Apprentice Obtain 5 Congealed Slug Acid
1 Pile of Inspected Gold Ingots
Elixir of Gold Conversion
Ter Mur Metal Head Thepem the Apprentice Obtain 10 Undamaged Iron Beetle Scale
1 Pile of Inspected Dull Copper Ingots
1 Pile of Inspected Shadow Iron Ingots
1 Pile of Inspected Copper Ingots
1 Pile of Inspected Bronze Ingots
Elixir of Metal Conversion
Ter Mur Pure Valorite Zosilem the Alchemist Obtain 5 Infused Glass Stave
1 Pile of Inspected Valorite Ingots
Elixir of Valorite Conversion
Ter Mur To Turn Base Metal into Verite Zosilem the Alchemist Obtain 5 Undead Gargoyle Medallion
1 Pile of Inspected Verite Ingots
Elixir of Verite Conversion
Ter Mur Unusual Goods Sliem the Fence Obtain 2 Perfect Emerald
1 Crystalline Blackrock
Essence Box
75 Gargoyle Queen Loyalty Rating
Ter Mur Gathering of Evidence Xeninlor the Security Advisor Obtain Void Crystal of Corrupted Arcane Essence
Void Crystal of Corrupted Spiritual Essence
Void Crystal of Corrupted Mystical Essence
Resonant Shield of Vengeance
Wind of Corruption
Ter Mur Gathering Proof Prassel the Security Liason Obtain Void Crystal of Corrupted Arcane Essence
Void Crystal of Corrupted Spiritual Essence
Void Crystal of Corrupted Mystical Essence
Resonant Shield of Vengeance
Wind of Corruption
Ter Mur Tasty Treats Thepem the Apprentice Obtain 5 Boura Skins
1 Dough
Tasty Treat
Ter Mur Armor Up Zosilem the Alchemist Obtain 5 Boura Skin
10 Undamaged Iron Beetle Scale
10 Leather Wolf Skin
Vial Of Armor Essence
Ter Mur Journey to the Athenaeum Isle Zhah Slay 10 Minion of Scelestus Chronicle of the Gargoyle Queen Vol. I
Ter Mur Boura, Boura Percolem the Hunter Slay 15 Lowland Boura
20 Ruddy Boura
Dusty Adventurer's Backpack
Ter Mur Raptorlicious Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Raptor Dusty Adventurer's Backpack
Ter Mur The Slith Wars Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Slith Dusty Adventurer's Backpack
Ter Mur Ambushing the Ambushers Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Kepetch Ambusher Dusty Explorer's Backpack
Ter Mur Boura, Boura, and more Boura Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 High Plains Boura Dusty Explorer's Backpack
Ter Mur Revenge of the Slith Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Toxic Slith Dusty Explorer's Backpack
Ter Mur We've Got an Ant Problem Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Fire Ant Dusty Explorer's Backpack
Ter Mur It Makes Me Sick Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Putrid Undead Gargoyle Dusty Hunter's Backpack
Ter Mur It's a Mad, Mad World Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Maddening Horrors Dusty Hunter's Backpack
Ter Mur The Dreamers Percolem the Hunter Slay 20 Dream Wraith Dusty Hunter's Backpack
Ter Mur Into the Void Agralem the Bladeweaver Slay 10 Void Daemons Abyss Reaver
Britain Wielding the Sonic Blade Sir Berran the Song Weilder Skill Use Discord 5 Goats Discordance Skill Mastery 3
Book of Skill Masteries
Britain The Beacon of Harmony Sir Falean the Spirit Soother Skill Use Peacemake 5 Mongbats Peacemaking Skill Mastery 3
Book of Skill Masteries
Britain Indoctrination of a Battle Rouser Sir Hareus the Battle Rouser Skill Use Provoke 5 Rabbits with 5 Wandering Healer Discordance Skill Mastery 3
Book of Skill Masteries
Underworld Done in the Name of Tinkering Fiddling Tobin the Tinkerer Obtain 5 Trap Components 5 Floor Trap Kits
Ter Mur A Mystic's Journey Ortlem the Mystic Obtain 100 Dragon's Blood
100 Daemon Bone
Crystal Ball of Knowledge
Underworld Neville Brightwhistle Escort Neville Brightwhistle Talisman of Goblin Slaying
Underworld Bibliophile Quartermaster Flint Obtain 1 Flint's Logbook A Keg of Flint's Pungent Brew
Underworld Something Fishy Barreraak Obtain 1 Red Herring Barreraak's Old Beat Up Ring
Underworld Missing Elder Dugan the Prospector Obtain 4 Ariel Haven Writ of Membership Candlewood Torch
Underworld Curiosities‎ Gretchen the Alchemist Obtain 3 Bone
3 Fertile Dirt
Exploding Tar Potion
Underworld Scraping the Bottom Xenrr Obtain 1 Mud Puppy Xenrr's Fishing Pole
Underworld Thieves Be Afoot! Quartermaster Flint Slay 4 Barrel of Barley A Bottle of Flint's Pungent Brew
Underworld Bad Company Jaacar Slay 10 Green Goblins A recipe for Bowl of Rotworm Stew.
Valley of Eodon The Pride of the Ambush Kurak High Chief Escort Free 5 Tiger Cubs Skull of Motazz
Valley of Eodon Empty Nest Urali High Chief Escort Save 5 Dragon Turtle Hatchling Totem of Fabozz
Valley of Eodon The Great Volcano Jukari High Chief Obtain 5 Lavastone Fires of Kukuzz
Valley of Eodon The Great Hunt Sakkhra High Chieftess Slay Tyrannosaurus Rex Mosaic of Heluzz
Valley of Eodon The Great Ape Barako High Chief Slay Great Ape Skull of Aphazz
Valley of Eodon Uniting the Tribes Sir Geoffrey Obtain Mosaic of Heluzz
Totem of Fabozz
Fires of Kukuzz
Skull of Motazz
Skull of Aphazz
Lava Rock Display
Tiger Rug
Banana Hoard
Dragon Turtle Fountain
Reward Title
Pet tiger cub statuette
Castle Blackthorn Heckles Hero Heckles Slay 1 Exodus Minion
1 Drake
10 Liches

20 Skeletons
20 Giant Spiders
20 Hell Hounds
25 Brigands
50 Vermin
title scroll
25 loaded minax artifact's

Quests No Longer Available



  • Dark Knight (New Character "challenge" using the Kingdom Reborn Client only.)

See Also